Dragon Valley. Lord Ishka


In the 4th season we have redesigned one of the most popular locations — Dragon Valley.

All spots have been reworked — the number of spawn points increased, the number of monsters increased, and the respawn time of monsters optimized. The distance of "moving" of monsters has been changed to 3000-7000. Now the Dragon Valley is a full-fledged location for a group, similar to Antharas Lair.

The health of monsters has been increased — now they have x2 to x5 health. The amount of experience, drop, spoil and adena has been proportionally increased. Several spots at the location entrance remained unchanged for comfortable solo leveling.

New spot

The Ishka raid boss spot in the heart of the Dragon Valley has been completely redesigned. Now it is populated by new undead monsters:

Land Dragon Knight l2
Land Dragon Vintenar l2
Ancient Evil l2

After Undead Land Dragon Knight Lv. 59 and Undead Land Dragon Vintenar Lv. 60 death, there is a chance to spawn Demonic Ancient Evil Lv. 62 . After his death there is a chance of 5 monsters Demonic Ancient Evil Lv. 62 . Summoned monsters have x5 health and excellent drop and spoil.

Updated Ishka

Undead Lord Ishka Raid Boss Lv. 66 got new mechanics in the new season. Now Ishka is a challenge for several groups of players. Learn the mechanics, read the skills descriptions, follow the screen messages, and then the guardian of the Valley will give you his treasures.

Ishka can level Soul Crystals, personal chance for last-hit group members:

10 → 11 11 → 12 12 → 13 13 → 14 14 → 15 15 → 16 16 → 17 17 → 18
25% 10% 0% 0% 0% 0%
No Data Yet
No Data Yet

The boss respawn time is from 24 to 48 hours, strictly from 18:00 to 00:00 server time.

It is possible that the boss does not appear every day.

Boss mechanics

We will not disclose a complete description of all the mechanics of the updated Ishka, leaving this for players to study on their own to make the battle process more interesting. However, we will still tell you something to make it easier to familiarize yourself with the new content.

Undead Lord Ishka Raid Boss Lv. 66

This foolish noble led the Earth Dragon Punishment Squad against Antharas during the reign of Elmore Kingdom's. His incompetence led to the death of all his subordinates, and he was sacrificed to the Earth Dragon. As a cruel joke, Antharas resurrected Ishka and appointed him as the defender of the Valley of the Dragons.

HP 4 770 629 MP 22 200
P.Atk. 9 996 M.Atk. 14 999
P.Def. 1 634 M.Def. 1 893
EXP 5 998 212 SP 1 200 000
Attack Attribute Unholy, 30 Defence Attribute

Fire, 20

Water, 20

Wind, 20

Earth, 20

Holy, 20

Unholy, 20

Ishka l2

The boss respawn time is from 24 to 48 hours, strictly from 18:00 to 00:00 server time.

It is possible that the boss does not appear every day.

Ishka is sensitive to the number of opponents - he can increase health recovery, physical and magical defense, and slightly increase physical and magical attack. The first boost is activated when there are more than 50 players fighting near the bosses, the second boost is activated when there are 100 or more attacking players.

Ishka reacts to the use of powerful enhancing skills near him. Use Frenzy Frenzy Lv. 1 and Appetite for Destruction Appetite for Destruction Lv. 1 with caution and at a distance from the boss, otherwise you have yourself to blame.

The battle with Ishka takes place in 3 stages:

  • 1st stage — 100-80% HP
  • 2nd stage — 79-16% HP
  • 3rd stage — 15%-0% HP

During the first stage, Ishka uses several attacking and enhancing skills, and summons monsters that will attack players

During the second stage, the number of skills used will increase, in addition, you will be able to appreciate his art of necromancy. Rumor has it that he took lessons in the dark arts from Nihlathak himself. Pay close attention to messages on the screen and the situation around you.

In the third stage, Ishka will teleport to his spawn point, stop attacking players and apply an invulnerability shield. Read the screen messages and the system chat to understand how to remove this shield. After the invulnerability is removed, Ishka will continue to attack players.

