"Protectors of Eternity", Eternal armor


The Eternal server has received a major annual update. The Masterwork team is working not only on the season but also devoting time to creating new content for veterans of the merged server.

"Protectors of Eternity" ("PoE" in short) — global game event for obtaining new Eternal armor.

We have reworked five locations in the starting zones of each race and added a new location to the lands of the orcs - Raider's Crossroads. Now locations are inhabited by high-level monsters who are strong, smart and use various skills. The locations vary in difficulty and may suit different types of players.

Eternal Armor is the first type of gear that can form a set with parts of different essences. You can combine Attack or Defence parts and receive a set bonus. In addition, Eternal armor has a wide range of defensive stats that make it possible to assemble unique sets for different play styles and game situations.

Eternal Shirts are not part of an armor set and are not tied to specific classes. Three types of shirts with different stats allow you to increase your character effectiveness in battle.

Help Tobald and the heroes of the past, collect the Eternal armor and prepare to meet the powerful demon Beleth in the further updates.

Structure and lore of the event

The "PoE" event consists of two main lines - opening the full functionality at Master Tobald and supporting the heroes of the past. The heroes will help you to get the Eternal armor, and Master Tobald will create new materials for you, helping to improve the armor and change its appearance.

The sequence of events and interactions between the various NPCs is presented on the diagram:

структура события Покровители Вечности л2

The game plot of the "Protectors of Eternity" event is revealed in the video from FocusDeath:


New items

The PoE system uses a lot of new items — quest items, drop and craft resources, Runes of Conjugation and Echoes of the Past. This section contains information about all crafted items.

Crafting Echoes of the Past requires new resources created by NPC Human Tobald Master :

Runes of Conjugation

Runes of Conjugation are the key to crafting and enhancing the Eternal Armor. You will need trophies from hunting monsters in locations with temporal rifts or fragments of the Rune of Conjugation obtained from unsuccessfully opened Echo of the Past.

Echo of the Past

Echo of the Past is a magical capsule that, if successfully opened, may contain armor parts and if unsuccessful, rare resources, Conjugation Rune Fragments, and the Primordial Stone needed to improve armor.

The magic of different races allows you to create various parts of the Eternal armor:

NPC Item Content
Human Casian Sage Echo of the Past - Human Echo of the Past - Human Heavy NG Eternal Gauntlets Eternal Gauntlets S84
Echo of the Past - Human Echo of the Past - Human Light NG Eternal Leather Gloves Eternal Leather Gloves S84
Echo of the Past - Human Echo of the Past - Human Robe NG Eternal Gloves Eternal Gloves S84
Elf Irene Voice of the Moon Minstrel Echo of the Past - Elf Echo of the Past - Elf Underwear NG Forest Guardian Shirt Forest Guardian Shirt S80
Dryad's Wrath Shirt Dryad's Wrath Shirt S80
Eternal Harmony Shirt Eternal Harmony Shirt S80
Darkelf Mithrael Tetrarch Echo of the Past - Dark Elf Echo of the Past - Dark Elf Heavy NG Eternal Helmet Eternal Helmet S84
Echo of the Past - Dark Elf Echo of the Past - Dark Elf Light NG Eternal Leather Helmet Eternal Leather Helmet S84
Echo of the Past - Dark Elf Echo of the Past - Dark Elf Robe NG Eternal Circlet Eternal Circlet S84
Orc Kiruna Hero of the Urutu Tribe Echo of the Past - Orc Echo of the Past - Orc Heavy NG Eternal Breastplate Eternal Breastplate S84
Echo of the Past - Orc Echo of the Past - Orc Light NG Eternal Leather Breastplate Eternal Leather Breastplate S84
Echo of the Past - Orc Echo of the Past - Orc Robe NG Eternal Tunic Eternal Tunic S84
Dwarf Ehret Dwarf King Echo of the Past - Dwarf Echo of the Past - Dwarf Heavy NG Eternal Boots Eternal Boots S84
Echo of the Past - Dwarf Echo of the Past - Dwarf Light NG Eternal Leather Boots Eternal Leather Boots S84
Echo of the Past - Dwarf Echo of the Past - Dwarf Robe NG Eternal Shoes Eternal Shoes S84
Kamael Rodenpicula Guardian of Prahnah Echo of the Past - Kamael Echo of the Past - Kamael Heavy NG Eternal Gaiters Eternal Gaiters S84
Echo of the Past - Kamael Echo of the Past - Kamael Light NG Eternal Leather Leggings Eternal Leather Leggings S84
Echo of the Past - Kamael Echo of the Past - Kamael Robe NG Eternal Stockings Eternal Stockings S84

Treasure Chest

If you fail to open the Echo of the Past, you will receive a package with new resources and valuable items:

Contents of the Treasure Chest of Eternity (random):

Primordial Stone Primordial Stone NG — a valuable resource that is required to upgrade the Eternal armor.

Armor stats

Set bonus

Eternal armor is the first type of sets that allow you to combine different armor pieces with Attack and Defense essence to get a set bonus. The set bonus depends on the essence in the upper armor.

Pay attention!

The set consists of only armor parts of one "color". All parts must be either basic, Peerless, or Perfect.

Heavy Armor Set

Basic Attack Defence
Eternal Breastplate – Set S84 Eternal Breastplate Attack – Set S84 Eternal Breastplate Defense – Set S84

STR +2, CON -1

Max HP +750, Atk. Spd. +2%, P. Atk. +4.5%, P. Def. +8%, M. Def. +8%, P. Crit. Rate +20, Speed +3, Magic Damage Resistance +2, Re-use time for Physical skills -1.5%, Consumption MP for Physical skills -2.5%, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Dark Resistance +15, Shock Resistance +30%, Disarm Resistance +30%, Hold/ Paralyze/ Turn Stone Resistance +50%.

STR +2, DEX +3, CON -3

Max HP +800, Atk. Spd. +4%, P. Atk. +8%, P. Def. +8%, M. Def. +8%, P. Crit. Rate +40, Speed +3, Magic Damage Resistance +2, Re-use time for Physical skills -5%, Consumption MP for Physical skills -2.5%, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Dark Resistance +25, Attack of Shock +7.5%, Attack of Hold/ Paralyze/ Turn Stone +15%, Hold/ Paralyze/ Turn Stone Resistance +30%, Disarm Resistance +15%, Shock Resistance +15%.

CON +3, DEX +1, MEN +2, STR -3

Max HP +1100, Atk. Spd. +2%, P. Atk. +5.5%, P. Def. +10%, M. Def. +10%, P. Crit. Rate +25, Speed +7, Shield Defense Rate +7%, Shield Defense Power +20%, P. Crit. Damage Resist -10%, M. Crit. Damage Resist -10%, Magic Damage Resistance +3, Re-use time for Rhythm skills -10%, Consumption MP for Physical skills -5%, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Dark Resistance +25, Hold/ Paralyze/ Turn Stone Resistance +85%, Disarm Resistance +50%, Shock Resistance +50%, Defence in PvP +5%.

