Clan on Masterwork


The clan system is the basis of the social interaction between players. Clans allow players to team up to achieve goals, that aren't available to single players — like castles and epic bosses.

Creation of the Clan

To create a clan, contact the High Priest in the temple or the Grand Master in any guild. Later, these NPCs will help raise the clan level, add new units and learn clan skills.

In clan names, you can use up to 16 letters or numbers, but spaces and special symbols are prohibited.

Clan emblem

Clan level 3 and above can set a clan emblem. Installation/changing of the clan emblem is available to the clan leader and other privileged members.

To install the emblem, open the Clan window (Alt+N) and click "Emblem". In the window that opens, specify the path to the logo file. The file should be an image in .bmp (256 color/8-bit), 16 by 12 pixels.

How to set the clan emblem in Lineage 2

Transfer of Clan Leader rights

To transfer control of the clan to another member, the clan leader must talk to a special NPC and submit a transfer application. Transfer of rights will take place after the technical server restarts.

Transfer of the rights can be cancelled at any time before restart.

Pay attention!

Masterwork servers allow the transfer of Clan Leader rights without restart. To do this, please contact Technical Support. Specify the clan name, the nickname of the current leader and the nickname of the player who will take the rights.

Leaving the Clan

The player can leave the clan at any time. However, there are several penalties associated with this:

  • Players who leave the clan are banned from joining another clan for 24 hours. Academics don't get a penalty for leaving the clan.
  • If the player is eliminated by the clan leader, the player receives a penalty (24 hours) for joining another clan. In addition, the clan also receives a penalty (24 hours) for accepting new players.
  • If a clan leader leaves the clan, the clan automatically dissolves, and his character receives the penalty (24 hours) to join another clan. The remaining members of the clan don't get that penalty.

Clan dissolution

To disband the clan, the Leader should contact the High Priest in the temple or the Grand Master in any guild.

The leader can disband the clan without the consent of the other members of the clan.

You can’t disband a clan if it’s involved in a clan war.

The dissolution of the clan takes place within seven days, during this time the application can be cancelled.

Clan search system

E-Global Masterwork implements an automatic clan search system that lets you quickly and conveniently find a suitable company for the game. To select a clan, open the search window, you can do it in 2 ways:

  • Open the Clan window (Alt+N), click the "Search Clan" button
  • Click the "Join" button at the bottom of the screen, it is located to the left of the experience bar
Clan search system in Lineage 2

How to find a clan?

There are 2 options to find a clan — application to join the chosen clan and participate in the list of applicants (waiting list). Consider each option.

Join the chosen clan

  • Open the search window
  • Select the clan that suits you, the application window opens on the right
  • If the clan dials without requests, then by pressing the "Application" button you will be asked to join the clan automatically
  • If the clan dials with requests, the text field becomes active. Enter your information and click the "Complete" button to send the application for consideration. The clan to which the application is submitted will be highlighted in the list
  • You can apply to one clan at a time
  • To cancel the application, press the "My Requests" button in the Clan Search window (bottom right). After deleting the application you won't be able to place a new one within 5 minutes

Application list

  • Open the Search window
  • Click the "List" button (bottom right)
  • In the "Waiting List" window, click "Register" and specify the clan type that suits your interests
  • Click "Accept" to register. Now other players see you in the list and can invite you to their clan
  • You can cancel the application in the "Waiting list" window. After deleting the application you won't be able to place a new one within 5 minutes
Waiting list in the clan search system in Lineage 2

Clan search system for leader

The clan leader can create an ad for recruitment into his clan to quickly and conveniently recruit new clan and academy members.

How to create an ad?

  • Open the Search window
  • Click the "Set to Clan" button (bottom left)
  • Select the set terms in the Clan and specify additional conditions in the text box
  • Click the "Finish" button to place the advertisement
How to create a clan recruitment announcement in the clan search system in Lineage 2

You can edit or delete the advertisement. After deleting the advertisement, you won't be able to place the new one within 5 minutes.

Terms of recruitment "no application"

Players join the Clan automatically when applying through the system.

Terms of recruitment "with the application"

When submitting a candidate’s application, the "List of applicants" button appears in the system window (from the bottom right). Click it to see the list of submitted applications.

Click on the applicant's nick to read the application and decide whether to join the clan. Also in this window, there is a possibility to go to personal messages with the applicant in chat or to write a letter via game mail.

