Sel Mahum Training Grounds (80-85)

Sel Mahum homeland — northern territories of Aden kingdom. After being defeated in a territory wars against Gnolls, they decided to move south, to the Plains of the Lizardmen, where Tanta Lizardman lives. To prepare for battle for the Plains, Sel Mahum built their Training Grounds south of Oren Castle, and now they train their warriors under the strictest discipline.


In Freya update location Skyshadow Meadow were rebuilt and became high level hunting zone. The east from Oren now populated by monsters 80+ level, also there was added quests to obtain enchant scrolls, Moirai armor and jewelry recipes.

Training Ground occupied by humanoids with average magical defence and weakness to melee attacks. Area is perfectly fits for solo players or mini-groups based on physical or magical attack. High number of monsters here are perfect for farming with AOE skills.

Location mechanics

Sel Mahum Chef is walking around the location and feeding recruits. Fire Feed with food spawns on Chef's way, to which the nearest monsters run. Well-fed monsters receive effect of Camp Fire Full Camp Fire Full Lv. 1 — their move and attack speed decreases by 30%.

Sel Mahum Training Grounds Camp Fire Full

When the effect ends, it is replaced by a weaker one Camp Fire Tired Camp Fire Tired Lv. 1 — monster's attack speed decreases by 30%.

Sel Mahum Training Grounds Camp Fire Tired

Миссии Эйнара

В центре Орена появился NPC Humanoid Einhar Van Hellscar Ruthless Hunter (Einhar Van Hellscar), который связан с новой механикой и миссиями.

Einhar Van Hellscar l2

Выполняйте новые ежедневные миссии на территории Школы Полномочий (Sel Mahum Training Ground), чтобы получить предметы, которые обмениваются у Эйнара на значительное количество опыта:

Получаемый Опыт и SP зависит от текущего уровня вашего персонажа. Максимальный бонус доступен для персонажей 40-81 уровней, после 81-го уровня получаемые Опыт и SP значительно уменьшаются.

Жетоны можно использовать на основном классе и подклассе, можно копить, если есть необходимость.

Если проходить миссии и обменить жетоны в течение недели, то вы получите опыт, необходимый для повышения уровня с 79 до 80.

Обрати внимание!

Награду за третью миссию можно получить только при наличии Premium.

Миссия Награда

Ксель Махум - Просьба Эйнара I (Ур. 79~85) Ежедневно

Убейте 300 монстров в локации: Школа Полномочий (Sel Mahum Training Grounds) для завершения этой миссии

Список целей

Humanoid Sel Mahum Chef Lv. 82
Humanoid Sel Mahum Drill Sergeant Lv. 83
Humanoid Sel Mahum Training Officer Lv. 83
Humanoid Sel Mahum Drill Sergeant Lv. 83
Humanoid Sel Mahum Drill Sergeant Lv. 83
Humanoid Sel Mahum Escort Guard Lv. 83
Humanoid Sel Mahum Recruit Lv. 82
Humanoid Sel Mahum Soldier Lv. 83
Humanoid Sel Mahum Recruit Lv. 82
Humanoid Sel Mahum Soldier Lv. 83
Humanoid Sel Mahum Recruit Lv. 82
Humanoid Sel Mahum Soldier Lv. 83
Humanoid Sel Mahum Squad Leader Lv. 83
Humanoid Sel Mahum Squad Leader Lv. 83
Humanoid Sel Mahum Squad Leader Lv. 83

Fame Point Fame Point NG x 150
Einhar's Bronze Token Einhar's Bronze Token Common NG x 1
Ivory Coin Ivory Coin NG x 25
Personal Greater Healing Potion Personal Greater Healing Potion NG x 35
Personal Greater CP Potion Personal Greater CP Potion NG x 25
Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL Levels Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL Levels 60 minutes NG x 1

Ксель Махум - Просьба Эйнара II (Ур. 79~85) Ежедневно

Миссия доступна после прохождения: Ксель Махум - Просьба Эйнара I

Убейте 500 монстров в локации: Школа Полномочий (Sel Mahum Training Grounds) для завершения этой миссии

