Pets: Wolf and Fenrir

Basic information

Starting at level 15, each player can have their first pet — a wolf. This cute little animal will become your faithful and reliable companion. Summon it during the exping to share the experience, don’t forget to feed, and the cute puppy will eventually turn into a formidable battle wolf.

Before getting a wolf, estimate the cost of its exping:

  • The wolf takes 35% of the experience the owner receives, slowing the character’s progress
  • Due to the specific of the game, the wolf will inevitably fall behind and begin to receive a penalty for the gained experience, which will further widen the gap. To avoid this, you will have to linger on some levels or use another character to raise the wolf's level
  • To effectively use the wolf in combats you'll have to fork out for good equipment

So you looked at all the pros and cons, and decided that the wolf is indispensable, because life without it is empty, worthless, and meaningless. So there's for you 2 options — buy a collar from other player or complete a quest.

If finances allow, go to the market. It is worth considering that the description of the collar or necklace will tell you the level of the wolf, but not the name. Buying a wolf you risk getting a pet with a bad name. Ask the seller to summon the wolf to clarify this moment before buying.

If the pocket is empty, then it’s time to go to Gludin to NPC Human Martin Pet Manager , to obtain the quest Get a Pet.

Pet management

Summon and unsummon

The wolf is summoned by a click on the collar or necklace in the character’s inventory or on the skill bar. Pet cannot be summoned, if a character in combat or other creatures already summoned.

You can unsummon a pet with a special action that is in the pet window. If the character exits the game, the wolf will respond automatically unless the pet is dead.


Pet management commands are in the pet window to open it click on the wolf or pet status window. For ease of use, you can put commands on the skill bar.

button Name

Enter Name. Use this feature to give the pet a name. The name can contain up to 16 characters. The names are unique and cannot be repeated. You cannot change the name.

Pay attention!

The function of changing a pet's name has been implemented on Masterwork servers.

pet interface action
action101 Change movement mode Your pet either follows you or stays in place. Use the command to leave the pet in a safe place or order to follow the character.
action102 Attack Attack the target. Use the team to send a pet to attack your target. After death, the pet’s target will retain the movement settings — stay in place or return to the owner.
action103 Stop Stop the action. Use the command to complete all active pet actions.
action104 Pickup Pickup the items nearby. Use the command to pick up items that fall out from the monster or are thrown to the ground. The items you pick up will be in the pet’s inventory.
action106 Unsummon pet Unsummon per to the inventory. Use the command to unsummon the pet. The wolf cannot be unsummoned if it is in combat or the hunger indicator is below 50%.
action112 Move Move to target. Use the command to send the pet to the selected target and follow it.

Pay attention!

The wolf will not obey the owner if the character is 20 or more levels younger than the pet..


The wolf is a living being organism, wants to eat. When the hunger indicator drops below 50% the wolf becomes hungry and cannot be unsummoned. Hungry wolf runs slower and attacks, but if the hunger indicator drops to zero — the wolf will die and disappear forever. To prevent this, do not forget to feed your pet.

Foodstuff for wolves sold by NPC Pet Manager, who can be found in every city. Drag the purchased food into the wolf’s inventory, and it will eat it on its own when the hunger indicator drops below 55%. You can also feed the wolf by hand if it is very hungry. For this, click on the feed in the wolf’s inventory. Food can be pulled onto the skill panel to simplify the manual feeding process.

Pay attention!

On Masterwork servers, the volume of the hunger scale and the efficiency of food have been increased. In case The hunger indicator has dropped to zero or the pet has died, it will disappear after 7 days.

Inventory usage

Pets have their own equipment, food and other items. However, there is a limitation — in the pet’s inventory it is impossible to place soulshots, spiritshots, arrows and some other consumables. So, you won't be able to use the wolf as a spare pocket.

Healing potions can be put into the wolf’s inventory to keep it healthy in battle. The wolf will not use them alone, so put them on the skill bar or keep the pet inventory window open to use in time. Antidotes and potions increase the speed of running and attacks are used similarly.

Pay attention!

On Masterwork servers, pets are prohibited from picking up and handing over any items except healing potions, herbs, pet's gear, animal spiritshots and soulshots, pet's food.


Make your companion a real warrior — buy him iron fangs and strong armor. You can equip a wolf of any size and age with special weapons, armor and costume jewelry. For clothing for a woolen companion contact the NPC Pet Manager, who you can find in every city. Don't forget about Beast Soulshot Beast Soulshot NG , to make his blows even more deadly.

Pay attention!

Weapons and armor exchange for the Great Wolf is simplified on Masterwork servers — gems are no longer required for exchange, but the price in aden is slightly increased.

