Clan Halls

This article was created with assistance of Masterwork player CrazyK


Clan Hall — is a special in-game home-like place for a clan, that allow clan to demonstrate their prestige and gives access to some useful functions.

Each clan can hold only one Hall at a time. Owning a Hall, a clan can conquer a castle or a fort, and use its functions.

There are 2 types of Clan Halls: town-based, bought from auction, and captured. Each hall has its unique name, for example: Moonstone Hall in Gludio.

Town Hall

clanhall l2

Town Halls are divided into several ranks, that define the quality of provided services and some extra features. Clan Hall minimal buyout bid and rent also depend on rank.

Rank Minimum bid at auction Rent value
С-grade 8 000 000 Adena Adena NG 200 000 Adena Adena NG a week
B-grade 20 000 000 Adena Adena NG 500 000 Adena Adena NG a week
A-grade 50 000 000 Adena Adena NG 1 000 000 Adena Adena NG a week

Owning an Aden Clan Hall allows clan members to ride a wyvern. To do that you will need a strider level 55 or higher, 25 Crystal (B-Grade) Crystal (B-Grade) B and Food for Wyvern Food for Wyvern NG , that is sold by Clan Hall Manager.

Owning a Clan Hall in Aden or Rune gives the option to change Wolf or Strider for their improved versions — Red Strider, Snow Wolf, and Fenrir. Talk to NPC near the entrance to exchange your pet.

wolf dragon l2

These pets could only be summoned by a clan member, that owns Aden or Rune Clan Hall. If you left such a clan, talk to Dwarf Mickey Pet Trader in Aden to exchange an improved pet for a regular one.


Clan level 2 and higher, with no Clan Hall can take part in the auction. To purchase a Hall, the clan leader must talk to NPC Human Auctioneer , who stands on a central square in all towns.

Auctioneer Gludin l2

NPC will show you a list of all Clan Halls available to purchase, their names, locations, auction date, minimal bid, and the number of bids for each Hall.

The purchase of a Clan Hall takes place in the form of an auction. When the clan leader places a bet, the specified amount is removed from the clan warehouse. Bids must be higher than the amount previously offered. The clan leader cannot offer more than the amount available in the clan's warehouse.

During the auction, bids are accepted from all clans claiming this hall. Adena is withdrawn from the clan warehouse and held until the end of the auction. It is impossible to find out what bet another participant made.

At the end of the auction, the clan that offered the highest price is declared the winner. Bids of clan leaders, who lost an auction, return to the clan's warehouses. The leader of the clan that wins the auction receives a victory message.

Clan Hall management

The clan that owns the hall must pay regular weekly fees for use. If there is no payment made on time, the leader will receive a notice of non-payment and a payment deadline will be set (1 week). If payment is not made, the clan will lose the right to use the clan hall, and the hall will be available to purchase on auction again.

For a fee, you can activate an increased HP and MP recovery rate, and increase the amount of experience restored after death. Also, you get access to the clan warehouse and teleport to nearby hunting grounds. The clan hall manager sells useful consumables and rare recipes for elixirs and accessories.


Players can add various decorations to their clan hall, which activate useful functions.

Talk to the manager in the clan hall to adjust the level of decorations. The first payment is taken immediately from the character's inventory, future ones — at the beginning of the specified period from the clan storage.

Fireplace clan hall l2

Fireplace — HP regeneration. The power of the recovery bonus depend on the level of improvement.

Carpet clan hall l2

Carpet — MP regeneration. The power of the recovery bonus depends on the level of improvement.

Chandelier clan hall l2

Chandelier — Experience Recovery. The amount of experience recovered depends on the level of improvement.

Mirror clan hall l2

Mirror — Teleportation-. The list of available locations depends on the level of improvement.

Insignia clan hall l2

Insignia — Support Magic. The number of effects and their level depends on the level of improvement.

Manager clan hall l2

Magic Equipment — Item creating (store). Depending on the level of improvement increases the range of items available for purchase.

Curtains clan hall l2

Curtains — Clan Hall Decoration. The appearance of the decoration depends on the level. The cost is the same for all grades of clan halls.

Level Cost Effect
1 level 2000 Adena Adena NG per 7 days Clan Hall Decoration
2 level 2500 Adena Adena NG per 7 days Clan Hall Decoration
Front Platform clan hall l2

Front Platform — Clan Hall Decoration. The appearance of the decoration depends on the level of improvement. Cost is the same for all ranks of clan halls.