Leather Armor Set

Basic Attack Defence
Eternal Leather Breastplate – Set S84 Eternal Leather Breastplate Attack – Set S84 Eternal Leather Breastplate Defense – Set S84

STR +2, CON -1

Max MP +700, Atk. Spd. +4.5%, P. Atk. +4.5%, P. Def. +4.5%, M. Def. +4.5%, P. Crit. Damage +7%, Evasion +3, Speed +5, Re-use time for Physical/ Magic skills -2.5%, Consumption MP for Physical/ Magic/ Rhythm skills -5%, Resistance to Debuff 20%, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Dark Resistance +15, Shock Resistance +30%.

STR +3, DEX +2, CON -2

Max MP +700, Atk. Spd. +6.5%, P. Atk. +8%, P. Skill Power +7%, P. Def. +5.5%, M. Def. +4.5%, P. Crit. Damage +8.5%, Evasion +3, Speed +5, Bleeding Attack Power +15%, Re-use time for Physical/ Magic skills -7%, Resistance to Debuff 20%, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Dark Resistance +25, Attack of Bleed +15%, Attack of Shock +7.5%, Shock Resistance +30%.

CON +2, DEX +2, MEN +2, STR -2

Max MP +850, Atk. Spd. +4.5%, P. Atk. +5.5%, P. Def. +8.5%, M. Def. +7.5%, P. Crit. Damage +5%, Evasion +5, Speed +7, Avoid Rate for Physical/ Magic skills +3%, Re-use time for Physical/ Magic skills -2.5%, Consumption MP for Physical/ Magic/ Rhythm skills -10%, Resistance to Debuff 30%, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Dark Resistance +25, Shock Resistance +50%, Disarm Resistance +50%, Defence in PvP +5%.

Robe Armor Set

Basic Attack Defence
Eternal Tunic – Set S84 Eternal Tunic Attack – Set S84 Eternal Tunic Defense – Set S84

INT +1, WIT +1, MEN -1

Max MP +500, Casting Spd. +15%, M. Atk. +10%, M. Crit. Damage +5%, Speed +7, MP Recovery Rate +20%, Consumption MP for Magic skills -5%, Resistance to Debuff 25%, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Dark Resistance +15, Shock Resistance +50%.

INT +3, WIT +2, MEN -2

Max MP +500, Casting Spd. +15%, M. Atk. +12%, M. Crit. Damage +15%, Speed +7, MP Recovery Rate +20%, Re-use time for Magic skills -7.5%, Resistance to Debuff 25%, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Dark Resistance +25, Attack of Mental/ Sleep +15%, Shock Resistance +50%.

CON +2, MEN +1, WIT +2

Max MP +750, Casting Spd. +15%, M. Atk. +10%, M. Crit. Damage +10%, Speed +7, Healing Efficiency +10%, Healing Power +100, MP Recovery Rate +25%, Consumption MP for Magic skills -10%, Resistance to Debuff 30%, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Dark Resistance +25, Turn Stone/ Shock Resistance +50%, Mana Burn Resistance +15%, Disarm Resistance +50%, Defence in PvP +5%.

Upper armor

Upper armor does not have additional parameters and does not change the physical defence when installing the essence. Installing the essence is necessary to receive the Attack or Defense set bonus.

Lower armor

Pay attention!

The "color" of the armor does not affect the stats. basic Basic perfect Perfect and perless Peerless lower armor with the same essence will have the same stats.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Eternal Gaiters Eternal Gaiters Attack Lv. 1 S84

P. Skill PvP Damage +0.25%
M. Skill PvP Damage +0.25%
Attack PvP Damage +0.25%
Resistance Paralyze +5%
Resistance Medusa +5%
Resistance Hold +5%
Resistance Stun +2.5%
Resistance from Fire +1
Resistance from Water +1
Resistance from Wind +1
Resistance from Earth +1
Resistance from Holy +1
Resistance from Unholy +1
Atk. Spd. +1%
Max HP +50.

Eternal Gaiters Eternal Gaiters Attack Lv. 2 S84

P. Skill PvP Damage +0.5%
M. Skill PvP Damage +0.5%
Attack PvP Damage +0.5%
Resistance Paralyze +10%
Resistance Medusa +10%
Resistance Hold +10%
Resistance Stun +5%
Resistance from Fire +3
Resistance from Water +3
Resistance from Wind +3
Resistance from Earth +3
Resistance from Holy +3
Resistance from Unholy +3
Atk. Spd. +1.5%
Max HP +100.

Eternal Gaiters Eternal Gaiters Attack Lv. 3 S84

P. Skill PvP Damage +2%
M. Skill PvP Damage +2%
Attack PvP Damage +2%
Resistance Paralyze +20%
Resistance Medusa +20%
Resistance Hold +20%
Resistance Stun +10%
Resistance from Fire +5
Resistance from Water +5
Resistance from Wind +5
Resistance from Earth +5
Resistance from Holy +5
Resistance from Unholy +5
Atk. Spd. +3%
Max HP +200.

Eternal Gaiters Eternal Gaiters Defense Lv. 1 S84

Resistance Hold +10%
Resistance Sleep +10%
M. Skill PvP Defense +0.25%
P. Skill PvP Defense +0.25%
Normal Attack PvP Defense +0.25%
Resistance from Fire +1
Resistance from Water +1
Resistance from Wind +1
Resistance from Earth +1
Resistance from Holy +1
Resistance from Unholy +1
Decreases the rate of being hit by a critical attack by 5%
Max HP +100.

Eternal Gaiters Eternal Gaiters Defense Lv. 2 S84

Resistance Hold +20%
Resistance Sleep +20%
M. Skill PvP Defense +0.5%
P. Skill PvP Defense +0.5%
Normal Attack PvP Defense +0.5%
Resistance from Fire +3
Resistance from Water +3
Resistance from Wind +3
Resistance from Earth +3
Resistance from Holy +3
Resistance from Unholy +3
Decreases the rate of being hit by a critical attack by 7.5%
Max HP +250.

Eternal Gaiters Eternal Gaiters Defense Lv. 3 S84

Resistance Hold +35%
Resistance Sleep +35%
M. Skill PvP Defense +1.5%
P. Skill PvP Defense +1.5%
Normal Attack PvP Defense +1.5%
Resistance from Fire +5
Resistance from Water +5
Resistance from Wind +5
Resistance from Earth +5
Resistance from Holy +5
Resistance from Unholy +5
Decreases the rate of being hit by a critical attack by 15%
Max HP +500.