To equip the wolf, drag the weapon and armor into its inventory and right-click on the item. The equipped item is highlighted and remains in the inventory, even after the unsummon of the pet.

pet interface inventory

If the pet escapes from the owner due to starvation or death, all the equipment will be placed in the character’s warehouse.

Pay attention!

The wolf's collar or necklace cannot be transferred to another player if there are items left in the pet inventory.


On chronicles from Prelude to Interlude the wolf gains experience if it attacks the monster itself. Starting with The Kamael wolf may not participate in the farm, now it gets a fixed percentage experience.

If there is no penalty for the difference in levels, the wolf gains 35% of the experience the owner gained when killing a monster or raid boss. Experience is not counted to your pet while you complete the quest.

No penalty due to the difference in levels if the wolf is not above 10 levels and at least 5 levels relative to the level of the owner. In other cases, the proportions of experience sharing between pet and host change.

Penalty for experience due to Wolf and Owner level difference
Level difference = character level — wolf level
Level difference Char's exp (%) Wolf's exp (%)
-19      30,53 69,47
-18      33,73 66,27
-17      36,93 63,07
-16      40,13 59,87
-15      42,99 57,01
-14      45,69 54,31
-13      48,28 51,72
-12      50,74 49,26
-11      63,25 36,75
-10      65 35
-9      65 35
-8      65 35
-7      65 35
-6      65 35
-5      65 35
-4      65 35
-3      65 35
-2      65 35
-1      65 35
0      65 35
+1      65 35
+2      65 35
+3      65 35
+4      65 35
+5      65 35
+6      68,18 31,82
+7      71,08 28,92
+8      72,66 27,34
+9      74,24 25,76
+10      75,82 24,18
+11      77,4 22,6
+12      78,98 21,02
+13      80,56 19,44
+14      82,14 17,86
+15      83,72 16,28
+16      85,30 14,70
+17      86,88 13,12
+18      88,46 11,54
+19      90,04 9,96
+20      91,62 8,38
+21      92,35 7,65
+22      93,07 6,93
+23      93,80 6,20
+24      94,53 5,47
+25      95,26 4,74
+26      96,00 4,00
+27      96,72 3,28
Penalty for experience due to Great Wolf/Fenrir level difference
Level difference = character level — wolf level
Level difference Char's exp (%) Wolf's exp (%)
-30      7,13 92,87
-29      11,55 88,45
-28      15,76 84,24
-27      19,78 80,22
-26      23,60 76,40
-25      27,23 72,77
-24      30,70 69,30
-23      34,00 66,00
-22      37,14 62,86
-21      40,13 59,87
-20      42,98 57,02
-19      45,70 54,30
-18      48,29 51,71
-17      50,75 49,25
-16      53,09 46,91
-15      55,33 44,67
-14      57,45 42,55
-13      59,48 40,52
-12      61,41 38,59
-11      63,25 36,75
-10      65 35
-9      65 35
-8      65 35
-7      65 35
-6      65 35
-5      65 35
-4      65 35
-3      65 35
-2      65 35
-1      65 35
0      65 35
+1      65 35
+2      65 35
+3      65 35
+4      65 35
+5      65 35
+6      68,18 31,82
+7      71,07 28,93
+8      73,70 26,30
+9      76,09 23,91
+10      78,26 21,74
+11      80,24 19,76
+12      82,04 17,69
+13      83,67 16,33
+14      85,75 14,85
+15      86,50 13,50
+16      87,78 12,27
+17      88,85 11,15
+18      89,86 10,14
+19      90,78 9,22
+20      91,62 8,38
+21      92,38 7,62
+22      93,07 6,93
+23      93,70 6,30
+24      94,53 5,47
+25      94,27 5,73
+26      94,79 5,21
+27      94,79 5,21
+28      94,79 5,21
+29      94,79 5,21
+30      94,79 5,21
Amount of experience needed by Wolf, Great Wolf, Fenrir to gain level
Level Experience amount
1 0
2 636
3 798
4 1 236
5 2 158
6 3 836
7 6 598
8 10 836
9 16 998
10 25 596
11 37 198
12 52 436
13 71 998
14 96 636
15 127 158
16 164 436
17 209 398
18 263 036
19 326 398
20 400 596
21 486 798
22 586 236
23 700 198
24 830 036
25 977 158
26 1 143 036
27 1 329 198
28 1 537 236
29 1 768 798
30 2 025 596
31 2 309 398
32 2 622 036
33 2 965 398
34 3 341 436
35 3 752 158
36 4 199 636
37 4 685 998
38 5 213 436
39 5 784 198
40 6 400 596
41 7 064 998
42 7 779 836
43 8 547 598
44 9 370 836
45 10 252 158
46 11 194 236
47 12 199 798
48 13 271 636
49 14 412 598
50 15 625 596
51 17 557 599
52 19 606 656
53 21 777 399
54 24 074 556
55 26 502 939
56 33 396 358
57 40 719 633
58 48 491 891
59 56 732 791
60 65 462 531
61 79 321 513
62 93 976 809
63 109 461 198
64 125 808 307
65 143 052 622
66 167 288 455
67 192 816 009
68 219 684 778
69 247 945 453
70 277 649 936
71 308 851 355
72 349 792 255
73 401 331 711
74 464 372 727
75 539 863 523
76 628 798 847
77 752 905 791
78 893 543 783
79 1 051 886 878
80 1 229 161 733
81 1 821 623 559
82 2 027 774 875
83 2 242 865 720
84 2 467 177 180
85 2 700 995 994
86 2 944 614 605
87 3 198 331 215


