Mid Company on Masterwork


MasterWork — is a leisure place for any style of players, regardless of their priorities, free time, and skill. With that attitude we are developing our project and it's concept. Rates, stages, class balance — everything was done precisely in pursuit of this ideology.

But the project's expansion, and it's popularity made us focus the aspects, that is still working by the rules, that is suitable only for a small group of players. We are talking about some challenges in our endless game, exactly about Castle Sieges, Territory Wars and Epic Bosses.

This content on our server is one of the most interesting features on whole market, because it attracts a lot of attention of different players! At the moment it became obvious, that even with all the loyalty to the time spent in relation to the result (in other words efficiency), this content was not fully available for the biggest part of our audience — players of Mid-War communities.

Normally mid-clans were able to fully pretend for the top positions in this kind of game content only as a part of bigger alliance, while losing its original autonomy, or after half a year, when big clans start loosing people. This is how our realms, same as our colleagues were living, until we decided to fix that!

Masterwork team presents unique feature named Mid Company, that is intended to separate main gameplay goals among different type of players.

This system is experimental and has no analogues. We made all that is possible, to make it contemplative and exclude mistakes. However, we understand that making this system full-fledged will require time and your participation. We hope you will be understanding and help us develop a system for you to have a pleasant gaming experience. We are ready to make regular changes, and will do fixes and improvements.


To get access to Mid Company, clan leader have to contact project's community-manager via Telegram — Safero.

You can submit an application after the server start, closer to the first sieges. Every application is considered individually to check the possibility of the clan to join Mid Company. We are considering many factors, that are assessed both individually and in combination.

Mid Company basic rules

  1. Mid Company available for all clans, except for those, whom the Administration consider as Big War
  2. Any unions and alliances remain at the discretion of the players; the Administration does not tamper at this moment
  3. The administration has the right to refuse access to Mid Company without providing a reason
  4. Entrance to Mid Company is carried out once every 14 days, on Friday before the sieges. In some cases it is possible changes outside of schedule
  5. Withdrawal from Mid Company can be made at any moment
  6. In case of withdrawal from Mid Company of the clan that owns the castle, it will be transferred to the NPC
  7. It is not possible to register twin clans on Mid castles. If you decide to collect a powerful coalition, and no one registers for the siege of your castle — it's your concern. Twink Clans are also not allowed in Mid Company
  8. If at check-point date (once every 14 day) — clan/ alliance/ union killed ALL Dents in these 14 days, then it will be removed from Mid Company for a 2 week period
    • We are talking about outright dominance. The administration reserves the right to keep or withdraw clan(s) out of Mid Company, depending on the current situation
    • Dissolution of the Alliance does not reset the counter of killed Dents
  9. These rules are a basic template with the possibility of adjustment by the Administration, based on the game situation

Pay attention!

These rules are not strict and final regulations of the Mid Company system. If necessary, Administration has the right to make a decision that does not comply with these rules or make changes to them.

An example of monitoring the activity of clans and making decisions regarding their location in Mid Company:

Clans A, B and C united in the Alliance and kill Dent without any resistance. Other clans participating in Mid Company “don’t want and can’t” fight this Alliance. Administration decides to exclude clans A, B and C from Mid Company for a 2-week period.

Moreover, if A, B and C killed 3 Dents out of 3, but inside Mid Company an interesting competition takes place, in this case Administration reserves the opportunity to leave clans A, B and C in Mid Company.

If clans A, B and C make an agreement among themselves, and the first Dent is taken by clan A, the second by clan B, and the third by clan C, Administration evaluates their relationship as an alliance, and has the right to exclude these clans from Mid Company.

Castles and sieges

New castles have been added to the game specifically for the Mid Company:

  • Talking Isle Castle l2Talking Isle Castle
  • Gludin Castle l2Gludin Castle
  • Elven Castle l2Elven Castle
  • Dark Elven Castle l2Dark Elven Castle
  • Orc Castle l2Orc Castle
  • Dwarven Castle l2Dwarven Castle

If necessary, the following can also be added:

  • Kamael Castle l2Kamael Castle

In addition to be placed in a new locations, the castles are redesigned and are completely different from regular castles.

New castles have all the bonuses and privileges of regular castles, except the manor system and taxes.

Mid Company castle l2

Castle sieges terms and conditions:

  • Access to registration is only available to clans participating in Mid Company
  • Standard duration of sieges is 2 hours
  • Only Mid Company clan members may be located inside the siege zone and near it

Pay attention!

All characters, who are not Mid Company participants, will be automatically teleported far away the siege zone.

We also ask players, who is not participating in the Mid Company, to not attempt to avoid the security from intrusion, and take any part in Mid Company events. If you try to break or bypass the rules, penalties may be applied to your character.

Mid Company clans are not permitted to enter the siege zone of regular Castles. Players attempting to access the siege zone of the following Castles will teleport to the Town. List of Castles:

  • Gludio l2Gludio
  • Dion l2Dion
  • Giran l2Giran
  • Oren l2Oren
  • Inndaril l2Inndaril
  • Aden l2Aden
  • Schuttgart l2Schuttgart
  • Goddard l2Goddard
  • Rune l2Rune

Territory Wars

Territory Wars are also available for Mid Company and new castles. Their mechanics and are equal to general TW, but there are also a number of restrictions:

