Hellbound: Epidos

Basic information

To diversify the gameplay, the Masterwork team reworked and breathed life into the undeserved raid boss — Epidos.

He was created when a large collection of natural spirits from the Hellbound imprisoned in the Tower of Naia was reincarnated by the magic of Beleth and the Heart of Naia. Although this monster has an unstable form and an unstable mind on the verge of insanity, it still has a part of the consciousness of the spirit of nature.

The boss is near the outer gate of the Citadel. When the boss is alive, a fire vortex is visible above the gate.

Boss respawn time — 24-48 hours, from 18:00 to 00:00 server time (UTC+2).

Epidos map l2
Epidos l2
Epidos heart l2

We continue to create new content that challenges routine. The world of Lineage 2 awaits many new threats that will require the heroes to communicate and act coherently. This is just the beginning of the fight against true evil. It is time to learn new things, think, push buttons — your efforts will be rewarded with interesting content and valuable rewards.

Fighting mechanics

The battle with Epidos consists of two stages — a battle with water and fire forms of the boss. Each form has unique skills and mechanics. Players will need attention and skill to respond quickly to unforeseen situations. Having a well-dressed tank and EE in the group will significantly increase the chances of your group to win.

While attacking the Epidos, the player became "flaged".

When Epidos is surrounded by a large number of players, it ignites the black flame of Beleth. His attacks become more deadly, and his defenses are impenetrable:

  • Over 30 Attackers — boss damage Increases comparable to soulshots effect
  • Over 45 Attackers — boss increases attack and defense characteristics, and Fire form starts summoning more henchmen
  • Over 100 Attackers — boss significantly increases attack and defense characteristics

The boss has increased defense against attacks with blunt weapons and reduced defense against attacks with a dagger or rapier.

The boss has high attack with water and fire attribute, remember to use protective effects and attribute protection potions.

First stage

Elemental Water Overlord Epidos Raid Boss Lv. 85 (Water Overlord Epidos)

The first stage of the boss battle takes place in front of the gates and ends when the boss’s health is below 75%.

Boss has high defense and attack stats of water attribute.

Uses the attacking skills in the area, massively pulls, throws and lifts individual players into the air.

Places unpleasant debuffs on individual players that can be canceled with the skill Cleanse Cleanse Lv. 1 .

Uses a shield that increases defense from attributes and debuffs.

Be careful when using Appetite — Epidos doesn’t like greedy people.

When the boss’s health level drops below 75%, he disappears and appears in the Tower of Naya teleport, where you will face the second boss form.

Second stage

After death in the Tower of Naya, players can return inside while the teleport is open.

If you leave the game in the Tower of Naya, the player will be teleported out of the area in two minutes.

After death in the tower or too long to be offline, the character moves to the Wasterland.

Inside the Tower of Naya is a NoPK zone for free boss battles.

During the second stage of the battle with Epidos, on the Hellbound appears 4 teleports in the Tower of Naya — near the Citadel gate, in the center of the desert, in the spring near the entrance to the "Green" and in the lake near the ruins of the temple.

Teleports are active all the time the boss lives and disappears 5 minutes after his death.

Simultaneously with the appearance of teleporters, a message about the opening of the Tower of Naya appears in the announcement chat.

Orbs map
All teleport spots to the Tower of Naya
Orb Steel Citadel Outpost
Teleport near Steel Citadel Outpost
Orb Caravan Encampment
Teleport near the Caravan Encampment
Orb Enchanted Megaliths
Teleport near the Enchanted Megaliths
Orb Ancient Temple Remnants
Teleport in Ancient Temple Remnants

Inside the Tower of Naya you are greeted by a life-beaten Epidos with 75% health and his minions:

The boss has high defense and attack values of the water attribute.

Uses the attacking skills in the area, massively pulls, throws and lifts individual players into the air.

Imposes unpleasant debuffs on individual players that can be undone with Cleanse Cleanse Lv. 1 .