List of applications to the clan in the clan search system in Lineage 2

Picking the players from the waiting list

In addition to announcing recruitment, the clan leader can independently find the right players from among those who are looking for the clan "passively".

To do this, open the search window and click "List" (bottom right).

In the "Waiting list" window you will see the list of applicants.

You can contact them via private chat or game mail using the appropriate buttons.

Filters by level, specialization and character name are available to help find the right players.

Clan levels

Clan levels are increased in stages. For each level, several conditions must be met:

Increasing the clan level in the base game
Level Cost Conditions
Creating a clan Free
1 level Adena Adena NG x 650 000
SP SP NG x 20 000
1 or more clan members
2 level Adena Adena NG x 2 500 000
SP SP NG x 100 000
1 or more clan members
3 level Blood Mark Blood Mark NG
SP SP NG x 350 000
1 or more clan members
4 level Alliance Manifesto Alliance Manifesto NG
SP SP NG x 1 000 000
1 or more clan members
5 level Seal of Aspiration Seal of Aspiration NG
SP SP NG x 2 500 000
1 or more clan members
6 level Clan Point Clan Point NG x 10 000 30 or more clan members
7 level Clan Point Clan Point NG x 20 000 80 or more clan members
8 level Clan Point Clan Point NG x 4`0 000 120 or more clan members
9 level Clan Point Clan Point NG x 40 000
Blood Oath Blood Oath NG x 120
120 or more clan members
10 level Clan Point Clan Point NG x 40 000
Blood Alliance Blood Alliance NG x 5
140 or more clan members
11 level Clan Point Clan Point NG x 75 000

170 or more clan members

Owning the Castle, completing the quest "Path to Becoming a Lord"

Pay attention!

On Masterwork, the conditions for increasing the clan level have been changed — the requirement for SP points has been removed, the number of required Clan Reputation points has been reduced, a number of required items and the number of clan members have been changed.

Level Cost Conditions
Creating a clan Free
1 level Adena Adena NG x 650 000 1 or more clan members
2 level Adena Adena NG x 2 500 000 1 or more clan members
3 level Blood Mark Blood Mark NG 1 or more clan members
4 level Alliance Manifesto Alliance Manifesto NG 1 or more clan members
5 level Seal of Aspiration Seal of Aspiration NG 1 or more clan members
6 level Clan Point Clan Point NG x 5000 15 or more clan members
7 level Clan Point Clan Point NG x 10 000 25 or more clan members
8 level Clan Point Clan Point NG x 20 000 30 or more clan members
9 level Clan Point Clan Point NG x 40 000
Proof of Loyalty Proof of Loyalty NG x 150
35 or more clan members
10 level Clan Point Clan Point NG x 100 000
Proof of Loyalty Proof of Loyalty NG x 500
40 or more clan members
11 level Clan Point Clan Point NG x 75 000

50 or more clan members

Castle Ownership (not available to Mid Company castle owners)

Blood Mark Blood Mark NG obtained by hunting the monster Demonic Blood Queen Lv. 60 near the entrance to the Cemetery under Aden and near the entrance to Antharas' Lair.

Talk to Human Sir Kristof Rodemai in Giran to get info about Alliance Manifesto Alliance Manifesto NG .

Talk to Human Sir Gustav Athebaldt in Oren to get info about Seal of Aspiration Seal of Aspiration NG .

Proof of Loyalty Proof of Loyalty NG awarded to the clan and academics for completing the Academy.

Squads and Academy

When the clan reaches level 5, the clan leader can create an Academy. The Academy allows the clan to earn reputation points, which are used to learn skills and raise the level of the clan.

For more info about Academy read in article Academy on Masterwork

When the clan reaches levels 6 and 7, the clan leader can create additional units, the Royal Guard and the Order of Knights. They expand the clan slots — up to 30 and 25 players per squad respectively.

Number of clan members and squads in the base game
Level Clan Main Clan Academy 1-st Royal Guard 2-nd Royal Guard 1-st Royal Guard 2-nd Royal Guard 3-rd Royal Guard 4-th Royal Guard All clan members
0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10
1 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15
2 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20
3 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30
4 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40
5 40 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 60
6 40 20 20 20 0 0 0 0 250
7 40 20 20 20 10 10 10 10 140
8 40 20 20 20 10 10 10 10 140
9 40 20 20 20 25 25 25 25 200
10 40 20 20 20 25 25 25 25 200
11 40 20 30 30 25 25 25 25 220

Pay attention!

