Vitality System

Basic information

Vitality System was implemented in the Gracia Part 1 and is designed to facilitate character exping. Vitality points give you extra experience while hunting monsters.


Added fourth bar in character status window, in addition to CP, HP and MP — indicator VP (Vitality Point).

Vitality System allows you to gain more experience and SP for killing monster.

  • They are accumulating when the character is out of the game, in the peace zone and while hunting raid bosses. When a certain amount of points accumulates, the level of Vitality increases
  • Points are used only while regular monsters hunting

Bonus from Vitality level

Masterwork Project recycles Vitality to equalize opportunities for All Players. Vitality Experience Bonus slightly reduced — this equalizes the gap in experience speed between players who use Vitality recovery items and those who play without donations. For the same reason we have abandoned the Nevit's system.

Basic game Of server Masterwork
Level 1 150% geted exp and SP 125% geted exp
Level 2 200% geted exp and SP 150% geted exp
Level 3 250% geted exp and SP 175% geted exp
Level 4 300% geted exp and SP 200% geted exp

Pay attention!

From Vitality increases only the experience value obtained when killing monsters. Experience for killing Raid Bosses and passing quests Vitality doesn't affect.

How does it work on Masterwork?

  • Basic rate exp х1 (100%)
  • Rune Exp Bonus +50% to basic exp
  • Max bonus from Vitality +100% to basic exp

The total amount of all bonuses gives the player 100% + 100% + 50% = 250% = rate х2,5

In the early stages of servers development Rune Exp is available only for Ivory Coin Ivory Coin NG , which can be obtained by completing daily missions. This allows players to gain a bonus to experience without donation.

For more information about missions, see the article Missions Masterwork.

Based on this mathematics, it is clear that the difference in experience with and without Vitality bonuses isn't as significant as with the basic Vitality settings and the Nevit system. We are confident that our Vitality System is more equitable for all types of players, and allows each player to spend time in the game with maximum benefit.

Vitality points consumption

When you kill monsters, you spend Vitality points and gain additional experience. The more experience you get for killing a monster, the more Vitality points you spend.

Pay attention!

Vitality Bonus doesn't affect the experience gained for killing a raid boss or completing a quest

Vitality Consumed for Killing Monster = ( Experience / Level 2 ) * 100 / 9

  • Experience — Basic experience value for killing a monster
  • Level — Monster's Level

Example of count:

Monster — Plant Hot Springs Nepenthes Lv. 75

Level — 75 lv

Exp for killing — 23 272 exp

Let's count: ( 23 272 / 75*75 ) * 100 / 9 = 46 Vitality points consumed while killing monster

Pay attention!

At different stages of the Server development, the character levels may differ from x1 for certain intervals. Vitality Points calculation formula uses base experience for killing a monster based on rate for character level.

Recovery of Vitality

Vitality points are restored passively, in gaming, when using special items or potions (herbs).

Passive restorage

Full recovery of Vitality Points from Zero totally takes 83h 20m (3 days 11 hours 20 minutes) offline.

On Masterwork servers, a full power recovery will take 55h 33m (2 days 7 hours 33 minutes) regardless to your time in the game.

  • Online — 1 point is restored every minute in a peaceful zone (6 points on Masterwork servers)
  • Offline — every minute 4 points are restored in the battle zone or 6 points in the peace zone

Max Vitality points — 20 000 points

Level 0 → 1 240 points Restores for 1 hour offline
Level 1 → 2 1560 points Restores for 6h 30m offline
Level 2 → 3 12 800 points Restores for 53h 20m offline
Level 3 → 4 3 600 points Restores for 15 hours offline
Level 4 → Max 1800 points Restores for 7h 30m offline

Game methods

Making next gaming actions, you gain additional Vitality Points:

  • Killing any raid bosses, including in Kamaloka
  • Completing daily quests: reward between 1 000 and 5 000 points, depending on the task. Delails in article Missions on Masterwork
  • Completing tasks like Pailaka:
  • Herbs — Vitality Replenishing Herb Vitality Replenishing Herb Lv. 1 , drops from monsters. When looting a potion, the character gets a positive effect, which instead of decreasing adds Vitality points for killing monsters
  • Reward for communicating with the NPC after the death of Queen Ant, appears in the zone of the Ant Queen’s Nest and in any towns near the entrance to the Temple
  • Receive as a reward for completing mission
  • Gaining achievements. Read more in the article Achievements
  • Participation in various events and promotions

Premium Account and Vitality

When developing the Premium Account system our team tried to pay attention to the features of the game of different types of players. Given the nuances of the pumping, we’ve established a bonus to experience on the Vitality system. This reduced the experience speed gap between players with and without a Premium Account.