Список целей

Humanoid Sel Mahum Chef Lv. 82
Humanoid Sel Mahum Drill Sergeant Lv. 83
Humanoid Sel Mahum Training Officer Lv. 83
Humanoid Sel Mahum Drill Sergeant Lv. 83
Humanoid Sel Mahum Drill Sergeant Lv. 83
Humanoid Sel Mahum Escort Guard Lv. 83
Humanoid Sel Mahum Recruit Lv. 82
Humanoid Sel Mahum Soldier Lv. 83
Humanoid Sel Mahum Recruit Lv. 82
Humanoid Sel Mahum Soldier Lv. 83
Humanoid Sel Mahum Recruit Lv. 82
Humanoid Sel Mahum Soldier Lv. 83
Humanoid Sel Mahum Squad Leader Lv. 83
Humanoid Sel Mahum Squad Leader Lv. 83
Humanoid Sel Mahum Squad Leader Lv. 83

Fame Point Fame Point NG x 200
Einhar's Silver Token Einhar's Silver Token Common NG x 1
Ivory Coin Ivory Coin NG x 50
Personal Greater Healing Potion Personal Greater Healing Potion NG x 50
Personal Greater CP Potion Personal Greater CP Potion NG x 35
Giant's Codex Giant's Codex NG x 1

Ксель Махум - Просьба Эйнара III (Ур. 79~85) Ежедневно
Требуется Premium

Миссия доступна после прохождения: Ксель Махум - Просьба Эйнара II

Убейте 1000 монстров в локации: Школа Полномочий (Sel Mahum Training Grounds) для завершения этой миссии

Список целей

Humanoid Sel Mahum Chef Lv. 82
Humanoid Sel Mahum Drill Sergeant Lv. 83
Humanoid Sel Mahum Training Officer Lv. 83
Humanoid Sel Mahum Drill Sergeant Lv. 83
Humanoid Sel Mahum Drill Sergeant Lv. 83
Humanoid Sel Mahum Escort Guard Lv. 83
Humanoid Sel Mahum Recruit Lv. 82
Humanoid Sel Mahum Soldier Lv. 83
Humanoid Sel Mahum Recruit Lv. 82
Humanoid Sel Mahum Soldier Lv. 83
Humanoid Sel Mahum Recruit Lv. 82
Humanoid Sel Mahum Soldier Lv. 83
Humanoid Sel Mahum Squad Leader Lv. 83
Humanoid Sel Mahum Squad Leader Lv. 83
Humanoid Sel Mahum Squad Leader Lv. 83

Fame Point Fame Point NG x 200
Einhar's Gold Token Einhar's Gold Token Common NG x 1
Ivory Coin Ivory Coin NG x 75
Personal Greater Healing Potion Personal Greater Healing Potion NG x 50
Personal Greater CP Potion Personal Greater CP Potion NG x 50
Giant's Codex - Mastery Giant's Codex - Mastery NG x 1


Humanoid Sel Mahum Chef Lv. 82

HP 57 000 MP 7 930
P.Atk. 7 953 M.Atk. 5 856
P.Def. 1 044 M.Def. 980
EXP 200 285 SP 20 520
Attack Attribute Fire, 300 Defence Attribute

Fire, 170

Water, 170

Wind, 170

Earth, 170

Holy, 170

Unholy, 170

Sel Mahum Chef l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Humanoid Sel Mahum Escort Guard Lv. 83

HP 39 999 MP 7 930
P.Atk. 8 000 M.Atk. 5 925
P.Def. 1 050 M.Def. 986
EXP 144 000 SP 14 400
Attack Attribute Fire, 250 Defence Attribute

Fire, 170

Water, 170

Wind, 170

Earth, 170

Holy, 170

Unholy, 170

Sel Mahum Escort Guard l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Humanoid Sel Mahum Recruit Lv. 82

