Pona: Jewelry Upgrade

Basic information

On Masterwork servers is available improving of high-level accessories and epic accessories. Talk to NPC Dwarf Pona Collectioner in the Luxury Shop to improve accessories or exchange special items.

Collectioner Pona l2

Upgrade Epic


Enchanted Ring of Core Enchanted Ring of Core B
Refined Ring of Core Refined Ring of Core A
Enchanted Physical Ring of Queen Ant Enchanted Physical Ring of Queen Ant S80
Enchanted Magical Ring of Queen Ant Enchanted Magical Ring of Queen Ant S80
Enchanted Ring of Baium Enchanted Ring of Baium S84
Enchanted Earring of Orfen Enchanted Earring of Orfen B
Refined Earring of Orfen Refined Earring of Orfen A
Enchanted Zaken's Earring Enchanted Zaken's Earring S80
Enchanced Frintezza's Necklace Enchanced Frintezza's Necklace S80
Supreme Frintezza's Necklace Supreme Frintezza's Necklace S84
Blessed Freya Necklace Blessed Freya Necklace S84
The 1st Enchanted Ring of Core The 1st Enchanted Ring of Core Unique Item B
The 1st Refined Ring of Core The 1st Refined Ring of Core Unique Item A
The 1st Enchanted Physical Ring of Queen Ant The 1st Enchanted Physical Ring of Queen Ant Unique Item S80
The 1st Enchanted Magical Ring of Queen Ant The 1st Enchanted Magical Ring of Queen Ant Unique Item S80
The 1st Enchanted Ring of Baium The 1st Enchanted Ring of Baium Unique Item S84
The 1st Enchanted Earring of Orfen The 1st Enchanted Earring of Orfen Unique Item B
The 1st Refined Earring of Orfen The 1st Refined Earring of Orfen Unique Item A
The 1st Enchanted Zaken's Earring The 1st Enchanted Zaken's Earring Unique Item S80
The 1st Enchanced Frintezza's Necklace The 1st Enchanced Frintezza's Necklace Unique Item S80
The 1st Supreme Frintezza's Necklace The 1st Supreme Frintezza's Necklace Unique Item S84
Enchanted Ring of Core Enchanted Ring of Core B


Adena Adena NG (x15,000,000)
Crystal (A-Grade) Crystal (A-Grade) A (x1,500)
Gemstone A Gemstone A NG (x250)
Ring of Core Ring of Core C
Ring of Core Ring of Core C

Queen Ant

After the death of the epic boss Ant Queen, NPC Construct Relic Watcher Queen Ant's Soultaker (Relic Watcher) appears in towns and gives bonuses to all players for 6 hours:


Cursed Ring of Queen Ant Cursed Ring of Queen Ant 1 day C
Cursed Ring of Queen Ant Cursed Ring of Queen Ant 7 days C
Cursed Ring of Queen Ant Cursed Ring of Queen Ant 1 day C


Bottle of Queen Ant's Soul Bottle of Queen Ant's Soul NG (x2)

Immortal Jewelry


Tateossian Necklace Tateossian Necklace S
Immortal Necklace Immortal Necklace Stun Resistance S
Immortal Necklace Immortal Necklace Sleep Resistance S
Immortal Necklace Immortal Necklace Paralysis Resistance S
Immortal Necklace Immortal Necklace Hold Resistance S
Immortal Necklace Immortal Necklace Mental Resistance S
Piece of Immortal Necklace Piece of Immortal Necklace NG
Piece of Immortal Necklace Piece of Immortal Necklace NG
Tateossian Earring Tateossian Earring S
Immortal Earring Immortal Earring Stun Resistance S
Immortal Earring Immortal Earring Sleep Resistance S
Immortal Earring Immortal Earring Paralysis Resistance S
Immortal Earring Immortal Earring Hold Resistance S
Immortal Earring Immortal Earring Mental Resistance S
Piece of Immortal Earring Piece of Immortal Earring NG
Piece of Immortal Earring Piece of Immortal Earring NG
Tateossian Ring Tateossian Ring S
Immortal Ring Immortal Ring Stun Resistance S
Immortal Ring Immortal Ring Sleep Resistance S
Immortal Ring Immortal Ring Paralysis Resistance S
Immortal Ring Immortal Ring Hold Resistance S
Immortal Ring Immortal Ring Mental Resistance S
Piece of Immortal Ring Piece of Immortal Ring NG
Piece of Immortal Ring Piece of Immortal Ring NG
Blue Crystal Blue Crystal NG
Blue Crystal Blue Crystal NG
Blue Crystal Blue Crystal NG
Blue Crystal Blue Crystal NG
Red Crystal Red Crystal NG
Red Crystal Red Crystal NG
Red Crystal Red Crystal NG
Red Crystal Red Crystal NG
Clear Crystal Clear Crystal NG
Clear Crystal Clear Crystal NG
Clear Crystal Clear Crystal NG
Clear Crystal Clear Crystal NG
Tateossian Necklace Tateossian Necklace S


