Vorpal Armor. Assembly and improvement


Vorpal — S84 armor set, has been added to the game in a Freya update.

Vorpal set bonuses are aimed at strengthening character in PvP activities, including Grand Olympiad. Set parts may be obtained only as drop from bosses and elite monsters, Vorpal armor can not be crafted.

Vorpal armor set bonuses were rebuilt on Masterwork:

  • Set bonuses can be increased by adding essence, as for Dynasty sets.
  • Added rare parts bonuses
  • Production has been significantly simplified - the list of monsters and Bosses with drop has been expanded, a new mechanic for obtaining armor has been created
  • S84 items can be used since level 82

Basic set

List of all Vorpal armor sets without any improvements:

How to get Vorpal?

Vorpal l2

Traditionally, Vorpal armor is difficult to obtain and highly valued among players. Changes on Masterwork have taken away the privilege of strong clans. Now each player can independently obtain high-level equipment.


Expanded drop list of whole Vorpal items:

Full item list with drop chances are available on Search page.

Shillien supplies

Shillien Supplies Shillien Supplies Vorpal Armor NG — available only on Masterwork. Contains one random unidentified Vorpal armor piece.

Ways to get Shillien Supplies:

The full list of monsters with Shillien Supply drops is available at Item Page.


Sealed items can't be part of the set. To activate set bonuses an item must be unsealed by one of the blacksmiths:

Dwarf Pushkin Master Blacksmith in Giran

Dwarf Pushpaw Blacksmith in Ancient city Arcan

Ancient Adena Ancient Adena NG are not required on Masterwork. Blacksmiths accept payment in Adena Adena NG .

Items that do not have to be unsealed:

  • Received after opening unidentified items
  • Received from Shillien Supplies
  • Rare items

Bloody Tears

Theodric l2

In a Lair of Antharas you can obtain Bloody Tear Bloody Tear NG .

Undead Theodric Antharas Watchman exchanges tears for Shillien Supplies Shillien Supplies Vorpal Armor NG .

Exchange rate:

Shillien Supplies contains one unidentified Vorpal armor part.

A full list of monsters who drop Bloody tears is available on Item page.

Scalding Tears

Nemo l2

In a Seed of Annihilation you can obtain Scalding Tear Scalding Tear NG .

Human Nemo exchanges tears for Shillien Supplies Shillien Supplies Vorpal Armor NG .

Exchange rate:

Shillien Supplies contains one unidentified Vorpal armor part.

A full list of monsters who drop Scalding tears is available on Item page.

Essence insertion

Vorpal armor can be improved in 2 different ways: Attack or Defense.

Each branch has its own bonuses:

Armor can be improved by Undead Theodric Antharas Watchman and Human Nemo .

To improve you will need the upper part of the armor, bloody or scalding tears, and additional resources:

Rare items

All Vorpal armor rare parts bonuses:

After opening an unidentified item there is a chance to receive a rare item.

Basic items can be improved to rare by one of the blacksmiths:

Dwarf Pushkin Master Blacksmith in Giran

Dwarf Pushpaw Blacksmith in Ancient city Arcan

Improvement cost:

Detailed information about the crystals is available in the article Masterwork crystals.

Detailed information about rare armor bonuses is available in the article Masterwork item bonuses.

PVP enhance

PvP enhancement gives the character a passive skill, that only works when fighting with other players. The skill is different for different types of armor. PvP enhancement can only be inserted into the top body armor.

Item Effect
Vorpal Breastplate {PvP} Vorpal Breastplate {PvP} S84 With a 2% chance Attacker's Speed -20.00%, Atk. Spd. -20.00%, Cast. Spd. -30.00%. PvP Defense +5.00%.
Vorpal Leather Breastplate {PvP} Vorpal Leather Breastplate {PvP} S84 With a 2% chance Cancels Attacker's target. PvP Defense +5.00%.
Vorpal Tunic {PvP} Vorpal Tunic {PvP} S84 With a 2% chance Receiving P. Crit. Rate -15.00%, Critical Damage received -15.00%. PvP Defense +5.00%.

