Dragon Valley (80-85)

After the first signs of rebellious goddess Shilien awakening Dragon Valley became more dangerous place, then it was before. Monsters, mutated under the influence of goddesses dark magic, same as new, summoned from the abyss, made exploration of the Dragon Valley extremely risky, and being here alone is a pure madness. Hunting in a Dragon Valley now is available only for well-equipped party.


In Freya update Dragon Valley was redesigned and became a high-level hunting zone. Level 80+ monsters now live in a valley. Also there was added quests for Vesper Weapons.

Monster now have high amount of HP, strong physical attack and defence. Weak magical defence makes hunting here comfortable for magical classes. Different parts of Dragon Valley suitable for hunting by small groups, or well-geared full groups with high dark resistance.

Monsters, who lives near valley entrance are Undead and Health, that gives an opportunity for brave healers to hunt solo.

Teleport from Giran to Dragon Valley was removed after the update. Now you can get to the zone from Hunters Village by NPC Undead Separated Soul .

For easy movement between different parts of the Dragon Valley and Antharas Lair ask Undead Separated Soul , who is waiting in each area.

Separated Soul l2

Unique mechanics

Herbs spoil

By using Spoil Spoil Lv. 1 and Spoil Festival Spoil Festival Lv. 1 on monsters your character with some probability will get effect of Life, Mana or Grizzly (Vitality) herbs.

Party buff

Party members, located at Dragon Valley, will receive special buff for attacking monsters. It has 3 levels, depending on a group composition.

Effect Description
Morale Boost Morale Boost Lv. 1 The persistence of the brave who fight together in Dragon Valley receive resistance to Paralysis/Bleed/Poison/Stun +50, Critical Rate +10%, and Critical Damage +10%.
Morale Boost Morale Boost Lv. 2 The persistence of the brave who fight together in Dragon Valley receive resistance to Paralysis/Bleed/Poison/Stun +80, Critical Rate +30%, critical damage +15%, P. Atk. +15%, and M. Atk. +15%.
Morale Boost Morale Boost Lv. 3 The persistence of the brave who fight together in Dragon Valley receive resistance to Paralysis/Bleed/Poison/Stun +90, Critical Rate +50%, Critical Damage +15%, P. Atk. +15%, M. Atk. +15%, Atk. Spd. +15%, Cast. Spd. +15%, and EXP bonus +20%.

Summoned bosses

For killing some monsters you can get Large Dragon Bone Large Dragon Bone NG , that can be used in a special areas to summon random raid boss.

Dragon Vortex l2
Construct Dragon Vortex locations in a Dragon Valley

Bosses are associated with quests to obtain Vesper recipes and weapons — Legendary Tales and Wings of Sand.

Dragon Emerald Horn Raid Boss Lv. 84

HP 5 925 408 MP 22 106
P.Atk. 37 273 M.Atk. 57 092
P.Def. 1 864 M.Def. 1 105
EXP 14 073 898 SP 1 903 980
Attack Attribute Earth, 300 Defence Attribute

Fire, 250

Water, 250

Wind, 220

Earth, 300

Holy, 250

Unholy, 250

Emerald Horn l2
Drop. Skills

Dragon Dust Rider Raid Boss Lv. 84

HP 5 036 598 MP 22 106
P.Atk. 41 414 M.Atk. 57 092
P.Def. 1 864 M.Def. 1 105
EXP 17 240 560 SP 2 332 370
Attack Attribute Wind, 300 Defence Attribute

Fire, 250

Water, 250

Wind, 300

Earth, 220

Holy, 250

Unholy, 250

Dust Rider l2
Drop. Skills

Dragon Bleeding Fly Raid Boss Lv. 84

HP 5 925 408 MP 22 106
P.Atk. 41 414 M.Atk. 63 435
P.Def. 1 864 M.Def. 1 105
EXP 19 351 574 SP 2 617 970
Attack Attribute Wind, 300 Defence Attribute

Fire, 250

Water, 250

Wind, 300

Earth, 220

Holy, 250

Unholy, 250

Bleeding Fly l2
Drop. Skills

Dragon Blackdagger Wing Raid Boss Lv. 84

HP 5 925 408 MP 22 106
P.Atk. 41 414 M.Atk. 50 748
P.Def. 1 864 M.Def. 1 105
EXP 21 110 846 SP 2 855 960
Attack Attribute Unholy, 300 Defence Attribute

