Training Olympiad

Basic information

The Grand Olympiad is the main event for fans of PvP battles. Every month players compete for the title Hero of the Olympad. However, the number of battles is limited, and inexperienced players quickly leave the ranks of the Olympiads by losing all points. Where and how they learn to fight to make the next period of the Olympiad more successful?

Welcome to the Training Olympad — the perfect place to prepare for the grandiose battles that awaits your future. Here you can practice and improve your combat skills without the risk of losing points. After all, as you know, technique without practice is pointless, and practice without guidance is useless. Therefore, do not miss a chance to participate in a training olympiad and get the most complete and interesting experience that will help you stand up in any fight!

Training Olympiad Settings

Battle time

Training Olympiad is available on any day except the days of the Grand Olympiad — from Thursday to Sunday in battle week.

Battles are held from 01:00 to 20:30 server time (UTC +2)

Wave start and battle limit

Minimum number of participants to start a wave of battles 1 to 1 - from 8 players.

No fight limit.

Available arenas

Battles take place on a randomly selected arena in instance, the number of simultaneous arenas — 150. There are 9 arenas of different types available:



4 pillars


Mirror (new arena)

Domino (new arena)

Altar (new arena)

4 Knights (new arena)

Library (new arena)

Fighting rules

Access and registration

To participate in the Training Olympiad, the character must be above level 76.

Noblesse status is not required.

To register for the Training Olympiad, talk to Dwarf Antonius Proximo Training Olympiad Manager , which is next to the Olympiad column in the Elven Villages, Dark Elf Village, Orc Village, Dwarven Village, Kamael Village, Talking island Village and Gludin.

Training Olympiad Manager Antonius Proximo l2

The identification of items in the inventory shall not exceed 90% of the total. For example, if a total inventory of 90 slots, then there should be no more than 81 items.

When the number of players is sufficient, the player receives a pre-fight time alert in the system chat.

Preparation time in front of the teleport to the arena — 45 seconds

If battle is not possible due to a lack of opponents, the character will receive a system chat delay notification.

The character in the group will be removed from the group after teleporting to the arena.

Pay attention!

The character will not be allowed into the arena and will be technically defeated in these cases:

  • The character is dead
  • Number of inventory cells occupied or more than 90%
  • Character switches to subclass after registration
  • The character is out of the game for any reason other than shutting down the server. In this case, the results of the battle are cancelled, and all participants teleport back to the town


After transporting to the arena, players are given 60 seconds to prepare for battle.

Any pets summoned before moving to the arena will be recalled, but servants and cubes will remain.

After transporting to the arena, all effects are canceled. The effects of the servants will also be removed.

CP, HP and MP fully recover immediately after teleportation and 50 seconds before battle.

Up to five positive effects can be achieved in 1-to-1 mode before starting a fight:

In addition, each character has special skills to activate the chance buffs from the effect weapon:

For use in the arena only shots of soul and spirit and items necessary for skill are available.

Do not use return skills.

There's 6 minutes on fight — 1 minute to prepare and 5 minutes for battle.

The fight ends when the HP points of one of the participants or group are dropped to zero.

If no winner is identified before the end of the battle, the winner is awarded to the player who dealt the most damage.
Damage done by a servant is not counted.

After the time allotted for the battle, the battle stops, the results are announced and the participants teleport back to the city.

Participation reward

Training Olympiad participants receive a special currency for each battle:

Proximo's Coin Proximo's Coin NG (Proximo Coin)

Reward calculation

For winning the participant gets — 4 Proximo's Coin Proximo's Coin NG (1 coin for going to the arena + 3 coins for win)

For losing the participant gets — 1 Proximo's Coin Proximo's Coin NG (1 coin for going to the arena + 0 coins for losing)

Received coins can be spent in a special store at Dwarf Antonius Proximo Training Olympiad Manager .

Training Olympiad Shop

Exchange Proximo's Coin Proximo's Coin NG on unique decorative items and special aura of the honored fighter of the Training Olympiad. The range of products will expand over time.

Goods Cost
Proximo's Gladius Proximo's Gladius NG (Proximo's Gladius) +16 Proximo's Coin Proximo's Coin NG х 400
Adena Adena NG х 10 000 000
Honor of Rudiarius Honor of Rudiarius NG (Honor of Rudiarius) Proximo's Coin Proximo's Coin NG х 1000
Adena Adena NG х 100 000 000

Appearance of goods

Proximo's Gladius l2
Proximo's Gladius

Honor of Rudiarius l2
Honor of Rudiarius

Basic informationTraining Olympiad SettingsBattle timeWave start and battle limitAvailable arenasFighting rulesAccess and registrationFightParticipation rewardReward calculationTraining Olympiad ShopAppearance of goods


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