Level Cost Effect
1 level 1300 Adena Adena NG per 3 days Clan Hall Decoration
2 level 4000 Adena Adena NG per 3 days Clan Hall Decoration


Clan leaders can list their clan halls for sale by turning to auction manager. Auction period may be one, three, or seven days. Clan leaders must also write a short description of a clan hall for sale and pay a deposit for listing the hall for auction.

The clan leader can cancel the auction before the expiration. The deposit will not be returned, and the clan hall cannot be re-auctioned within the next seven days.

If the clan hall currently has no owner or has been confiscated for unpaid usage fees, then a seven-day auction period will be automatically set.

Captured Clan Halls

In addition to the town clan halls, that can't be above A-grade, there are also S-grade halls. They can't be purchased but can be conquered, by taking part in a battle with monsters, or by a mini-game. There are six clan halls of such type:

  • Fortress of Resistance
  • Bandit Stronghold
  • Devastated Castle
  • Wild Beast Reserve
  • Forest of the Dead
  • Rainbow Springs Chateau

If a clan can use a town clan hall until the clan’s warehouse runs out of money for its maintenance, then the right to own the captured clan hall must be confirmed every two weeks, fighting not only with the boss but also with possible competitors.

Fortress of Resistance

Fortress of Resistance l2

Fortress of Resistance siege takes place every two weeks, on Friday of the siege week, at 10:00PM server real-time.

At 10:00PM A raid boss Humanoid Bloody Lord Nurka Lv. 55 appears on the territory of the Fortress of Resistance. High-level characters can attack the boss without getting skill4111 skill1064 Raid Curse.

The clan that deals the most damage to the boss takes over the hall. If the boss is not killed - the hall becomes the property of an NPCs.

Pay attention!

Even though this clan hall is S-grade, its improvements are significantly worse than in other captured halls.

List of teleports available:

  • Fortress of Resistance
  • Entrance to the Tanor Canyon
  • Cruma Marshlands
  • Guilloutine Fortress
  • The Town of Dion
  • Entrance to Floran Village
  • Cruma Tower
  • Death Pass
  • The Town of Gludio
  • The Town of Giran

List of available goods:

Bandit Stronghold

Bandit Stronghold l2

Bandit Stronghold siege takes place every two weeks on Friday of the siege week, at 10:00PM server real-time.

Clans of level 4 and higher can participate in the siege of the Stronghold. The Alliance cannot participate in the siege.

At 10:00PM from NPC Humanoid Messenger , who is standing near the gates, quest Competition for the Bandit Stronghold becomes available. The leader of the clan claiming to participate in the capture must complete this quest within an hour.

The quest can only be completed within the allotted time. At any other time, you will not receive quest items, and if you talk to the Messenger the quest will be canceled.

Instead of completing the quest, you can pay a bribe in the amount of 200 000 Adena Adena NG .

Quest guide
Starting NPC Humanoid Messenger
Level 0 ~ 85
Type Repeatable
Reward Access to Bandit Stronghold siege
Messenger l2

1. Talk to Humanoid Messenger near the Bandit Stronghold entrance to begin quest.

Elder Tarlk Basilisk l2

2.1. Go to the Outlaw Forest near the Bandit Stronghold. Find and kill

Beast Tarlk Basilisk Lv. 50
Beast Elder Tarlk Basilisk Lv. 51

Collect Tarlk Amulet Tarlk Amulet NG x 30.

Tarlk Bugbear Warrior l2

2.2. Go to the Forest of Evil near Ivory Tower. Find and kill

Humanoid Tarlk Bugbear Lv. 47
Humanoid Tarlk Bugbear Warrior Lv. 48
Humanoid Tarlk Bugbear High Warrior Lv. 49

Collect Tarlk Amulet Tarlk Amulet NG x 30.

Messenger l2

3. Return to Humanoid Messenger and talk to him to complete quest.

Only the first 5 clans, who complete the quest, can participate in the battle.

No more than 18 players from each clan can participate in a siege. The clan leader and his team must register with NPC Humanoid Messenger and select an NPC, which the clan will protect.

Based on the knockout competition principle, five selected clans must protect their NPCs, while destroying enemy NPCs. As soon as the battle begins, all non-registered players will be teleported outside the clan hall. During the knockout competition, the clan that owns the hall must wait in the peace zone inside the fortress.