Evolution to the Great Wolf (at level 55) added in the Kamael patch, in Fenrir (at level 70) — in Hellbound patch.

To make an evolution, refer to any Pet Manager, in the dialog box, select "Pet Development". Before evolution, summon the wolf and remove all items from the inventory. Make sure that your inventory has only one collar.

Death, resurrection and disappearance

The wolf can die like any living creature. The dead wolf will remain lying at the place of death and will not be unsommoned if the owner exits the game. When using the teleport scroll, the wolf will be moved with the character. There are three ways to resurrect a pet:

If you are not a member of the healing class and are interested in speedy wolf exping, then your choice — Blessed Scroll of Resurrection for Pets Blessed Scroll of Resurrection for Pets NG , a magic scroll that resurrects a dead pet and restores its Exp. completely. The scroll is for sale from the Priests of Dawn and Dusk for 6,000 Ancient Adena.

If you don’t watch your pet, it can run away forever. This happens in two cases:

  • Wolf is not resurrected within 24 hours after death (7 days on Masterwork servers)
  • Hunger indicator lowered to zero (more than 7 days have passed in a hungry state on the Masterwork servers)

In these cases, the wolf’s collar or necklace disappears from the character’s inventory. All items that were in the pet inventory will be placed in the character’s warehouse.

Wolf (Lv. 15 ~ 55)

The wolf is the best friend of the spoiler and support, valued for its high physical attack rate. Weakness: Low physical protection and a small amount of health. At the initial levels, leveling up a wolf is accompanied by nerves, tears and expenses for resurrection scrolls.

For wolves there is a special equipment — weapons, armor and costume jewelry. You can buy it from the NPC Pet Manager, who are in every city. If you can not afford the best equipment, then take the quality of worse and improve it gradually. Cost of equipment and improvements are included at the end of the article.

Wolf Lineage 2

On Masterwork servers, the Wolf is rated at his level. For example: for the first stage the EXP rate corresponds to the settings of 1-29 level of rate x3, 30-51 level of rate x1. Based on this:

  • Character of level 29 will receive "base experience from monster * rate x3 * 0.65 (owner share)
  • Level 30 wolf will receive "(base experience with monster * rate x1 * 0.35 (wolf share)
Wolf's characteristics 15-55 level
Level HP MP P.Atk. P.Def. M.Atk M.Def. Accuracy Evasion
15 195 95 13 28 3 17 52 47
16 208 100 15 29 3 17 53 48
17 223 106 15 29 3 18 54 49
18 238 111 16 31 4 19 55 50
19 254 117 18 32 4 20 56 51
20 270 122 19 32 4 20 57 52
21 287 131 19 34 6 22 58 53
22 305 139 21 35 6 22 59 54
23 324 148 22 35 7 24 60 55
24 343 157 25 37 8 26 61 56
25 364 165 27 38 9 26 62 57
26 385 174 28 40 9 27 63 58
27 406 183 30 41 10 28 64 59
28 429 192 33 42 11 29 65 60
29 453 201 35 43 12 31 66 61
30 477 210 38 45 13 31 67 62
31 502 220 40 46 15 33 68 63
32 528 229 43 48 17 34 69 64
33 554 238 46 50 18 35 70 65
34 582 248 50 51 19 37 71 66
35 610 257 53 53 22 39 72 67
36 639 267 57 55 23 40 73 68
37 669 278 60 56 26 41 74 69
38 700 286 65 58 27 43 75 70
39 731 296 69 60 30 44 76 71
40 763 306 74 61 32 46 77 72
41 796 323 78 63 34 48 78 73
42 830 339 83 65 37 50 79 74
43 864 356 88 67 40 50 80 75
44 899 373 94 69 42 52 81 76
45 935 390 99 71 47 54 82 77
46 971 408 106 72 50 57 83 78
47 1008 425 112 74 53 59 84 79
48 1045 443 118 76 57 59 85 80
49 1084 460 125 78 61 61 86 81
50 1122 478 133 82 65 64 87 82
51 1161 496 141 84 69 66 88 83
52 1201 514 148 86 74 68 89 84
53 1240 532 156 88 79 70 90 85
54 1281 551 164 90 84 73 91 86
55 1321 569 191 92 89 73 92 87

Great Wolf (Lv. 55 ~ 70)

The Great Wolf — the second stage of the Wolf’s development. Appearance changes as the level increases — 60 and 65 levels of armor are visually displayed.

