Slots expansion and weight limit


During the game, everyone reaches the inventory slot limit. When it is full of loot, the warehouse is full of "useful things", and you want to add more goods to the trading shop to sell everything at once.

The Masterwork team has predicted these troubles and offers players several items that make the gameplay easier. All items can be purchased in Butler game shop.

Weight limit

Mark of Giants: +50% to weight limit Mark of Giants: +50% to weight limit 30 Days NG

  • Increases weight limit by 50%
  • Works for both main and subclass
  • Personal temporary item. Duration 30 or 100 days
  • Stored in quest inventory
  • If you have 2 identical items in your inventory, you only get the effect from one
  • Compatible with Mark of Titans: +150% to weight limit Mark of Titans: +150% to weight limit 30 Days NG , effects are multiplied

Mark of Titans: +150% to weight limit Mark of Titans: +150% to weight limit 30 Days NG

  • Increases weight limit by 150%
  • Works for both main and subclass
  • Personal temporary item. Duration 30 or 100 days
  • Stored in quest inventory
  • If you have 2 identical items in your inventory, you only get the effect from one
  • Compatible with Mark of Giants: +50% to weight limit Mark of Giants: +50% to weight limit 30 Days NG , effects are multiplied

Box with Marks of Giants & Titans: +275% to weight limit Box with Marks of Giants & Titans: +275% to weight limit 30 Days NG

Inventory slots

Expand Inventory Expand Inventory +60 NG

  • Adds 60 inventory slots
  • Works for both main and subclass
  • Permanent personal item
  • Stored in quest inventory
  • If you have 2 identical items in your inventory, you only get the effect from one

Expand Storage Expand Storage +100 NG

  • Adds 100 personal warehouse slots
  • Works for both main and sub class
  • Permanent personal item
  • Stored in quest inventory
  • If you have 2 identical items in your inventory, you only get the effect from one

Expand Mail, Store and Manufacture Expand Mail, Store and Manufacture +8 NG

  • Adds 8 trading slots, 8 mail attachment slots and 8 Dwarven Manufacture slots.
  • Works for both main and subclass
  • Permanent personal item
  • Stored in quest inventory
  • If you have 2 identical items in your inventory, you only get the effect from one

Expand Dwarven Craft Expand Dwarven Craft +48 NG

  • Adds 48 slots to the dwarven recipe book
  • Works for both main and subclass
  • Permanent personal item
  • Stored in quest inventory
  • If you have 2 identical items in your inventory, you only get the effect from one

Useful items

Rune of Item Penalty Rune of Item Penalty -5 Lv. for 24 hours NG

  • Allows you to wear C, B, A and S-grade items without penalty 5 levels earlier
  • The effect doesn't work at the Olympiad
  • Personal temporary item
  • Stored in quest inventory
  • If you have 2 identical items in your inventory, you only get the effect from one

Infinity MW Summon Bracelet Infinity MW Summon Bracelet NG

  • Summons party member, if he is also wearing the Bracelet. Reuse time: 60 minutes
  • Has 6 talisman slots
  • Personal temporary item
  • Uses a bracelet slot

Box with Box with "My Teleport" Items 1 Book, 3 Flags, 20 Scrolls NG

Pay attention!

For My Teleport Scroll My Teleport Scroll NG added reuse time.

After using the scroll, teleportation via "My Teleport" will become available again after 10 minutes.

BasicsWeight limitInventory slotsBuff Slot ExpansionUseful items


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