Useful Diseases of Hot Springs

Hot Springs дебафы l2

Guide's author — 960, Masterwork player


All experienced Interlude warriors know, that to fully develop a character you need not only buffs or gear, but also a debuffs, in our case — diseases, that can be received at the Hot Springs. Yes, yes, it's not necessary to obtain flu, to stay longer in L2 using sick leave. It’s enough to get sick in the game and become stronger for an hour! Much STRONGER!

So, let's begin from diseases. On our server there a 4 of them, each have 4 levels and last for 1 hour:

Description of diseases


Probably, the most profitable disease for auto-attackers. Gives up to 100 fixed critical rate, that is really a lot.

Hot Springs Rheumatism Hot Springs Rheumatism Lv. 1 Infected with Hot Springs Rheumatism.
While afflicted, your Crit. Rate +30.
Hot Springs Rheumatism Hot Springs Rheumatism Lv. 2 Infected with Hot Springs Rheumatism.
While afflicted, your Crit. Rate +50, P. Def. -4%.
Hot Springs Rheumatism Hot Springs Rheumatism Lv. 3 Infected with Hot Springs Rheumatism.
While afflicted, your Crit. Rate +80, P. Def. -4%.
Hot Springs Rheumatism Hot Springs Rheumatism Lv. 4 Infected with Hot Springs Rheumatism.
While afflicted, your Crit. Rate +100, P. Def. -8%.


Specific disease, which is not suitable for everyone, but can be very useful. Adds up to 10 Accuracy, that is also a lot, and can be very helpful for farming high level or light armor type monsters. But also remember, that Cholera decreases Evasion, that is strong defencive stat on Masterwork, especially during PvE.

Hot Springs Cholera Hot Springs Cholera Lv. 1 Infected with Hot Springs Cholera.
While afflicted, your Accuracy +6, Evasion -3.
Hot Springs Cholera Hot Springs Cholera Lv. 2 Infected with Hot Springs Cholera.
While afflicted, your Accuracy +8, Evasion -3.
Hot Springs Cholera Hot Springs Cholera Lv. 3 Infected with Hot Springs Cholera.
While afflicted, your Accuracy +10, Evasion -3.
Hot Springs Cholera Hot Springs Cholera Lv. 4 Infected with Hot Springs Cholera.
While afflicted, your Accuracy +6, Evasion -5.


Another strong disease for fighters, but now not only auto-attackers. Increases Attack Speed up to 16%, in exchange for a reduction of P. Atk. But trust me, it worth the result!

Hot Springs Flu Hot Springs Flu Lv. 1 Infected with Hot Springs Flu.
While afflicted, your Atk. Spd. +4%, P. Atk. -4%.
Hot Springs Flu Hot Springs Flu Lv. 2 Infected with Hot Springs Flu.
While afflicted, your Atk. Spd. +8%, P. Atk. -4%.
Hot Springs Flu Hot Springs Flu Lv. 3 Infected with Hot Springs Flu.
While afflicted, your Atk. Spd. +12%, P. Atk. -4%.
Hot Springs Flu Hot Springs Flu Lv. 4 Infected with Hot Springs Flu.
While afflicted, your Atk. Spd. +16%, P. Atk. -4%.


The sickness, that makes Hot Springs favourite location of all mages. One, that makes mages cast so fast. Increases Casting Speed up to 16% - such a fantastic rise! Gives ore than SA in a weapon, and also the negative effect of the disease REDUCES the cost of magic skills. Every self-respecting magician must have malaria at least once!

Hot Spring Malaria Hot Spring Malaria Lv. 1 Infected with Hot Springs Malaria.
While afflicted, your Cast. Spd. +4%.
Hot Spring Malaria Hot Spring Malaria Lv. 2 Infected with Hot Springs Malaria.
While afflicted, your Cast. Spd. +8%, MP Consumption -4%.
Hot Spring Malaria Hot Spring Malaria Lv. 3 Infected with Hot Springs Malaria.
While afflicted, your Cast. Spd. +12%, MP Consumption -4%.
Hot Spring Malaria Hot Spring Malaria Lv. 4 Infected with Hot Springs Malaria.
While afflicted, your Cast. Spd. +16%, MP Consumption -4%.

Where to get sick?

I'm sure you now interested in that "debuffs", but where you can get them? Everything is very simple — head to Hot Springs, teleport or noblesse teleport from Goddard, or straight from MW Club Manager (75-85 Lv. list). Then follow to one of the pits, or uphill from the tent:

From standard teleport spot go to the first pit, that is on the right on the screenshot above:

Then search for required monsters:

For mages

Very important to avoid getting infected by other monsters, because they can impose Rheumatism, that decreases P.Def.!

Hot Springs Atroxspawn

Spider level 74


Hot Springs Nepenthes l2

Flower level 75


Hot Springs Flava l2

Leech-flower level 74


Hot Springs Bandersnatch l2

Wolf level 76


For fighters

If you need Accuracy, then pick monster from the list above in addition.

Hot Springs Atrox L2

Spider level 76


Hot Springs Bandersnatchling

Wolf level 73


Hot Springs Bandersnatch l2

Wolf level 76


How to get sick?

Having decided on the buffs and monsters we need, proceed to obtaining sores. All you have to do is hunt monsters, and disease level will slowly rise. Don't forget that monsters are high level and use stun. Be careful!

But what should you if you want to quickly get up disease of the maximum level and fly away to another location? To do that you have to provoke a monster and start spamming any skill with low cooldown, until disease level 4 applies. For example: Battle Heal Battle Heal Lv. 1 if you are playing mage.

But what about fighters? Or if you want to save your mana? There are secret solution!

Open Skills window (K), find Item Skill, then Common Craft Common Craft Lv. 1 and start using it very often. Monster thinks, that you are using a skill and trying to infect a character - profit!

Common Craft l2

Efficiency of diseases

You don't believe in a disease efficiency, or you think it’s a waste of time, or you just lazy? Here's some numbers:

  • SA Haste in S-grade weapon gives 7% Atk. Spd., while the Flu 16%! Which is more than twice as much;
  • SA Focus in S-grade weapon gives 80-88 critical rate, that is still less than Rheumatism;
  • SA Guidance in S-grade weapon gives 5 Accuracy, that is twice less than level 3 Cholera;
  • SA Acumen gives 15% casting speed, while malaria 16%! And also 4% Clarity.

I assure you that everyone should try it at least once and most likely you will no longer want to play “healthy”.

Useful tips

By using secret solution and some skill you can receive a disease even on level 40.

Look around. Sometimes Ankou level 78 patrols the location, and will not regret anyone.

Be careful with colored springs, they remove Malaria.

Any cleanse skills remove diseases, but cleansing sores from others are indecent.

Debuffs disappear after changing subclasses and entering some instances. But do not remove upon death if character had a noblesse blessing.

At this point, I think we can finish. Wish you fewer bishops twitching to any debuff, good hunting and enjoy the game!

Guide's author — 960, Masterwork player

BasicsDescription of diseasesRheumatismCholeraFluMalariaWhere to get sick?For magesFor fightersHow to get sick?Efficiency of diseasesUseful tips