Autoloot Agathions Masterwork


Can't find a gift to your healer? An elegant bracelet that summons a cute agathion will melt a lady's heart. Don't want to waste coins on useless trinkets? The Masterwork team made sure that this decoration has useful properties:

  • All Agathion Bracelets have a passive autoloot effect, regardless of their cost, lifetime and appearance
  • To activate Autoloot, it is enough to put on the Bracelet, and it is not necessary to summon Agathion

In addition, we have added Agathion, which controls the Vitality level:

Autoloot Vitality Agathion - Angel Gift Autoloot Vitality Agathion - Angel Gift 7 Days NG

Passive skill — Auto-pickup skill Auto-pickup skill Lv. 1
To activate it, equip the Bracelet

Active skill — Agathion's Gift Agathion's Gift Lv. 1
Instantly restores 5000 Vitality points and maintains Vitality for 30 minutes. Cooldown: 3 hours.

Autoloot mechanics

  • Autoloot for a single player works simply — items dropped by a monster are automatically placed in the character's inventory
  • Items dropped after killing a chaotic character (PK) don't pick up by autoloot and remain on the ground
  • Autoloot distance = 0..2500

Pay attention!

The drop is assigned to the character based on the amount of damage dealt, not the last hit.

If the monster deals more damage to the player's target than the player himself, the items will fall to the ground.

Damage from a pet or summoned creature counts as damage by the owner. For example, if a player deals 1000 damage, and his pet deals 800 damage. The total damage calculates the drop assignment - 1800.

Autoloot in a group follows the basic rules for distributing dropped items:

  • The drop is assigned to the character based on the amount of damage dealt, not the last hit
  • If the drop is assigned to the player with the autoloot, the item will move to the inventory according to the group loot settings
  • If the drop is assigned to the player without autoloot, the item remains on the ground. After picking up, it is distributed according to the group loot settings
  • If the other group deals more damage to the monster, the items fall to the ground

Pay attention!

Autoloot does not automatically pick up items dropped by raid bosses.

Autoloot does not automatically pick up potions (herbs) and the following items dropped by monsters:

Types of Agathions and Prices

Pay attention!

The difference in the price of the eternal Bracelets is due only to the appearance of the Agathion. When making a purchase, you get the autoloot function regardless of the price of the Bracelet.

Agathions of Warlock and Elemental Summoner

Two new bracelets in several variations were added to the assortment of agathions in the fifth season of Masterwork — for 3, 7, 30 and 100 days:

Pay attention!

Agathion buff skills are only available to characters level 56 and above. Skills can be used only on your own character.

Agathions' buff skills increase in level as the season progresses.

Autoloot Vitality Agathion - Feline Queen Autoloot Vitality Agathion - Feline Queen 7 Days NG

Passive skill Auto-pickup skill Auto-pickup skill Lv. 1 To activate it, just equip the Bracelet
Active skill Agathion's Gift Agathion's Gift Lv. 1 Agathion's Gift that restores 5000 points of Vitality (12.5%) and maintains the Vitality stage by 30 minutes.
Active skill Agathion: Blessing of Queen Agathion: Blessing of Queen Lv. 1 Increases P. Crit. Rate by 25% and P. Crit. Damage by 20%.
Active skill Agathion: Gift of Queen Agathion: Gift of Queen Lv. 1 Increases P. Atk. by 6% and Accuracy by 2.

Autoloot Vitality Agathion - Seraphim the Unicorn Autoloot Vitality Agathion - Seraphim the Unicorn 7 Days NG

Passive skill Auto-pickup skill Auto-pickup skill Lv. 1 To activate it, just equip the Bracelet
Active skill Agathion's Gift Agathion's Gift Lv. 1 Agathion's Gift that restores 5000 points of Vitality (12.5%) and maintains the Vitality stage by 30 minutes.
Active skill Agathion: Blessing of Seraphim Agathion: Blessing of Seraphim Lv. 1 Increases MP regeneration bonus by 30%.
Active skill Agathion: Gift of Seraphim Agathion: Gift of Seraphim Lv. 1 Reduces magic skill recovery time by 30%.