The Great Wolf greatly exceeds the usual Wolf in characteristics and with the presence of quality equipment becomes a full damage dealer. He can still wear the usual Wolf equip, which improves to a Great Wolf equip at the NPC Pet Manager. It is also worth noting that the Great Wolves eat only Great Wolf Food Great Wolf Food NG , Wolf food is not suitable for them.

The speed of exping of the Great Wolf is different from that of the normal Wolf. He still gets 35% experience from the owner. Experience penalty for level differences is described in the Exping section.

Great Wolf Lineage 2

With evolution, the Great Wolf gains new skills:

Level Skill Description
Level 55 Bite Attack Bite Attack Lv. 1 Bite ferociously with sharp teeth. P. Damage by 916
Level 60 Cry of the Wolf Cry of the Wolf Lv. 1 Dominate nearby enemies with a mighty roar. Decreases P. Def. of enemies by 23%
Level 65 Maul Maul Lv. 1 Attacks with fore-claws to create wound. Deals P. Damage by 917, applies Bleeding effect
Level 70 Awakening Awakening Lv. 1 Brings out the instinct of the wolf. Places an effect on the wolf similar to the skill Berserker Spirit Berserker Spirit Lv. 2
Great Wolf characteristics 55-70 level
Level HP MP P.Atk. P.Def. M.Atk M.Def. Accuracy Evasion
55 3489 512 335 159 216 300 92 87
56 3596 529 351 165 228 309 93 88
57 3705 546 371 169 241 317 94 89
58 3813 562 389 173 256 327 95 90
59 3922 580 408 179 271 335 96 91
60 4031 597 429 183 286 345 97 92
61 4141 614 449 189 302 353 98 93
62 4250 631 471 193 318 363 99 94
63 4358 649 492 199 335 371 100 95
64 4466 667 515 203 353 381 101 96
65 4574 684 537 207 370 390 102 97
66 4681 702 559 213 389 400 103 98
67 4787 720 584 218 408 411 104 99
68 4892 738 608 224 426 420 105 100
69 4995 756 631 224 447 430 106 101
70 5098 775 656 233 467 439 108 103

Fenrir (70 ~ 86 lvl.)

Fenrir — the third stage of the Wolf’s development. The main difference from the Great Wolf — Fenrir can be ridden.

When Fenrir is called, an icon appears in the character’s actions (C key)

  • To mount a wolf, click the icon or use the command /mount
  • To get off the wolf, click the icon again or use the command /dismount
  • Command /mountdismount allows both saddle the wolf, and dismount from it
Фенрир Fenrir Lineage 2

The speed of exping Fenrir is no different from exping the Great Wolf. He receives 35% of experience from the owner. Fine for experience for the difference in levels is described in the leveling up section.

Fenrir's characteristics 70-86 level
Level HP MP P.Atk. P.Def. M.Atk M.Def. Accuracy Evasion
70 5098 775 656 233 467 439 108 103
71 5198 793 681 240 487 450 110 105
72 5297 812 705 244 508 459 112 107
73 5394 830 730 251 530 468 114 109
74 5489 849 755 255 552 479 116 111
75 5582 868 782 260 573 489 118 113
76 5672 887 805 265 596 489 120 115
77 5760 906 830 272 618 509 122 117
78 5845 925 855 277 640 519 126 121
79 5928 945 880 282 662 528 128 123
80 6007 964 906 287 685 538 130 126
81 6083 965 930 292 709 548 133 128
82 6156 966 954 297 730 558 135 130
83 6225 986 978 302 755 568 137 132
84 6291 969 1002 307 777 577 139 135
85 6354 970 1025 313 798 587 141 137
86 6412 1083 1047 318 821 598 144 139

Snow Great Wolf and Fenrir (Lv. 55 ~ 86)

Snow Great Wolf and Snow Fenrir — the privileges of the clans that own the clan halls in Aden and Rune. If you are a member of such a clan, refer to Clan Hall Gatekeeper, to trade the Great Wolf or Fenrir for the Great Snow Wolf or Snow Fenrir.

Snow Wolf’s necklace is personal and cannot be passed on to another player. If you leave the clan or lose access to the hall in the Rune or Aden, you won't be able to summon a wolf.

Talk to NPC Pet Manager ,to exchange Snow Wolf on the ordinary one.