Eternal Leather Leggings Eternal Leather Leggings Attack Lv. 1 S84

Resistance Stun +5%
P. Skill PvP Damage +0.25%
M. Skill PvP Damage +0.25%
Attack PvP Damage +0.25%
Resistance from Fire +1
Resistance from Water +1
Resistance from Wind +1
Resistance from Earth +1
Resistance from Holy +1
Resistance from Unholy +1
Max MP +100
P. Skill Reuse Time -1%
M. Skill Reuse Time -1%.

Eternal Leather Leggings Eternal Leather Leggings Attack Lv. 2 S84

Resistance Stun +7.5%
P. Skill PvP Damage +0.5%
M. Skill PvP Damage +0.5%
Attack PvP Damage +0.5%
Resistance from Fire +3
Resistance from Water +3
Resistance from Wind +3
Resistance from Earth +3
Resistance from Holy +3
Resistance from Unholy +3
Max MP +150
P. Skill Reuse Time -2%
M. Skill Reuse Time -2%.

Eternal Leather Leggings Eternal Leather Leggings Attack Lv. 3 S84

Resistance Stun +15%
P. Skill PvP Damage +2%
M. Skill PvP Damage +2%
Attack PvP Damage +2%
Resistance from Fire +5
Resistance from Water +5
Resistance from Wind +5
Resistance from Earth +5
Resistance from Holy +5
Resistance from Unholy +5
Max MP +300
P. Def. +1%
P. Skill Reuse Time -3%
M. Skill Reuse Time -3%.

Eternal Leather Leggings Eternal Leather Leggings Defense Lv. 1 S84

Resistance Stun +10%
M. Skill PvP Defense +0.25%
P. Skill PvP Defense +0.25%
Normal Attack PvP Defense +0.25%
Resistance from Fire +1
Resistance from Water +1
Resistance from Wind +1
Resistance from Earth +1
Resistance from Holy +1
Resistance from Unholy +1
Decreases the rate of being hit by a critical attack by 5%
Max HP +50.

Eternal Leather Leggings Eternal Leather Leggings Defense Lv. 2 S84

Resistance Stun +15%
M. Skill PvP Defense +0.5%
P. Skill PvP Defense +0.5%
Normal Attack PvP Defense +0.5%
Resistance from Fire +3
Resistance from Water +3
Resistance from Wind +3
Resistance from Earth +3
Resistance from Holy +3
Resistance from Unholy +3
Decreases the rate of being hit by a critical attack by 10%
Max HP +100.

Eternal Leather Leggings Eternal Leather Leggings Defense Lv. 3 S84

Resistance Stun +30%
M. Skill PvP Defense +1.5%
P. Skill PvP Defense +1.5%
Normal Attack PvP Defense +1.5%
Resistance from Fire +5
Resistance from Water +5
Resistance from Wind +5
Resistance from Earth +5
Resistance from Holy +5
Resistance from Unholy +5
Decreases the rate of being hit by a critical attack by 20%
Max HP +250.

Eternal Stockings Eternal Stockings Attack Lv. 1 S84

P. Skill PvP Damage +0.25%
M. Skill PvP Damage +0.25%
Attack PvP Damage +0.25%
Resistance from Fire +1
Resistance from Water +1
Resistance from Wind +1
Resistance from Earth +1
Resistance from Holy +1
Resistance from Unholy +1
M. Crit. Damage +2.5%
Cast. Spd. +1%.

Eternal Stockings Eternal Stockings Attack Lv. 2 S84

P. Skill PvP Damage +0.5%
M. Skill PvP Damage +0.5%
Attack PvP Damage +0.5%
Resistance from Fire +3
Resistance from Water +3
Resistance from Wind +3
Resistance from Earth +3
Resistance from Holy +3
Resistance from Unholy +3
M. Crit. Damage +5%
Cast. Spd. +2%.

Eternal Stockings Eternal Stockings Attack Lv. 3 S84

P. Skill PvP Damage +2%
M. Skill PvP Damage +2%
Attack PvP Damage +2%
Resistance from Fire +5
Resistance from Water +5
Resistance from Wind +5
Resistance from Earth +5
Resistance from Holy +5
Resistance from Unholy +5
M. Crit. Damage +10%
Cast. Spd. +3%.

Eternal Stockings Eternal Stockings Defense Lv. 1 S84

M. Skill PvP Defense +0.25%
P. Skill PvP Defense +0.25%
Normal Attack PvP Defense +0.25%
Resistance from Fire +1
Resistance from Water +1
Resistance from Wind +1
Resistance from Earth +1
Resistance from Holy +1
Resistance from Unholy +1
Decreases the rate of being hit by a critical attack by 5%
Cast. Spd. +1%.

Eternal Stockings Eternal Stockings Defense Lv. 2 S84

M. Skill PvP Defense +0.5%
P. Skill PvP Defense +0.5%
Normal Attack PvP Defense +0.5%
Resistance from Fire +3
Resistance from Water +3
Resistance from Wind +3
Resistance from Earth +3
Resistance from Holy +3
Resistance from Unholy +3
Decreases the rate of being hit by a critical attack by 10%
Cast. Spd. +2.5%.

Eternal Stockings Eternal Stockings Defense Lv. 3 S84

M. Skill PvP Defense +1.5%
P. Skill PvP Defense +1.5%
Normal Attack PvP Defense +1.5%
Resistance from Fire +5
Resistance from Water +5
Resistance from Wind +5
Resistance from Earth +5
Resistance from Holy +5
Resistance from Unholy +5
Decreases the rate of being hit by a critical attack by 25%
Cast. Spd. +5%.


Pay attention!

The "color" of the armor does not affect the stats. basic Basic perfect Perfect and perless Perless helmets with the same essence will have the same stats.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Eternal Helmet Eternal Helmet Attack Lv. 1 S84

Hold Chance +2.5%
P. Skill PvP Damage +0.25%
M. Skill PvP Damage +0.25%
Attack PvP Damage +0.25%
Resistance from Fire +1
Resistance from Water +1
Resistance from Wind +1
Resistance from Earth +1
Resistance from Holy +1
Resistance from Unholy +1
P. Crit. Damage +1.5%
Max HP +25
P. Skill Reuse Time -1.5%.

Eternal Helmet Eternal Helmet Attack Lv. 2 S84

Hold Chance +5%
P. Skill PvP Damage +0.5%
M. Skill PvP Damage +0.5%
Attack PvP Damage +0.5%
Resistance from Fire +3
Resistance from Water +3
Resistance from Wind +3
Resistance from Earth +3
Resistance from Holy +3
Resistance from Unholy +3
P. Crit. Damage +2.5%
Max HP +75
P. Skill Reuse Time -2.5%.