Quest for Agathion

To get acquainted with the work of autoloot agathions, you do not need to buy a permanent bracelet. Complete a short quest and get a temporary agathion valid for 3 hours. The timer on the bracelet activates after unpacking the box.

Bard's Mandolin
Starting NPC Human Swan Bard
Starting location Dion
Level 15 ~ 85
Type Daily
Adena Adena NG x 10 000
Quest guide
Swan l2

1. Talk to Human Swan Bard in Dion Square to receive the quest.


2. Teleport to Aden, find Human Woodrow Weapon Merchant in the weapons shop and talk to him.

Galion l2

3. Teleport to Giran Harbor, find Dwarf Galion on the far pier and talk to him.


4. Teleport to Dion, find Human Swan Bard and talk to him.


5. Find Darkelf Nanarin Musician behind the Dark Elf Guild and talk to her.


4. Return to Human Swan Bard and talk to him to complete the quest. The answer choices do not affect the reward.

Appearance of Agathions

Choosing an agathion is a very exciting activity — a small flying companion expresses the status, mood or wealth of the owner.

Girls often choose agathions based on their appearance to complete their look. Sometimes, you have to choose between beauty and usefulness, but we took this into account. On Masterwork servers, all agathions give an autoloot effect, so players are free from restrictions in choosing a companion.

To help you navigate among dozens of Agathions, we have collected screenshots of each in this section. We hope this will help you quickly and easily choose an Agathion that will delight you for a long time!

Autoloot Vitality Agathion - Feline Queen

Agathion - Feline Queen

Autoloot Vitality Agathion - Seraphim the Unicorn

Agathion - Seraphim the Unicorn

Autoloot Vitality Agathion - Angel Gift

Agathion - Angel Gift

Autoloot Agathion - Shiny

Agathion - Shiny

Autoloot Agathion - Griffin

Agathion - Griffin

Autoloot Agathion - Little Angel

Agathion - Little Angel

Autoloot Agathion - Little Devil

Agathion - Little Devil

Autoloot Agathion - Monkey

Agathion - Monkey

Autoloot Agathion - Knight

Agathion - Knight

Autoloot Agathion - Collection

Agathion - Collection

Autoloot Agathion - Plaipitak

Agathion - Plaipitak

Autoloot Agathion - White Maneki Neko

Agathion - White Maneki Neko

Autoloot Agathion - Black Maneki Neko

Agathion - Black Maneki Neko

Autoloot Agathion - Brown Maneki Neko

Agathion - Brown Maneki Neko

Autoloot Agathion - Pegasus

Agathion - Pegasus

Autoloot Agathion - Bugbear

Agathion - Bugbear

Autoloot Agathion - Red Sumo Wrestler

Agathion - Red Sumo Wrestler

Autoloot Agathion - Button-Eyed Bear Doll

Agathion - Button-Eyed Bear Doll

Autoloot Agathion - Dryad

Agathion - Dryad

Autoloot Agathion - Live Event Souvenir

Agathion - Live Event Souvenir

Autoloot Agathion - Utanka

Agathion - Utanka

Autoloot Agathion - Three-headed Dragon

Agathion - Three-headed Dragon

Autoloot Agathion - Bamboo Panda

Agathion - Bamboo Panda

Autoloot Agathion - Sexy Panda

Agathion - Sexy Panda

Autoloot Agathion - One-Eyed Bat Drove

Agathion - One-Eyed Bat Drove

Autoloot Agathion - Flower Fairy Spirit

Agathion - Flower Fairy Spirit

Autoloot Agathion - Phoenix

Agathion - Phoenix

Autoloot Agathion - Antharas

Agathion - Antharas

Autoloot Agathion - Zaken Spirit Sword

Agathion - Zaken Spirit Sword
BasicsAutoloot mechanicsTypes of Agathions and PricesAgathions of Warlock and Elemental SummonerQuest for AgathionAppearance of Agathions



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