HP 17 500 MP 7 930
P.Atk. 4 673 M.Atk. 3 756
P.Def. 646 M.Def. 750
EXP 51 243 SP 5 200
Attack Attribute Water, 250 Defence Attribute

Fire, 170

Water, 170

Wind, 170

Earth, 170

Holy, 170

Unholy, 170

Sel Mahum Recruit l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Humanoid Sel Mahum Recruit Lv. 82

HP 17 500 MP 7 930
P.Atk. 4 673 M.Atk. 3 756
P.Def. 646 M.Def. 750
EXP 51 243 SP 5 200
Attack Attribute Earth, 250 Defence Attribute

Fire, 170

Water, 170

Wind, 170

Earth, 170

Holy, 170

Unholy, 170

Sel Mahum Recruit l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Humanoid Sel Mahum Recruit Lv. 82

HP 17 500 MP 7 930
P.Atk. 4 673 M.Atk. 3 756
P.Def. 646 M.Def. 750
EXP 51 243 SP 5 200
Attack Attribute Water, 250 Defence Attribute

Fire, 170

Water, 170

Wind, 170

Earth, 170

Holy, 170

Unholy, 170

Sel Mahum Recruit l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Humanoid Sel Mahum Squad Leader Lv. 83

HP 29 500 MP 7 930
P.Atk. 5 400 M.Atk. 4 450
P.Def. 650 M.Def. 754
EXP 106 200 SP 10 620
Attack Attribute Earth, 250 Defence Attribute

Fire, 170

Water, 170

Wind, 170

Earth, 170

Holy, 170

Unholy, 170

Sel Mahum Squad Leader l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Humanoid Sel Mahum Squad Leader Lv. 83

HP 29 500 MP 7 930
P.Atk. 5 400 M.Atk. 4 450
P.Def. 650 M.Def. 754
EXP 106 200 SP 10 620
Attack Attribute Fire, 250 Defence Attribute

Fire, 170

Water, 170

Wind, 170

Earth, 170

Holy, 170

Unholy, 170

Sel Mahum Squad Leader l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Humanoid Sel Mahum Squad Leader Lv. 83

HP 29 500 MP 7 930
P.Atk. 5 400 M.Atk. 4 450
P.Def. 650 M.Def. 754
EXP 106 200 SP 10 620
Attack Attribute Water, 250 Defence Attribute

Fire, 170

Water, 170

Wind, 170

Earth, 170

Holy, 170

Unholy, 170

Sel Mahum Squad Leader l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Humanoid Sel Mahum Soldier Lv. 83

HP 19 300 MP 7 930
P.Atk. 4 906 M.Atk. 3 994
P.Def. 650 M.Def. 754
EXP 57 900 SP 5 790
Attack Attribute Wind, 250 Defence Attribute

Fire, 170

Water, 170

Wind, 170

Earth, 170

Holy, 170

Unholy, 170

Sel Mahum Soldier l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Humanoid Sel Mahum Soldier Lv. 83

HP 19 300 MP 7 930
P.Atk. 4 906 M.Atk. 3 994
P.Def. 650 M.Def. 754
EXP 57 900 SP 5 790
Attack Attribute Fire, 250 Defence Attribute

Fire, 170

Water, 170

Wind, 170

Earth, 170

Holy, 170

Unholy, 170

Sel Mahum Soldier l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Humanoid Sel Mahum Soldier Lv. 83

HP 19 300 MP 7 930
P.Atk. 4 906 M.Atk. 3 994
P.Def. 650 M.Def. 754
EXP 57 900 SP 5 790
Attack Attribute Wind, 250 Defence Attribute

Fire, 170

Water, 170

Wind, 170

Earth, 170

Holy, 170

Unholy, 170

Sel Mahum Soldier l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Humanoid Sel Mahum Drill Sergeant Lv. 83

HP 38 001 MP 7 930
P.Atk. 7 224 M.Atk. 5 435
P.Def. 695 M.Def. 754
EXP 136 800 SP 13 680
Attack Attribute Fire, 250 Defence Attribute