Fire, 250

Water, 250

Wind, 250

Earth, 250

Holy, 220

Unholy, 300

Blackdagger Wing l2
Drop. Skills

Dragon Shadow Summoner Raid Boss Lv. 84

HP 5 925 408 MP 22 106
P.Atk. 37 273 M.Atk. 57 092
P.Def. 1 864 M.Def. 1 105
EXP 22 870 119 SP 3 093 960
Attack Attribute Unholy, 300 Defence Attribute

Fire, 250

Water, 250

Wind, 250

Earth, 250

Holy, 220

Unholy, 300

Shadow Summoner l2
Drop. Skills

Dragon Spike Slasher Raid Boss Lv. 84

HP 4 147 786 MP 22 106
P.Atk. 37 273 M.Atk. 50 748
P.Def. 1 864 M.Def. 1 105
EXP 24 629 321 SP 3 331 960
Attack Attribute Water, 300 Defence Attribute

Fire, 220

Water, 300

Wind, 250

Earth, 250

Holy, 250

Unholy, 250

Spike Slasher l2
Drop. Skills

Dragon Muscle Bomber Raid Boss Lv. 84

HP 5 925 408 MP 22 106
P.Atk. 49 697 M.Atk. 60 898
P.Def. 2 236 M.Def. 1 326
EXP 26 388 593 SP 3 569 950
Attack Attribute Fire, 300 Defence Attribute

Fire, 300

Water, 220

Wind, 250

Earth, 250

Holy, 250

Unholy, 250

Muscle Bomber l2
Drop. Skills


Undead Drakos Lv. 80

HP 5 198 MP 2 044
P.Atk. 1 968 M.Atk. 1 242
P.Def. 584 M.Def. 515
EXP 66 911 SP 4 436
Attack Attribute Unholy, 150 Defence Attribute

Fire, 130

Water, 130

Wind, 130

Earth, 130

Holy, 90

Unholy, 150

Drakos l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Dragon Mesmer Drake Scout Lv. 84

HP 5 756 MP 2 126
P.Atk. 2 191 M.Atk. 1 415
P.Def. 612 M.Def. 540
EXP 63 791 SP 2 971
Attack Attribute Unholy, 170 Defence Attribute

Fire, 140

Water, 140

Wind, 140

Earth, 140

Holy, 100

Unholy, 180

Mesmer Drake l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Dragon Drakos Warrior Lv. 84

HP 29 600 MP 2 168
P.Atk. 21 275 M.Atk. 13 742
P.Def. 986 M.Def. 1 312
EXP 469 932 SP 72 928
Attack Attribute Fire, 200 Defence Attribute

Fire, 200

Water, 140

Wind, 170

Earth, 170

Holy, 170

Unholy, 170

Drakos Warrior l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Undead Drakos Assassin Lv. 84

HP 29 600 MP 2 168
P.Atk. 21 275 M.Atk. 13 742
P.Def. 986 M.Def. 1 312
EXP 338 797 SP 39 772
Attack Attribute Fire, 200 Defence Attribute

Fire, 200

Water, 140

Wind, 170

Earth, 170

Holy, 170

Unholy, 170

Drakos Assassin l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Dragon Drakos Guardian Lv. 84

HP 29 522 MP 2 211
P.Atk. 21 359 M.Atk. 13 796
P.Def. 894 M.Def. 1 326
EXP 573 021 SP 58 196
Attack Attribute Fire, 220 Defence Attribute

Fire, 220

Water, 150

Wind, 180

Earth, 180

Holy, 180

Unholy, 180

Drakos Guardian l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Bug Giant Scorpion Bones Lv. 84

HP 88 801 MP 2 168
P.Atk. 22 089 M.Atk. 15 436
P.Def. 986 M.Def. 1 312
EXP 506 046 SP 53 357
Attack Attribute Unholy, 200 Defence Attribute

Fire, 170

Water, 170

Wind, 170

Earth, 170

Holy, 140

Unholy, 200

Giant Scorpion Bones l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Bug Scorpion Bones Lv. 84

HP 29 600 MP 2 168
P.Atk. 21 275 M.Atk. 13 742
P.Def. 986 M.Def. 1 312
EXP 293 845 SP 29 496
Attack Attribute Unholy, 200 Defence Attribute

Fire, 170

Water, 170

Wind, 170

Earth, 170

Holy, 140

Unholy, 200

Scorpion Bones l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Dragon Batwing Drake Lv. 84

