Summoner's Transformations


At Gracia Final update summoners received new transformation abilities at level 83.

On MasterWork this transformations divided by 2 levels, that can be received at level 79 and 83 respectively.

Besides that, on MasterWork there are 4 new and unique transformations available on level 40, after the 2nd class change.

2nd profession

At level 40 and 2nd profession 4 transformations available for summoners.

The classes of summoners:

The duration of all transformations is 6 hours, recharge time is 2 seconds.

The following rules apply to all archetype transformations:

  • Basic stats (STR, DEX, CON) changes, depending on transformation type.
  • Mass Summon Phantom Cubic Mass Summon Phantom Cubic Lv. 1 and other cubes stays with a character. To summon them again transformation have to be canceled.
  • Party Blessing of Queen Party Blessing of Queen Lv. 1 and other unique class buffs can be used while transformed.
  • Servitor will be unsummoned.

Transformation level 2 is available at character level 76 with 3rd profession.

When using the level 2 skill, the summoned servant does not disappear.

Spirit of Knight

Spirit of Knight Spirit of Knight Lv. 1 — transforms your character into a knight, capable of protecting allies.

Basic stats: STR 41, DEX 34, CON 32

Active skills

Level Skill Description
Lv. 40 Aggression of Spirit Aggression of Spirit Lv. 1 Provokes the target to attack with 6992 Power.
Lv. 46 Spirit Defence Spirit Defence Lv. 1 P. Def. +3600, M. Def. by 3240, and resistance to buff canceling attacks by 80%. Reduces movement speed by 90%.
Lv. 55 Arrest of Spirit Arrest of Spirit Lv. 1 Provokes an enemy to attack, then immobilizes them.
Lv. 55 Judgment of Spirit Judgment of Spirit Lv. 1 Inflicts dark damage on an enemy with 1056 Power added to P. Atk. and greatly provokes an enemy., decreases Critical Damage by 25% and resistance to every type of close range weapon by 12%.
Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible.

Passive skills

Level Skill Description
Lv. 40 Heavy Armor Mastery Heavy Armor Mastery Lv. 16 P. Def. +54.6, decreases received P. Crit. Damage Damage by 25% and decreases received M. Critical Damage by 10% when equipped with heavy armor.
Lv. 44 Heavy Armor Mastery Heavy Armor Mastery Lv. 1 P. Def. +62.1 and decreases received Critical Damage by 25% when equipped with heavy armor.
Lv. 40 Shield Mastery Shield Mastery Lv. 3 Increases Shield Defence by 30% and Defence Rate by 50%.

Spirit of Assasin

Spirit of Assasin Spirit of Assasin Lv. 1 — turns your character into a assasin, experienced with dagger and dual daggers.

Basic stats: STR 41, DEX 34, CON 32

Active skills

Level Skill Description
Lv. 40 Spirit Blow Spirit Blow Lv. 1 Attacks the target's vital points with 1249 Power added to P. Atk. Over-hit. Half-kill.
Lv. 40 Spirit Stab Spirit Stab Lv. 1 Supplements P. Atk. with 1249 Power to strike an enemy's unprotected back. Available when equipped with a dagger or a dual dagger. Over-hit, critical hit and half-kill are possible.
Lv. 40 Spirit Dash Spirit Dash Lv. 1 Speed +40.
Lv. 40 Spirit Step Spirit Step Lv. 1 Allows user to stealthily approach an enemy from behind. Target cancel is possible.
Atk. Spd. +18%, Chance of Blow-Skills +33%.
Lv. 55 Spirit Power Spirit Power Lv. 1 Decreases frontal Critical Damage by 20%. Increases side Critical Damage by 20% and rear Critical Damage by 40%.
Lv. 55 Spirit Chance Spirit Chance Lv. 1 Decreases frontal Critical Rate by 20%. Increases Critical Rate by 20% and rear Critical Rate by 30%.

Spirit of Saggitarius

Spirit of Saggitarius Spirit of Saggitarius Lv. 1 — transforms your character into an archer, capable to deal damage from a long distance.