Fire, 170

Water, 170

Wind, 170

Earth, 170

Holy, 170

Unholy, 170

Sel Mahum Drill Sergeant l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Humanoid Sel Mahum Drill Sergeant Lv. 83

HP 38 001 MP 7 930
P.Atk. 7 224 M.Atk. 5 435
P.Def. 695 M.Def. 754
EXP 136 800 SP 13 680
Attack Attribute Wind, 250 Defence Attribute

Fire, 170

Water, 170

Wind, 170

Earth, 170

Holy, 170

Unholy, 170

Sel Mahum Drill Sergeant l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Humanoid Sel Mahum Drill Sergeant Lv. 83

HP 38 001 MP 7 930
P.Atk. 7 224 M.Atk. 5 435
P.Def. 695 M.Def. 754
EXP 136 800 SP 13 680
Attack Attribute Earth, 250 Defence Attribute

Fire, 170

Water, 170

Wind, 170

Earth, 170

Holy, 170

Unholy, 170

Sel Mahum Drill Sergeant l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Humanoid Sel Mahum Training Officer Lv. 83

HP 41 401 MP 7 930
P.Atk. 8 000 M.Atk. 5 925
P.Def. 781 M.Def. 818
EXP 150 578 SP 15 680
Attack Attribute Water, 250 Defence Attribute

Fire, 170

Water, 170

Wind, 170

Earth, 170

Holy, 170

Unholy, 170

Sel Mahum Training Officer l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Related quests

It Smells Delicious! (82+)

Starting NPC Human Stan Guard
Level 82 ~ 85
Type One-time
Exp Exp NG x 716 238
SP SP NG x 78 324
Adena Adena NG x 147 656
Opens access to quests

No More Soup For You

Rumble in the Base

Stan l2

It Smells Delicious! quest guide

1. Talk to NPC Human Stan Guard near Oren southern gate.

2. Go to the Sel Mahum Training Grounds, located east of Oren. Hunt monsters

Humanoid Sel Mahum Chef Lv. 82
Humanoid Sel Mahum Squad Leader Lv. 83
Humanoid Sel Mahum Squad Leader Lv. 83
Humanoid Sel Mahum Squad Leader Lv. 83

until you get

5 Sel Mahum Cookbook Page Sel Mahum Cookbook Page NG
10 Sel Mahum Diary Sel Mahum Diary NG

3. Return to Human Stan Guard and give him obtained items to finish quest and receive the reward.

Rumble in the Base (82+)

Starting NPC Human Stan Guard
Level 82 ~ 85
Type Repeatable
Exp Exp NG x 224 784
SP SP NG x 342 528
Pre-quest required It Smells Delicious!
Stan l2

Rumble in the Base quest guide

1. Talk to NPC Human Stan Guard near Oren southern gate.

2. Go to the Sel Mahum Training Grounds, located east of Oren. Hunt monsters

Humanoid Sel Mahum Drill Sergeant Lv. 83
Humanoid Sel Mahum Recruit Lv. 82
Humanoid Sel Mahum Soldier Lv. 83

until you get

5 Shiny Salmon Shiny Salmon NG
10 Shoes String of Sel Mahum Shoes String of Sel Mahum NG

3. Return to Human Stan Guard and give him obtained items to finish quest and receive the reward.

No Secrets (82+)

Starting NPC Human Pinaps Guard
Level 82 ~ 85
Type One-time
Exp Exp NG x 56 787
SP SP NG x 160 578
Adena Adena NG x 313 355
Opens access to quest Threat Removal
Pinaps l2

No Secrets quest guide

1. Talk to NPC Human Pinaps Guard near Oren southern gate.

2. Go to the Sel Mahum Training Grounds, located east of Oren. Hunt monsters

Humanoid Sel Mahum Drill Sergeant Lv. 83
Humanoid Sel Mahum Recruit Lv. 82
Humanoid Sel Mahum Soldier Lv. 83

until you get

5 Sel Mahum Training Timetable Sel Mahum Training Timetable NG
10 Sel Mahum Training Diary Sel Mahum Training Diary NG

3. Return to Human Pinaps Guard and give him obtained items to finish quest and receive the reward.

Threat Removal (82+)