Снежный волк фенрир Snow Great Wolf Fenrir Lineage 2

Snow version of the wolf differs from usual:

  • Can be ridden from level 55
  • P./ M. Def. increased by 10%
  • Snow Fenrir at level 70 gets a new skill Wolf Howl Wolf Howl Lv. 1 — Decreases P./ M. Atk. of the enemies by 23%
Great Snow Wolf's characteristics 55-70 level
Level HP MP P.Atk. P.Def. M.Atk M.Def. Accuracy Evasion
55 3489 512 335 175 216 301 92 87
56 3596 529 351 181 228 339 93 88
57 3705 546 371 186 249 317 94 89
58 3813 562 389 191 256 359 95 90
59 3922 580 408 196 271 369 96 91
60 4031 597 429 202 286 379 97 92
61 4141 614 449 207 302 389 98 93
62 4250 631 471 212 318 400 99 94
63 4358 649 492 218 335 410 100 95
64 4466 667 515 223 353 419 101 96
65 4574 684 537 229 370 429 102 97
66 4681 702 559 235 389 440 103 98
67 4787 720 584 240 408 451 104 99
68 4892 738 608 246 426 462 105 100
69 4995 756 631 252 447 437 106 101
70 5098 775 656 257 467 484 107 102
Snow Fenrir's characteristics 70-86 level
Level HP MP P.Atk. P.Def. M.Atk M.Def. Accuracy Evasion
70 5098 775 656 257 467 484 108 103
71 5198 793 681 264 487 495 110 105
72 5297 812 705 262 508 504 112 107
73 5394 830 730 275 530 516 114 109
74 5489 849 755 281 552 527 116 111
75 5582 868 782 287 573 537 118 113
76 5672 887 805 293 596 549 120 115
77 5760 906 830 298 618 560 122 117
78 5845 925 855 303 640 570 126 121
79 5928 945 880 310 662 582 128 123
80 6007 964 906 316 685 592 130 126
81 6083 965 930 323 709 604 133 128
82 6156 966 954 328 730 615 135 130
83 6225 986 978 333 755 625 137 132
84 6291 969 1002 339 777 637 139 135
85 6354 970 1025 344 798 648 141 137
86 6412 1083 1047 351 821 658 141 137

Quest for getting wolf

Starter NPC Human Martin Pet Manager
Level 15 ~ 85
Type Repeated
Reward Wolf Collar Wolf Collar NG
Martin Pet Manager

1. Talk to NPC Human Martin Pet Manager . He says that a pet is a big responsibility, you have to go through the trials and prove your commitment to getting a pet wolf.

2. The first test is to reduce the number of spiders, and you have to bring 50 fang. Items are dropping not from every monster!

Human Martin Pet Manager gives Animal Slayer's 1st List Animal Slayer's 1st List NG , which tells what monsters to kill. Each race has different locations and monsters.

Race Monsters Location Item
Human Human Bug Giant Spider Lv. 15
Bug Talon Spider Lv. 16
Bug Blade Spider Lv. 17

Northern and Western part of Talking Island

Nearest teleport — Talking island (north)

Bloody Fang Bloody Fang NG х50
Elf Elf Bug Crimson Spider Lv. 15
Bug Hook Spider Lv. 16
Bug Pincer Spider Lv. 17

Elven Forest

Nearest teleport — Neutral zone

Bloody Claw Bloody Claw NG х50
Dark Elf Dark Elf Undead Lesser Dark Horror Lv. 15
Undead Dark Horror Lv. 16
Bug Prowler Lv. 17

Swampland and Spider Nest

Nearest teleport — Spider Nest

Bloody Nail Bloody Nail NG х50
Orc Orc Bug Kasha Spider Lv. 15
Bug Kasha Fang Spider Lv. 16
Bug Kasha Blade Spider Lv. 17

Frozen Waterfalls

Nearest teleport — Frozen Waterfalls

Bloody Kasha Fang Bloody Kasha Fang NG х50
Dwarf Dwarf Bug Hunter Tarantula Lv. 16
Bug Plunder Tarantula Lv. 17

Western Mining Zone

Nearest teleport — Western Mining Zone (centre)

Bloody Tarantula Nail Bloody Tarantula Nail NG х50
Kamael Kamael Bug Crimson Spider Lv. 16

Mimir's Forest

Nearest teleport — Isle of Soul Harbor

Bloody Red Claw Bloody Red Claw NG х50

3. When 50 claws are dropped, go back to Gludin to Human Martin Pet Manager . He’ll take the claws and send them to the second test — the interview.

Martin gives Animal Lover's List Animal Lover's List NG , to whom you need to talk to and learn more about wolves.

4. First target — Human Bella Gatekeeper in Gludio. In chronicles up to GoD it lives near the Einhasad Temple. On the servers of Masterwork — on the central square.

