Isle of Prayer and Chromatic Highlands (74-83)

Isle of Prayer and Chromatic Highlands update l2


Isle of Prayer and Chromatic Highlands was significantly rebuild to increase their exping and attribute farming attractiveness:

  • Number of monsters increased
  • EXP and SP gained amount increased
  • New spots added at both zones
  • Added new path to Chromatic Highland
  • Added new passive quest to obtain S-grade gear
  • Added new club teleport spot to Chromatic Highland:
    • Chromatics Highlands - I (original teleport)
    • Chromatics Highlands - II (new teleport)

Location mechanics

Defencive mechanic at Isle of Prayer "no more the three people" do not allow players to farm in big groups.

In basic game, if your party have more than 3 players, and you kill monsters, you will be attacked by very strong location guards — Beast Witch Warder Lv. 79 . On Masterwork realms safe number of party members increased to 5 players.

At Chromatic Highlands that mechanics doesn't work.

Witch Warder l2

Masterwork team improved dragon spawn mechanics at Chromatic Highlands for better farming and exping at the location.

At whole Chromatic Highlands territory Dragon Dark Water Dragon Lv. 82 lives. On their own dragons are not very interesting, but their guards, monsters Demonic Shade Lv. 82 , drops Earth Stone Earth Stone NG . After they die Dragon Fafurion Kindred Lv. 82 spawns same as 4 monsters Demonic Water Dragon Detractor Lv. 82 .

Dark Water Dragon, Shade l2
Fafurion Kindred, Water Dragon Detractor l2

Fafurion Kindred keeps no loot, but while he's alive, dragons will spawn next to him, that allows efficient exping for full party. Besides that dragon drops Wind Stone Wind Stone NG .

Fafurion Kindred has 2 traits:

Dragons will attack Kindred, you have to protect him by healing with Spirit of the Lake Spirit of the Lake NG , that drops from Demonic Water Dragon Detractor Lv. 82 . At any moment Fafurion Kindred disappears, and you have to find a new victim.

In the original game Dragon Fafurion Kindred Lv. 82 appears at spawn Dragon Dark Water Dragon Lv. 82 , not at death location, that makes farming less comfortable.

Pay attention!

On Masterwork this mechanics changed — Fafurion Kindred spawns at Dark Water Dragon death point, if he was killed inside his area. Otherwise, will appear at original spawn, same as before. Although his living time increased.

Demonic Water Dragon Detractor Lv. 82 stats and acquired experience increased.

New quest

At Isle of Prayer and Chromatic Highlands was released new passive quest. You don't need to accept it to start completing.

All monsters on the island drops Blue Seed of Evil Blue Seed of Evil NG and Black Seed of Evil Black Seed of Evil NG . It doesn't pick up automatically, and stay highlighted on the ground to make it possible to distinguish from common loot.

Pay attention!

Blue Seed of Evil Blue Seed of Evil NG and Black Seed of Evil Black Seed of Evil NG can't be traded! Collect it only by one character.

Our support will not transfer items between characters.

Bring collected items to Parnassus flying castle, located in the middle of the island. Path to the castle begins in the northern part of the lake. On Parnassus you will meet Elf Liriel Wavecrest , which will ask you to clear the island of the Seeds of Evil and offer a reward for them:

Parnassus l2
Liriel Wavecrest l2


At Isle of Prayer and Chromatic Highlands next missions can be completed:


Isle of Prayer

Animal Island Guardian Lv. 78

HP 8 295 MP 1 961
P.Atk. 3 568 M.Atk. 2 760
P.Def. 662 M.Def. 598
EXP 28 473 SP 2 847
Attack Attribute Water, 75 Defence Attribute

Fire, 30

Water, 90

Wind, 60

Earth, 60

Holy, 60

Unholy, 60

Island Guardian l2
Drop, spoil and skills

Elemental White Sand Mirage Lv. 79

HP 9 480 MP 2 002
P.Atk. 3 590 M.Atk. 2 843
P.Def. 674 M.Def. 608
EXP 29 208 SP 2 920
Attack Attribute Water, 75 Defence Attribute

Fire, 30

Water, 90

Wind, 60

Earth, 60

Holy, 60

Unholy, 60

White Sand Mirage l2
Drop, spoil and skills

Elemental Muddy Coral Lv. 80

HP 13 430 MP 2 044
P.Atk. 3 824 M.Atk. 2 928
P.Def. 668 M.Def. 618
EXP 34 240 SP 3 424
Attack Attribute Water, 75 Defence Attribute

Fire, 30

Water, 90

Wind, 60

Earth, 60

Holy, 60

Unholy, 60

Muddy Coral l2
Drop, spoil and skills

Construct Kleopora Lv. 80

HP 9 796 MP 2 044
P.Atk. 3 824 M.Atk. 2 928
P.Def. 668 M.Def. 618
EXP 27 840 SP 2 784
Attack Attribute Water, 75 Defence Attribute