Starting NPC Human Pinaps Guard
Level 82 ~ 85
Type Repeatable
Reward (random)
Pre-quest required No Secrets
Pinaps l2

Threat Removal quest guide

1. Talk to NPC Human Pinaps Guard near Oren southern gate.

2. Go to the Sel Mahum Training Grounds, located east of Oren. Hunt monsters

Humanoid Sel Mahum Training Officer Lv. 83
Humanoid Sel Mahum Drill Sergeant Lv. 83
Humanoid Sel Mahum Recruit Lv. 82
Humanoid Sel Mahum Soldier Lv. 83

for killing monsters you will receive Sel Mahum ID Tag Sel Mahum ID Tag NG

3. Collect 400 and return to Human Pinaps Guard . Talk to him and receive random reward.

Quest for Moirai recipes

No More Soup For You quest guide

Starting NPC Human Stan Guard
Level 82 ~ 85
Type One-time (continuable)
Reward Moirai jewelry and armor recipes (60%) of choice
Pre-quest required It Smells Delicious!

1. Talk to NPC Human Stan Guard near Oren southern gate. Stan will give you 500 Foul Fruit Foul Fruit NG , to poison Sel Mahum food.

2. Go to the Sel Mahum Training Grounds, located east of Oren. Find Humanoid Sel Mahum Chef Lv. 82 and follow him.

Sel Mahum Chef Foul Fruit l2

When a pot with food appears next to the Chef, monsters will sit near the fire.

Humanoid Sel Mahum Squad Leader Lv. 83
Humanoid Sel Mahum Squad Leader Lv. 83
Humanoid Sel Mahum Squad Leader Lv. 83
Humanoid Sel Mahum Escort Guard Lv. 83

At this moment target the pot and use Foul Fruit Foul Fruit NG .

Monsters near poisoned pot will receive effect of Soup of Failure Soup of Failure Lv. 1 ( Atk. Spd. increases by 20% and HP decreases 0.5% per second..

For killing monsters with that effect you will receive Full Barrel of Soup Full Barrel of Soup NG with 80% chance.

For killing monsters without the effect you will receive Empty Soup Barrel Empty Soup Barrel NG with 50% chance.

3. After you collect enough Barrels, return to Human Stan Guard . He will trade 2 empty barrels for 1 full. Full Barrels can be exchanged for:


