Fortresses on Masterwork

This article created with assistance of Masterwork player KyDecHuk


Fortress of fort — unique construction, that have a lot in common with clan halls and castles. To take possession of a fortress, you must capture it first.

A clan that has captured a fortress can use additional features and bonuses.

A clan that owns a fortress can register for castle siege and claim ownership in case of victory. If this scenario, the old fortress goes to the NPC. One clan can simultaneously own either a castle, or fortress.

There are 21 fortresses in the world of Elmoreaden — 11 small and 10 large. Regardless of the type of fortress, it contains all important NPCs.

Types of fortresses

Depending on the location of the fortress, there are Large and Small, Border and Territorial types.

The location of all fortresses can be seen on the map. To do this, open the "World Info" tab, then select the "Region Info" section. When you point at a fortress, you can find out information about it - current owner and siege status.

Fortress map l2

Small fortresses

small fortress map l2

Small fortresses have 3 barracks with captains. This makes them easier to capture, but more difficult to hold.

  • Aaru Fortress
  • Archaic Fortress
  • Demon Fortress
  • Dragonspine Fortress
  • Hive Fortress
  • Ivory Fortress
  • Monastic Fortress
  • Narsell Fortress
  • Camp Fortress
  • Tanor Fortress
  • White Sands Fortress

Large fortresses

big fortress map l2

Large fortresses have 5 barracks with captains. Due to this, such fortresses are much more difficult to capture, but easier to hold.

  • Antharas' Fortress
  • Bayou Fortress
  • Borderland Fortress
  • Cloud Mountain Fortress
  • Floran Fortress
  • Hunter's Fortress
  • Southern Fortress
  • Swamp Fortress
  • Valley Fortress
  • Western Fortress


castle envoy l2

The fortresses located on the territories of different castles and, depending on their location, can be Border or Territorial.

After capturing a fortress, the ambassador of the castle on whose territory the fortress located appears in it, and in the border fortress there are two ambassadors from the nearest castles. A fortress can have one of the following statuses:

  • Neutral. Until a decision on the political situation is made, the fortress remains neutral
    • The fortress cannot be strengthened and the dungeon cannot be used
  • Independent. A fortress receives independent status if the clan leader declares this to the ambassador or did not make any decision within an hour after the capture
    • The clan that owns the castle on whose territory the fortress is located can register on the siege
    • You can't boost your defenses with NPCs before the next siege.
    • The fortress does not receive supplies (epaulettes) from the castle
    • Entrance to the fortress dungeon is available
  • Contract. The clan swears allegiance to the lord of the castle in a conversation with the ambassador
    • The clan agree to pay a tax to the castle, that is automatically will be withdrawn from the warehouse. If there is not enough money to pay the tax, the fortress automatically becomes independent
    • The fortress can increase its defense with the help of NPCs
    • The fortress receives supplies from the castle
    • The entrance to the fortress dungeon is unavailable

Territorial fortresses participate in Territory Wars - the siege zone is activated and quests for protecting/attacking the catapult and general are available.

On Masterwork fortresses do not take part in a Territory War.

Border Fortresses Territorial fortresses
Aaru Fortress Archaic Fortress
Antharas' Fortress Bayou Fortress
Cloud Mountain Fortress Hive Fortress
Demon Fortress Borderland Fortress
Dragonspine Fortress Ivory Fortress
Floran Fortress Narsell Fortress
Hunter's Fortress Camp Fortress
Monastic Fortress Southern Fortress
Tanor Fortress Swamp Fortress
Western Fortress Valley Fortress
White Sands Fortress

Fortresses on Masterwork

On Masterwork, partial system for fortresses has been removed. Fortress owners now have access to the dungeon, regardless of the status of the fortress.

There are only 9 fortresses available on Masterwork - 4 small and 5 large:

  • Narsell Fortress
  • White Sands Fortress
  • Borderland Fortress
  • Swamp Fortress
  • Archaic Fortress
  • Floran Fortress
  • Cloud Mountain Fortress
  • Tanor Fortress
  • Antharas' Fortress

Terms of ownership

Fortress is the clan residence. A clan can simultaneously own a clan hall and a fortress, but cannot own a fortress and a castle.

A clan that owns a fortress can capture another one. The previous fortress will be handed to the NPC.

After a successful siege, the clan can own the fortress for a maximum of 168 hours (7 days). At the end of this period, the fortress will come under the control of the NPC.

You can attack the fortress several times a day. Registration is available 4 hours after the end of the siege.