Basic stats: STR 36, DEX 35, CON 36

Active skills

Level Skill Description
Lv. 40 Spirit Stun Spirit Stun Lv. 1 Supplements the user's P. Atk. with 500 Power to fire an arrow that stuns an enemy. Over-hit and target cancel are possible.
Lv. 40 Double Spirit Shot Double Spirit Shot Lv. 1 Supplements P. Atk. with 1665 Power to fire 2 arrows in rapid succession.
Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible.
Lv. 40 Rapid Spirit Rapid Spirit Lv. 1 Increases the user's bow Atk. Spd. by 8%.
Lv. 44 Spirit Burst Spirit Burst Lv. 1 Supplements P. Atk. with 1575 PvE Power and 1050 PvP Power to fire an exploding arrow.
Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible.
Lv. 60 (Warlock) Snipe of Spirit Snipe of Spirit Lv. 1 Increases the user's Accuracy by 3, P. Atk. by 124, range by 50, and Critical Rate by 10% when using a bow. Reduces movement speed by 90%.
Lv. 60 (Elemental Summoner) Rapid Fire of Spirit Rapid Fire of Spirit Lv. 1 Increases P. Atk. by 62 and Atk. Spd. by 10%. Decreases range by 50%.
Lv. 60 (Phantom Summoner) Dead Eye of Spirit Dead Eye of Spirit Lv. 1 When using a bow, increases one's own Accuracy by 1, P. Atk. by 124, and Crit. Damage by 10%. Decreases Atk. Spd. by 10%.

Passive skills

Level Skill Description
Lv. 40 Long Shot Long Shot Lv. 1 Increases the bow's range by 200.
Lv. 52 Spirit Archer Spirit Archer Lv. 1 When using a bow, increases PvE damage with skills by 15%, P. Atk. by 50 and maximum range by 25.
Lv. 58 Blessing of Sagittarius Blessing of Sagittarius Lv. 3 Physical Skill Cooldown -10%.
Lv. 58 Spirit of Sagittarius Spirit of Sagittarius Lv. 3 Physical Skill MP Consumption -10%.

Spirit of Magician

Spirit of Magician Spirit of Magician Lv. 1 — transform your character into a battle mage.

Basic stats stays unchanged.


Level Skill Description
Lv. 40 Prominence of Spirit Prominence of Spirit Lv. 1 Ignites flames to inflict Fire damage on an enemy with 52 Power added to M. Atk.
Lv. 40 Surrender to Fire Surrender to Fire Lv. 1 Enemy's Resistance to Fire -30.
Cancels Resist Fire effect from the target.
Lv. 46 Blazing Circle of Spirit Blazing Circle of Spirit Lv. 1 Spreads ring-shaped flames to inflict Fire damage on nearby enemies with 30 Power added to M. Atk.
Lv. 58 Spirit Flash Spirit Flash Lv. 1 Inflicts non-Attribute damage on nearby enemies with 49 Power added to M. Atk. Cancel target.

Elemental Summoner

Level Skill Description
Lv. 40 Spirit Water Spirit Water Lv. 1 Releases a high pressure current to inflict Water damage on an enemy with 52 Power added to M. Atk.
Lv. 40 Surrender to Water Surrender to Water Lv. 1 Enemy's Resistance to Water -30.
Cancels Resist Aqua effect from the target.
Lv. 40 Spirit Flare Spirit Flare Lv. 1 Inflicts non-Attribute damage on an enemy using 42 Power added to M. Atk. and increases the target's resistance to magic damage by 50% for 3 seconds during PvP.
Lv. 40 Spirit Spark Spirit Spark Lv. 1 Inflicts holy damage on an enemy with 65 Power added to M. Atk.
Over-hit is possible.
Lv. 40 Spirit Cloud Spirit Cloud Lv. 1 Causes nearby enemies to fall asleep.
Lv. 58 Spirit Splash Spirit Splash Lv. 1 Supplements the user's M. Atk. with 41 Power to create a massive tidal wave that inflicts Water damage on an enemy.
Lv. 58 Spirit Flash Spirit Flash Lv. 1 Inflicts non-Attribute damage on nearby enemies with 49 Power added to M. Atk. Cancel target.

