Alliance on Masterwork


The Alliance is a system that helps individual clans play together. Allied clans are more effective because of additional mechanics.

The new chat tab — Alliance Chat, is available for members of the allied clans. That is an extra chat — clan chat is not appearing in the alliance tab, and vice versa.

Alliance creating

The alliance may include clans level 5 and above. To form an alliance, the clan leader must contact the High Priest in the temple or the Grand Master in any guild.

Alliance name is limited to 16 letters or numbers. Spaces and special characters are prohibited.

There are several limitations when creating an alliance:

  • The Alliance Clan can't create or join another alliance
  • During a siege, the clans of the attacking and defending sides can't form an alliance
  • Clans that are at war can't form an alliance
  • The Alliance can have no more than 3 Clans (Masterwork have a limit of 5 Clans)

Disbanding of the alliance

Clan leader can disband the alliance. The character receives a penalty and can't form a new alliance (10 days). The alliance disbands immediately. The alliance cannot be disbanded during the siege.

Pay attention!
On Masterwork, all penalties related to the dismissal, leaving and dissolving of the alliance have no effect.

Interactions and penalties

  • Clan, excluded or left the alliance gets a penalty to join another alliance (24 hours)
  • The exclusionary alliance also receives a penalty for inviting other clans (24 hours)
  • If the clan leaves the alliance by choice — the alliance doesn't receive a penalty

Pay attention!
On Masterwork, all penalties related to the dismissal, leaving and dissolving of the alliance have no effect.

Alliance and Mass Skills

Pay attention!
Masterwork servers use special skill settings:

  • All mass positive effects that work on clan members are also applied to alliance members (unless otherwise stated)
  • Negative effects don't affect alliance members
  • No damage is done to Alliance members by AOE Skills


Command Description
/allyinvite nickname Invitation to the alliance (specify the name of the clan leader you want to invite to the alliance)
Command is available to alliance leader
/allyleave Leaving the alliance
The command is available to alliance clan leaders
/allydismiss clanname Allydismiss (specify the clan name you want to exclude)
Command is available to alliance leader
/allydissolve Disbanding the alliance
Command is available to alliance leader
/allyinfo View Alliance Information
The command is available to all members of the alliance clans
/allycrest Set the alliance logo (icon)
Command is available to alliance leader
The logo file should be an image in .bmp (256 color/8-bit), 8 by 12 pixels.

Alliance and sieges

During the siege of the castles, there are special conditions for the clans related to the alliance:

  • A clan allied with a clan defending the castle cannot register a siege as an attacker. Conversely, a clan allied with a clan that attacks a particular castle cannot register to defend the same castle
  • The clan registered for the siege of the castle can't be excluded from the alliance
  • The alliance registered for the siege of the castle can't be disbanded
  • After the siege begins, members of a clan allied with the clan that owns the castle but isn't registered for defence will be teleported out of the siege zone
  • When the castle owner changes during a siege, clans initially registered as attackers and allied with the new owner automatically become the defenders. All characters will be teleported out of the siege zone
  • Clan_name1 is not registered for a siege of the castle, Clan_name2 is registered for a siege of the castle. Clan_name1 is an alliance with Clan_name2. In this case, Clan_name1 has the status of "No Relationship Clan" (unrelated to the Clan_name2 clan) regardless of the overall alliance. During the siege, the "No Relationship Clan" status prioritise over the alliance status

BasicsAlliance creatingDisbanding of the allianceInteractions and penaltiesAlliance and Mass SkillsCommandsAlliance and sieges