Ancient Adena Ancient Adena NG (x990,000)
Sealed Tateossian Necklace Sealed Tateossian Necklace S

Core and Orfen


Core's Soul Fragment Core's Soul Fragment NG
Orfen's Soul Fragment Orfen's Soul Fragment NG
Ring of Core Ring of Core C
Ring of Core Ring of Core C
Ring of Core Ring of Core C
Ring of Core Ring of Core C
Ring of Core Ring of Core C
Earring of Orfen Earring of Orfen C
Earring of Orfen Earring of Orfen C
Earring of Orfen Earring of Orfen C
Earring of Orfen Earring of Orfen C
Earring of Orfen Earring of Orfen C
Enchanted Ring of Core Enchanted Ring of Core B
Refined Ring of Core Refined Ring of Core A
Enchanted Earring of Orfen Enchanted Earring of Orfen B
Refined Earring of Orfen Refined Earring of Orfen A
Core's Soul Fragment Core's Soul Fragment NG


Master Coin Master Coin NG (x3)
Orfen's Soul Fragment Orfen's Soul Fragment NG

Ultimate Will


Forgotten Scroll: Ultimate Fighter's Will Forgotten Scroll: Ultimate Fighter's Will NG
Forgotten Scroll: Ultimate Archer's Will Forgotten Scroll: Ultimate Archer's Will NG
Forgotten Scroll: Ultimate Magician's Will Forgotten Scroll: Ultimate Magician's Will NG
Forgotten Scroll: Ultimate Fighter's Will Forgotten Scroll: Ultimate Fighter's Will NG


Adena Adena NG (x15,000,000)
Forgotten Scroll: Fighter's Will Forgotten Scroll: Fighter's Will NG (x2)

Mid Company


Earring of Antharas Earring of Antharas S
Necklace of Valakas Necklace of Valakas S
Earring of Antharas Earring of Antharas S


Shillien's Soul Shillien's Soul NG (x2)

Damaged Zaken

For exchange Damaged Zaken's Earring Damaged Zaken's Earring NG improved to +10 for Zaken's Earring Zaken's Earring A talk to Dwarf Pona Collectioner in Luxury Shop.

Blessed Baylor

For exchange Baylor's Earring Baylor's Earring S improved to +10 for Blessed Baylor Earring Blessed Baylor Earring S talk to Dwarf Pona Collectioner in Luxury Shop.

Exchange of Shard of Majesty for Personal Epic Jewelry

By collecting 12 Shard of Majesty Shard of Majesty NG from Seven Signs Epic Quest, or finding them in Trasken's Box Trasken's Box NG , exchange them for personalized epic jewelry.


Frintezza's Necklace Frintezza's Necklace Bound A
Zaken's Earring Zaken's Earring Bound A
Physical Ring of Queen Ant Physical Ring of Queen Ant Bound C
Magical Ring of Queen Ant Magical Ring of Queen Ant Bound C
Frintezza's Necklace Frintezza's Necklace Bound A
Frintezza's Necklace Frintezza's Necklace Bound A
Frintezza's Necklace Frintezza's Necklace Bound A
Zaken's Earring Zaken's Earring Bound A
Zaken's Earring Zaken's Earring Bound A
Zaken's Earring Zaken's Earring Bound A
Physical Ring of Queen Ant Physical Ring of Queen Ant Bound C
Physical Ring of Queen Ant Physical Ring of Queen Ant Bound C
Physical Ring of Queen Ant Physical Ring of Queen Ant Bound C
Magical Ring of Queen Ant Magical Ring of Queen Ant Bound C
Magical Ring of Queen Ant Magical Ring of Queen Ant Bound C
Magical Ring of Queen Ant Magical Ring of Queen Ant Bound C
Frintezza's Necklace Frintezza's Necklace Bound A