Eternal Helmet Eternal Helmet Attack Lv. 3 S84

Hold Chance +10%
P. Skill PvP Damage +1%
M. Skill PvP Damage +1%
Attack PvP Damage +1%
Resistance from Fire +5
Resistance from Water +5
Resistance from Wind +5
Resistance from Earth +5
Resistance from Holy +5
Resistance from Unholy +5
P. Crit. Damage +5%
Max HP +150
P. Skill Reuse Time -5%.

Eternal Helmet Eternal Helmet Defense Lv. 1 S84

Resistance Paralyze +5%
Resistance Medusa +5%
M. Skill PvP Defense +0.25%
P. Skill PvP Defense +0.25%
Normal Attack PvP Defense +0.25%
Resistance from Fire +1
Resistance from Water +1
Resistance from Wind +1
Resistance from Earth +1
Resistance from Holy +1
Resistance from Unholy +1
Max HP +50
P. Def. +2%.

Eternal Helmet Eternal Helmet Defense Lv. 2 S84

Resistance Paralyze +7.5%
Resistance Medusa +7.5%
M. Skill PvP Defense +0.5%
P. Skill PvP Defense +0.5%
Normal Attack PvP Defense +0.5%
Resistance from Fire +3
Resistance from Water +3
Resistance from Wind +3
Resistance from Earth +3
Resistance from Holy +3
Resistance from Unholy +3
Max HP +150
P. Def. +4%.

Eternal Helmet Eternal Helmet Defense Lv. 3 S84

Resistance Paralyze +15%
Resistance Medusa +15%
M. Skill PvP Defense +1.5%
P. Skill PvP Defense +1.5%
Normal Attack PvP Defense +1.5%
Resistance from Fire +5
Resistance from Water +5
Resistance from Wind +5
Resistance from Earth +5
Resistance from Holy +5
Resistance from Unholy +5
Max HP +300
P. Def. +7%.

Eternal Leather Helmet Eternal Leather Helmet Attack Lv. 1 S84

P. Skill PvP Damage +0.25%
M. Skill PvP Damage +0.25%
Attack PvP Damage +0.25%
Resistance from Fire +1
Resistance from Water +1
Resistance from Wind +1
Resistance from Earth +1
Resistance from Holy +1
Resistance from Unholy +1
P. Crit. Damage +1.5%
Accuracy +2
Max MP +50.

Eternal Leather Helmet Eternal Leather Helmet Attack Lv. 2 S84

P. Skill PvP Damage +0.5%
M. Skill PvP Damage +0.5%
Attack PvP Damage +0.5%
Resistance from Fire +3
Resistance from Water +3
Resistance from Wind +3
Resistance from Earth +3
Resistance from Holy +3
Resistance from Unholy +3
P. Crit. Damage +3%
Accuracy +4
Max MP +100.

Eternal Leather Helmet Eternal Leather Helmet Attack Lv. 3 S84

P. Skill PvP Damage +1%
M. Skill PvP Damage +1%
Attack PvP Damage +1%
Resistance from Fire +5
Resistance from Water +5
Resistance from Wind +5
Resistance from Earth +5
Resistance from Holy +5
Resistance from Unholy +5
P. Crit. Damage +6.5%
Accuracy +6
Max MP +200
P. Def. +1%.

Eternal Leather Helmet Eternal Leather Helmet Defense Lv. 1 S84

M. Skill PvP Defense +0.25%
P. Skill PvP Defense +0.25%
Normal Attack PvP Defense +0.25%
Resistance from Fire +1
Resistance from Water +1
Resistance from Wind +1
Resistance from Earth +1
Resistance from Holy +1
Resistance from Unholy +1
Critical Damage received -3%
Max HP +50
P. Def. +1.5%.

Eternal Leather Helmet Eternal Leather Helmet Defense Lv. 2 S84

M. Skill PvP Defense +0.5%
P. Skill PvP Defense +0.5%
Normal Attack PvP Defense +0.5%
Resistance from Fire +3
Resistance from Water +3
Resistance from Wind +3
Resistance from Earth +3
Resistance from Holy +3
Resistance from Unholy +3
Critical Damage received -6%
Max HP +75
P. Def. +2.5%.

Eternal Leather Helmet Eternal Leather Helmet Defense Lv. 3 S84

M. Skill PvP Defense +1.5%
P. Skill PvP Defense +1.5%
Normal Attack PvP Defense +1.5%
Resistance from Fire +5
Resistance from Water +5
Resistance from Wind +5
Resistance from Earth +5
Resistance from Holy +5
Resistance from Unholy +5
Critical Damage received -12%
Max HP +150
P. Def. +5%.

Eternal Circlet Eternal Circlet Attack Lv. 1 S84

Resistance Mental attacks +5%
P. Skill PvP Damage +0.25%
M. Skill PvP Damage +0.25%
Attack PvP Damage +0.25%
Resistance from Fire +1
Resistance from Water +1
Resistance from Wind +1
Resistance from Earth +1
Resistance from Holy +1
Resistance from Unholy +1
M. Atk. +3%
Max MP +100.

Eternal Circlet Eternal Circlet Attack Lv. 2 S84

Resistance Mental attacks +10%
P. Skill PvP Damage +0.5%
M. Skill PvP Damage +0.5%
Attack PvP Damage +0.5%
Resistance from Fire +3
Resistance from Water +3
Resistance from Wind +3
Resistance from Earth +3
Resistance from Holy +3
Resistance from Unholy +3
M. Atk. +5%
Max MP +200.

Eternal Circlet Eternal Circlet Attack Lv. 3 S84

Resistance Mental attacks +20%
P. Skill PvP Damage +1%
M. Skill PvP Damage +1%
Attack PvP Damage +1%
Resistance from Fire +5
Resistance from Water +5
Resistance from Wind +5
Resistance from Earth +5
Resistance from Holy +5
Resistance from Unholy +5
M. Atk. +10%
Max MP +400.

Eternal Circlet Eternal Circlet Defense Lv. 1 S84

M. Skill PvP Defense +0.25%
P. Skill PvP Defense +0.25%
Normal Attack PvP Defense +0.25%
Resistance from Fire +1
Resistance from Water +1
Resistance from Wind +1
Resistance from Earth +1
Resistance from Holy +1
Resistance from Unholy +1
Heal Power +1%
Heal Power +10
MP Regeneration Bonus +2.5%.

Eternal Circlet Eternal Circlet Defense Lv. 2 S84

M. Skill PvP Defense +0.5%
P. Skill PvP Defense +0.5%
Normal Attack PvP Defense +0.5%
Resistance from Fire +3
Resistance from Water +3
Resistance from Wind +3
Resistance from Earth +3
Resistance from Holy +3
Resistance from Unholy +3
Heal Power +2.5%
Heal Power +25
MP Regeneration Bonus +5%.