Minion mechanics

New Ishka boss-minions have appeared in the Dragon Valley:

Undead Iskar Soul Keeper Lv. 66

A legendary warrior who supported Lord Ishka's rebellion against the tyranny of Antharas. His sister, the dreamer Iskel, warned him of collapse, but he did not listen to the prophecy. After defeating Ishka's army, Antharas brought Iskar back to life as punishment for the daring nobleman, making him the bearer of part of the overlord's soul. Now, each time dying and seeing the death of his devoted warrior, Ishka experiences his fall again and again, painfully and endlessly.

HP 1 951 600 MP 24 107
P.Atk. 8 851 M.Atk. 12 663
P.Def. 1 308 M.Def. 1 376
EXP 653 400 SP 1 428
Attack Attribute Unholy, 30 Defence Attribute

Fire, 20

Water, 20

Wind, 20

Earth, 20

Holy, 20

Unholy, 20

Ishka l2

Undead Iskel Soul Keeper Lv. 66

Sister of Iskar, who rebelled against Antharas along with Ishka. She had the rare gift of foresight and often had dreams in which she saw the imminent defeat of Ishka and the furious revenge of the Earth Dragon. Iskel tried to convince Iskar to stop helping Ishka and the implementation of his plans, but her words sounded to everyone like crazy prophecies. When her fears came true, Antharas resurrected Iskel, strengthening her gift and turning her into an eternal shadow, guarding part of Ishka’s soul.

HP 1 547 000 MP 24 107
P.Atk. 7 080 M.Atk. 12 663
P.Def. 1 556 M.Def. 1 721
EXP 653 400 SP 1 428
Attack Attribute Unholy, 30 Defence Attribute

Fire, 20

Water, 20

Wind, 20

Earth, 20

Holy, 20

Unholy, 20

Ishka l2

Оба босса не имеют дропа, но от них зависит состояние Ишки — пока близнецы живы, Ишка неуязвим для атак игроков.

Both bosses do not have a drop, but while the twins are alive, Ishka is invulnerable to player attacks. You must kill bosses almost simultaneously to remove Ishka's protection. If you do not manage to kill the second boss right after the death of the first, both bosses will respawn with full health.

Iskar and Iskel cannot be brought close to each other. They are “tied” to a respawn place and cannot travel far. When bosses are not in combat, they quickly restore health — you will have to fight the twins simultaneously in different parts of the location.

Iskar and Iskel are sensitive to the number of opponents - they greatly increase health recovery, physical and magical defense, and slightly increase physical and magical attack. The first boost is activated when there are more than 65 players fighting next to the bosses, the second boost is activated when there are 100 or more attacking players.

Iskar and Iskel reacts to the use of powerful enhancing skills near them. Use Frenzy Frenzy Lv. 1 and Appetite for Destruction Appetite for Destruction Lv. 1 with caution and at a distance from the boss, otherwise you have yourself to blame.

Boss skills

Unique weapon

As the season progresses, Ishka's level will increase. Among the trophies for killing a high-level boss, you will find a unique S-Grade Two-handed Sword:

In terms of basic characteristics, Tyrbing is similar to Dynasty Blade Dynasty Blade S and has the foundation equipment parameter.

For more information about the unique weapon, read the article Unique Boss Weapons.