HP 88 567 MP 2 211
P.Atk. 23 546 M.Atk. 16 208
P.Def. 997 M.Def. 1 326
EXP 529 072 SP 56 448
Attack Attribute Wind, 220 Defence Attribute

Fire, 180

Water, 180

Wind, 220

Earth, 150

Holy, 180

Unholy, 180

Batwing Drake l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Bug Parasitic Leech Lv. 84

HP 29 600 MP 2 168
P.Atk. 21 275 M.Atk. 13 742
P.Def. 986 M.Def. 1 312
EXP 294 925 SP 29 610
Attack Attribute Water, 200 Defence Attribute

Fire, 140

Water, 200

Wind, 170

Earth, 170

Holy, 170

Unholy, 170

Parasitic Leech l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Dragon Emerald Drake Lv. 84

HP 89 117 MP 2 126
P.Atk. 21 321 M.Atk. 14 701
P.Def. 975 M.Def. 1 296
EXP 524 838 SP 54 691
Attack Attribute Earth, 200 Defence Attribute

Fire, 170

Water, 170

Wind, 140

Earth, 200

Holy, 170

Unholy, 170

Emerald Drake l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Dragon Gem Dragon Lv. 84

HP 29 600 MP 2 168
P.Atk. 21 275 M.Atk. 13 742
P.Def. 986 M.Def. 1 312
EXP 349 231 SP 49 384
Attack Attribute Water, 200 Defence Attribute

Fire, 140

Water, 200

Wind, 170

Earth, 170

Holy, 170

Unholy, 170

Gem Dragon l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Dragon Dragon Tracker of the Valley Tracker Lv. 84

HP 88 801 MP 2 168
P.Atk. 22 089 M.Atk. 15 436
P.Def. 986 M.Def. 1 312
EXP 607 451 SP 64 049
Attack Attribute Water, 200 Defence Attribute

Fire, 140

Water, 200

Wind, 170

Earth, 170

Holy, 170

Unholy, 170

Dragon Tracker of the Valley l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Dragon Dragon Scout of the Valley Scout Lv. 84

HP 88 801 MP 2 168
P.Atk. 22 089 M.Atk. 15 436
P.Def. 986 M.Def. 1 312
EXP 596 229 SP 62 866
Attack Attribute Water, 200 Defence Attribute

Fire, 140

Water, 200

Wind, 170

Earth, 170

Holy, 170

Unholy, 170

Dragon Scout of the Valley l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Dragon Sand Drake Tracker Tracker Lv. 84

HP 88 801 MP 2 168
P.Atk. 22 089 M.Atk. 15 436
P.Def. 986 M.Def. 1 312
EXP 634 396 SP 66 891
Attack Attribute Wind, 220 Defence Attribute

Fire, 180

Water, 180

Wind, 220

Earth, 150

Holy, 180

Unholy, 180

Sand Drake Tracker l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Dragon Dust Dragon Tracker Tracker Lv. 84

HP 88 567 MP 2 211
P.Atk. 23 546 M.Atk. 16 208
P.Def. 997 M.Def. 1 326
EXP 644 701 SP 68 785
Attack Attribute Wind, 220 Defence Attribute

Fire, 180

Water, 180

Wind, 220

Earth, 150

Holy, 180

Unholy, 180

Dust Dragon Tracker l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Undead Necromancer of the Valley Lv. 84

HP 5 756 MP 2 126
P.Atk. 2 191 M.Atk. 1 415
P.Def. 612 M.Def. 540
EXP 28 307 SP 2 949
Attack Attribute Unholy, 170 Defence Attribute

Fire, 140

Water, 140

Wind, 140

Earth, 140

Holy, 100

Unholy, 180

Necromancer of the Valley l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Beast Howl Tracker Lv. 81

HP 5 470 MP 2 085
P.Atk. 2 065 M.Atk. 1 311
P.Def. 594 M.Def. 525
EXP 27 410 SP 3 036
Attack Attribute Fire, 170 Defence Attribute

Fire, 180

Water, 100

Wind, 140

Earth, 140

Holy, 140

Unholy, 140

Howl l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Bug Hungry Parasitic Leech Lv. 84

HP 29 706 MP 2 126
P.Atk. 21 191 M.Atk. 13 687
P.Def. 906 M.Def. 1 296
EXP 303 661 SP 30 117
Attack Attribute Water, 200 Defence Attribute