Registration for the siege

Participation in the siege is available for clans of level 4 at least.

To register for a siege you have to talk to NPC Suspicious Merchant, who walks along the road near the fortress.

Suspicious Merchant l2

In the basic version of the game, you can buy codexes and siege consumables from the Suspicious Merchant.

Suspicious Merchant's Store
No Data Yet

Suspicious Merchant does not have a store on Masterwork.

Several clans can register to siege a fortress at once. The clan that owns the fortress automatically registered for protection. Other clans cannot register to defend the fortress.

The first clan to register must pay 250 000 adena, other clans are exempt from paying this fee.

Since the first registration, begins the countdown to the start of the siege — 1 hour. First 50 minutes other clans can apply to participate in the siege, then the Merchant disappears.

Registration for a siege may be canceled within the first 50 minutes after the first application.

You cannot register for a fortress siege later than 2 hours before the end of the clan’s tenure of the fortress.

Siege of the fortress

The territory of the fortress and its area becomes a combat zone — you can kill characters without losing experience and receiving karma. Characters can attack enemy and neutral characters without holding Ctrl.

Special icons appear above all characters, participating in the siege, that shows their affiliation with different sides: attackers - sword icon, defenders - shield icon. Members of the same alliance can be on different sides during a siege.

All participants can place flags for quick resurrection.

Immediately after the siege begins, all the gates of the fortress are closed. The attacking side will have to break them using dwarven siege weapons, auto attacks or any offensive skills.

After entering the fortress, the attacking side must capture 3/3 (Archer/Mage/Captain) or 5/5 (+ Officers and Mechanism) barracks, depending on the size of the fortress. For that you have to kill all the captains.

  • Archer barracks
  • Support barracks
  • Garrison barracks
  • Officers' barracks
  • Control room

Pay attention!

Barracks will restore while Rebel Commander on the roof of the fortress alive.


A Mercenary Captain appears behind the walls of the fortress, and must be protected by the attacking clans.

Captains appear inside the fortress, and must be protected by the defending clan:

Archer Captain l2

After killing the first captain, a 10-minute countdown until all captains are resurrected begins. If you don't capture the remaining barracks during this time, then all the captains will resurrect, and you will have to kill them again.

Control room

The Control Room is only available in a large fortresses.

To get to the Control Room you need to disable 4 Etc Backup Power Unit Control Room on the outside of the building. To do this, you need to type the correct sequence of letters in the dialogue with the unit. If the wrong code is entered a certain amount of times, the access will be blocked for 30 seconds.

Как отключить резервное питание осада крепости л2

When the power is turned off, you will be able to enter the Control Room. To do this you will need Control Room Card Control Room Card NG . It drops from the Castle_guard Dwarven Gunnery Sergeant Lv. 66 , who guard the Control Room. After receiving the card talk to Construct Control Unit Control Room , to open the door.

Где взять Карту Контрольной Рубки осада крепости л2

Inside the control room you have to turn off Etc Power Control Unit Control Room and Etc Main Machine Control Room . To do this, in the dialogue with the Unit press the 3 required numbers. If the wrong code is entered a certain amount of times, the access will be blocked for 30 seconds.

Pay attention!

7 8 9
4 5 6
1 2 3

Choose one correct number from each row, in any order.

Any class can enter the password, but it will be much easier for Warsmith or Maestro to do this.

Как отключить рубку осада форта л2

As soon as all power units are turned off, the power supply to the control room will be stopped.


After killing all the captains, the doors to the Command Barracks (central building) will open. There are 3 flags inside the Barracks.

Флаг осада крепости л2

To win the siege, you must deliver the Flag to the roof of the Barracks and install (cast) it on the flagpole.

Any clan member can pick up Combat flag Combat flag NG , which is automatically equipped to a weapon slot. The character's speed will be significantly reduced. You can speed up by using Instant Haste Potion Instant Haste Potion NG , that is sold by Human Adventurers' Guide MW Club Manager for Ivory Coin Ivory Coin NG .

An equipped Flag gives character new skills:

  • Flag Equip Flag Equip Lv. 1 (passive) — Equip flag to decrease various battle abilities.
  • Flag Display Flag Display Lv. 1 (active) — In order to get recognition, display the combat flag on the fortress's flagpole.

Rebel Commander with a guardians waiting for you on the roof near the Flagpole. Kill all NPCs, so that they don't disturb you while casting a flag.

