Field of Silence and Whispers. High Five

Initially, these places were swamps but grew with reeds and turned into fields. If you go straight along the road, you will appear in the Fields of Whispers. To the north of them are the Fields of Silence. This name has its history. When the former goddess left these lands, the spirits of the field fell silent forever... Perhaps this is just a legend... What? Why the Fields of Whispers? There are different versions... They say that lovers from Heine were hiding in these fields from prying eyes. Here is the name.


In the Gracia Epilogue, the Fields of Whispers and Fields of Silence were reworked and became high-level hunting zones. Monsters of level 80+ appeared in the fields, and a quest chain for Dynasty equipment recipes was added to the location.

The fields are occupied by demons and humanoids with high physical defence and resistance against melee and ranged attacks. All monsters are non-aggressive. The location is suitable for solo players of magic classes.

Unique location mechanics

On each field, in the water, every 5 minutes appears special herbs, that disappear after 1 minute. Herbs impose special effects on the character, which make it easier to kill monsters in the location:

  • Ancient Herb - Terminator Ancient Herb - Terminator NG Possessed by those spirits who existed during the beginning of the world, this herb allows you to cast as fast as the wind.
  • Ancient Herb - Guide Ancient Herb - Guide NG Possessed by those spirits who existed during the beginning of the world, this herb allows you to move faster than any beast on the plains.
  • Ancient Herb - Slayer Ancient Herb - Slayer NG Possessed by those spirits who existed during the beginning of the world, this herb allows you to strike down your enemies with the strength of a bull.
  • Ancient Herb - Immortal Ancient Herb - Immortal NG Possessed by those spirits who existed during the beginning of the world, this herb makes you temporarily impervious to your enemy's attacks.
Ancient Herb l2

In addition, unique mechanisms can be found in the Fields - Construct Waste Landfill Machine Lv. 83 and Construct Brazier of Purity Lv. 83 . When attacking the device, monsters within a certain radius from it become aggressive towards the attacking player.

Ancient Herb l2


Humanoid Mucrokian Fanatic Lv. 83

HP 6 061 MP 2 168
P.Atk. 2 269 M.Atk. 1 457
P.Def. 616 M.Def. 543
EXP 27 891 SP 2 882
Attack Attribute No Attack Attribute Defence Attribute

Fire, 150

Water, 150

Wind, 150

Earth, 150

Holy, 150

Unholy, 150

Mucrokian Fanatic l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Humanoid Mucrokian Ascetic Lv. 83

HP 6 061 MP 2 168
P.Atk. 2 269 M.Atk. 1 457
P.Def. 616 M.Def. 543
EXP 28 959 SP 2 997
Attack Attribute No Attack Attribute Defence Attribute

Fire, 150

Water, 150

Wind, 150

Earth, 150

Holy, 150

Unholy, 150

Mucrokian Ascetic l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Humanoid Mucrokian Savior Lv. 84

HP 6 382 MP 2 211
P.Atk. 2 376 M.Atk. 1 535
P.Def. 626 M.Def. 553
EXP 29 260 SP 2 988
Attack Attribute No Attack Attribute Defence Attribute

Fire, 150

Water, 150

Wind, 150

Earth, 150

Holy, 150

Unholy, 150

Mucrokian Savior l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Humanoid Mucrokian Preacher Lv. 84

HP 6 382 MP 2 211
P.Atk. 2 376 M.Atk. 1 535
P.Def. 626 M.Def. 553
EXP 30 380 SP 3 106
Attack Attribute No Attack Attribute Defence Attribute

Fire, 150

Water, 150

Wind, 150

Earth, 150

Holy, 150

Unholy, 150

Mucrokian Preacher l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Humanoid Contaminated Mucrokian Lv. 83

HP 6 061 MP 2 168
P.Atk. 2 269 M.Atk. 1 457
P.Def. 616 M.Def. 543
EXP 8 265 SP 891
Attack Attribute No Attack Attribute Defence Attribute

Fire, 150

Water, 150

Wind, 150

Earth, 150

Holy, 150

Unholy, 150

Contaminated Mucrokian l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Humanoid Awakened Mucrokian Lv. 84

HP 6 382 MP 2 211
P.Atk. 2 376 M.Atk. 1 535
P.Def. 626 M.Def. 553
EXP 50 544 SP 5 139
Attack Attribute No Attack Attribute Defence Attribute

Fire, 150

Water, 150

Wind, 150

Earth, 150

Holy, 150

Unholy, 150

Awakened Mucrokian l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Construct Suppressor Lv. 83