It uses a shield that increases defense against attributes and debuffs.

Be careful when using Appetite — Epidos doesn’t like greedy people.

During the battle, Epidos' henchmen, Naya’s Breath (the blue sphere), and Naya’s Flame Prisoner (the red sphere), appear in the room. At the same time, a maximum of 6 minions can be called, which can appear at one point.

Naiya wisp l2

The Blue spheres put a defensive effect on the players in a small radius around themselves. After the effect is applied, it disappears. The cooldown is 30 seconds.

Epidos's first form Naia's Aqua Shroud Naia's Aqua Shroud Lv. 1 Protected by Naia, you become impervious to the most powerful water-based attacks. Your fire damage and water resistance are increased.
Epidos's second form Naia's Blaze Shroud Naia's Blaze Shroud Lv. 1 Protected by Naia, you become impervious to the most powerful fire-based attacks. Your water damage and fire resistance are increased.

The red spheres have a negative effect on players in a large radius around themselves. You can kill to clear the area of getting the debuffs. Cooldown — 90 seconds

Naia's Beckoning Naia's Beckoning Lv. 1 — You are enchanted by beautiful sounds and fall asleep. As long as the effect is on you, the resistance to fire and water is reduced.

Third stage

When Epidos' health level drops below 50%, the boss disappears and invokes the Essences of the Elements.

Two entities of each species appear in the comant sectors. The entities have a lot of health and impose very unpleasant debuffs. Moderate aggression radius, try not to disturb many monsters at once.

Essence of Element l2

Elemental Essence of Fire Lv. 81

  • Flames of Destruction Flames of Destruction Lv. 1 The essence of fire unleashes a surge of flames that erupts upon hitting foes, inflicting tremendous damage and leaving them burning.

Elemental Essence of Water Lv. 81

  • Ice Breath Ice Breath Lv. 1 Water Essence unleashes an icy stream, dealing damage to all enemies in its path and temporarily reducing their ability to regenerate and restore HP.

Elemental Essence of Wind Lv. 81

Elemental Essence of Earth Lv. 81

Fourth stage

When all Essences die, the second form of Epidos enters the arena:

Elemental Fire Overlord Epidos Raid Boss Lv. 85

Boss has high defense and fire attribute attack.

Uses physical and magical attacking skills across the area.

Some attacks, in addition to damage, will cause a debuf on the target, lowering its characteristics or damaging nearby allies. You can cancel with the skill Cleanse Cleanse Lv. 1 .

Summons minions that explode when approaching players.

Put on himself positive effects.

It uses a shield that increases defense against attributes and debuffs.

Be careful when using Appetite — Epidos doesn’t like greedy people.

During this stage, blue and red spheres continue to appear. Kill the nearest red spheres to avoid getting a debuff.

Skills description

Epidos's water form

Whirlpool of Souls Whirlpool of Souls Lv. 1 Epidos conjures a mighty water whirlpool, dealing physical damage to all foes before them.
Raging Stream Raging Stream Lv. 1 Epidos creates a powerful wave that knocks back all players standing in front of them, dealing physical damage.
Tidal Grasp Tidal Grasp Lv. 1 Epidos unleashes a mighty wave that draws in all players on its path, inflicting physical damage and significantly reducing their movement speed, attack speed, and casting speed.
Sea Squall Sea Squall Lv. 1 Epidos unleashes a fierce marine squall that inflicts tremendous magical damage to all foes in the area. Decreases enemies physical/magic skill re-use time and increases an enemy's skill MP Consumption.
Leviathan's Maelstrom Leviathan's Maelstrom Lv. 1 With a mighty effort, Epidos unleashes a colossal maelstrom that suspends the target in mid-air and inflicts magical damage, continually burning their MP.
Water Bastion Water Bastion Lv. 1 Epidos invokes a powerful watery sphere, granting its an invincible shield that greatly enhances its Defence against elemental attacks and debuffs.
Aquatic Shield of Karma Aquatic Shield of Karma Lv. 1 Using water magic, Epidos creates a covering that protects him from any debuffs, reflecting them back onto his enemies.
The Rise and Fall The Rise and Fall Lv. 1 We came here to rumble. We were expecting a proper scrap with some proper dudes. You guys put on your lit-up B-sets and buff up Appetite, weren't ya? Lord, they brought us here some orc trains from the port spot. Like it's meant to be a big deal or something.