Eternal Circlet Eternal Circlet Defense Lv. 3 S84

M. Skill PvP Defense +1.5%
P. Skill PvP Defense +1.5%
Normal Attack PvP Defense +1.5%
Resistance from Fire +5
Resistance from Water +5
Resistance from Wind +5
Resistance from Earth +5
Resistance from Holy +5
Resistance from Unholy +5
Heal Power +5%
Heal Power +50
MP Regeneration Bonus +10%.


Pay attention!

The "color" of the armor does not affect the stats. basic Basic perfect Perfect and perless Perless gloves with the same essence will have the same stats.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Eternal Gauntlets Eternal Gauntlets Attack Lv. 1 S84

Stun Chance +1.5%
P. Skill PvP Damage +0.25%
M. Skill PvP Damage +0.25%
Attack PvP Damage +0.25%
Resistance from Fire +1
Resistance from Water +1
Resistance from Wind +1
Resistance from Earth +1
Resistance from Holy +1
Resistance from Unholy +1
Max HP +25
P. Atk. +1.5%.

Eternal Gauntlets Eternal Gauntlets Attack Lv. 2 S84

Stun Chance +2.5%
P. Skill PvP Damage +0.5%
M. Skill PvP Damage +0.5%
Attack PvP Damage +0.5%
Resistance from Fire +3
Resistance from Water +3
Resistance from Wind +3
Resistance from Earth +3
Resistance from Holy +3
Resistance from Unholy +3
Max HP +50
P. Atk. +3%.

Eternal Gauntlets Eternal Gauntlets Attack Lv. 3 S84

Stun Chance +5%
P. Skill PvP Damage +1%
M. Skill PvP Damage +1%
Attack PvP Damage +1%
Resistance from Fire +5
Resistance from Water +5
Resistance from Wind +5
Resistance from Earth +5
Resistance from Holy +5
Resistance from Unholy +5
Max HP +100
P. Atk. +6%.

Eternal Gauntlets Eternal Gauntlets Defense Lv. 1 S84

Resistance Disarm +5%
M. Skill PvP Defense +0.25%
P. Skill PvP Defense +0.25%
Normal Attack PvP Defense +0.25%
Resistance from Fire +1
Resistance from Water +1
Resistance from Wind +1
Resistance from Earth +1
Resistance from Holy +1
Resistance from Unholy +1
Heal Power +1%
Max HP +50.

Eternal Gauntlets Eternal Gauntlets Defense Lv. 2 S84

Resistance Disarm +10%
M. Skill PvP Defense +0.5%
P. Skill PvP Defense +0.5%
Normal Attack PvP Defense +0.5%
Resistance from Fire +3
Resistance from Water +3
Resistance from Wind +3
Resistance from Earth +3
Resistance from Holy +3
Resistance from Unholy +3
Heal Power +2%
Max HP +75.

Eternal Gauntlets Eternal Gauntlets Defense Lv. 3 S84

Resistance Disarm +20%
M. Skill PvP Defense +1.5%
P. Skill PvP Defense +1.5%
Normal Attack PvP Defense +1.5%
Resistance from Fire +5
Resistance from Water +5
Resistance from Wind +5
Resistance from Earth +5
Resistance from Holy +5
Resistance from Unholy +5
Heal Power +4%
Max HP +200.

Eternal Leather Gloves Eternal Leather Gloves Attack Lv. 1 S84

P. Skill Power +2%
P. Skill PvP Damage +0.25%
M. Skill PvP Damage +0.25%
Attack PvP Damage +0.25%
Resistance from Fire +1
Resistance from Water +1
Resistance from Wind +1
Resistance from Earth +1
Resistance from Holy +1
Resistance from Unholy +1
Atk. Spd. +1.5%
Max MP +50.

Eternal Leather Gloves Eternal Leather Gloves Attack Lv. 2 S84

P. Skill Power +3%
P. Skill PvP Damage +0.5%
M. Skill PvP Damage +0.5%
Attack PvP Damage +0.5%
Resistance from Fire +3
Resistance from Water +3
Resistance from Wind +3
Resistance from Earth +3
Resistance from Holy +3
Resistance from Unholy +3
Atk. Spd. +2.5%
Max MP +75.

Eternal Leather Gloves Eternal Leather Gloves Attack Lv. 3 S84

P. Skill Power +5%
P. Skill PvP Damage +1%
M. Skill PvP Damage +1%
Attack PvP Damage +1%
Resistance from Fire +5
Resistance from Water +5
Resistance from Wind +5
Resistance from Earth +5
Resistance from Holy +5
Resistance from Unholy +5
Atk. Spd. +5%
Max MP +150
P. Def. +1%.

Eternal Leather Gloves Eternal Leather Gloves Defense Lv. 1 S84

P. Skill Evasion +1%
M. Skill Evasion +1%
M. Skill PvP Defense +0.25%
P. Skill PvP Defense +0.25%
Normal Attack PvP Defense +0.25%
Resistance from Fire +1
Resistance from Water +1
Resistance from Wind +1
Resistance from Earth +1
Resistance from Holy +1
Resistance from Unholy +1
Max HP +25.

Eternal Leather Gloves Eternal Leather Gloves Defense Lv. 2 S84

P. Skill Evasion +2%
M. Skill Evasion +2%
M. Skill PvP Defense +0.5%
P. Skill PvP Defense +0.5%
Normal Attack PvP Defense +0.5%
Resistance from Fire +3
Resistance from Water +3
Resistance from Wind +3
Resistance from Earth +3
Resistance from Holy +3
Resistance from Unholy +3
Max HP +50.

Eternal Leather Gloves Eternal Leather Gloves Defense Lv. 3 S84

P. Skill Evasion +4%
M. Skill Evasion +4%
M. Skill PvP Defense +1.5%
P. Skill PvP Defense +1.5%
Normal Attack PvP Defense +1.5%
Resistance from Fire +5
Resistance from Water +5
Resistance from Wind +5
Resistance from Earth +5
Resistance from Holy +5
Resistance from Unholy +5
Max HP +100.

Eternal Gloves Eternal Gloves Attack Lv. 1 S84

Mental attacks Chance +1%
P. Skill PvP Damage +0.25%
M. Skill PvP Damage +0.25%
Attack PvP Damage +0.25%
Resistance from Fire +1
Resistance from Water +1
Resistance from Wind +1
Resistance from Earth +1
Resistance from Holy +1
Resistance from Unholy +1
M. Skill Reuse Time -0.5%.

Eternal Gloves Eternal Gloves Attack Lv. 2 S84

Mental attacks Chance +2.5%
P. Skill PvP Damage +0.5%
M. Skill PvP Damage +0.5%
Attack PvP Damage +0.5%
Resistance from Fire +3
Resistance from Water +3
Resistance from Wind +3
Resistance from Earth +3
Resistance from Holy +3
Resistance from Unholy +3
M. Skill Reuse Time -1%.

