New: Dareon’s Doom Halls (78~85)

...Darion wanted to gain control of the chaos crystallization and the core of Naia to present them to his master, the demon king. However, due to the contract, he could not openly challenge Beleth. Instead, he began to lure the gravediggers to his side, promising to return them to human form.

In the end, many accepted the offer, became spies, and passed on information about Beleth's secrets to Darion. Their stronghold became the dungeons of the Steel Citadel, called the Darion’s Doom Halls...

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The MasterWork team strives to diversify the gameplay and make each player fully enjoy the gaming process.

When creating new locations or reworking existing ones, the developers strive to balance the location's content and accessibility. MasterWork locations are not the only ones, but at the same time, there is something to fight for in each location.

In the fourth season of Masterwork, Darion's Doom Halls location appeared in the beta version. The fifth season enhances the location with updated areas, improved spots, monsters respawn, new models, animations, and skills.

The location is focused on group play in small and full physical or magical groups. The reward for conquering is a large amount of Experience, attribute stones, blessed enchant scrolls, valuable materials, whole items and parts of S-grade gear.

Location Features

Main features of Darion’s Doom Halls:

MasterWork Eternal

  • Monsters appear only during prime time from 18:00 to 00:00 server time (UTC+2)

MasterWork 2024

  • Monsters are in the location all the time
  • The location territory is a PvP zone. Killing another player does not grant PK status


The entrance to the new location is on Hellbound, in the Battered Lands.

Stone arches have appeared on the upper and lower spots with chimeras — the entrances to the upper and lower Darion’s Doom Halls.

Dareon’s Doom Halls entrance l2


The location is a grid of underground halls divided by walls and partitions. Each "room" contains a small group of monsters with strength comparable to chimeras. This design makes it suitable for efficient farming with groups of any composition.

Dareon’s Doom Halls l2
Darion's Doom Halls Lower Level Map
Dareon’s Doom Halls low level map l2
Darion's Doom Halls Top Level Map
Dareon’s Doom Halls top level map l2


Beleth’s Nightmarionette l2

In the Darion's Doom Halls you can meet a Unique Monster, the guardian of the location — Demonic Beleth’s Nightmarionette Weaver of Nightmares Lv. 83 .

Respawn time - 60 minutes.

The battle against her is more challenging than facing a regular raid boss, as the guardian actively uses skills and forces players to dance. Additionally, she provides an opportunity to level up Soul Crystals (SA) to level 14.


In the location, all characters receive a negative effect Heat of Desert Heat of Desert Lv. 1 , which greatly reduces their health level.

To protect against the debuff, buy a special item from NPC Humanoid Hude Caravan Merchant Caravaner's Remedy Caravaner's Remedy NG .

SA levelling

The chance to upgrade the Soul Crystal (SA) is personal for each group member.


Demonic Beleth’s Nightmarionette Weaver of Nightmares Lv. 83

HP 1 499 999 MP 84 400
P.Atk. 24 018 M.Atk. 27 094
P.Def. 2 500 M.Def. 2 400
EXP 8 266 800 SP 1 500 000
Attack Attribute Unholy, 150 Defence Attribute

Fire, 150

Water, 150

Wind, 150

Earth, 150

Holy, 150

Unholy, 150

Beleth’s Nightmarionette l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Undead Beleth’s Grave Speardancer Lv. 81

HP 109 020 MP 2 440
P.Atk. 11 934 M.Atk. 7 585
P.Def. 1 027 M.Def. 1 307
EXP 291 505 SP 29 155
Attack Attribute Unholy, 120 Defence Attribute

Fire, 90

Water, 90

Wind, 90

Earth, 90

Holy, 55

Unholy, 150

Beleth’s Grave Speardancer l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Undead Beleth’s Barbed Abomination Lv. 81

HP 102 700 MP 2 440
P.Atk. 11 934 M.Atk. 7 964
P.Def. 1 027 M.Def. 1 307
EXP 276 776 SP 27 676
Attack Attribute Unholy, 120 Defence Attribute

Fire, 90

Water, 90

Wind, 90

Earth, 90

Holy, 55

Unholy, 150

Beleth’s Barbed Abomination l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Undead Beleth’s Tomb Warder Lv. 82

HP 153 999 MP 2 440
P.Atk. 12 517 M.Atk. 7 866
P.Def. 1 002 M.Def. 1 310
EXP 425 293 SP 41 503
Attack Attribute Unholy, 120 Defence Attribute

Fire, 90

Water, 90

Wind, 90

Earth, 90

Holy, 55

Unholy, 150

Beleth’s Tomb Warder l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Demonic Beleth’s Crawling Doom Lv. 81

HP 99 540 MP 2 440
P.Atk. 11 934 M.Atk. 7 964
P.Def. 1 027 M.Def. 1 307
EXP 267 033 SP 26 700
Attack Attribute Unholy, 120 Defence Attribute

Fire, 90

Water, 90

Wind, 90

Earth, 90

Holy, 55

Unholy, 150

Beleth’s Crawling Doom l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Demonic Beleth’s Grave Vizier Lv. 81

HP 134 300 MP 2 440
P.Atk. 12 444 M.Atk. 7 585
P.Def. 908 M.Def. 1 265
EXP 361 938 SP 36 200
Attack Attribute Unholy, 120 Defence Attribute

Fire, 90

Water, 90

Wind, 90

Earth, 90

Holy, 55

Unholy, 150

Beleth’s Grave Vizier l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Demonic Darion’s Spinecrusher Lv. 81

HP 107 440 MP 2 440
P.Atk. 11 934 M.Atk. 7 585
P.Def. 1 027 M.Def. 1 307
EXP 289 097 SP 29 000
Attack Attribute Unholy, 120 Defence Attribute

Fire, 90

Water, 90

Wind, 90

Earth, 90

Holy, 55

Unholy, 150

Darion’s Nightfang l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Demonic Darion’s Nightfang Lv. 82

HP 184 860 MP 2 440
P.Atk. 12 517 M.Atk. 7 866
P.Def. 1 002 M.Def. 1 310
EXP 543 568 SP 53 040
Attack Attribute Unholy, 120 Defence Attribute

Fire, 90

Water, 90

Wind, 90

Earth, 90

Holy, 55

Unholy, 150

Darion’s Spinecrusher l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Demonic Darion’s Soulburner Lv. 81

HP 94 800 MP 2 440
P.Atk. 12 689 M.Atk. 7 964
P.Def. 1 027 M.Def. 1 307
EXP 271 101 SP 27 112
Attack Attribute Unholy, 120 Defence Attribute

Fire, 90

Water, 90

Wind, 90

Earth, 90

Holy, 55

Unholy, 150

Darion’s Soulburner l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

BasicsLocation FeaturesEntranceAreaGuardianDebuffSA levellingMonsters


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