HP 6 061 MP 2 168
P.Atk. 2 269 M.Atk. 1 457
P.Def. 616 M.Def. 543
EXP 25 862 SP 2 662
Attack Attribute No Attack Attribute Defence Attribute

Fire, 150

Water, 150

Wind, 150

Earth, 150

Holy, 150

Unholy, 150

Suppressor l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Construct Exterminator Lv. 84

HP 6 382 MP 2 211
P.Atk. 2 376 M.Atk. 1 535
P.Def. 626 M.Def. 553
EXP 27 132 SP 2 760
Attack Attribute No Attack Attribute Defence Attribute

Fire, 150

Water, 150

Wind, 150

Earth, 150

Holy, 150

Unholy, 150

Exterminator l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Demonic Sentinel Waterspirit Lv. 83

HP 6 061 MP 2 168
P.Atk. 2 269 M.Atk. 1 457
P.Def. 616 M.Def. 543
EXP 26 930 SP 2 779
Attack Attribute No Attack Attribute Defence Attribute

Fire, 150

Water, 150

Wind, 150

Earth, 150

Holy, 150

Unholy, 150

Sentinel Waterspirit l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Elemental Guardian Waterspirit Lv. 84

HP 6 382 MP 2 211
P.Atk. 2 376 M.Atk. 1 535
P.Def. 626 M.Def. 553
EXP 28 252 SP 2 880
Attack Attribute No Attack Attribute Defence Attribute

Fire, 150

Water, 150

Wind, 150

Earth, 150

Holy, 150

Unholy, 150

Guardian Waterspirit l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Raid bosses

Beast Gwindorr Raid Boss Lv. 83

HP 736 436 MP 3 945
P.Atk. 12 448 M.Atk. 5 105
P.Def. 1 833 M.Def. 1 977
EXP 4 158 607 SP 689 674
Attack Attribute Wind, 200 Defence Attribute

Fire, 170

Water, 170

Wind, 200

Earth, 120

Holy, 170

Unholy, 170

Gwindorr l2
Drop, Skills

Fairy Water Spirit Lian Raid Boss Lv. 84

HP 743 802 MP 4 023
P.Atk. 12 645 M.Atk. 20 909
P.Def. 1 864 M.Def. 2 011
EXP 4 292 369 SP 696 827
Attack Attribute Water, 200 Defence Attribute

Fire, 120

Water, 200

Wind, 170

Earth, 170

Holy, 170

Unholy, 170

Water Spirit Lian l2
Drop, Skills

Leveling SA

The chance is individual for one group member.

Монстр 10 → 11 11 → 12 12 → 13 13 → 14 14 → 15 15 → 16 16 → 17 17 → 18
Beast Gwindorr Raid Boss Lv. 83 3% 3% 3% 3% 3%
Fairy Water Spirit Lian Raid Boss Lv. 84 10% 10% 5%

Related quests

Winds of Change (82+)

Starting NPC Elf Flauen Gatekeeper
Starting location Heine
Level 82 ~ 85
Type One-time
Exp Exp NG x 892 773
SP SP NG x 60 012
Adena Adena NG x 213 876
Gives access to quests

Won't You Join Us?

Success/Failure of Business

"Winds of Change" quest guide

1. Talk to Elf Flauen Gatekeeper in Heine.

2. Find Human Iason Heine in Heine warehouse and talk to him. Find out more about all of his assistants.

3. In Heine's Forge, find Dwarf Roman Head Blacksmith and talk to him. He will tell you that Dr. Helvetica wants to use the lands in the Fields for the common good.

4. In the Temple of Eva, find Elf Morelyn High Priestess and talk to her. She will tell you that Athenia wants to keep the nature of Heine untouched.

5. Return to the warehouse to Human Iason Heine and choose who you will help. This will determine which quest for Dynasty recipes will be available in the future.

  • "I Want to help Dr. Helvetica" — Unlocks quests in the Field of Whisper
  • "I want to help Athenia" — opens access to quests in the Field of Silence

6.1. Travel to Field of Whispers and speak with Elf Athenia Priestess to complete the quest.

6.2. Travel to the Field of Silence and speak with Dwarf Dr. Helvetica to complete the quest.

Success/Failure of Business (82+)

Starting NPC Dwarf Dr. Helvetica
Starting location Field of Silence, Innadril Territory
Level 82 ~ 85
Type One-time
Exp Exp NG x 1 319 736
SP SP NG x 103 533
Adena Adena NG x 283 346
Pre-quest must be completed Winds of Change, help Dr. Helvetica

Success/Failure of Business quest guide

1. Talk to Dwarf Dr. Helvetica in the camp north of the Field of Silence.

2.Go to the camp south of the Field of Whisper, find and kill monsters

Construct Brazier of Purity Lv. 83

until you get 10 Damaged Torch Fragment Damaged Torch Fragment NG .