Fire, 30

Water, 90

Wind, 60

Earth, 60

Holy, 30

Unholy, 60

Kleopora l2
Drop, spoil and skills

Giant Seychelles Lv. 81

HP 9 322 MP 2 085
P.Atk. 4 079 M.Atk. 3 017
P.Def. 679 M.Def. 607
EXP 28 540 SP 2 854
Attack Attribute Water, 75 Defence Attribute

Fire, 20

Water, 90

Wind, 60

Earth, 60

Holy, 60

Unholy, 60

Seychelles l2
Drop, spoil and skills

Elemental Naiad Lv. 81

HP 9 243 MP 2 085
P.Atk. 4 079 M.Atk. 3 017
P.Def. 679 M.Def. 607
EXP 29 196 SP 2 919
Attack Attribute Water, 75 Defence Attribute

Fire, 40

Water, 90

Wind, 60

Earth, 60

Holy, 60

Unholy, 60

Naiad l2
Drop, spoil and skills

Beast Sonneratia Lv. 81

HP 9 796 MP 2 126
P.Atk. 4 079 M.Atk. 3 073
P.Def. 686 M.Def. 614
EXP 32 083 SP 3 208
Attack Attribute Water, 75 Defence Attribute

Fire, 40

Water, 90

Wind, 60

Earth, 60

Holy, 60

Unholy, 60

Sonneratia l2
Drop, spoil and skills

Elemental Castalia Lv. 81

HP 11 850 MP 2 126
P.Atk. 4 079 M.Atk. 3 073
P.Def. 686 M.Def. 614
EXP 31 296 SP 3 129
Attack Attribute Water, 75 Defence Attribute

Fire, 50

Water, 90

Wind, 60

Earth, 60

Holy, 40

Unholy, 60

Castalia l2
Drop, spoil and skills

Construct Chrysocolla Lv. 81

HP 11 850 MP 2 168
P.Atk. 4 079 M.Atk. 3 130
P.Def. 676 M.Def. 620
EXP 33 199 SP 3 319
Attack Attribute Water, 75 Defence Attribute

Fire, 50

Water, 90

Wind, 60

Earth, 60

Holy, 60

Unholy, 60

Chrysocolla l2
Drop, spoil and skills

Elemental Pythia Lv. 81

HP 11 850 MP 2 168
P.Atk. 4 079 M.Atk. 3 130
P.Def. 676 M.Def. 620
EXP 31 362 SP 3 136
Attack Attribute Water, 75 Defence Attribute

Fire, 50

Water, 90

Wind, 60

Earth, 60

Holy, 60

Unholy, 60

Pythia l2
Drop, spoil and skills

Chromatic Highland

Dragon Dark Water Dragon Lv. 82

HP 158 899 MP 2 168
P.Atk. 21 730 M.Atk. 7 323
P.Def. 975 M.Def. 1 296
EXP 638 780 SP 63 878
Attack Attribute Unholy, 125 Defence Attribute

Fire, 60

Water, 60

Wind, 60

Earth, 60

Holy, 30

Unholy, 90

Dark Water Dragon l2
Drop, spoil and skills

Demonic Shade Lv. 82

HP 12 640 MP 2 126
P.Atk. 4 103 M.Atk. 3 109
P.Def. 690 M.Def. 617
EXP 31 737 SP 3 174
Attack Attribute Unholy, 75 Defence Attribute

Fire, 60

Water, 60

Wind, 60

Earth, 60

Holy, 30

Unholy, 90

Shade l2
Drop, spoil and skills

Demonic Shade Lv. 82

HP 12 640 MP 2 126
P.Atk. 4 103 M.Atk. 3 109
P.Def. 690 M.Def. 617
EXP 31 737 SP 3 174
Attack Attribute Unholy, 75 Defence Attribute

Fire, 60

Water, 60

Wind, 60

Earth, 60

Holy, 30

Unholy, 90

Shade l2
Drop, spoil and skills

Demonic Water Dragon Detractor Lv. 82

HP 12 640 MP 2 126
P.Atk. 5 130 M.Atk. 3 493
P.Def. 776 M.Def. 617
EXP 141 204 SP 12 776
Attack Attribute Unholy, 95 Defence Attribute

Fire, 60

Water, 60

Wind, 60

Earth, 60

Holy, 30

Unholy, 90

Water Dragon Detractor l2
Drop, spoil and skills

Demonic Water Dragon Detractor Lv. 82

HP 12 640 MP 2 126
P.Atk. 5 438 M.Atk. 2 128
P.Def. 776 M.Def. 617
EXP 141 204 SP 12 776
Attack Attribute Unholy, 95 Defence Attribute

Fire, 60

Water, 60

Wind, 60

Earth, 60

Holy, 30

Unholy, 90

Water Dragon Detractor l2
Drop, spoil and skills



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