Active Premium Account "freezes" Vitality at the first level, not allowing it to go down — this gives a steady increase in the experience gained by 25%. Bonus does not work on experience for killing raid bosses, but is added with bonus Vitality Rune Vitality Rune 7 Days NG

For more information about Premium Account features, see the article Premium Account and VIP Status


Pay attention!

Re-use time of all Vitality recovery items and skills varies depending on the server stage.

At the start of Masterwork 2023 the time is standard, while for Masterwork Eternal the time before re-use is reduced by 2 times.

Vitality Rune Vitality Rune 7 Days NG

  • Personal temporary item. Presented in versions — 7, 30 and 100 days
  • Bonus added with Premium Account effect
  • With two items in the inventory, even with different time, the effect only works on one of them

With Premium Account — doesn't give Vitality to fall below the second level, which gives a permanent increase in the gained experience by 50%

Without a Premium Account — keeps the Vitality below the first level, which gives a constant increase of 25%.

How to get?

Autoloot Vitality Agathion - Angel Gift Autoloot Vitality Agathion - Angel Gift 7 Days NG

  • Personal temporary item. Validity — 7 days
  • Active skill: Agathion's Gift Agathion's Gift Lv. 1
    • Instantly restores 5000 Vitality points and holds Vitality for 30 minutes
    • Re-use time: 6 hours in the first months of the season / 3 hours from the middle season and on Eternal
  • Passive skill: Autoloot

How to get?

Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-85 Lv. Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-85 Lv. NG

Personal subject. Presented in variants — lv. 1-52, lv. 1-64, lv. 1-76, lv. 1-81, lv. 1-85.

A package that, when used, will give you one of 9 random hats of the appropriate level. These hats have a skill that restores Vitality.

Hats are personal and temporary, valid for 3 hours, 3 days, 30 days. Drop is random.

Equipping gives you the skill Vitality Recovery for 1-85 Lv. Vitality Recovery for 1-85 Lv. Lv. 1

  • Restores Vitality when gaining experience
  • Duration: 20 minutes
  • Re-use time: 11 hours 30 minutes in the first months of the season / 5 hours 45 minutes from the middle season and on Eternal

Pay attention!

  • When you log out, the effect continues to run
  • Same Level Accessories — have total skill recovery time
  • Different accessories of the same level — have different skill recovery times
  • Same Accessories of different levels — have different skill recovery times
  • Clovers are only available for 1-52 and 1-64 levels at the start of the server, and higher level clovers are added as the server develops

How to get?

  • Buy in the L2Store
  • Can be bought in donat shop from Batler
  • Can be bought in Personal Account shop
  • Receive as a reward for completing mission
  • Participate in the events and promotions of the project or activate the bonus codes that we distribute on social networks and within the game

Honey Vitality Pie Honey Vitality Pie NG

  • Personal Item
  • Restore full Vitality
  • Re-use time: 60 minutes in the first months of the season / 30 minutes from the middle season and on Eternal

How to get?

  • As part of the Starter Set
  • Buy in the L2Store
  • Receive as a reward for completing mission
  • Get as a reward Achievements
  • Participate in the events and promotions of the project or activate the bonus codes that we distribute on social networks and within the game

Vitality Maintaining Potion Vitality Maintaining Potion NG

  • Personal item
  • When used holds Vitality for 10 minutes
  • Re-use time: 30 minutes in the first months of the season / 15 minutes from the middle season and on Eternal

How to get?

  • As part of the Starter Set
  • Receive as a reward for completing mission
  • Get as a reward Achievements
  • Receive as a reward for completing a quest Temple Champion - 2
  • Participate in the events and promotions of the project or activate the bonus codes that we distribute on social networks and within the game

Vitality Replenishing Potion Vitality Replenishing Potion NG

  • Personal item
  • Restores 5 000 Vitality Points when used
  • Re-use time: 30 minutes in the first months of the season / 15 minutes from the middle season and on Eternal

How to get?

  • As part of the Starter Set
  • Receive as a reward for completing mission
  • Get as a reward Achievements
  • Receive as a reward for completing a quest Temple Champion - 2
  • Participate in the events and promotions of the project or activate the bonus codes that we distribute on social networks and within the game

Basic informationBonus from Vitality levelVitality points consumptionRecovery of VitalityPassive restorageGame methodsPremium Account and VitalityItems



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