Phantom Summoner

Level Skill Description
Lv. 40 Hurricane of Spirit Hurricane of Spirit Lv. 1 Creates a whirlwind that uses 52 Power to inflict Wind damage to an enemy.
Lv. 40 Surrender to Wind Surrender to Wind Lv. 1 Enemy's Resistance to Wind -30.
Cancels Resist Wind effect from the target.
Lv. 40 Curse Fear Curse Fear Lv. 1 Frightens an enemy into fleeing.
Lv. 46 Tempest of Spirit Tempest of Spirit Lv. 1 Stirs up a hurricane that inflicts Wind damage near an enemy with 31 Power added to M. Atk.
Lv. 58 Spirit Flash Spirit Flash Lv. 1 Inflicts non-Attribute damage on nearby enemies with 49 Power added to M. Atk. Cancel target.

3rd profession

Transformation, available after 3rd class change, are unique for each class, they change characters appearance and provides new skills.

1 transformation level available at level 79 and have 10 minutes duration and 30 minutes cooldown.

2 transformation level available at level 83 and have 15 minutes duration and 25 minutes cooldown.

As the character's level increases, the level of transformation skills also increases.

  • Lv. 79 — Skill Lv. 1
  • Lv. 81 — Skill Lv. 2
  • Lv. 82 — Skill Lv. 3
  • Lv. 83 — Skill Lv. 4
  • Lv. 84 — Skill Lv. 5
  • Lv. 85 — Skill Lv. 6

For all transformations of 3 profession, the following rules apply:

  • Basic stats (STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIT, MEN) change depending on the transformation.
  • Mass Summon Phantom Cubic Mass Summon Phantom Cubic Lv. 1 and other cubes stays with a character. To summon them again transformation have to be canceled.
  • Party Blessing of Queen Party Blessing of Queen Lv. 1 and other unique class buffs can be used while transformed.
  • Servitor will be unsummoned.

Spirit of the Cat

Spirit of the Cat l2

Spirit of the Cat Spirit of the Cat Lv. 1 — Allows you to use the skills of the cat race.

Only for Arcana Lord.

Basic stats: STR 45, DEX 30, CON 43, INT 44, WIT 20, MEN 39

Skill Description
Rolling Step Rolling Step Lv. 1 Inflicts a powerful blow with 9503 Power.
Double Blast Double Blast Lv. 1 Inflicts a powerful long-range attack with 9503 Power.
Tornado Slash Tornado Slash Lv. 1 Inflicts a powerful blow on nearby enemies with 5068 Power.
Energy Blast Energy Blast Lv. 1 Inflicts a powerful blow with 15838 Power.
Cat Roar Cat Roar Lv. 1 Uses the cry of danger to decrease P. Def./M. Def./Speed/Atk. Spd. of nearby enemies and decreases Magic Spd. Power 3168.

Spirit of the Unicorn

Spirit of the Unicorn l2

Spirit of the Unicorn Spirit of the Unicorn Lv. 1 — Allows you to use unicorn skills.

Only for Elemental Master.

Basic stats: STR 45, DEX 30, CON 43, INT 40, WIT 23, MEN 40

Skill Description
Lance Step Lance Step Lv. 1 Inflicts a mighty straight-line blow with 9503 Power.
Aqua Blast Aqua Blast Lv. 1 Inflicts a powerful long-range attack with 9503 Power.
Spin Slash Spin Slash Lv. 1 Inflicts a powerful blow on nearby enemies with 5068 Power.
Ice Fog Ice Fog Lv. 1 Inflicts continuous damage on nearby enemies with 348 Power, decreasing their Speed, Atk. Spd. and Cast. Spd.
Water Jet Water Jet Lv. 1 Strikes enemies with 12670 Power in a mighty rush of Water.

Spirit of the Demon

Spirit of the Demon l2

Spirit of the Demon Spirit of the Demon Lv. 1 — Allows you to use demon skills.

Only for Spectral Master.

Basic stats: STR 45, DEX 30, CON 43, INT 49, WIT 19, MEN 37

Skill Description
Dark Strike Dark Strike Lv. 1 Inflicts a powerful blow with 9503 Power.
Bursting Flame Bursting Flame Lv. 1 Inflicts a powerful long-range attack with 9503 Power.
Stratum Explosion Stratum Explosion Lv. 1 Inflicts a powerful blow on nearby enemies with 5068 Power.
Corpse Burst Corpse Burst Lv. 1 Causes a nearby corpse to burst open, poisoning enemies with 348 Power.
Dark Detonation Dark Detonation Lv. 1 Inflicts a powerful continuous attack on nearby enemies, stunning them with 12670 Power.


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