Territory Wars on Masterwork

Basic information

Territorial Wars — a massive PvP event available to all players. Regardless of whether the player is a member of the clan or whether the clan owns the castle — each player can take part in battles as a mercenary.

All TW members are fighting over territorial flags, which give members of the castle’s clan additional points of basic parameters.

Time of wars

Territorial Wars are held on Saturdays in the week of sieges from 08:00 PM to 10:00 PM server time (UTC+2)


Registration closes 2 hours before battles start

Clans and individual players can take part in TW. However, if a player is a member of a clan registered for the protection of one territory, he cannot personally register for the protection of another territory.

TW is available to players 40 levels or above, however only players of 61 levels and above can complete quests and receive territory Badges as a reward.

To register to protect the selected territory, talk to Mercenary Captain. Select the line "Sign up for the Territory Battle" and specify the type of registration — clan or mercenary.

Mercenary Captain l2

The clan owners of the territory register automatically to defend their territory. If you have not registered as a separate player, you can join the clan that is registered for participation.

Pay attention!
On Masterwork servers it is impossible to join a clan if there is less than an hour left before the TW starts

Chat Battlefield

The Battlefield chat channel is activated 20 minutes before the start. To write a message in this channel, type the ^ (Shift+6) symbol in the chat. Before the beginning of the battle, the channel is common to all TW members, after the beginning of the message only the allies see the channel. Live chat automatically shuts down 10 minutes after Territorial Wars.

TW Beginning

Territorial Wars start at 08:00 PM server time (UTC+2)

Once TW starts, the area around the castles becomes a combat zone. In the combat zone, all players, including the dead, receive points of fame, 125 points every 5 minutes.

Closed gates of castles can be attacked. The Territory Ward and Supplies Safe are located in the castle and can be seized.

Clan leaders participating in TW can put a tent or flag in the combat zone.

Fighting TW rules

Players are divided into allies, opponents and neutral.
Allies — members of the clan-owner of the castle of the territory, registered to defend the territory clans and mercenaries.
Opponents — clans and mercenaries registered to defend another territory.
Neutral — all players who are not registered for TW .

All TW members are marked with their territory icon over the character.

In the battle area, opponents and neutral players can attack without a force attack.
Allies cannot be attacked even by forced attack.
Distance attacks hurt allies and neutral players.
Massive skills hurt enemies and neutral players.

Any character who leaves a battle zone is flagged for 120 seconds.

PK counter does not change for killing opponents and neutral players in combat zone.
PK counter does not change for killing opponents outside the battle zone.

TW members do not lose experience and items after death in the combat zone.
Neutral players lose experience and items after death in the battle zone.

Scrolls and resurrection skills do not work in the battle area.
Dead TW members can be resurrected with the help of the item Charm of Courage , in the castle, fortress, nearest town/village or near the clan camp. Dead neutral players can only resurrect in a nearby town or village.

TW and Mid Company

The Mid Company and New Castles also have Territory Wars. Their mechanics and shop products correspond to all usual common TW, but there are a number of restrictions:

  • Mid Company members who own regular castles — can visit the Mid Company TW area
  • Members of the Mid Company system who own regular castles — CANNOT put a tent to move the flag of the new castle into a regular castle
  • Members of the Mid Company who own regular castles — CANNOT put a tent to move the flag of the new castle into a regular castle
  • Members of Mid Company who own new castles — can visit the TW area for regular castles
  • Members of the Mid Company System who own new castles — CANNOT put a tent to move the regular castle Flag to the new castle
  • Non-Mid Company members who own regular castles — CANNOT access the TW area for new castles. The Mid Company’s Territory Wars area is available only for the Mid Company clans members
  • There is a restriction on Flags of new castles — one Mid Company castle can own maximum 4 Flags out of 6 available


  • Clans that own castles will be automatically registered for the territory of their castle
  • Mid Company Clan Leader can register his clan at any castle — new or regular
  • Personal registration of Mid Company clan members is not available! Leader registers the entire clan
  • Players (clan members or non clan members) who are not part of the Mid Company system are UNABLE to register for the new castles

Several examples:

Mid Company member owns the castle Orc Castle
  • Can:
    • Move around Mid Company Castle Areas
    • Put "Tent" on a Mid Company castles
    • Move through regular castle areas
  • Cannot:
    • Put "Tent" on a regular castles
Mid Company member owns the castle Aden Castle
  • Can:
    • Move around Mid Company Castle Areas
    • Put "Tent" on a regular castles
    • Move through regular castle areas
  • Cannot:
    • Put "Tent" on a Mid Company castles
NOT a Mid Company member owns a castle Giran Castle
  • Can:
    • Move through regular castle areas
    • Put "Tent" on a regular castles
  • Cannot:
    • Move around the Mid Company castle areas and put there "Tent"

For what these restrictions? To keep the flags of New and Regular Castles within their limits.