Gatekeeper Bella

5. Second target — Human Metty Guard on the south gate of Dion.

Guard Metty

6. Last target — Human Ellie Accessory Merchant in accessory shop in Giran.

Accessory Merchant Ellie

7. After talking to all the NPCs and gathering information about wolves, go back to Human Martin Pet Manager . It is time for the third challenge — you have to pass the exam. After all, only a well-educated and responsible player is worthy of becoming a wolf master.

Answer your questions correctly and get Wolf Collar Wolf Collar NG

If you are mistaken in the answer, you can try again. To do this, you need to talk to Bella, Metty and Ellie and re-answer questions. Note that questions are asked at random each time.

Quest on the wolf. Answers to questions

Answers in Russian Answers in English

Между волками и средами их обитания проведены следующие связи. Какая связь не верна?

Плато Бессмертия – Чёрный волк

The following connections are made between the wolves and their habitats. Which is not correct?

Orc – Black Wolf

Как далеко (в километрах) может чуять запах волк?

2.4 км

How far (in kilometers) can a wolf’s smell reach?

2.4 km

Волк — это млекопитающее, относящееся к семейству псовых, которое питается мясом. Какое животное из перечисленных не является млекопитающим из семейства псовых?

Нет ответа

The wolf is a meat-eating mammal of the canine family. Which animal among the following is not a meat-eating mammal of the canine family?

No answer

Как лучше дрессировать питомца?

Во время охоты на монстров обязательно берите с собой питомца.

What is the best way to train your pet?

When taking down a monster, always have a pets company

Что из перечисленного не подходит к описанию жизни волка?

Беременная волчица создает для своих детенышей дом на широком открытом месте

Which of the following do not describe the life of a wolf?

A pregnant wolf makes its home in a wide open place to have its babies

Что из перечисленного является правильным описанием волка?

Даже взрослый волк весит меньше взрослого мужчины.

Which of the following is the correct description of a wolf?

A grown wolf is still not as heavy as a fully-grown male adult human

Что из перечисленного не является пищей для волка?

Нет ответа

Which of the following is not a part of the wolf’s diet?

No answer

Питомец может исчезнуть навсегда, если не воскресить его в течение определенного времени после смерти. Какое максимальное время для воскрешения питомца?

24 часа

What a maximum delay allowed before resurrection becomes impossible?

24 hours

Как обычно располагается хвост волка?

Его хвост всегда направлен вниз

How is a wolf’s tail normally positioned?

Its tail is always pointing straight down

Какой самый старый и самый примитивный тип волков, обитающих в Адене?

Жуткий Волк

What are the oldest and most primitive type of wolves found in Aden?

Dire Wolf

Какое описание процесса разведения волков является не правильным?

Период беременности 9 месяцев

Which is not a proper description of the breeding of wolfes?

Pregnancy is nine months

Какой волк ведет остальных при охоте стаей?


What kind of wolf leads the rest when hunting in a pack?


Какова нормальная продолжительность жизни волка в неволе?

12~15 лет

What is the normal lifespan of a wolf in captivity?

12–15 years

Питомцы очень полезны для своих владельцев. Как нельзя использовать питомца?

Может быть послан в деревню, чтобы купить предметы.

Pets are very useful to their owners. Which of the following is not an appropriate use of pet?

Can be sent to the village to buy items.

What is the name of this animal which is in wolf family and was thought to live 2,500,000-10,000 years ago? It is said that its body and skull were big and heavy, but its brains were so small that it is assumed that its intelligence weren’t very high.

Dire Wolf

What can be done to make a pet grow faster?

Make a pet hit a monster a lot

Which of the following is not an appropriate use of a pet?

Make to go to the village and buy items rateer than sending on an errand

Weapons and Armor for Wolf and Fenrir

Weapon (buying)

Pay attention!

Prices do not include town tax!

Talk to any NPC in town to find out the tax amount. In conversation, select the line "See the Lord and get the tax rate information".

Armor (buying)

Pay attention!

Prices do not include town tax!

Talk to any NPC in town to find out the tax amount. In conversation, select the line "See the Lord and get the tax rate information".

Accessory (buying)

Pay attention!

Prices do not include town tax!

Talk to any NPC in town to find out the tax amount. In conversation, select the line "See the Lord and get the tax rate information".

Weapon (improving)

Talk to Pet Manager, to improve wolf's weapon. In the dialog box, select "Exchange pet equipment for high-level equipment".

Pay attention!

Prices do not include town tax!

Talk to any NPC in town to find out the tax amount. In conversation, select the line "See the Lord and get the tax rate information".