At 21:00 the capture of the hall begins. At the fortress entrance there are camps, in front of each camp there is a flag of a certain color. Participants must wait next to the flag of the appropriate color. When the knockout competition begins, NPCs appear next to the flags and begin to move towards the center to engage in battle. The clan NPC is designated the same as the clan members.

Battle time is limited by 20 minutes. If the protected NPC dies, all clan members will be teleported outside the fortress. The battle ends when only one NPC remains alive.

If the time limit has expired, but 2 or more NPCs remain, all participants are teleported outside the fortress, and the previous owner of the fortress is considered the winner, and the final battle will not take place.

After the winner of the knockout competition is identified, the final battle begins between the winning clan and the clan that owns the hall. If the clan hall does not have an owner, then the winner of the “knockout” competition becomes the owner of this clan hall, and the final battle would not held.

In the final battle, the two clans are teleported to the center of the fortress, the rules and method of conducting the competition remain the same. However, there is no time limit for this battle. The clan that wins the final battle becomes owner of the monastery.

List of available teleports:

  • Near the frontier post
  • Sea of Spores
  • Ancient Battleground
  • Enchanted Valley, Southern Region
  • Enchanted Valley, Northern Region
  • Ivory Tower
  • Town of Oren
  • Tower of Insolence
  • The Town of Giran
  • The Town of Aden

List of available products:

Devastated Castle

Devastated Castle l2

Devastated Castle siege takes place every two weeks, on Friday of the siege week, at 06:00PM server real-time.

Clans of level 4 and higher can participate in the siege of the hall. The Alliance cannot participate in the capture.

The capture of the Devastated Castle takes place like a mini-siege. All interested clans must register with the NPC Undead Loken Messenger no later than 2 hours before the start of the siege. The clan that owns the hall is automatically registered for the siege. Clans that own another hall cannot participate in the siege.

The siege of Devastated Castle begins at 06:00PM server time, registration closes at 16:00. The siege lasts 1 hour.

After the start of the siege, the territory of the castle itself and around it becomes a siege zone, and NPC defenders spawn. All players are automatically teleported outside the siege zone.

Leaders of clans registered for siege can set up camps. Rules of battle during a siege of a clan hall are the same as during a normal siege. The only difference is that the hall cannot have a protecting clan, the owning clan also acts as an attacker. The castle is always protected only by NPCs.

Devastated Castle siege осада

During the siege, a raid boss Undead Gustav Lv. 70 appears inside the castle. High-level character can attack boss without getting skill4111 skill1064 Raid Curse.

At the end of the siege, the clan that dealt the most damage to the boss takes over the castle. If the boss is killed before the siege ends, the battle ends immediately. If the boss is not killed before the end of the siege, the monastery will become the property of an NPC.

Owners of this monastery can ride a wyvern. To do this you will need a level 55 or higher strider mount, 25 Crystal (B-Grade) Crystal (B-Grade) B and Food for Wyvern Food for Wyvern NG , that is sold by the Clan Hall Manager.

List of available teleports:

  • Blazing Swamp
  • Entrance to the Cemetery
  • Entrance to the Giant's Cave
  • Forest of Mirrors
  • The Town of Aden
  • Seal of Shilen
  • Tower of Insolence
  • Hunter's Village

List of available products:

Wild Beast Reserve

Wild Beast Reserve l2

Wild Beast Reserve siege takes place every two weeks on Friday of the siege week, at 10:00PM server real-time.

Clans of level 4 and higher can participate in the siege of the hall. The Alliance cannot participate in the capture.

At 10:00PM from NPC Angel Messenger , who is standing near the hall gates, becomes available A Grand Plan for Taming Wild Beasts quest. The leader of the clan claiming to participate in the siege must complete this quest within an hour.

The quest can only be completed within the allotted time. At any other time, you will not receive quest items, and if you talk to the Messenger the quest will be canceled.

Quest guide
Starting NPC Angel Messenger
Level 0 ~ 85
Type Repeatable
Reward Access to Wild Beast Reserve siege
Messenger l2

1. Talk to Angel Messenger near the Wild Beast Reserve gates to begin quest.

Feed Seller l2

2. Go to Beast Farm. Near one of the houses find Human Feed Seller and buy Golden Spice Golden Spice NG or Crystal Spice Crystal Spice NG

Baby Alpine Cougar l2

3. At Beast Farm find monsters from the list:

Beast Baby Alpine Kookaburra Lv. 83
Beast Baby Alpine Cougar Lv. 83
Beast Baby Alpine Buffalo Lv. 84
Animal Baby Alpine Grendel Lv. 84

Feed them spices until they are tamed. For each tamed animal you will receive Crystal of Purity Crystal of Purity NG . Collect 10 Crystals.