Catle owner of the Orc Castle should not and cannot have a flag of the Aden Castle
At the same time, the owner of the Aden Castle should not and cannot have a flag of the Orc Castle

Outpost, Camp and Banner of the Clan

The leader of the clan owner of the castle can put in a combat zone an Outpost with the help of the skill Outpost Construction Outpost Construction Lv. 1

  • Consumes — 120 Gemstone B Gemstone B NG
  • Can exist only one Outpost
  • Clan leader can fold Outpost with the skill
    No Data Yet
  • Outpost is required to restore and resurrect clan members, and to capture the Flag of Territory

Clan leaders can set up a battle zone Camp with skills Build Headquarters Build Headquarters Lv. 1 and Build Advanced Headquarters Build Advanced Headquarters Lv. 1

  • Consumes — 300 Gemstone C Gemstone C NG
  • Camp increases the recovery speed of HP, MP, and CP and allows Clan members to resurrect near it.
  • Can be destroyed by enemies and neutral players

Clan leaders of levels 8 and above can set Clan Banner with the skill Build Clan Flag Build Clan Flag Lv. 1

  • Consumes — 15 Proof of Loyalty Proof of Loyalty NG
  • Camp increases the recovery speed of HP, MP, and CP and allows Clan members to resurrect near it
  • Can be destroyed by enemies and neutral players

Skills Outpost Construction Outpost Construction Lv. 1 , Build Headquarters Build Headquarters Lv. 1 and Build Clan Flag Build Clan Flag Lv. 1 have a separate recovery time. Only one of the buildings can exist at a time.


All members of the Territory Wars, except members of the Castle Clan, can hide their nickname and fight anonymously. Special items are used for this purpose.

Disguise Scroll

You can buy in the city from the NPC Mercenary Captain. Is available for use 20 minutes before the beginning, the scroll ends 10 minutes after the end of Territory Wars.

The scroll effect changes the character’s name to Guardian.

Pay attention!
During the effect of Disguise Scroll it is impossible to open a personal shop and manufactory.

Transformation Scroll: Mercenary

You can buy in the city from the NPC Mercenary Captain. All members of the Territory Wars can use the scroll, except members of the Castle Clan.

The scroll becomes available for use 20 minutes before the start of the TW. The transformation effect lasts 30 minutes and is not canceled after death.

The character in the Mercenary transformation does not receive EXP and SP points. All characters in the Mercenary group also do not receive EXP and SP points. Mercenary’s transformation has no effect on gaining points of fame.

Chaotic characters (RK) and participants of the Olympiad can not use the scroll of transformation into a Mercenary.

In the basic version of Lineage 2 quests are available to increase the rank of the Mercenary — Path to Becoming an Elite Mercenary and Path to Becoming a Top Elite Mercenary.

Certificate of Experienced and Elite Mercenary open access to a special range of goods from Mercenary Captain and discount on the main product range.

Territory Flags

With the beginning of the Territory Wars, in each castle appears Territory Flags

  • The task of the defenders is to protect the flag and prevent it from being carried to another castle
  • The task of the attackers is to capture the flag and take it to the castle of their territory

The flag can be delivered to the castle in two ways — to carry it on foot or to cast it to your Outpost. After the cast is over, the flag will automatically move to the castle of the Outpost owner.

The Flag movement is displayed on the game map with the area icon of the Flag.

The character who raises the flag gets a penalty — decreasing of all speed parameters and attack by 80%. Characters are prohibited from using skills and items for teleportation. If the Flag keeper leaves the game for some reason — The flag falls to the ground at the point of the character’s exit.

Pay attention!
On Masterwork servers, it is forbidden to take the Flag outside the battle zone. When a character with a flag leaves a combat zone, the countdown begins (15 seconds). If during the timer action the flag does not return to the battle zone — it will disappear and return to its place in the castle

After the end of the Territory Wars, flags remain in the castles where they were delivered. If the flag is not in the castle at the end of the TW, it automatically moves to the castle in which it was last installed.

Owning the Flag gives the Castle Clan a unique skill — Territory Benefaction

Pay attention!
On Masterwork servers, ownership of the castle gives the Territory Benefaction, even if the castle does not have a flag. However, owning the flag does not double this bonus.