3. Return to Dwarf Dr. Helvetica and give him the items you've obtained.

4. Go south to the Field of Whisper again, find and kill monsters

Demonic Sentinel Waterspirit Lv. 83
Elemental Guardian Waterspirit Lv. 84

until you get 20 Guardian Spirit Fragment Guardian Spirit Fragment NG .

5. Return to Dwarf Dr. Helvetica and give him the obtained items to complete the quest and receive the reward.

Won't You Join Us? (82+)

Starting NPC

Elf Athenia Priestess

Starting location Field of Whisper, Innadril Territory
Level 82 ~ 85
Type One-time
Exp Exp NG x 1 319 736
SP SP NG x 103 533
Adena Adena NG x 283 346
Pre-quest must be completed Winds of Change, help Athenia

Won't You Join Us? quest guide

1. Talk to Elf Athenia Priestess at the camp in the southern Field of Whispers.

2. Go to the camp north of the Field of Silence, find and kill monsters

Construct Waste Landfill Machine Lv. 83 ,

until you get 10 Destroyed machine piece Destroyed machine piece NG .

3. Return to Elf Athenia Priestess and give her the items you've obtained.

4. Go north to the Field of Silence again, find and kill monsters

Construct Suppressor Lv. 83
Construct Exterminator Lv. 84

until you get 20 Enchanted Golem Shard Enchanted Golem Shard NG .

5. Return to Elf Athenia Priestess and give her the obtained items to complete the quest and receive the reward.

Quest for Dynasty recipes

Reed Field Maintenance (82+)

Starting NPC Dwarf Katensa Workman
Starting location Field of Silence, Innadril Territory
Level 82 ~ 85
Type Repeatable
Reward etc_recipe_black_i00 Recipes for Moirai Robe armor, Dynasty Jewelry and Sigil

Reed Field Maintenance quest guide

1. Talk to Dwarf Katensa Workman in the camp in the northern Field of Silence.

2. Find and kill monsters in the Field of Silence and Field of Whispers:

Humanoid Mucrokian Fanatic Lv. 83
Humanoid Mucrokian Ascetic Lv. 83
Humanoid Mucrokian Savior Lv. 84
Humanoid Mucrokian Preacher Lv. 84
Humanoid Contaminated Mucrokian Lv. 83
Humanoid Awakened Mucrokian Lv. 84

For killing monsters you will receive items

Mucrokian Hide Mucrokian Hide NG
Awakened Mucrokian Hide Awakened Mucrokian Hide NG

3. Once you have enough, return to Dwarf Katensa Workman and exchange them for rewards:


Recipe - Sealed Dynasty Earrings (70%) Recipe - Sealed Dynasty Earrings (70%) NG
Recipe - Sealed Dynasty Earrings (70%) Recipe - Sealed Dynasty Earrings (70%) NG
Recipe - Sealed Dynasty Necklace (70%) Recipe - Sealed Dynasty Necklace (70%) NG
Recipe - Sealed Dynasty Necklace (70%) Recipe - Sealed Dynasty Necklace (70%) NG
Recipe - Sealed Dynasty Ring (70%) Recipe - Sealed Dynasty Ring (70%) NG
Recipe - Sealed Dynasty Ring (70%) Recipe - Sealed Dynasty Ring (70%) NG
Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Sigil (60%) Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Sigil (60%) NG
Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Sigil (60%) Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Sigil (60%) NG
Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Circlet (60%) Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Circlet (60%) NG
Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Circlet (60%) Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Circlet (60%) NG
Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Tunic (60%) Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Tunic (60%) NG
Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Tunic (60%) Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Tunic (60%) NG
Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Stockings (60%) Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Stockings (60%) NG
Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Stockings (60%) Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Stockings (60%) NG
Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Gloves (60%) Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Gloves (60%) NG
Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Gloves (60%) Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Gloves (60%) NG
Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Shoes (60%) Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Shoes (60%) NG
Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Shoes (60%) Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Shoes (60%) NG
Recipe - Sealed Dynasty Earrings (70%) Recipe - Sealed Dynasty Earrings (70%) NG