Eternal Gloves Eternal Gloves Attack Lv. 3 S84

Mental attacks Chance +5%
P. Skill PvP Damage +1%
M. Skill PvP Damage +1%
Attack PvP Damage +1%
Resistance from Fire +5
Resistance from Water +5
Resistance from Wind +5
Resistance from Earth +5
Resistance from Holy +5
Resistance from Unholy +5
M. Skill Reuse Time -2.5%.

Eternal Gloves Eternal Gloves Defense Lv. 1 S84

Resistance Stun +10%
Resistance Mana Burn +5%
M. Skill PvP Defense +0.25%
P. Skill PvP Defense +0.25%
Normal Attack PvP Defense +0.25%
Resistance from Fire +1
Resistance from Water +1
Resistance from Wind +1
Resistance from Earth +1
Resistance from Holy +1
Resistance from Unholy +1
Max MP +50.

Eternal Gloves Eternal Gloves Defense Lv. 2 S84

Resistance Stun +15%
Resistance Mana Burn +10%
M. Skill PvP Defense +0.5%
P. Skill PvP Defense +0.5%
Normal Attack PvP Defense +0.5%
Resistance from Fire +3
Resistance from Water +3
Resistance from Wind +3
Resistance from Earth +3
Resistance from Holy +3
Resistance from Unholy +3
Max MP +150.

Eternal Gloves Eternal Gloves Defense Lv. 3 S84

Resistance Stun +30%
Resistance Mana Burn +15%
M. Skill PvP Defense +1.5%
P. Skill PvP Defense +1.5%
Normal Attack PvP Defense +1.5%
Resistance from Fire +5
Resistance from Water +5
Resistance from Wind +5
Resistance from Earth +5
Resistance from Holy +5
Resistance from Unholy +5
Max MP +300.


Pay attention!

The "color" of the armor does not affect the stats. basic Basic perfect Perfect and perless Perless boots with the same essence will have the same stats.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Eternal Boots Eternal Boots Attack Lv. 1 S84

Paralyze Chance +1.5%
Medusa Chance +1.5%
P. Skill PvP Damage +0.25%
M. Skill PvP Damage +0.25%
Attack PvP Damage +0.25%
Resistance from Fire +1
Resistance from Water +1
Resistance from Wind +1
Resistance from Earth +1
Resistance from Holy +1
Resistance from Unholy +1
P. Crit. Rate +10
Max HP +25.

Eternal Boots Eternal Boots Attack Lv. 2 S84

Paralyze Chance +2.5%
Medusa Chance +2.5%
P. Skill PvP Damage +0.5%
M. Skill PvP Damage +0.5%
Attack PvP Damage +0.5%
Resistance from Fire +3
Resistance from Water +3
Resistance from Wind +3
Resistance from Earth +3
Resistance from Holy +3
Resistance from Unholy +3
P. Crit. Rate +20
Max HP +50.

Eternal Boots Eternal Boots Attack Lv. 3 S84

Paralyze Chance +5%
Medusa Chance +5%
P. Skill PvP Damage +1%
M. Skill PvP Damage +1%
Attack PvP Damage +1%
Resistance from Fire +5
Resistance from Water +5
Resistance from Wind +5
Resistance from Earth +5
Resistance from Holy +5
Resistance from Unholy +5
P. Crit. Rate +40
Max HP +100.

Eternal Boots Eternal Boots Defense Lv. 1 S84

M. Skill PvP Defense +0.25%
P. Skill PvP Defense +0.25%
Normal Attack PvP Defense +0.25%
Resistance from Fire +1
Resistance from Water +1
Resistance from Wind +1
Resistance from Earth +1
Resistance from Holy +1
Resistance from Unholy +1
Heal Power +1%
HP Regeneration Bonus +5%
M. Def. +1.5%
Max HP +50.

Eternal Boots Eternal Boots Defense Lv. 2 S84

M. Skill PvP Defense +0.5%
P. Skill PvP Defense +0.5%
Normal Attack PvP Defense +0.5%
Resistance from Fire +3
Resistance from Water +3
Resistance from Wind +3
Resistance from Earth +3
Resistance from Holy +3
Resistance from Unholy +3
Heal Power +2%
HP Regeneration Bonus +7.5%
M. Def. +3%
Max HP +75.

Eternal Boots Eternal Boots Defense Lv. 3 S84

M. Skill PvP Defense +1.5%
P. Skill PvP Defense +1.5%
Normal Attack PvP Defense +1.5%
Resistance from Fire +5
Resistance from Water +5
Resistance from Wind +5
Resistance from Earth +5
Resistance from Holy +5
Resistance from Unholy +5
Heal Power +4%
HP Regeneration Bonus +15%
M. Def. +6%
Max HP +200.

Eternal Leather Boots Eternal Leather Boots Attack Lv. 1 S84

P. Skill PvP Damage +0.25%
M. Skill PvP Damage +0.25%
Attack PvP Damage +0.25%
Resistance from Fire +1
Resistance from Water +1
Resistance from Wind +1
Resistance from Earth +1
Resistance from Holy +1
Resistance from Unholy +1
Max MP +50
P. Atk. +1.5%
Speed +1.

Eternal Leather Boots Eternal Leather Boots Attack Lv. 2 S84

P. Skill PvP Damage +0.5%
M. Skill PvP Damage +0.5%
Attack PvP Damage +0.5%
Resistance from Fire +3
Resistance from Water +3
Resistance from Wind +3
Resistance from Earth +3
Resistance from Holy +3
Resistance from Unholy +3
Max MP +75
P. Atk. +3.5%
Speed +3.

Eternal Leather Boots Eternal Leather Boots Attack Lv. 3 S84

P. Skill PvP Damage +1%
M. Skill PvP Damage +1%
Attack PvP Damage +1%
Resistance from Fire +5
Resistance from Water +5
Resistance from Wind +5
Resistance from Earth +5
Resistance from Holy +5
Resistance from Unholy +5
Max MP +150
P. Atk. +6.5%
Speed +6
P. Def. +1%.

Eternal Leather Boots Eternal Leather Boots Defense Lv. 1 S84

Resistance to speed-decreasing skills by 10%
M. Skill PvP Defense +0.25%
P. Skill PvP Defense +0.25%
Normal Attack PvP Defense +0.25%
Resistance from Fire +1
Resistance from Water +1
Resistance from Wind +1
Resistance from Earth +1
Resistance from Holy +1
Resistance from Unholy +1
Max HP +25
Speed +1.