Connected quests

All characters registered for Territory Wars automatically receive quests related to the selected territory at the moment of the event start.

Basic Lineage 2 quests not available on Masterwork servers
Protect the territory catapult! Quest is not available on Masterwork servers!
Level 40 ~ 85
Aim Protect the catapult in the fortress belonging to your territory.
For the mission to be successful by the end of Territory Wars, the catapult must be alive.
Reward Territory War Badge Territory War Badge NG

Pay attention!
To complete quests and receive rewards for them, the character must be 61 levels or above!

For the Sake of the Territory
Level 40 ~ 85
Aim Destroy enemy targets — Catapult, Armory, Commander, High Priest, High Minister.
Reward Territory War Badge Territory War Badge NG
Protect the Supplies Safe!
Level 40 ~ 85
Aim Protect the Warehouse with equipment in the castle of your territory.
To successfully completionof the task, by the end of the Territory Wars, the Equipment Warehouse must be alive.
Reward Territory War Badge Territory War Badge NG
Protect the Military Association Leader!
Level 40 ~ 85
Aim Protect the Military Association Leader of your territory.
To successfully complete the task by the time of the end of Territory Wars Military Association Leader must be alive.
Reward Territory War Badge Territory War Badge NG
Protect the Religious Association Leader!
Level 40 ~ 85
Aim Protect the Religious Association Leader in the castle of your territory.
For the successful completion of the task by the end of the Territory Wars Religious Association Leader must be alive.
Reward Territory War Badge Territory War Badge NG
Protect the Economic Association Leader!
Level 40 ~ 85
Aim Protect Economic Association Leader in the castle of your territory.
To successfully complete the task by the end of Territory Wars Economic Association Leader must be alive.
Reward Territory War Badge Territory War Badge NG
Pierce through a Shield!
Level 40 ~ 85
Aim Kill 5 to 9 enemy knights of 61 levels and above — Paladin, Phoenix Knight, Dark Avenger, Hell Knight, Temple Knight, Eva's Templar, Shillien Knight, Shillien Templar.
Reward Territory War Badge Territory War Badge NG , amount of signs depends on the number of targets
Make Spears Dull!
Level 40 ~ 85
Aim Kill 10 to 20 enemy warriors of 61 levels and above — Gladiator, Duelist, Warlord, Dreadnought, Treasure Hunter, Adventurer, Hawkeye, Sagittarius, Swordsinger, Sword Muse, Plainswalker, Wind Rider, Silver Ranger, Moonlight Sentinel, Bladedancer, Spectral Dancer, Abyss Walker, Ghost Hunter, Phantom Ranger, Ghost Sentinel, Destroyer, Titan, Tyrant, Grand Khavatari, Bounty Hunter, Fortune Seeker, Berserker, Doombringer, Soul Breaker, Soul Hound, Arbalester, Trickster, Inspector, Judicator
Reward Territory War Badge Territory War Badge NG , amount of signs depends on the number of targets
Weaken the magic!
Level 40 ~ 85
Aim Kill 10 to 20 enemy mages of 61 levels and above — Sorcerer, Archmage, Necromancer, Soultaker, Warlock, Arcana Lord, Spellsinger, Mystic Muse, Elemental Summoner, Elemental Master, Spellhowler, Storm Screamer, Phantom Summoner, Spectral Master, Terramancer, Tectonic Sage
Reward Territory War Badge Territory War Badge NG , amount of signs depends on the number of targets
Deny Blessings
Level 40 ~ 85
Aim Kill 6 to 11 enemy healers and 61 levels and above — Bishop, Cardinal, Prophet, Hierophant, Elven Elder, Eva's Saint, Shillien Elder, Shillien Saint, Warcryer, Doomcryer
Reward Territory War Badge Territory War Badge NG , amount of signs depends on the number of targets
Destroy Key Targets
Level 40 ~ 85
Aim Kill 4 to 8 enemy characters of the rare class 61 levels and above — Overlord, Dominator, Warsmith, Maestro
Reward Territory War Badge Territory War Badge NG , amount of signs depends on the number of targets

Territory Badges

At the end of Territory Wars, talk to Mercenary Captain, to receive a reward for completed quests — Territory War Badge Territory War Badge NG

On Masterwork servers, members of Territory Wars receive Badges without binding to some specific territory.
No more need to register for certain land to get the right accessory!