  • Mid Company member, who owns the regular castle — can also participate at TW for Mid Company
  • Mid Company members, who owns the regular castle — CAN'T place a tent to move regular castle flag into a new castle
  • Mid Company members, who owns the new castle — can visit a regular TW area
  • Mid Company members, who owns the new castle — CAN'T place a tent to move regular castle flag into a new castle
  • NON Mid Company members, who owns the regular castle — CAN'T visit TW area of a new castles. Area of Territory Wars for Mid Company available exclusively to members of clans, who are in a Mid Company
  • There are a restriction on Flags for a new castles — one Mid Company castle can only handle maximum 4 flags from 6 available


  • Clans, that own castles, will be automatically registered for the territory of their castle
  • The leader of the Mid Company clan can register his clan for any castle - new or regular
  • Personal registration for members of the Mid Company clan is not available! The leader registers the entire clan
  • Single players (non-clan or clan members), who are not members of Mid Company CAN'T register for new castles territory

A few examples:

Mid Company member owns the Orc Castle l2 Orc Castle

  • Can do:

    • Move around the territory of Mid Company castles
    • Set up a "Tent" on Mid Company castles
    • Move around the territory of regular castles
  • Can't do:

    • Set up a "Tent" at the regular castle

Mid Company member owns the Aden l2 Aden Castle

  • Can do:

    • Move around the territory of Mid Company castles
    • Set up a "Tent" on a regular castles
    • Move around the territory of regular castles
  • Can't do:

    • Set up a "Tent" on Mid Company castles

NON Mid Company member owns the Giran l2 Giran Castle

  • Can do:

    • Move around the territory of regular castles
    • Set up a "Tent" on a regular castles
  • Can't do:

    • Move around the territory of Mid Company castles and set up a "Tent"

What are these restrictions for? To keep new and regular castle flags in their boundaries

Orc Castle l2 Orc Castle owner should not and cannot have a flag of Aden l2 Aden Castle

At the same time, the owner of the Aden l2 Aden Castle should not and cannot have a flag of Orc Castle l2 Orc Castle

New flag bonuses:


Dent Mid Company l2

Humanoid Dent The Dark Knight Lv. 81 is a new epic boss created by the MasterWork team specifically for the Mid Company.

The Epic Boss Dent Event occurs in a dedicated location accessible only to members of clans registered in Mid Company.

For more details on the battle with Dent, refer to the corresponding article: Epic Boss Dent.

Mid Company member clans can't enter the battle zone of top Epic Bosses. The NPC guarding the entrance will prevent Mid Company clan members from accessing the Boss arena, even if the player has a pass. List of Bosses:

IntroductionParticipationCastles and siegesTerritory WarsDent


Masterwork Mechanics New S-Grade Sets Bonuses , Enchantment bonuses for sets D/C/B/A/S Grade , Pona: Jewelry Upgrade , Masterwork Item Bonuses , Ingame calendar , Achievements Masterwork , Academy on Masterwork , Clan on Masterwork , Squads Passive Skills , Clan Active Skills , Quest Possessor of a Precious Soul, part 4 (noblesse) , Autoloot Agathions Masterwork , Compound of belts , Subclasses on Masterwork , Masterwork Olympiad , Library: Books of Exp , Dual daggers and blunts , Territory Wars on Masterwork , Judicator - main class. Quest Seeds of Chaos 76+ , Training Olympiad , Hellbound: Epidos , Instance-boss Core 78+ , Instance-boss Orfen 78+ , Pets: new skins , Instance-boss Queen Ant 80+ , Life Stones on Masterwork , Cyclic Macros and Assist Manager , Instance-boss Trasken 83+ , Missions on the Masterwork , Starter quest Eternal , Crafting cost changes (season 2024) , Updated SA effects , Command .lock — protecting your character , Mid Company on Masterwork , Summoner's Transformations , Fortresses on Masterwork , Game event: Hot spot , Dent. MidCompany Epic Boss
Locations Location Keeper Ankou , Update: Hellbound: Desert Quarry (78~85) , Giant's Cave (78~85) , Update: Hellbound. Anomic Foundry (78~85) , Game Event: King of the Hill , Den of Evil. High Five , Field of Silence and Whispers. High Five , Mithril Mines. High Five , Crypts of Disgrace. Epilogue/High Five , Sel Mahum Training Grounds (80~85) , Plains of the Lizardmen (80~85) , Monastery of Silence (80~85) , Beast Farm (80~85) , Dragon Valley (80~85) , Seed of Annihilation (80~85) , Eternal: The Forbidden Gateway (80~85) , Eternal: Pavel Ruins and Archaic Laboratory (80~85) , Eternal: Mithril Mines (80~85) , Primeval Isle: stages improvement , Forge of the Gods: stages improvement , Dragon Valley. Lord Ishka , Isle of Prayer and Chromatic Highlands (74~83) , New: Fairy Settlement (78~85) , New: Hatoum Settlement (66~74) , Update: Crypts Of Disgrace (78-85) , Pavel Ruins and Archaic Laboratory. High Five , Update: Antharas Lair (84~85) , Mid Company on Masterwork , Update: Pagan Temple (78~83) , Seed of Destruction. Attribute collection , Eternal: Iris Lake (80~85) , Eternal: Obelisk of Victory (80~85) , Eternal: School of Dark Arts (80~85) , Eternal: Raider’s Crossroads (80~85) , Eternal: Eastern Mining Zone (80~85) , Eternal: Nornil Cave (80~85) , Update: Crypts of Disgrace (32~36) , Update: Grave Robber Hideout (40~50) , Update: Den of Evil (47~57) , Update: Carons Dungeon (56~64) , Update: Archaic Laboratory (60~65) , New: Mimirs Forest (75~80) , New: Dareon’s Doom Halls (78~85)
Events Game Event: King of the Hill , Mid Company on Masterwork , Game event: Hot spot , Game Event: Monolith