Instance-boss Trasken 83+


Due to the server development, old instances are replaced by new ones, and that makes your gaming experience more variable.

The Masterwork team presents an instance, adapted for the Masterwork Eternal chronicles:

Bug Earth Wyrm Trasken Hell's Gate Lv. 85

Entry conditions and cooldown

Trasken Entrance
  • Entrance: at Ancient City Arcan
  • Group size: 7 - 9
  • Level limitations: 83 - 85
  • Time to complete: 120 minutes
  • Cooldown: 2 once a week, on Wednesday and Saturday

Related missions

An additional reward for completing the instance can be obtained by completing missions.

Tactics guide

Trasken Entrance l2

After entering the instance, the group will find itself in a small hall inside the dungeon. There will be NPCs, who can tell you more about the appearance of the Earth Wyrm, and a teleportation device, that leads to the surface.

In 1 minute after entering the dungeon will open the gate that leads to the main hall.

Main hall

Inside the main hall, you will meet the boss's most vulnerable spot — Bug Earth Wyrm Tail Lv. 85 , and also a large number of Tentacles.

Trasken Main Room l2

There are 3 types of Tentacles:

Trasken skill l2

After clearing the path from the Tentacles, you'll have to reduce Bug Earth Wyrm Tail Lv. 85 health by 10%. Only after this Bug Earth Wyrm Trasken Hell's Gate Lv. 85 will appear.

Every time the boss loses 10% health, a wave of monsters is summoned, as well as at a random moment the boss uses skill Earth Wyrm Body Strike Earth Wyrm Body Strike Lv. 1 . At this moment it is necessary to leave the highlighted area, so as not to receive significant damage.


Trasken Heart l2

As soon as Bug Earth Wyrm Trasken Hell's Gate Lv. 85 loses half of his HP, your party will be moved to the Construct Earth Wyrm Heart Lv. 85 .

You have 10 minutes to kill the heart and do the significant amount of damage to the Wyrm. If the creatures inside the heart will be stronger than you, and heart will not be killed, then your time will be wasted.

Trasken Stomach Gland l2

The first difficulty in the process of killing the heart — Construct Stomach Gland Lv. 85 , which impose an effect Digest Digest Lv. 1 for all players in the heart. Kill them and get ready for the monsters to reappear in 4 minutes.

Next challenge — Undead Earth Wyrm Victim Lv. 85 . Ordinary monsters living inside the heart, time until respawn is 1 minute.

Invincibility Activation l2

When Construct Earth Wyrm Heart Lv. 85 will have less than 50%, and then 30% of health, will appear special monsters — Undead Earth Wyrm Victim Lv. 85 .

The effect Invincibility Activation Invincibility Activation Lv. 1 will remain on them until all common Undead Earth Wyrm Victim Lv. 85 will not be killed.

Fight with boss

Trasken l2

After passing the stage in Construct Earth Wyrm Heart Lv. 85 the group will be moved to the main hall. Continue the boss fight against Bug Earth Wyrm Trasken Hell's Gate Lv. 85 .

Every time the boss's health decreases by 10%, a new wave of monsters will appear, same as have already attacked you before visiting the heart.

After killing Bug Earth Wyrm Trasken Hell's Gate Lv. 85 talk to Etc Teleport Device , to return to the city.


In addition to drop of valuable items, as a reward for killing boss, each group member receives Trasken's Box Trasken's Box NG . If the character's inventory was full when the boss died, the box will arrive by mail.

Out of the box you will receive:

Leveling SA

SA from 11 to 18 level can be upgraded by killing Trasken, chance is personal for each party member:

Drop list

Bug Earth Wyrm Trasken Hell's Gate Lv. 85

Video guide


BasicsEntry conditions and cooldownRelated missionsTactics guideMain hallHeartFight with bossRewardLeveling SADrop listVideo guide


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