Adena Adena NG (x5,000,000)
Shard of Majesty Shard of Majesty NG (x12)

Eternal SA


Eternal Soul Crystal Eternal Soul Crystal NG
Eternal Soul Crystal Eternal Soul Crystal NG


Adena Adena NG (x50,000,000)
Red Soul Crystal - Stage 18 Red Soul Crystal - Stage 18 NG
Blue Soul Crystal - Stage 18 Blue Soul Crystal - Stage 18 NG
Green Soul Crystal - Stage 18 Green Soul Crystal - Stage 18 NG

Eternal Weapon

Eternal weapons are exchanged while maintaining the level of enchantment and PvP enchantment. You can change fighting weapons to fighting , and magical to magical. Fighting for magical or magical for fighting cannot be exchanged.

You can change fighting weapons to fighting , and magical to magical. Fighting for magical or magical for fighting cannot be exchanged.

Exchange conditions:

  • Weapon have SA inserted
  • No augmentation (LS) are applied

Exchange cost:

Basic informationUpgrade EpicQueen AntImmortal JewelryCore and OrfenUltimate WillMid CompanyDamaged ZakenBlessed BaylorExchange of Shard of Majesty for Personal Epic JewelryEternal SAEternal Weapon


NPC Pona: Jewelry Upgrade , Blacksmith of Mammon: Weapon Upgrade/Exchange , Location Keeper Ankou , Luxury Shop , Hellbound: Epidos , Instance-boss Core 78+ , Instance-boss Orfen 78+ , Instance-boss Queen Ant 80+ , Instance-boss Trasken 83+ , Dragon Valley. Lord Ishka , Instance-boss Zaken 60/73+ , Crystal Caverns aka Baylor 76+ , Frintezza Instance 80+ , Freya. Instance and Epic Boss 81+ , Instance Twins 75+ , Instance Tiat , Dent. MidCompany Epic Boss , Beleth on MasterWork
Masterwork Mechanics New S-Grade Sets Bonuses , Enchantment bonuses for sets D/C/B/A/S Grade , Pona: Jewelry Upgrade , Masterwork Item Bonuses , Ingame calendar , Achievements Masterwork , Academy on Masterwork , Clan on Masterwork , Squads Passive Skills , Clan Active Skills , Quest Possessor of a Precious Soul, part 4 (noblesse) , Autoloot Agathions Masterwork , Compound of belts , Subclasses on Masterwork , Masterwork Olympiad , Library: Books of Exp , Dual daggers and blunts , Territory Wars on Masterwork , Judicator - main class. Quest Seeds of Chaos 76+ , Training Olympiad , Hellbound: Epidos , Instance-boss Core 78+ , Instance-boss Orfen 78+ , Pets: new skins , Instance-boss Queen Ant 80+ , Life Stones on Masterwork , Cyclic Macros and Assist Manager , Instance-boss Trasken 83+ , Missions on the Masterwork , Starter quest Eternal , Crafting cost changes (season 2024) , Updated SA effects , Command .lock — protecting your character , Mid Company on Masterwork , Summoner's Transformations , Fortresses on Masterwork , Game event: Hot spot , Dent. MidCompany Epic Boss
For Newbies Pona: Jewelry Upgrade , Ingame calendar , Achievements Masterwork , Academy on Masterwork , Clan on Masterwork , Masterwork Club , Premium Account VIP , Ingame Market Masterwork , Vitality System , Autoloot Agathions Masterwork , Slots expansion and weight limit , Useful additions to the interface and game , Pets: Wolf and Fenrir , Subclasses on Masterwork , Quests for 1, 2 and 3 classes , Beginner's path 1-40 level , Library: Books of Exp , Pets: Kookaburra, Cougar, Buffalo , Training Olympiad , Life Stones on Masterwork , Cyclic Macros and Assist Manager , Missions on the Masterwork , Starter quest Eternal , C/B/A-Grade Sets Upgrades , Command .lock — protecting your character , PvP enhance , Useful Diseases of Hot Springs , Attribute System , Tattoo Guide , Exp Boost Guide