Rebel Commander l2

To cast a flag you have to target Etc Flagpole and use Flag Display Flag Display Lv. 1 . Casting time is 3 minutes. It can be interrupted if the character is attacked.

Flagpole l2

After the cast is completed, the siege ends and the fortress comes into the possession of the clan that planted the Flag.

Benefits of the fortress

For capturing a fortress, a clan receives clan reputation points (CRP). Loss of fortress does not lead to loss of reputation points.

Logistics Officer l2

Logistics Officer gives 1 Proof of Loyalty Proof of Loyalty NG every 6 hours.

Blood is needed to raise a clan level to 9 in a basic game, and to levels 10 and 11 on Masterwork realms. In addition, at Masterwork Blood required for learning passive and using active clan skills.

For detailed information about leveling up and clan skills, read the articles Clan on Masterwork, Squads Passive Skills, Clan Active Skills.

Teleport and buffer

Foreman l2

Foreman provides access to all functions of the fortress — recovery effects, buffs, teleportation to areas around the fortress, clan storage and gate management.

Activation of functions is paid. Talk to the Foreman and enable the functions you need. Adena for paying for functions is removed from the character's inventory.

Strengthening the fortress

Guard Captain l2

Guard Captain provides access to defencive functions of the fortress for the next siege. This is only available for fortresses that have signed an agreement with the castle.


Wyvern Manager l2

The leader of a clan that owns a fortress can fly a Wyvern. To do this you need to mount the strider level 55 or higher, have 25 Crystal (B-Grade) Crystal (B-Grade) B in inventory and talk to NPC Wyvern Manager in the fortress. Don't forget to buy food for the wyvern in advance, so your journey will not be ruined by falling from the sky.

Pay attention!

On Masterwork, not only the clan leader, but also all members can ride a wyvern.

Using a wyvern to get into restricted areas (sieges, epic bosses, etc.) is strictly prohibited. Violators will be punished.


Support Unit Captain l2

Support Unit Captain in an open tent provides access to the fortress store:


Scroll of Escape: Fortress Scroll of Escape: Fortress NG
Blessed Scroll of Escape: Fortress Blessed Scroll of Escape: Fortress NG
Food for Wyvern Food for Wyvern NG
Human Circlet Human Circlet NG
Elven Circlet Elven Circlet NG
Dark Elven Circlet Dark Elven Circlet NG
Orcish Circlet Orcish Circlet NG
Dwarven Circlet Dwarven Circlet NG
Kamaelic Circlet Kamaelic Circlet NG
Agathion Seal Bracelet - Fortress Agathion Seal Bracelet - Fortress NG
Scroll of Escape: Fortress Scroll of Escape: Fortress NG


Adena Adena NG (x500)

Pay attention!

On Masterwork, bracelets and shirts are sold by Human Adventurers' Guide MW Club Manager for Ivory Coin Ivory Coin NG .

Effects of ownership

The clan that owns the Fortress is endowed with special effects. They are automatically applied to all members Clan, including the current Academy. If the Fortress is lost, the clan will lose its acquired skills.

The Masterwork team has reworked outdated skills, now even the most seedy fortress on the edge of the world benefits its owners.