You can spend Badges for special products from NPC Mercenary Captain and Territory Manager.

Pay attention!
Badges are unique to each territory. For example: Defenders of Giran lands receive a reward Giran Territory Badge Giran Territory Badge NG

Products for Badges


Participation in Territory Wars — an alternative way to obtain the status of Noblesse.
Accumulate 100 Badges of one territory and talk to Territory Manager, to get Noblesse.

Pay attention!
Only 50 Badges and a character level 70 are required on Masterwork servers to receive Noblesse


Accessories Rank A
COST 100 Territory War Badge Territory War Badge NG + 5 500 000 Adena Adena NG
Gludio Protection Earring Gludio Protection Earring A M. Def. 63, Stun Attack +15%, Bleed Defense +15%, Water Power Defense +8
Dion Protection Earring Dion Protection Earring A M. Def. 63, Hold Attack +15%, resistance to Poison +15%, resistance to holy attacks +8
Giran Protection Earring Giran Protection Earring A M. Def. 63, Bleed Attack +15%, Paralysis Defense +15%, Wind Power Defense +8
Oren Protection Earring Oren Protection Earring A M. Def. 63, Paralysis attack +15%, hold defense +15%, darkness defense +8
Aden Protection Earring Aden Protection Earring A M. Def. 63, Mind Attack +15%, Stun Defense +15%, Earth Power Defense +8
Innadril Protection Earring Innadril Protection Earring A M. Def. 63, Sleep Attack +15%, Stun Defense +15%, Water Power Defense +8
Goddard Protection Earring Goddard Protection Earring A M. Def. 63, Stun Attack +15%, Sleep Defense +15%, Fire Power Defense +8
Rune Protection Earring Rune Protection Earring A M. Def. 63, Poison Attack +15%, Hold Defense +15%, Fire Power Defense +8
Schuttgart Protection Earring Schuttgart Protection Earring A M. Def. 63, Hold Attack +15%, Fear Defense +15%, Wind Power Defense +8
Accessories Rank S80
COST 120 Territory War Badge Territory War Badge NG + 7 500 000 Adena Adena NG
Gludio Guard Earring Gludio Guard Earring S80 M. Def. 79, Stun Attack +15%, Bleed Defense +15%, Water Power Defense +10. CP +5%
Dion Guard Earring Dion Guard Earring S80 M. Def. 79, Hold Attack +15%, resistance to Poison +15%, resistance to holy attacks +10. CP +5%
Giran Guard Earring Giran Guard Earring S80 M. Def. 79, Bleed Attack +15%, Paralysis Defense +15%, Wind Power Defense +10. CP +5%
Oren Guard Earring Oren Guard Earring S80 M. Def. 79, Paralysis attack +15%, hold defense +15%, darkness defense +10. CP +5%
Aden Guard Earring Aden Guard Earring S80 M. Def. 79, Mind Attack +15%, Stun Defense +15%, Earth Power Defense +10. CP +5%
Innadril Guard Earring Innadril Guard Earring S80 M. Def. 79, Sleep Attack +15%, Stun Defense +15%, Water Power Defense +10. CP +5%
Goddard Guard Earring Goddard Guard Earring S80 M. Def. 79, Stun Attack +15%, Sleep Defense +15%, Fire Power Defense +10. CP +5%
Rune Guard Earring Rune Guard Earring S80 M. Def. 79, Poison Attack +15%, Hold Defense +15%, Fire Power Defense +10. CP +5%
Schuttgart Guard Earring Schuttgart Guard Earring S80 M. Def. 79, Hold Attack +15%, Fear Defense +15%, Wind Power Defense +10. CP +5%

Belts, Pouches, Pins, Ornaments

Pay attention!

The chance of obtaining an item from the box and after printing is not 100%


You can get a riding dragon from the NPC Mercenary Captain. Ask him how to move and choose the dragon to your taste.

Pay attention!

Dragon Guardian on Masterwork servers cannot be bought for TW Badges

But it is sold as a mount from the NPC Human Rylai Battle Pass Manager in Giran

Guardian's Strider


Pay attention!

All accessories can be tried from the NPC Human Rylai Battle Pass Manager in Giran


Basic informationTime of warsRegistrationChat BattlefieldTW BeginningFighting TW rulesTW and Mid CompanyOutpost, Camp and Banner of the ClanMercenariesTerritory FlagsConnected questsTerritory BadgesProducts for BadgesNoblesseAccessoriesBelts, Pouches, Pins, OrnamentsMountsAccessoriesSupplies



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