Full Barrel of Soup Full Barrel of Soup NG
Recipe - Sealed Moirai Breastplate (60%) Recipe - Sealed Moirai Breastplate (60%) NG
Recipe - Sealed Moirai Gaiter (60%) Recipe - Sealed Moirai Gaiter (60%) NG
Recipe - Sealed Moirai Helmet (60%) Recipe - Sealed Moirai Helmet (60%) NG
Recipe - Sealed Moirai Gauntlets (60%) Recipe - Sealed Moirai Gauntlets (60%) NG
Recipe - Sealed Moirai Boots (60%) Recipe - Sealed Moirai Boots (60%) NG
Recipe - Sealed Moirai Leather Breastplate (60%) Recipe - Sealed Moirai Leather Breastplate (60%) NG
Recipe - Sealed Moirai Leather Legging (60%) Recipe - Sealed Moirai Leather Legging (60%) NG
Recipe - Sealed Moirai Leather Helmet(60%) Recipe - Sealed Moirai Leather Helmet(60%) NG
Recipe - Sealed Moirai Leather Gloves (60%) Recipe - Sealed Moirai Leather Gloves (60%) NG
Recipe - Sealed Moirai Leather Boots (60%) Recipe - Sealed Moirai Leather Boots (60%) NG
Recipe - Sealed Moirai Tunic (60%) Recipe - Sealed Moirai Tunic (60%) NG
Recipe - Sealed Moirai Stockings (60%) Recipe - Sealed Moirai Stockings (60%) NG
Recipe - Sealed Moirai Circlet (60%) Recipe - Sealed Moirai Circlet (60%) NG
Recipe - Sealed Moirai Gloves (60%) Recipe - Sealed Moirai Gloves (60%) NG
Recipe - Sealed Moirai Shoes (60%) Recipe - Sealed Moirai Shoes (60%) NG
Recipe - Sealed Moirai Sigil (60%) Recipe - Sealed Moirai Sigil (60%) NG
Recipe - Sealed Moirai Shield (60%) Recipe - Sealed Moirai Shield (60%) NG
Sealed Moirai Breastplate Piece Sealed Moirai Breastplate Piece NG
Sealed Moirai Gaiter Piece Sealed Moirai Gaiter Piece NG
Sealed Moirai Helmet Piece Sealed Moirai Helmet Piece NG
Sealed Moirai Gauntlets Piece Sealed Moirai Gauntlets Piece NG
Sealed Moirai Boots Piece Sealed Moirai Boots Piece NG
Sealed Moirai Leather Breastplate Piece Sealed Moirai Leather Breastplate Piece NG
Sealed Moirai Leather Legging Piece Sealed Moirai Leather Legging Piece NG
Sealed Moirai Leather Helmet Piece Sealed Moirai Leather Helmet Piece NG
Sealed Moirai Leather Gloves Piece Sealed Moirai Leather Gloves Piece NG
Sealed Moirai Leather Boots Piece Sealed Moirai Leather Boots Piece NG
Sealed Moirai Tunic Piece Sealed Moirai Tunic Piece NG
Sealed Moirai Stockings Piece Sealed Moirai Stockings Piece NG
Sealed Moirai Circlet Piece Sealed Moirai Circlet Piece NG
Sealed Moirai Gloves Piece Sealed Moirai Gloves Piece NG
Sealed Moirai Shoes Piece Sealed Moirai Shoes Piece NG
Sealed Moirai Sigil Piece Sealed Moirai Sigil Piece NG
Sealed Moirai Shield Piece Sealed Moirai Shield Piece NG
Full Barrel of Soup Full Barrel of Soup NG


Adena Adena NG (x5,000)
Empty Soup Barrel Empty Soup Barrel NG (x2)


Locations Location Keeper Ankou , Update: Hellbound: Desert Quarry (78-85) , Hellbound: Epidos , Giant's Cave (78-85) , Update: Hellbound. Anomic Foundry (78~85) , Game Event: King of the Hill , Den of Evil. High Five , Field of Silence and Whispers. High Five , Mithril Mines. High Five update , Crypts of Disgrace. Epilogue/High Five , Sel Mahum Training Grounds (80-85) , Plains of the Lizardmen (80-85) , Monastery of Silence (80-85) , Beast Farm (80-85) , Dragon Valley (80-85) , Seed of Annihilation (76-85) , Update: The Forbidden Gateway Eternal (80-85) , Update: Pavel Ruins and Archaic Laboratory Eternal (80-85) , Update: Mithril Mines Eternal (80-85) , Primeval Isle: stages improvement , Forge of the Gods: stages improvement , Dragon Valley. Lord Ishka , Isle of Prayer and Chromatic Highlands (74-83) , New: Fairy Settlement (78-85) , New: Hatoum Settlement (66-74) , Update: Crypts Of Disgrace (78-85) , Pavel Ruins and Archaic Laboratory. High Five , Update: Antharas Lair (84-85) , Mid Company on Masterwork , Update: Pagan Temple (78-83) , Seed of Destruction. Attribute collection , Iris Lake. Eternal update , Obelisk of Victory. Eternal update , School of Dark Arts. Eternal update , Raider’s Crossroads. Eternal update , Eastern Mining Zone. Eternal update , Nornil Cave. Eternal update , Update: Crypts of Disgrace (32-36) , Update: Grave Robber Hideout (40-50) , Update: Den of Evil (47-57) , Update: Carons Dungeon (56-64) , Update: Archaic Laboratory (60-65) , New: Mimirs Forest (75-80) , New: Dareon’s Doom Halls (78-85)