Fortress Skills Descriptions
Aaru Fortress Residence Soul Residence Soul Lv. 1 Max MP +5%.
Residence Clarity Residence Clarity Lv. 1 MP Consumption -5%.
Antharas' Fortress Residence Shield Defence Residence Shield Defence Lv. 1 Shield Defence +225.
Residence Empower Residence Empower Lv. 1 M. Atk. +8%.
Archaic Fortress Residence Body Residence Body Lv. 1 Max HP +7%.
Residence Vigilance Residence Vigilance Lv. 1 Resistance Sleep +10%.
Bayou Fortress Residence Might Residence Might Lv. 1 P. Atk. +6%.
Residence Empower Residence Empower Lv. 1 M. Atk. +8%.
Borderland Fortress Residence Spirit Residence Spirit Lv. 1 Max CP +12%.
Residence Death Fortune Residence Death Fortune Lv. 1 When a clan member within the residence is killed by PK/ordinary monster, the Exp. points consumption rate and the probability of incurring a death after-effect are decreased.
Cloud Mountain Fortress Residence Fortitude Residence Fortitude Lv. 1 Resistance Stun +10%.
Residence Death Fortune Residence Death Fortune Lv. 1 When a clan member within the residence is killed by PK/ordinary monster, the Exp. points consumption rate and the probability of incurring a death after-effect are decreased.
Demon Fortress Residence Spirit Residence Spirit Lv. 1 Max CP +12%.
Residence Moral Residence Moral Lv. 1 CP Regeneration Bonus +25%.
Dragonspine Fortress Residence Magic Barrier Residence Magic Barrier Lv. 1 M. Def. +5%.
Residence Resist Typhoon Residence Resist Typhoon Lv. 1 Resistance to Water +10
Resistance to Wind +10.
Floran Fortress Residence Guidance Residence Guidance Lv. 1 Accuracy +4.
Residence Freedom Residence Freedom Lv. 1 Resistance Hold +10%.
Hive Fortress Residence Agility Residence Agility Lv. 1 Evasion +4.
Residence Resist Lava Residence Resist Lava Lv. 1 Resistance to Fire +10
Resistance to Earth +10.
Hunter's Fortress Residence Might Residence Might Lv. 1 P. Atk. +6%.
Residence Agility Residence Agility Lv. 1 Evasion +4.
Ivory Fortress Residence Moral Residence Moral Lv. 1 CP Regeneration Bonus +25%.
Residence Freedom Residence Freedom Lv. 1 Resistance Hold +10%.
Monastic Fortress Residence Body Residence Body Lv. 1 Max HP +7%.
Residence Health Residence Health Lv. 1 Incoming Heal Power +8%.
Narsell Fortress Residence Health Residence Health Lv. 1 Incoming Heal Power +8%.
Residence Vigilance Residence Vigilance Lv. 1 Resistance Sleep +10%.
Camp Fortress Residence Body Residence Body Lv. 1 Max HP +7%.
Residence Shield Block Residence Shield Block Lv. 1 Shield Defence Rate +20%.
Southern Fortress Residence Shield Block Residence Shield Block Lv. 1 Shield Defence Rate +20%.
Residence Resist Typhoon Residence Resist Typhoon Lv. 1 Resistance to Water +10
Resistance to Wind +10.
Swamp Fortress Residence Shield Residence Shield Lv. 1 P. Def. +5%.
Residence Guidance Residence Guidance Lv. 1 Accuracy +4.
Tanor Fortress Residence Movement Residence Movement Lv. 1 Speed +5.
Residence Resist Lava Residence Resist Lava Lv. 1 Resistance to Fire +10
Resistance to Earth +10.
Valley Fortress Residence Empower Residence Empower Lv. 1 M. Atk. +8%.
Residence Shield Defence Residence Shield Defence Lv. 1 Shield Defence +225.
Western Fortress Residence Shield Residence Shield Lv. 1 P. Def. +5%.
Residence Shield Defence Residence Shield Defence Lv. 1 Shield Defence +225.
Residence Death Fortune Residence Death Fortune Lv. 1 When a clan member within the residence is killed by PK/ordinary monster, the Exp. points consumption rate and the probability of incurring a death after-effect are decreased.
White Sands Fortress Residence Soul Residence Soul Lv. 1 Max MP +5%.
Residence Magic Barrier Residence Magic Barrier Lv. 1 M. Def. +5%.

For detailed information about the possession effects of the Fortress, read the article Passive Skills of Castles and Fortresses.


Detention Camp Warden l2

A fortress in the game gives access to special instance zone (dungeon), that each clan member can visit once a day on Masterwork, while in the original game only 1 group has access to the dungeon once every 4 hours.

A dungeon, also known as a “basement” is a temporary zone (instance) for group exping. Available to members of a clan that owns a castle or fortress.

To complete the instance you must accept quest from the NPC Detention Camp WardenAwl Under Foot and kill three bosses in the dungeon.

For killing each of the three bosses, players receive experience, SP points, and drop in the form of clan reputation scrolls, enchant scrolls, books of Fighter's/Archer's/Mage's will, whole gear and parts for its crafting. In addition, for killing final boss, players receives quest items, that can be traded for Ivory Coin.

Pay attention!

Knight's Epaulette Knight's Epaulette NG are not used on Masterwork.

Talismans, Bracelets, Shirts and Codexes are obtained by other ways.

For detailed information about the Dungeon of the Fortress, read the article Prison Castle Dungeon.

This article created with assistance of Masterwork player KyDecHuk

BasicsTypes of fortressesSmall fortressesLarge fortressesTerritorialFortresses on MasterworkTerms of ownershipRegistration for the siegeSiege of the fortressCaptainsControl roomFlagsBenefits of the fortressTeleport and bufferStrengthening the fortressWyvernShopEffects of ownershipBasement



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