Product Cost
Shining Canine Shining Canine NG Iron Canine Iron Canine NG
12 Gemstone D Gemstone D NG
12 000 Adena Adena NG
Ghost Canine Ghost Canine NG Shining Canine Shining Canine NG
16 Gemstone D Gemstone D NG
16 200 Adena Adena NG
Mithril Canine Mithril Canine NG Ghost Canine Ghost Canine NG
23 Gemstone D Gemstone D NG
23 400 Adena Adena NG
Sylvan Canine Sylvan Canine NG Mithril Canine Mithril Canine NG
36 Gemstone D Gemstone D NG
36 000 Adena Adena NG
Orikarukon Canine Orikarukon Canine NG Sylvan Canine Sylvan Canine NG
48 Gemstone D Gemstone D NG
48 00 Adena Adena NG
Fang of Saltydog Fang of Saltydog NG Orikarukon Canine Orikarukon Canine NG
66 Gemstone D Gemstone D NG
76 000 Adena Adena NG
Fang of Cerberus Fang of Cerberus NG Fang of Saltydog Fang of Saltydog NG
60 Gemstone D Gemstone D NG
60 000 Adena Adena NG
Fang of Coyote Fang of Coyote NG Fang of Cerberus Fang of Cerberus NG
24 Gemstone C Gemstone C NG
72 000 Adena Adena NG
Crystallized Ice Canine Crystallized Ice Canine NG Fang of Coyote Fang of Coyote NG
30 Gemstone C Gemstone C NG
90 000 Adena Adena NG
Fang of the Blue Wolf Fang of the Blue Wolf NG Crystallized Ice Canine Crystallized Ice Canine NG
76 Gemstone C Gemstone C NG
228 000 Adena Adena NG
Fang of Fenrir Fang of Fenrir NG Fang of the Blue Wolf Fang of the Blue Wolf NG
80 Gemstone C Gemstone C NG
240 000 Adena Adena NG
Enchanted Wolf Fang Enchanted Wolf Fang NG Fang of Fenrir Fang of Fenrir NG
107 Gemstone B Gemstone B NG
1 072 000 Adena Adena NG
Enchanted Coyote Fang Enchanted Coyote Fang NG Enchanted Wolf Fang Enchanted Wolf Fang NG
203 Gemstone B Gemstone B NG
2 030 000 Adena Adena NG

На серверах MasterWork:

Enchanted Wolf Fang Enchanted Wolf Fang NG
2 161 770 Adena Adena NG
Enchanted Saltydog Fang Enchanted Saltydog Fang NG Enchanted Coyote Fang Enchanted Coyote Fang NG
386 Gemstone B Gemstone B NG
3 860 000 Adena Adena NG

На серверах MasterWork:

Enchanted Coyote Fang Enchanted Coyote Fang NG
4 104 810 Adena Adena NG
Enchanted Cerberus Fang Enchanted Cerberus Fang NG Enchanted Saltydog Fang Enchanted Saltydog Fang NG
546 Gemstone B Gemstone B NG
5 460 000 Adena Adena NG

На серверах MasterWork:

Enchanted Saltydog Fang Enchanted Saltydog Fang NG
5 796 690 Adena Adena NG
Orichalcum Fang Orichalcum Fang NG Enchanted Cerberus Fang Enchanted Cerberus Fang NG
2 157 Gemstone B Gemstone B NG
10 780 000 Adena Adena NG

На серверах MasterWork:

Enchanted Cerberus Fang Enchanted Cerberus Fang NG
11 449 170 Adena Adena NG
Enchanted Fenrir Fang Enchanted Fenrir Fang NG Orichalcum Fang Orichalcum Fang NG
1 078 Gemstone B Gemstone B NG
20 070 000 Adena Adena NG

На серверах MasterWork:

Orichalcum Fang Orichalcum Fang NG
21 311 340 Adena Adena NG

Armor (improving)

Talk to Pet Manager, to improve wolf's weapon. In the dialog box, select "Exchange pet equipment for high-level equipment".

Pay attention!

Prices do not include town tax!

Talk to any NPC in town to find out the tax amount. In conversation, select the line "See the Lord and get the tax rate information".

Product Cost
Wolf's Hard Leather Armor Wolf's Hard Leather Armor NG Wolf's Hide Armor Wolf's Hide Armor NG
8 Gemstone D Gemstone D NG
8 400 Adena Adena NG
Wolf's Wooden Armor Wolf's Wooden Armor NG Wolf's Hard Leather Armor Wolf's Hard Leather Armor NG
14 Gemstone D Gemstone D NG
13 800 Adena Adena NG
Wolf's Ring Mail Wolf's Ring Mail NG Wolf's Wooden Armor Wolf's Wooden Armor NG
19 Gemstone D Gemstone D NG
19 200 Adena Adena NG
Wolf's Bone Armor Wolf's Bone Armor NG Wolf's Ring Mail Wolf's Ring Mail NG
26 Gemstone D Gemstone D NG
25 800 Adena Adena NG
Great Wolf Scale Armor Great Wolf Scale Armor NG Wolf's Mithril Armor Wolf's Mithril Armor NG
47 Gemstone B Gemstone B NG
469 000 Adena Adena NG
Great Wolf Bronze Armor Great Wolf Bronze Armor NG Great Wolf Scale Armor Great Wolf Scale Armor NG
113 Gemstone B Gemstone B NG
1 130 000 Adena Adena NG