Messenger l2

3. Return to Angel Messenger and talk to him to complete the quest.

Only the first 5 clans to complete the quest can participate in the battle.

No more than 18 players from each clan can participate in a siege. The clan leader must register your team from NPC Humanoid Messenger and select the NPC that the clan will protect.

According to the principle of the “knockout” competition, the five selected clans must retain their NPCs, while destroying enemy NPCs. As soon as the battle begins, everyone not registered will be teleported outside the clan hall. During the knockout competition, the clan that owns the hall must wait in the peace zone inside the fortress.

At 21:00 the siege begins. At the entrance to the hall there are camps, in front of each camp there is a flag of a certain color. Participants must wait next to the flag of the appropriate color. When the knockout competition begins, NPCs appear next to the flags and begin to move towards the center to engage in battle. The clan NPC is designated the same as the clan members.

Battle time is limited by 20 minutes. If the protected NPC dies, all clan members are teleported outside the fortress. The battle ends when only one NPC remains alive.

If the time limit has expired, but 2 or more NPCs remain, all participants are teleported outside the fortress, and the previous owner of the fortress is considered a winner and the final battle will not take place.

After the winner of the knockout competition is identified, the final battle begins between the winning clan and clan-owner of the hall. If the hall did not have an owner, then the winner of the “knockout” competition becomes owner of this clan hall and the final battle would not held.

In the final battle, the two clans are teleported to the center of the fortress, and the rules and method of conducting the competition remain the same. However, there is no time limit in this battle. The clan that wins the final battle became owner of the hall.

Features of the hall:

On the territory of the hall there are pens with monsters that live on the farm. Members of the owning clan can raise them for trophies without competition from other clans. When switching to High Five chronicles, these monsters remain the same type.

List of available teleports:

  • Forest of the Dead
  • Wild Beast Pastures
  • Cursed Village
  • Valley of Saints
  • Western Part of the Swamp of Screams
  • Monastery of Silence
  • Town of Goddard
  • Town of Rune

List of available products:

Fortress of the Dead

Fortress of the Dead l2

Fortress of the Dead siege takes place every two weeks, on Friday of the siege week, at 06:00PM server real-time.

Clans of level 4 and higher can participate in the siege of the hall. The Alliance cannot participate in the capture.

The capture of the Fortress of the Dead takes place like a mini-siege. All interested clans must register from NPC Undead Jacquard Messenger no later than 2 hours before the start of the siege. Clan-owner of the hall is registered for the siege automatically. Clans that own another clan hall cannot participate in the siege.

The siege of the Fortress of the Dead begins at 06:00PM server time, registration closes at 16:00. The siege lasts 1 hour.

After the start of the siege, the territory of the castle itself and around it becomes a siege zone, and NPC defenders appear at all the gates of the castle. All players are automatically teleported outside the siege zone.

Leaders of clans registered for the siege can set up camps. Rules of battle during a siege of a hall the same as during a regular siege. The only difference is that the hall cannot have a defender clan, the owner clan also acts as an attacker. The castle is always protected only by NPCs.

Fortress of the Dead siege осада

During the siege, a raid boss Demonic Lidia von Hellmann Lv. 73 appears inside the castle. To make the battle with Lydia easier, first kill her minions — Demonic Alfred von Hellmann Lv. 72 and Demonic Giselle von Hellmann Lv. 72 .

High-level characters can attack the boss without risk of getting skill4111 skill1064 Raid Curse.

At the end of the siege, the clan that dealt the most damage to the boss takes over the hall. If the boss killed before the end of the siege, the battle ends immediately. If the boss is not killed before the end of the siege - the hall will become the property of an NPC.

Owners of this hall can fly a wyvern. To do this you will need a level 55 or higher strider mount, 25 Crystal (B-Grade) Crystal (B-Grade) B and Food for Wyvern Food for Wyvern NG , that is sold by the Clan Hall Manager.

List of available teleports:

  • Forest of the Dead
  • Wild Beast Pastures
  • Cursed Village
  • Valley of Saints
  • Swamp of Screams
  • Monastery of Silence
  • Town of Goddard
  • Town of Rune
  • Town of Aden

List of available products:

Rainbow Springs Chateau

Rainbow Springs Chateau l2

Rainbow Springs Chateau siege takes place every two weeks on Friday of the siege week, at 10:00PM server real-time.