PvP enhancement can be done by Human Scipio Reputation Manager in Aden.

Enhancement cost:

Rare and Attack/Defense improvements do not affect enhancement cost.

Detailed information is available in the article PvP enhance.

Enchantment and attribute

Vorpal l2

Enchant bonuses

Masterwork has significantly expanded the list of bonuses from enchanting armor sets.

Enchanting an entire set increases armor bonuses and provides special active and passive skills.

Armor bonuses with maximum enchantment +10:

Heavy set Leather set Robe set
P. Def. +280,
Accuracy +7,
Arrow defense +15%,
MP Regeneration +5,
Stun chance +15%,
Magic deflect chance +3%,
PvP Defense +5%

Active skills (toggle):
Set Bonus: Vampiric Rage Set Bonus: Vampiric Rage Lv. 2
Set Bonus: Reflect Damage Set Bonus: Reflect Damage Lv. 1

Passive skills:
Faith and Steel Faith and Steel Lv. 4
Soul Purge Soul Purge Lv. 1
M. Def. +200,
Evasion +7,
All attributes resistance +15,
Speed +6,
Re-use time for Physical skills -6%,
P. Critical Rate +37,
P. Critical Damage +5%,
Avoid Rate for Magic skills +3%,
PvP Defense +5%

Passive skills:
Faith and Steel Faith and Steel Lv. 4
Soul Purge Soul Purge Lv. 1
P. Def. +160,
M. Def. +100,
Weight limit +80%,
Magic MP Consumption 12%,
Mental Resistance +35%,
Skill Cooldown -6%,
Attack of Sleep/ Hold/ Mental +20%,
Avoid rate for P. Skills +3%,
PvP Defense +5%

Passive skills:
Faith and Steel Faith and Steel Lv. 4
Soul Purge Soul Purge Lv. 1

Full information about enchantment bonuses is available in the article Enchantment Bonuses for Sets.

Shillien Scrolls

Armor enchantment has been simplified on Masterwork. In addition to standard enchant scrolls, new scrolls are available in the game:

Scroll: Enchant Weapon of Destruction (S-Grade) Scroll: Enchant Weapon of Destruction (S-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Armor of Destruction (S-Grade) Scroll: Enchant Armor of Destruction (S-Grade) NG

  • If failed, the item does not break into crystals and retains its enchantment level
  • Can be used with enchanted items: weapons up to +15, armor and jewelry up to +8

Shillien Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-Grade) Shillien Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-Grade) NG
Shillien Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade) Shillien Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade) NG

  • Enchant equipment by +2
  • Can be used with items enchanted from +3 to +7 (inclusive)

Special Shillien Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-Grade) Special Shillien Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-Grade) NG
Special Shillien Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade) Special Shillien Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade) NG

  • 100% enchant chance
  • Can be used with items enchanted to +8

Forbidden Shillien Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-Grade) Forbidden Shillien Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-Grade) NG
Forbidden Shillien Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade) Forbidden Shillien Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade) NG

  • If unsuccessful, the item is not crystallised, but its enchantment level is reduced by 1
  • Can be used with items of any enchantment level


Attribute stones can be inserted into Vorpal armor. Inserted attribute stones increase resistance to the opposing attribute. The chance of the attribute insertion is not 100%.

Each item has 3 attribute slots.

Each attribute stone or crystal increases the resistance to the opposite attribute by 6 points.

The maximum value for attribute stones is 60, for crystals - from 60 to 120.

Stones and crystals of the opposite attribute cannot be installed in one item:

Fire Stone Fire Stone NG Water Stone Water Stone NG
Earth Stone Earth Stone NG Wind Stone Wind Stone NG
Dark Stone Dark Stone NG Divine Stone Divine Stone NG

Full information about the attributes is available in the article Attribute system.

BasicsBasic setHow to get Vorpal?DropShillien suppliesUnsealingBloody TearsScalding TearsEssence insertionRare itemsPVP enhanceEnchantment and attributeEnchant bonusesShillien ScrollsAttribute