Eternal Leather Boots Eternal Leather Boots Defense Lv. 2 S84

Resistance to speed-decreasing skills by 15%
M. Skill PvP Defense +0.5%
P. Skill PvP Defense +0.5%
Normal Attack PvP Defense +0.5%
Resistance from Fire +3
Resistance from Water +3
Resistance from Wind +3
Resistance from Earth +3
Resistance from Holy +3
Resistance from Unholy +3
Max HP +50
Speed +2.

Eternal Leather Boots Eternal Leather Boots Defense Lv. 3 S84

Resistance to speed-decreasing skills by 30%
M. Skill PvP Defense +1.5%
P. Skill PvP Defense +1.5%
Normal Attack PvP Defense +1.5%
Resistance from Fire +5
Resistance from Water +5
Resistance from Wind +5
Resistance from Earth +5
Resistance from Holy +5
Resistance from Unholy +5
Max HP +100
Speed +3.

Eternal Shoes Eternal Shoes Attack Lv. 1 S84

P. Skill Evasion +1%
M. Skill Evasion +1%
P. Skill PvP Damage +0.25%
M. Skill PvP Damage +0.25%
Attack PvP Damage +0.25%
Resistance from Fire +1
Resistance from Water +1
Resistance from Wind +1
Resistance from Earth +1
Resistance from Holy +1
Resistance from Unholy +1
Speed +1.

Eternal Shoes Eternal Shoes Attack Lv. 2 S84

P. Skill Evasion +3%
M. Skill Evasion +3%
P. Skill PvP Damage +0.5%
M. Skill PvP Damage +0.5%
Attack PvP Damage +0.5%
Resistance from Fire +3
Resistance from Water +3
Resistance from Wind +3
Resistance from Earth +3
Resistance from Holy +3
Resistance from Unholy +3
Speed +3.

Eternal Shoes Eternal Shoes Attack Lv. 3 S84

P. Skill Evasion +5%
M. Skill Evasion +5%
P. Skill PvP Damage +1%
M. Skill PvP Damage +1%
Attack PvP Damage +1%
Resistance from Fire +5
Resistance from Water +5
Resistance from Wind +5
Resistance from Earth +5
Resistance from Holy +5
Resistance from Unholy +5
Speed +5.

Eternal Shoes Eternal Shoes Defense Lv. 1 S84

Magic Cancel Damage -10
M. Skill PvP Defense +0.25%
P. Skill PvP Defense +0.25%
Normal Attack PvP Defense +0.25%
Resistance from Fire +1
Resistance from Water +1
Resistance from Wind +1
Resistance from Earth +1
Resistance from Holy +1
Resistance from Unholy +1
Critical Damage received -2.5%.

Eternal Shoes Eternal Shoes Defense Lv. 2 S84

Magic Cancel Damage -25
M. Skill PvP Defense +0.5%
P. Skill PvP Defense +0.5%
Normal Attack PvP Defense +0.5%
Resistance from Fire +3
Resistance from Water +3
Resistance from Wind +3
Resistance from Earth +3
Resistance from Holy +3
Resistance from Unholy +3
Critical Damage received -7.5%.

Eternal Shoes Eternal Shoes Defense Lv. 3 S84

Magic Cancel Damage -50
M. Skill PvP Defense +1.5%
P. Skill PvP Defense +1.5%
Normal Attack PvP Defense +1.5%
Resistance from Fire +5
Resistance from Water +5
Resistance from Wind +5
Resistance from Earth +5
Resistance from Holy +5
Resistance from Unholy +5
Critical Damage received -15%.


The Eternal Shirt is not part of a set. There are three types of shirts with different specializations. You can equip any shirt, regardless of the character class. The shirt's stats depend on the enchantment level.

Pay attention!

Trigger skills have a fixed cooldown and do not work at the Grand Olympiad.

Level Attack Defence Support
Dryad's Wrath Shirt Dryad's Wrath Shirt S80 Forest Guardian Shirt Forest Guardian Shirt S80 Eternal Harmony Shirt Eternal Harmony Shirt S80
0 M. Def. +5
Max HP +15
P. Def. +5.
M. Def. +5
Max HP +15
P. Def. +5.
M. Def. +5
Max HP +15
P. Def. +5.
+1 M. Def. +8
Max HP +25
P. Def. +8
M. Def. +18
Max HP +80
P. Def. +23.
M. Def. +14
Max HP +60
P. Def. +14.
+2 M. Def. +11
Max HP +40
P. Def. +11.
M. Def. +31
Max HP +145
P. Def. +41.
M. Def. +23
Max HP +100
P. Def. +23.
+3 M. Atk. +1%
M. Def. +17
Max HP +60
P. Atk. +1%
P. Def. +17.
HP Regeneration Bonus +5%
M. Def. +48
Max HP +225
P. Def. +62.
M. Def. +31
Max HP +150
MP Regeneration Bonus +2%
P. Def. +31.
+4 Atk. Spd. +10
Cast. Spd. +10
M. Atk. +3%
M. Def. +23
Max HP +85
P. Atk. +2%
P. Def. +23.
P. Skill Evasion +1%
M. Skill Evasion +1%
HP Regeneration Bonus +8%
M. Def. +65
Max HP +15
P. Def. +83.
MP Consumption when using a P. Skill -2%
MP Consumption when using a M. Skill -2%
M. Def. +40
Max HP +200
Max MP +75
MP Regeneration Bonus +6%
P. Def. +40.
+5 Atk. Spd. +15
P. Crit. Rate +15
Cast. Spd. +15
M. Atk. +5%
M. Def. +29
Max HP +110
P. Atk. +3%
P. Def. +29.
P. Skill Evasion +2%
M. Skill Evasion +1%
Critical Damage received -1%
HP Regeneration Bonus +11%
M. Crit. Damage Defense -1%
M. Def. +82
Max HP +15
P. Def. +105.
Incoming Heal Power +2%
MP Consumption when using a P. Skill -4%
MP Consumption when using a M. Skill -4%
M. Def. +50
Max HP +250
Max MP +125
MP Regeneration Bonus +10%
P. Def. +50.
+6 Atk. Spd. +20
P. Crit. Damage +1%
P. Crit. Rate +20
M. Crit. Damage +1%
Cast. Spd. +20
M. Atk. +7%
M. Def. +36
Max HP +140
P. Atk. +4%
P. Def. +36.
P. Skill Evasion +2%
M. Skill Evasion +2%
Resistance to magic damage +1
Shield Defense +50
Shield Defense Rate +7%
Critical Damage received -2%
HP Regeneration Bonus +15%
M. Crit. Damage Defense -2%
M. Def. +100
Max HP +15
P. Def. +128.
Resistance Disarm +3%
Heal Power +3%
Heal Power +50
MP Consumption when using a P. Skill -5%
MP Consumption when using a M. Skill -5%
M. Def. +59
Max HP +300
Max MP +200
MP Regeneration Bonus +15%
P. Def. +59.