Clans of level 3 and higher, consisting of more than five clan members, can participate in the siege. A maximum of 4 clans participate in the capture.

Capturing the Rainbow Springs Chateau is different from capturing other halls and is a mini-game. To apply to participate in the game for the right to own the hall, clan leaders must collect as many as possible Rainbow Springs Clan Hall War Decree Rainbow Springs Clan Hall War Decree NG .

In the base game, Decrees is obtained by fishing in hot springs throughout the location. On Masterwork, Decrees are obtained by hunting any monsters in the Hot Springs.

The collected Decrees must be given to NPC Humanoid Messenger before the siege. You can find the Messenger near the passage to the hall of the Rainbow Springs Chateau.

  • If a participating clan announces the dissolution of the clan during the registration period, its application will be automatically , in which case the Decrees will not be returned
  • A participating clan may refuse to participate during the registration period, and registration will automatically be canceled. In this case, the clan will receive back only half of the provided Decrees
  • The clan owner of this hall is automatically registered for the game. In this case, among the applicants 3 clans with the largest number of submitted Certificates are selected
Rainbow arena L2

The game for the right to own the hall is held in the arena not far from the Rainbow Springs Chateau. After the selection of participants is completed, the competition period begins — 60 minutes for preparation, 58 minutes for the game and 2 minutes for summing up.

Registered clans must create group of at least 5 members, the leader of the clan is the leader of the group. If there is a character in the group who is not a member of the clan, then the group will not be allowed into the arena. The group must move to the arena before the end of the preparation period. To do this, talk to NPC Giant Coordinator , who is located in between the arenas.

The area around the arena is a peace zone. Anyone can watch the game progress.

After entering the arena, all buffs available at that moment for all participants are removed, summoned pets/servitors disappear and cannot be summoned again in the arena.

As soon as the competition begins, Humanoid Hot Springs Yeti Maitre 'D Lv. 56 and Etc Hot Springs Gourd Lv. 56 appear in the center of the arenas. Treasure chests appear in random places throughout the arenas.

Humanoid Hot Springs Yeti Maitre 'D Lv. 56 tells the rules of the game and helps players with some advice.

Participants in the game must smash chests with their fists to obtain letters, which only the clan leader must pick up. Don't forget to set the correct distribution of loot in the group settings. To speed up farming, you can use items and skills that increase attack speed.

From time to time, Yeti will announce the word. The clan leader must collect the required letters and talk to the Yeti to exchange them for random pumpkin item.

Hot Spring Nectar Hot Spring Nectar NG Reduces your pumpkin's health by 100,000 and has a chance to spawn a Giant Enraged Yeti Lv. 56 monster, who can disturb the game
Hot Spring Mineral Water Hot Spring Mineral Water NG Restores 40,000 health to pumpkins of all enemies
Hot Spring Water Hot Spring Water NG Swap your pumpkin with a random enemy pumpkin
Hot Spring Sulfur Hot Spring Sulfur NG For 1 minute, activates a danger zone in enemy arenas, which imposes a negative effect Hot Spring Brimstone Hot Spring Brimstone Lv. 1 — Reduces Atk. Spd. and Cast. Spd. by 50%

Target the Yeti and use the items you receive to disturb your opponents and win the game.

The goal of the game is to smash your pumpkin faster than your opponents. The clan that is the first to complete the task receives the right to own the hall for the next 2 weeks.

If no clan manages to break the pumpkin before the end of the game, then the hall remains or becomes the property of an NPC.

2 minutes after the end of the time allotted for the game or after the victory of one of the clans, all participants will be teleported outside the arenas. The group of the winning clan moves to the hall.

List of available teleports:

  • Wall of Argos
  • Hot Springs
  • Shrine of Loyalty
  • Garden of Wild Beasts
  • Devil's Pass
  • Monastery of Silence
  • Town of Goddard
  • Town of Rune

List of available products:

Video guide


Gludio (B-grade)

clan halls Gludio l2

A list of clan halls, teleports and goods of the maximum upgrade level available on Masterwork.

  • Moonstone Hall
  • Onyx Hall
  • Topaz Hall
  • Ruby Hall

List of available teleports:

  • Ruins of Agony
  • Ruins of Despair
  • Ant Nest
  • Windawood Manor

List of available products:

Gludin (B-grade)

clan halls Gludin l2

A list of clan halls, teleports and goods of the maximum upgrade level available on Masterwork.