Mucrokian Hide Mucrokian Hide NG (x192)

For a Good Cause (82+)

Starting NPC Human Atra Apprentice
Starting location Field of Whispers, Innadril Territory
Level 82 ~ 85
Type Repeatable
Reward etc_recipe_black_i00 Recipes for Moirai Robe armor, Dynasty Jewelry and Sigil

For a Good Cause quest guide

1. Talk to Human Atra Apprentice at the camp in the southern Field of Whispers.

2. Find and kill monsters in the Field of Silence and Field of Whispers:

Humanoid Mucrokian Fanatic Lv. 83
Humanoid Mucrokian Ascetic Lv. 83
Humanoid Mucrokian Savior Lv. 84
Humanoid Mucrokian Preacher Lv. 84
Humanoid Contaminated Mucrokian Lv. 83
Humanoid Awakened Mucrokian Lv. 84

For killing monsters you will receive items

Mucrokian Hide Mucrokian Hide NG
Fallen Mucrokian Hide Fallen Mucrokian Hide NG

3. Once you have enough, return to Human Atra Apprentice and exchange them for rewards:


Recipe - Sealed Dynasty Earrings (70%) Recipe - Sealed Dynasty Earrings (70%) NG
Recipe - Sealed Dynasty Earrings (70%) Recipe - Sealed Dynasty Earrings (70%) NG
Recipe - Sealed Dynasty Necklace (70%) Recipe - Sealed Dynasty Necklace (70%) NG
Recipe - Sealed Dynasty Necklace (70%) Recipe - Sealed Dynasty Necklace (70%) NG
Recipe - Sealed Dynasty Ring (70%) Recipe - Sealed Dynasty Ring (70%) NG
Recipe - Sealed Dynasty Ring (70%) Recipe - Sealed Dynasty Ring (70%) NG
Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Sigil (60%) Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Sigil (60%) NG
Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Sigil (60%) Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Sigil (60%) NG
Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Circlet (60%) Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Circlet (60%) NG
Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Circlet (60%) Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Circlet (60%) NG
Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Tunic (60%) Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Tunic (60%) NG
Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Tunic (60%) Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Tunic (60%) NG
Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Stockings (60%) Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Stockings (60%) NG
Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Stockings (60%) Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Stockings (60%) NG
Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Gloves (60%) Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Gloves (60%) NG
Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Gloves (60%) Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Gloves (60%) NG
Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Shoes (60%) Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Shoes (60%) NG
Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Shoes (60%) Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Shoes (60%) NG
Recipe - Sealed Dynasty Earrings (70%) Recipe - Sealed Dynasty Earrings (70%) NG


Mucrokian Hide Mucrokian Hide NG (x192)



Locations Location Keeper Ankou , Update: Hellbound: Desert Quarry (78-85) , Hellbound: Epidos , Giant's Cave (78-85) , Update: Hellbound. Anomic Foundry (78~85) , Game Event: King of the Hill , Den of Evil. High Five , Field of Silence and Whispers. High Five , Mithril Mines. High Five update , Crypts of Disgrace. Epilogue/High Five , Sel Mahum Training Grounds (80-85) , Plains of the Lizardmen (80-85) , Monastery of Silence (80-85) , Beast Farm (80-85) , Dragon Valley (80-85) , Seed of Annihilation (76-85) , Update: The Forbidden Gateway Eternal (80-85) , Update: Pavel Ruins and Archaic Laboratory Eternal (80-85) , Update: Mithril Mines Eternal (80-85) , Primeval Isle: stages improvement , Forge of the Gods: stages improvement , Dragon Valley. Lord Ishka , Isle of Prayer and Chromatic Highlands (74-83) , New: Fairy Settlement (78-85) , New: Hatoum Settlement (66-74) , Update: Crypts Of Disgrace (78-85) , Pavel Ruins and Archaic Laboratory. High Five , Update: Antharas Lair (84-85) , Mid Company on Masterwork , Update: Pagan Temple (78-83) , Seed of Destruction. Attribute collection , Iris Lake. Eternal update , Obelisk of Victory. Eternal update , School of Dark Arts. Eternal update , Raider’s Crossroads. Eternal update , Eastern Mining Zone. Eternal update , Nornil Cave. Eternal update , Update: Crypts of Disgrace (32-36) , Update: Grave Robber Hideout (40-50) , Update: Den of Evil (47-57) , Update: Carons Dungeon (56-64) , Update: Archaic Laboratory (60-65) , New: Mimirs Forest (75-80) , New: Dareon’s Doom Halls (78-85)