Fire, 140

Water, 200

Wind, 170

Earth, 170

Holy, 170

Unholy, 170

Hungry Parasitic Leech l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Bug Hard Scorpion Bones Lv. 84

HP 88 801 MP 2 168
P.Atk. 22 089 M.Atk. 15 436
P.Def. 986 M.Def. 1 312
EXP 498 237 SP 52 534
Attack Attribute Unholy, 200 Defence Attribute

Fire, 170

Water, 170

Wind, 170

Earth, 170

Holy, 140

Unholy, 200

Hard Scorpion Bones l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Dragon Drakos Hunter Lv. 84

HP 29 600 MP 2 168
P.Atk. 21 275 M.Atk. 13 742
P.Def. 986 M.Def. 1 312
EXP 420 651 SP 42 195
Attack Attribute Fire, 200 Defence Attribute

Fire, 200

Water, 140

Wind, 170

Earth, 170

Holy, 170

Unholy, 170

Drakos Hunter l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Dragon Magma Drake Mother Lv. 84

HP 6 061 MP 2 168
P.Atk. 2 282 M.Atk. 1 474
P.Def. 619 M.Def. 547
EXP 2 048 124 SP 216 237
Attack Attribute Fire, 200 Defence Attribute

Fire, 200

Water, 140

Wind, 170

Earth, 170

Holy, 170

Unholy, 170

Magma Drake Mother l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Dragon Magma Drake Hatchling Lv. 84

HP 6 061 MP 2 168
P.Atk. 2 282 M.Atk. 1 474
P.Def. 619 M.Def. 547
EXP 768 046 SP 81 089
Attack Attribute Fire, 200 Defence Attribute

Fire, 200

Water, 140

Wind, 170

Earth, 170

Holy, 170

Unholy, 170

Magma Drake Hatchling l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Dragon Gem Dragon Hatchling Lv. 84

HP 6 061 MP 2 168
P.Atk. 2 282 M.Atk. 1 474
P.Def. 619 M.Def. 547
EXP 1 024 058 SP 108 118
Attack Attribute Water, 200 Defence Attribute

Fire, 140

Water, 200

Wind, 170

Earth, 170

Holy, 170

Unholy, 170

Gem Dragon Hatchling l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Related quests

Tired of Waiting (80+)

Isael Silvershadow l2

Tired of Waiting quest guide

1. Talk to NPC Human Isael Silvershadow on a square in the Hunters Village .

2. Go to the Dragon Valley center and talk to Dwarf Kitzka Valley Trader .

Choose your reward:

Land Dragon Conqueror (83+)

Starting NPC Undead Theodric Antharas Watchman
Level 83 ~ 85
Type One-time
Exp Exp NG x 702 557
SP SP NG x 76 334
Adena Adena NG x 131 236

To take the quest you need to have Portal Stone Portal Stone NG in your inventory.

Portal Stone can be obtained:

Antharas Watchman Theodric l2

Land Dragon Conqueror quest guide

1. Talk to NPC Undead Theodric Antharas Watchman in front of Antharas' Lair entrance.

2. Follow to Antharas' Lair and defeat Dragon Antharas Son of Earth Lv. 85 . After dragon dies, you will receive Miracle Necklace Miracle Necklace NG as proof of your feat.

3. Return to Undead Theodric Antharas Watchman . Talk to him and receive the reward.

Jewel of Antharas (84+)

Starting NPC Undead Theodric Antharas Watchman
Level 84 ~ 85
Type One-time
Reward Jewel of Antharas Jewel of Antharas NG Mysterious jewel that teleports you to the entrance to Antharas' Lair. Cooldown is 60 min.

To take the quest you need to have Portal Stone Portal Stone NG in your inventory.

Portal Stone can be obtained:

Antharas Watchman Theodric l2

Jewel of Antharas quest guide

1. Talk to NPC Undead Theodric Antharas Watchman in front of Antharas' Lair entrance.

2. Follow to Antharas' Lair and defeat Dragon Antharas Son of Earth Lv. 85 . After dragon dies, you will receive Filled Crystal (Antharas Energy) Filled Crystal (Antharas Energy) NG .