The number of clan members and squads has been increased on Masterwork servers:

Level Clan Main Clan Academy 1-st Royal Guard 2-nd Royal Guard 1-st Royal Guard 2-nd Royal Guard 3-rd Royal Guard 4-th Royal Guard All clan members
0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10
1 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15
2 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20
3 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30
4 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40
5 50 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 150
6 70 100 50 50 0 0 0 0 270
7 90 100 50 50 30 30 30 30 410
8 110 100 50 50 30 30 30 30 430
9 130 100 50 50 50 50 30 30 490
10 150 100 50 50 50 50 50 50 550
11 170 100 50 50 50 50 50 50 570


The Alliance is a system that unites individual clans to play together. Allied clans are more effective at playing with additional mechanics.

For more information about Alliances, see Alliance on Masterwork.

Passive Clan Skills

When the clan reaches level 5, the clan leader can create an academy. The academy allows the clan to earn clan reputation points, which are used to learn skills and raise the level of the clan. Clan skills are subject to several restrictions:

  • If a clan’s reputation reaches -1 or lower, it becomes impossible to learn clan skills, even if they do not require reputation points
  • If the clan’s reputation score is 0 or less, the skill cannot be used until the score is positive again
  • When a clan member reaches a status where clan skills can be used, the clan skill is displayed in the clan’s skill window and can be used

Pay attention!

On Masterwork servers, all standard passive clan skills work for ALL clan members, regardless of rank.

For a complete list of passive skills for each clan level, see Clan’s Passive Skills.

Passive squad skills

From level 6 of the clan, it is possible to create additional units. This feature allows you to increase the number of seats in the clan and learn additional passive skills.

For a complete list of passive skills for squads, see Passive squad skills.

New passive skills

New passive clan skills have been added to Masterwork servers. New skill bonuses help players develop characters more effectively at all stages.

Clan Unity

Clan Unity Clan Unity Lv. 4 — each member receives bonuses to Experience and SP, HP and MP regeneration, defence and attack in PvE.

Clan Unity Clan Unity Lv. 1 When your clan online will be higher then 9 members - each clan member will receive Exp & SP, HP & MP Regen and PvE bonuses! The higher amount of your players is online - the better bonus you receive. Enjoy!
Clan Unity Clan Unity Lv. 2 9-17 Clan Members Online!
EXP & SP bonus +3%
HP & MP Regeneration +7%
PvE Attack & Defence +1%
Clan Unity Clan Unity Lv. 3 18-26 Clan Members Online!
EXP & SP bonus +5%
HP & MP Regeneration +10%
PvE Attack & Defence +2%
Clan Unity Clan Unity Lv. 4 27+ Clan Members Online!
EXP & SP bonus +7%
HP & MP Regeneration +15%
PvE Attack & Defence +3%
  • The effect is automatically applied to all clan members every 5 minutes
  • The duration of the effect is 5 minutes
  • The effect is applied to all squads and the academy
  • The effect does not take up a buff slot

Academy Favor

Academy Favor Academy Favor Lv. 1 (Academy Favor) — Passive effect for Academy members, increasing the following stats:

  • Attack Speed +15%
  • Casting Speed +30%
  • Maximum НР +30%
  • Speed +20

While under the effect, the character is immune to the:

Rhythm of Rage Rhythm of Rage Lv. 1
Rhythm of Body Rhythm of Body Lv. 1

Active skills

Masterwork added active clan skills to the game to diversify and increase the efficiency of clan play. Skills available to leaders of the clan level 5 and above.

  • Only the Leader of the Clan can use these skills
  • The effect of the skill only works around the Clan Leader
  • Skills only apply to clan members (not alliance)
  • Effects don't use buff-slots

To get new skills the leader must get and equip a special item:

Clan Leader Brooch Clan Leader Brooch NG .

For the Brooch, contact the High Priest in the temple or the Grand Master in any guild.

Pay attention!

After you have upgraded the Clan you should get the next level Brooch.

For skills use Proof of Loyalty Proof of Loyalty NG , Which clans get for graduating of academics.

For more information on how to obtain Proof of Loyalty, see Academy on Masterwork.

For a complete list of active skills for each clan level, see Active clan skills.




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