Pets: new skins


Almost every player has a pet. Wolves, kookaburras, buffalos and tigers provide invaluable assistance in the game.

For fun and game variety, Masterwork team has added the option to change the appearance of the pet while preserving its useful skills.

Now you can turn a common buffalo into a fighting Kokko or a cute bunny. Moderate prices for skins are available to everyone, and the range is expanding every season.

Pay attention!
On Masterwork servers, kookaburras, buffalos and tigers have the same functionality.
Read more in the article Pets: Kookaburra. Cougar. Buffalo.

How to change pet's skin?

Rylai l2

To change the appearance of the pet, summon it and talk to the Human Rylai Battle Pass Manager to the left of the entrance to the Giran temple.

Select the Pets section, then select the desired skin. Your pet will be unsummoned and the item to call will be replaced with a new one.

You can see what a skin looks like directly at Rilay in the preview section.

Pay attention!
Skin change — reversible process. At any time you can return the standard kind of pet or choose a new one.

Skin prices


Evolved Wolf

Improved Baby Pet's

Kokko Ocarina Kokko Ocarina NG Master Coin Master Coin NG x 15
Milk Cow Ocarina Milk Cow Ocarina NG Master Coin Master Coin NG x 15
Rainbow Frog Ocarina Rainbow Frog Ocarina NG Master Coin Master Coin NG x 15
Cute Bear Ocarina Cute Bear Ocarina NG Master Coin Master Coin NG x 15
Ahri Ocarina Ahri Ocarina NG Master Coin Master Coin NG x 15
White Lion Chime White Lion Chime NG Master Coin Master Coin NG x 15
Brown Lion Chime Brown Lion Chime NG Master Coin Master Coin NG x 15
White-Winged Lion Chime White-Winged Lion Chime NG Master Coin Master Coin NG x 20
Red-Winged Lion Chime Red-Winged Lion Chime NG Master Coin Master Coin NG x 20
Mermaid Panpipe Mermaid Panpipe NG Master Coin Master Coin NG x 15
Nixie Panpipe Nixie Panpipe NG Master Coin Master Coin NG x 20
Shy Brown Rabbit Ocarina Shy Brown Rabbit Ocarina NG Master Coin Master Coin NG x 15
Shy Blue Rabbit Ocarina Shy Blue Rabbit Ocarina NG Master Coin Master Coin NG x 20
Angry Brown Rabbit Ocarina Angry Brown Rabbit Ocarina NG Master Coin Master Coin NG x 15
Angry Gray Rabbit Ocarina Angry Gray Rabbit Ocarina NG Master Coin Master Coin NG x 20

King of Fire Spirits Panpipe King of Fire Spirits Panpipe NG

Master Coin Master Coin NG x 35

King of Water Spirits Panpipe King of Water Spirits Panpipe NG

Master Coin Master Coin NG x 35

King of Wind Spirits Panpipe King of Wind Spirits Panpipe NG

Master Coin Master Coin NG x 35

King of Earth Spirits Panpipe King of Earth Spirits Panpipe NG

Master Coin Master Coin NG x 35

Jade Gecko Ocarina Jade Gecko Ocarina NG

Master Coin Master Coin NG x 35

Rainbow Gecko Ocarina Rainbow Gecko Ocarina NG

Master Coin Master Coin NG x 35

Sky Petauri Ocarina Sky Petauri Ocarina NG

Master Coin Master Coin NG x 35

Starry Petauri Ocarina Starry Petauri Ocarina NG

Master Coin Master Coin NG x 35

Vivi Assassin Ocarina Vivi Assassin Ocarina NG

Master Coin Master Coin NG x 35

Vivi Fighter Ocarina Vivi Fighter Ocarina NG

Master Coin Master Coin NG x 35

Demonling Ocarina Demonling Ocarina NG

Master Coin Master Coin NG x 35

Angry Black Rabbit Ocarina Angry Black Rabbit Ocarina NG

Master Coin Master Coin NG x 35

Deerhawk Ocarina Deerhawk Ocarina NG

Master Coin Master Coin NG x 35
BasicsHow to change pet's skin?Skin pricesStandardEvolved WolfImproved Baby Pet'sSkinsEvolved WolfImproved Baby Pet's


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