Library: Books of Exp

Basic information

Masterwork team presents to your attention the system of auto-exping of your character. All you have to do — buy shadow weapon-book from special NPC and equip it. "Read" books and become older and wiser with each level!

Sky Library Vernad Небесная Библиотека Вернад E-Global Masterwork Lineage 2

Town citizens noticed the stange elf on the square named Vernad. After the aquaintance they knew that he's the elder librarian of the Sky Guild Library. the guild is specified on the gathering of historical and geographycal information of the Elmoraden, and preserving of the ancient knowledge.

Because of the Shillen influence the searchings became more dangerous, and the Guild doesn't have enough finances to hire more guardians. The elder librarian Vernad spoke to Elmoraden livers with the offer. Those who are interested in secret knowledge can pay for the access to some books. For the reading of the book the great adventurers will get additional experiance and get powerful knowledge, that will be very useful in future battles.

How does it work?

Get the book

First you need to do — find Vernad and talk to him. He will offer to take the book for a little payment from the Guild library.

Buy only those books that you need according to the level. If your level is higher or lower than the book's level, you won't gain any experience!

Equip the book

The book — temporary shadow weapon. Time of the book's existance — 24 hours from the time you've gained it. Mana in book is enough to hold it in hands from 240 minutes.

When the book is equiped the char gets exping 1 time in a minute. The amount of experience is based on the book's rank.

Pay attention!

While the book is equiped the char gets passive skill An enjoyable read An enjoyable read Lv. 1

You don't notice anything around because you are too passionate about the book. P. Def./ M. Def -90%.

Use this book only in peace zone! If the character is dead the book is still working, but you don't get any exping.

How to get first book?

The book of each rank can be bought only once a day. Time changing of the day is at 6.30 a.m. on the server time UTC+2 (Kiev)

When does a book not work?

If a character is dead or off-trade with a book in his hands, then he stops gaining experience. Mana books at this continues to be spent!

If you change subclasses while holding the book, you will need to equip the book again for your character to gain experience. Otherwise, the mana of the book will be spent, but the character will not receive experience.

Where to find the librarian?

The elder librarian of the Sky Guild Vernad can be met in every city. Usually he waits adventurers on the central square. For quick finding use command /target Vernad

Vernad l2
Vernad in Gludio


exp book
Book Price Description
Nornil’s Records Nornil’s Records 20-39 Lv. D 175 000 Adena Adena NG Rare records of Nornil researches found by seekers from the Sky Library.

Characters 20-39 levels get extra expirience by reading this book.

Book will not gain you experience if character offline or on offline trade.

After picking up the book, make sure the first tick of EXP has occurred.
Mitraell’s Atlas Mitraell’s Atlas 40-51 Lv. C 275 000 Adena Adena NG The Lost Atlas of Mithraell is an excellent source of information about the unique places of the Elmoraden kingdom.

Characters 40-51 levels get extra expirience by reading this book.

Book will not gain you experience if character offline or on offline trade.

After picking up the book, make sure the first tick of EXP has occurred.
Einhovant’s Vedas Einhovant’s Vedas 52-60 Lv. B 375 000 Adena Adena NG The collection of the most ancient scriptures of Einhasad, described by Einhovant during his wanderings around the world.

Characters 52-60 levels get extra expirience by reading this book.

Book will not gain you experience if character offline or on offline trade.

After picking up the book, make sure the first tick of EXP has occurred.
Arkenia's Grimoire Arkenia's Grimoire 61-75 Lv. A 750 000 Adena Adena NG The book describing magical procedures and spells to summon evil creatures, abandoned by Arkenia on a sacrificial altar.

Characters 61-75 levels get extra expirience by reading this book.

Book will not gain you experience if character offline or on offline trade.

After picking up the book, make sure the first tick of EXP has occurred.
Beora's Folio Beora's Folio 76-85 Lv. S 2 200 000 Adena Adena NG The book found in the lost temple of the Elven Queen Beora. Keeps the knowledge of the first magic spells bestowed to people.

Characters 76-85 levels get extra expirience by reading this book.

Book will not gain you experience if character offline or on offline trade.

After picking up the book, make sure the first tick of EXP has occurred.

Experience for reading

The experience gained from reading a book is not static. It depends on the character level and global experience rates, accordingly, it changes as the season progresses.

Elder Librarian Vernad:

Do you want to know the result of our scientific researches? This is good question, I also want to have detailed information about the amount of spells and magical techniques, about all detailed points of all unknown places and all miracles that they hide. But it's not possible.

The Guild only recently open the doors to the Sky Library to all visitors, and it's to early to speak about what results our researchers can reach out. If the magisters will be sure that the world is ready for the knowledge that for centuries were hidden in our archives, then you can have more profit from the readings. But if the claim the world not to be ready, then the information from the books will become easier and some of the books could be expelled from the open access.

Let the Wise path guides you, for all Einhasad's will!

Basic informationHow does it work?Where to find the librarian?BooksExperience for reading



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