Undead Lord Ishka Raid Boss Lv. 66

Item Amount Chance
Group chance: 100%
Chest with Life Stone Chest with Life Stone NG 5 - 15 100%
Group chance: 100%
Enchanted MW Box Enchanted MW Box NG 5 - 15 100%
Group chance: 100%
MasterWork Crystal: B-grade MasterWork Crystal: B-grade NG 1 100%
Group chance: 35%
MasterWork Crystal: A-grade MasterWork Crystal: A-grade NG 1 100%
Group chance: 100%
Ancient Book: Divine Inspiration (Original Language Version) Ancient Book: Divine Inspiration (Original Language Version) NG 1 - 2 100%
Group chance: 50%
Ancient Book: Divine Inspiration (Manuscript) Ancient Book: Divine Inspiration (Manuscript) NG 1 - 2 100%
Group chance: 6%
Forgotten Scroll: Magician's Will Forgotten Scroll: Magician's Will NG 1 33.3%
Forgotten Scroll: Archer's Will Forgotten Scroll: Archer's Will NG 1 33.4%
Forgotten Scroll: Fighter's Will Forgotten Scroll: Fighter's Will NG 1 33.3%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Boots Unidentified Sealed Tallum Boots A 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Gloves Unidentified Sealed Tallum Gloves A 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Helmet Unidentified Sealed Tallum Helmet A 1 15%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Stockings Unidentified Sealed Tallum Stockings A 1 15%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Tunic Unidentified Sealed Tallum Tunic A 1 15%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Plate Armor Unidentified Sealed Tallum Plate Armor A 1 7.5%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Leather Armor Unidentified Sealed Tallum Leather Armor A 1 7.5%
Group chance: 50%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Boots Unidentified Sealed Tallum Boots A 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Gloves Unidentified Sealed Tallum Gloves A 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Helmet Unidentified Sealed Tallum Helmet A 1 15%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Stockings Unidentified Sealed Tallum Stockings A 1 15%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Tunic Unidentified Sealed Tallum Tunic A 1 15%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Plate Armor Unidentified Sealed Tallum Plate Armor A 1 7.5%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Leather Armor Unidentified Sealed Tallum Leather Armor A 1 7.5%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Boots A 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves A 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet A 1 15%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings A 1 11%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gaiters Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gaiters A 1 11%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor A 1 8%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Breastplate Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Breastplate A 1 8%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Robe Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Robe A 1 7%
Group chance: 50%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Boots A 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves A 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet A 1 15%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings A 1 11%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gaiters Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gaiters A 1 11%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor A 1 8%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Breastplate Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Breastplate A 1 8%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Robe Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Robe A 1 7%
Group chance: 100%
Earth Dragon Arsenal Chest Earth Dragon Arsenal Chest Mid A weapon NG 1 100%
Group chance: 100%
Apostle Commander Chest Apostle Commander Chest Top A weapon NG 1 100%
Group chance: 100%
Giants Blacksmith Chest Giants Blacksmith Chest Pieces NG 3 - 5 100%


NPC Pona: Jewelry Upgrade , Blacksmith of Mammon: Weapon Upgrade/Exchange , Location Keeper Ankou , Luxury Shop , Hellbound: Epidos , Instance-boss Core , Instance-boss Orfen , Instance-boss Queen Ant , Instance-boss Trasken , Dragon Valley. Lord Ishka , Instance-boss Zaken , Crystal Caverns aka Baylor , Frintezza Instance , Freya. Instance and Epic Boss , Instance Twins , Instance Tiat , Beleth on MasterWork
Locations Location Keeper Ankou , Update: Hellbound: Desert Quarry (78-85) , Hellbound: Epidos , Giant's Cave (78-85) , Update: Hellbound. Anomic Foundry (78~85) , Game Event: King of the Hill , Den of Evil. High Five , Field of Silence and Whispers. High Five , Mithril Mines. High Five , Crypts of Disgrace. Epilogue/High Five , Sel Mahum Training Grounds (80-85) , Plains of the Lizardmen (80-85) , Monastery of Silence (80~85) , Beast Farm (80-85) , Dragon Valley (80-85) , Seed of Annihilation (76-85) , Update: The Forbidden Gateway Eternal (80-85) , Update: Pavel Ruins and Archaic Laboratory Eternal (80-85) , Update: Mithril Mines Eternal (80-85) , Primeval Isle: stages improvement , Forge of the Gods: stages improvement , Dragon Valley. Lord Ishka , Isle of Prayer and Chromatic Highlands (74-83) , New: Fairy Settlement (78-85) , New: Hatoum Settlement (66-74) , Update: Crypts Of Disgrace (78-85) , Pavel Ruins and Archaic Laboratory. High Five , Update: Antharas Lair (84-85) , Mid Company on Masterwork , Update: Pagan Temple (78-83) , Seed of Destruction. Attribute collection , Iris Lake. Eternal update , Obelisk of Victory. Eternal update , School of Dark Arts. Eternal update , Raider’s Crossroads. Eternal update , Eastern Mining Zone. Eternal update , Nornil Cave. Eternal update , Update: Crypts of Disgrace (32-36) , Update: Grave Robber Hideout (40-50) , Update: Den of Evil (47-57) , Update: Carons Dungeon (56-64) , Update: Archaic Laboratory (60-65) , New: Mimirs Forest (75-80) , New: Dareon’s Doom Halls (78-85)