3. Return to Undead Theodric Antharas Watchman . Talk to him and receive the reward.

The Call of Antharas (83+)

Starting NPC Undead Theodric Antharas Watchman
Level 83 ~ 85
Type Daily
Reward Scroll: Antharas Call Scroll: Antharas Call NG Disposable scroll, teleporting you to the entrance to Antharas' Lair

To take the quest you need to have Portal Stone Portal Stone NG in your inventory.

Portal Stone can be obtained:

Antharas Watchman Theodric l2

The Call of Antharas quest guide

1. Talk to NPC Undead Theodric Antharas Watchman in front of Antharas' Lair entrance.

2. Go to Antharas lair and hunt

Dragon Tarask Dragon Lv. 79
Dragon Behemoth Dragon Lv. 79

until you get

Tarask Dragon's Leather Fragment Tarask Dragon's Leather Fragment NG
Behemoth Dragon Leather Behemoth Dragon Leather NG

3. Return to Undead Theodric Antharas Watchman . Talk to him and receive the reward.

Vesper quests

Legendary Tales (80+)

Starting NPC Undead Gilmore Antharas Watchman
Level 80 ~ 85
Type One-time
Reward Vesper weapon of choice
Antharas Watchman Gilmore l2

Legendary Tales quest guide

1. Talk to NPC Undead Gilmore Antharas Watchman near the Dragon Valley entrance.

2. Go to the Dragon Valley and find Construct Dragon Vortex .

Use Large Dragon Bone Large Dragon Bone NG , to summon one of the raid bosses (random):

For killing boss you will get Large Dragon Skull Large Dragon Skull NG . Collect a bone from each of 7 bosses.

3. After required number of bones reached, return to Undead Gilmore Antharas Watchman . Talk to him to finish quest and choose the reward:

Wings of Sand (80+)

Starting NPC Undead Separated Soul
Level 80 ~ 85
Type Daily
Reward (random)
Vesper weapon recipes
Vesper armor recipes
Vesper jewelry recipes
Vesper weapon parts
Vesper armor parts
Vesper jewelry parts
Attribute crystals
Separated Soul l2

Wings of Sand quest guide

1. Talk to NPC Undead Separated Soul in a Hunters Village.

2. Go to Dragon Valley and find Construct Dragon Vortex .

Use Large Dragon Bone Large Dragon Bone NG , to summon one of raid bosses (randomly):

For killing boss you will get Large Baby Dragon Large Baby Dragon NG .

3. Collect teeth and return to Undead Separated Soul in a Hunter Village. Talk to him to receive random reward:

  • For 1 tooth — 1 random item from the list
  • For 2 teeth — 2 random items from the list
Reward list



Locations Location Keeper Ankou , Update: Hellbound: Desert Quarry (78-85) , Hellbound: Epidos , Giant's Cave (78-85) , Update: Hellbound. Anomic Foundry (78~85) , Game Event: King of the Hill , Den of Evil. High Five , Field of Silence and Whispers. High Five , Mithril Mines. High Five update , Crypts of Disgrace. Epilogue/High Five , Sel Mahum Training Grounds (80-85) , Plains of the Lizardmen (80-85) , Monastery of Silence (80-85) , Beast Farm (80-85) , Dragon Valley (80-85) , Seed of Annihilation (76-85) , Update: The Forbidden Gateway Eternal (80-85) , Update: Pavel Ruins and Archaic Laboratory Eternal (80-85) , Update: Mithril Mines Eternal (80-85) , Primeval Isle: stages improvement , Forge of the Gods: stages improvement , Dragon Valley. Lord Ishka , Isle of Prayer and Chromatic Highlands (74-83) , New: Fairy Settlement (78-85) , New: Hatoum Settlement (66-74) , Update: Crypts Of Disgrace (78-85) , Pavel Ruins and Archaic Laboratory. High Five , Update: Antharas Lair (84-85) , Mid Company on Masterwork , Update: Pagan Temple (78-83) , Seed of Destruction. Attribute collection , Iris Lake. Eternal update , Obelisk of Victory. Eternal update , School of Dark Arts. Eternal update , Raider’s Crossroads. Eternal update , Eastern Mining Zone. Eternal update , Nornil Cave. Eternal update , Update: Crypts of Disgrace (32-36) , Update: Grave Robber Hideout (40-50) , Update: Den of Evil (47-57) , Update: Carons Dungeon (56-64) , Update: Archaic Laboratory (60-65) , New: Mimirs Forest (75-80) , New: Dareon’s Doom Halls (78-85)