  • Crystal Hall
  • Onyx Hall
  • Sapphire Hall
  • Moonstone Hall
  • Emerald Hall

List of available teleports:

  • Windmill Hill
  • Fellmere Harvesting Grounds
  • Windy Hill
  • Abandoned Camp
  • Wastelands

List of available products:

Dion (C-grade)

clan halls Dion l2

A list of clan halls, teleports and goods of the maximum upgrade level available on Masterwork.

  • Atramental Barracks
  • Scarlet Barracks
  • Viridian Barracks

List of available teleports:

  • Cruma Marshlands
  • Fortress of Resistance
  • Plains of Dion
  • Tanor Canyon
  • Entrance to Floran Village

List of available products:

Giran (A-grade)

clan halls Giran l2

A list of clan halls, teleports and goods of the maximum upgrade level available on Masterwork.

  • Golden Chamber
  • Silver Manor
  • Mithril Chamber
  • Bronze Chamber
  • Silver Chamber

List of available teleports:

  • Breka's Stronghold
  • Devil's Isle
  • Dragon Valley
  • Tanor Canyon

List of available products:

Heine (A-grade)

clan halls Heine l2

A list of clan halls, teleports and goods of the maximum upgrade level available on Masterwork.

  • Golden Estate
  • Silver Estate
  • Bronze Estate
  • Mithril Estate
  • Coral Estate

List of available teleports:

  • Field of Silence
  • Field of Whispers
  • Alligator Island
  • Garden of Eva

List of available products:

Oren (A-grade)

clan halls Oren l2

A list of clan halls, teleports and goods of the maximum upgrade level available on Masterwork.

  • Silver Tenement
  • Mithril Tenement
  • Golden Tenement
  • Bronze Tenement

List of available teleports:

  • Skyshadow Meadow
  • Plains of the Lizardmen
  • Outlaw Forest
  • Sea of Spores

List of available products:

Aden (A-grade)

clan halls Aden l2

A list of clan halls, teleports and goods of the maximum upgrade level available on Masterwork.

  • Mithril Chamber
  • Golden Chamber
  • Bronze Chamber
  • Gold Manor
  • Silver Manor
  • Silver Chamber

List of available teleports:

  • Ancient Battleground
  • Enchanted Valley, Southern Region
  • Enchanted Valley, Northern Region
  • Blazing Swamp
  • Forest of Mirrors
  • Anghel Waterfall
  • South Entrance of Devastated Castle
  • West Area of the Devastated Castle
  • Seal of Shilen
  • Forsaken Plains
  • Tower of Insolence

List of available products:

Goddard (A-grade)

clan halls Goddard l2

A list of clan halls, teleports and goods of the maximum upgrade level available on Masterwork.

  • Onyx Hall
  • Moonstone Hall
  • Emerald Hall
  • Sapphire Hall

List of available teleports:

  • Varka Silenos Barracks
  • Ketra Orc Outpost
  • Entrance to the Forge of the Gods
  • Entrance to the Wall of Argos
  • Hot Springs

List of available products:

Rune (A-grade)

clan halls Rune l2

A list of clan halls, teleports and goods of the maximum upgrade level available on Masterwork.

  • Mont Chamber
  • Astaire Chamber
  • Aria Chamber
  • Yiana Chamber
  • Roien Chamber
  • Luna Chamber
  • Traban Chamber

List of available teleports:

  • Forest of the Dead
  • Wild Beast Pastures
  • Western Part of the Swamp of Screams
  • Valley of Saints
  • Monastery of Silence

List of available products:

Schutgard (A-grade)

clan halls Schuttgart l2

A list of clan halls, teleports and goods of the maximum upgrade level available on Masterwork.

  • Eisen Hall
  • Heavy Metal Hall
  • Molten Ore Hall
  • Titan Hall

List of available teleports:

  • Crypts of Disgrace
  • Plunderous Plains
  • Den of Evil
  • Ice Merchant Cabin

List of available products:

This article was prepared with the help of Masterwork player, CrazyK

BasicsTown HallAuctionClan Hall managementDecorationsSellingCaptured Clan HallsFortress of ResistanceBandit StrongholdDevastated CastleWild Beast ReserveFortress of the DeadRainbow Springs ChateauVideo guideGludio (B-grade)Gludin (B-grade)Dion (C-grade)Giran (A-grade)Heine (A-grade)Oren (A-grade)Aden (A-grade)Goddard (A-grade)Rune (A-grade)Schutgard (A-grade)