На серверах MasterWork:

Great Wolf Scale Armor Great Wolf Scale Armor NG
1 202 670 Adena Adena NG
Great Wolf Plate Armor Great Wolf Plate Armor NG Great Wolf Bronze Armor Great Wolf Bronze Armor NG
227 Gemstone B Gemstone B NG
2 270 000 Adena Adena NG

На серверах MasterWork:

Great Wolf Bronze Armor Great Wolf Bronze Armor NG
2 418 450 Adena Adena NG
Great Wolf Mithril Armor Great Wolf Mithril Armor NG Great Wolf Plate Armor Great Wolf Plate Armor NG
353 Gemstone B Gemstone B NG
3 530 000 Adena Adena NG

На серверах MasterWork:

Great Wolf Plate Armor Great Wolf Plate Armor NG
3 751 530 Adena Adena NG
Great Wolf Oriharukon Armor Great Wolf Oriharukon Armor NG Great Wolf Mithril Armor Great Wolf Mithril Armor NG
758 Gemstone B Gemstone B NG
7 580 000 Adena Adena NG

На серверах MasterWork:

Great Wolf Mithril Armor Great Wolf Mithril Armor NG
8 054 370 Adena Adena NG
Great Wolf Orichalcum Armor Great Wolf Orichalcum Armor NG Great Wolf Oriharukon Armor Great Wolf Oriharukon Armor NG
1 601 Gemstone B Gemstone B NG
16 010 000 Adena Adena NG

На серверах MasterWork:

Great Wolf Oriharukon Armor Great Wolf Oriharukon Armor NG
17 003 670 Adena Adena NG

Accessory (improving)

Pet's accessories upgrades added to Masterwork servers to increase game comfort.

Talk to Pet Manager, to improve wolf's weapon. In the dialog box, select "Exchange pet equipment for high-level equipment".

Pay attention!

Prices do not include town tax!

Talk to any NPC in town to find out the tax amount. In conversation, select the line "See the Lord and get the tax rate information".

Basic informationPet managementSummon and unsummonManagementFeedingInventory usageEquipmentExpingEvolutionDeath, resurrection and disappearanceWolf (Lv. 15 ~ 55)Great Wolf (Lv. 55 ~ 70)Fenrir (70 ~ 86 lvl.)Snow Great Wolf and Fenrir (Lv. 55 ~ 86)Quest for getting wolfQuest on the wolf. Answers to questionsWeapons and Armor for Wolf and FenrirWeapon (buying)Armor (buying)Accessory (buying)Weapon (improving)Armor (improving)Accessory (improving)


For Newbies Pona: Jewelry Upgrade , Ingame calendar , Achievements Masterwork , Academy on Masterwork , Clan on Masterwork , Masterwork Club , Premium Account VIP , Ingame Market Masterwork , Vitality System , Autoloot Agathions Masterwork , Slots expansion and weight limit , Useful additions to the interface and game , Pets: Wolf and Fenrir , Subclasses on Masterwork , Quests for 1, 2 and 3 classes , Beginner's path 1-40 level , Library: Books of Exp , Pets: Kookaburra, Cougar, Buffalo , Training Olympiad , Life Stones on Masterwork , Cyclic Macros and Assist Manager , Missions on the Masterwork , Starter quest Eternal , C/B/A-Grade Sets Upgrades , Command .lock — protecting your character , PvP enhance , Useful Diseases of Hot Springs , Attribute System , Tattoo Guide , Exp Boost Guide
Items New S-Grade Sets Bonuses , Enchantment bonuses for sets D/C/B/A/S Grade , Blacksmith of Mammon: Weapon Upgrade/Exchange , Masterwork Item Bonuses , MasterWork Crystals: Equipment Upgrade , Hellbound: Caravan Certificates , Eternal Weapons: Soul Crystals and Enchant Options , Vitality System , Autoloot Agathions Masterwork , Slots expansion and weight limit , Compound of belts , Pets: Wolf and Fenrir , Library: Books of Exp , Pets: Kookaburra, Cougar, Buffalo , Dual daggers and blunts , Soul Crystal (SA) Enhancement , Pets: new skins , Life Stones on Masterwork , Exchange of manor in castles , Updated SA effects , C/B/A-Grade Sets Upgrades , PvP enhance , Unique Boss Weapons , Talismans on Masterwork , Vorpal Armor. Assembly and improvement , "Protectors of Eternity", Eternal armor , Tattoo Guide