Epidos's fire form

Fireburst Fireburst Lv. 1 By harnessing the element of fire, Epidos conjures a blazing explosion that deals magical damage to the targeted player and any nearby allies.
Flame of Ruin Flame of Ruin Lv. 1 Epidos summons a fiery meteorite that falls to the ground, dealing physical damage to the target and all enemies within the range of the ability. Additionally, it weakens the physical and magical attacks of the enemies, weakening their physical and magical Defences as well as their resistance to fire.
Fire Veil Fire Veil Lv. 1 The Fire Veil invoked by Epidos scorches all enemies standing before him, dealing heavy physical damage.
Flame of Insanity Flame of Insanity Lv. 1 Epidos casts Flame of Insanity on a chosen target, causing periodic damage from burning and with a certain chance of scorching all members of the group when taking damage.
Fiery Sacrifice Fiery Sacrifice Lv. 1 The explosion deals heavy damage to all nearby targets.
Fire Bastion Fire Bastion Lv. 1 Epidos invokes a powerful fire sphere, granting its an invincible shield that greatly enhances its Defence against elemental attacks and debuffs.
Burning Frenzy Burning Frenzy Lv. 1 Madness bestows both strength and weakness. Attack speed, casting speed, physical and magical attack are increased, while magical and physical Defence are decreased.
Flame of Atonement Flame of Atonement Lv. 1 When facing certain death, Epidos surrounds himself in a vibrant blaze that hastens his healing and reflects some of the damage inflicted back onto his foe.
The Rise and Fall The Rise and Fall Lv. 1 We came here to rumble. We were expecting a proper scrap with some proper dudes. You guys put on your lit-up B-sets and buff up Appetite, weren't ya? Lord, they brought us here some orc trains from the port spot. Like it's meant to be a big deal or something.

Epidos's minions

Naia's Aqua Shroud Naia's Aqua Shroud Lv. 1 Protected by Naia, you become impervious to the most powerful water-based attacks. Your fire damage and water resistance are increased.
Naia's Blaze Shroud Naia's Blaze Shroud Lv. 1 Protected by Naia, you become impervious to the most powerful fire-based attacks. Your water damage and fire resistance are increased.
Naia's Beckoning Naia's Beckoning Lv. 1 The enchanting melodies lull you into a peaceful slumber. While under the effect, your resistance to fire and water is weakened.

Elemental Essences

Flames of Destruction Flames of Destruction Lv. 1 The essence of fire unleashes a surge of flames that erupts upon hitting foes, inflicting tremendous damage and leaving them burning.
Ice Breath Ice Breath Lv. 1 Water Essence unleashes an icy stream, dealing damage to all enemies in its path and temporarily reducing their ability to regenerate and restore HP.
Bindings of the Gale Bindings of the Gale Lv. 1 The power of wind magic has left you paralyzed and unable to receive any positive effects.
Petrification Wave Petrification Wave Lv. 1 Essence of Earth summons a stone wave that stops enemies in their tracks and turns them to stone.


All participants in the battle with the first form of Epidos in front of the gates of the Citadel with a 50% chance get Box of Sea Wonders Box of Sea Wonders NG .

When getting the reward, any contribution to the battle is taken into account — damage, recovery of health and mana, putting debuffs on the boss or buffs on fighting players.

Box contents:

SA levelling

When killing NPC Elemental Fire Overlord Epidos Raid Boss Lv. 85 , you have a chance to upgrade SA to level 18. Chance personal for members of the group that dealt the final blow.


List of items that can be obtained for killing the second form of Epidos:



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