Atk. Spd. +25
P. Crit. Damage +2%
P. Crit. Rate +25
M. Crit. Damage +2%
Cast. Spd. +25
M. Atk. +8%
M. Def. +46
Max HP +180
P. Atk. +5%
P. Def. +46
P. Skill Reuse Time -1%
M. Skill Reuse Time -1%.

Passive trigger skill:
Breath of the Forest Breath of the Forest Lv. 1

P. Skill Evasion +3%
M. Skill Evasion +2%
Resistance to magic damage +1
Shield Defense +100
Shield Defense Rate +13%
Resistance to de-buffs attacks by 5%
Critical Damage received -4%
HP Regeneration Bonus +18%
M. Crit. Damage Defense -4%
M. Def. +115
Max HP +15
P. Def. +143.

Passive trigger skill:
Breath of the Forest Breath of the Forest Lv. 1

Resistance Disarm +6%
Resistance to de-buffs attacks by 5%
Heal Power +5%
Heal Power +75
MP Consumption when using a P. Skill -6%
MP Consumption when using a M. Skill -6%
M. Def. +69
Max HP +350
Max MP +250
MP Regeneration Bonus +18%
P. Def. +69.

Passive trigger skill:
Breath of the Forest Breath of the Forest Lv. 1


Hold Chance +3%
Poison Chance +3%
Bleed Chance +3%
Sleep Chance +3%
Stun Chance +3%
Mental attacks Chance +3%
Paralyze Chance +3%
Medusa Chance +3%
Atk. Spd. +30
P. Crit. Damage +3%
P. Crit. Rate +30
M. Crit. Damage +3%
Cast. Spd. +30
M. Atk. +10%
M. Def. +56
Max HP +210
P. Atk. +6%
P. Def. +56
P. Skill Reuse Time -2%
M. Skill Reuse Time -2%.

Passive trigger skill:
Breath of the Forest Breath of the Forest Lv. 2

P. Skill Evasion +3%
M. Skill Evasion +3%
Resistance to magic damage +3
Shield Defense +150
Shield Defense Rate +20%
Resistance to de-buffs attacks by 8%
Critical Damage received -6%
HP Regeneration Bonus +22%
M. Crit. Damage Defense -6%
M. Def. +129
Max HP +15
P. Def. +161
Speed +1.

Passive trigger skill:
Breath of the Forest Breath of the Forest Lv. 2

Resistance Disarm +10%
Resistance to de-buffs attacks by 8%
Mental attacks Chance +5%
Sleep Chance +5%
Heal Power +7%
Heal Power +100
MP Consumption when using a P. Skill -7%
MP Consumption when using a M. Skill -7%
M. Def. +79
Max HP +400
Max MP +300
MP Regeneration Bonus +22%
P. Def. +79.

Passive trigger skill:
Breath of the Forest Breath of the Forest Lv. 2


Hold Chance +6%
Poison Chance +6%
Bleed Chance +6%
Sleep Chance +6%
Stun Chance +6%
Mental attacks Chance +6%
Paralyze Chance +6%
Medusa Chance +6%
Atk. Spd. +40
P. Crit. Damage +4%
P. Crit. Rate +40
M. Crit. Damage +4%
Cast. Spd. +40
M. Atk. +10%
M. Def. +65
Max HP +230
P. Atk. +6.5%
P. Def. +65
P. Skill Reuse Time -3%
M. Skill Reuse Time -3%
INT +1.

Passive trigger skill:
Breath of the Forest Breath of the Forest Lv. 3

P. Skill Evasion +4%
M. Skill Evasion +4%
Resistance to magic damage +4
Shield Defense +200
Shield Defense Rate +25%
Resistance to de-buffs attacks by 10%
Critical Damage received -8%
HP Regeneration Bonus +26%
M. Crit. Damage Defense -8%
M. Def. +140
Max HP +15
P. Def. +180
Speed +3
MEN +1.

Passive trigger skill:
Breath of the Forest Breath of the Forest Lv. 3

Resistance Disarm +15%
Resistance to de-buffs attacks by 10%
Mental attacks Chance +10%
Sleep Chance +10%
Heal Power +8%
Heal Power +150
MP Consumption when using a P. Skill -8%
MP Consumption when using a M. Skill -8%
M. Def. +90
Max HP +450
Max MP +375
MP Regeneration Bonus +26%
P. Def. +90
DEX +1.

Passive trigger skill:
Breath of the Forest Breath of the Forest Lv. 3


Hold Chance +10%
Poison Chance +10%
Bleed Chance +10%
Sleep Chance +10%
Stun Chance +10%
Mental attacks Chance +10%
Paralyze Chance +10%
Medusa Chance +10%
Atk. Spd. +50
P. Crit. Damage +5%
P. Crit. Rate +50
M. Crit. Damage +5%
Cast. Spd. +50
M. Atk. +12%
M. Def. +75
Max HP +250
P. Atk. +7%
P. Def. +75
P. Skill Reuse Time -5%
M. Skill Reuse Time -5%
INT +1
STR +1.

Passive trigger skill:
Breath of the Forest Breath of the Forest Lv. 4
Dryad's Wrath Dryad's Wrath Lv. 1

P. Skill Evasion +5%
M. Skill Evasion +5%
Resistance to magic damage +5
Shield Defense +300
Shield Defense Rate +30%
Resistance to de-buffs attacks by 15%
Critical Damage received -10%
HP Regeneration Bonus +30%
M. Crit. Damage Defense -10%
M. Def. +150
Max HP +15
P. Def. +200
Speed +5
MEN +1
CON +1.

Passive trigger skill:
Breath of the Forest Breath of the Forest Lv. 4
Forest Guardian's Embrace Forest Guardian's Embrace Lv. 1

Resistance Disarm +25%
Resistance to de-buffs attacks by 15%
Mental attacks Chance +15%
Sleep Chance +15%
Heal Power +10%
Heal Power +200
MP Consumption when using a P. Skill -10%
MP Consumption when using a M. Skill -10%
M. Def. +100
Max HP +500
Max MP +500
MP Regeneration Bonus +30%
P. Def. +100
DEX +1
WIT +1.

Passive trigger skill:
Breath of the Forest Breath of the Forest Lv. 4
Eternal Harmony Eternal Harmony Lv. 1

Master Tobald

Master Tobald l2

Human Tobald Master — the main NPC of the event that you will often interact with. He explores and creates new materials, upgrades parts of the Eternal armor, and changes its appearance.

Ore mining

The first thing Master Tobald will ask you to do is collect ore to stabilize the temporal rifts. You must collect and bring to Tobald:

Ore gathering is a new mechanic introduced to the game on the Eternal server as a teaser for the upcoming farming system. It will be added to seasonal servers in the future.

You must have a tool to gather ore - Harvest Scythe Harvest Scythe NG . When you equip the Scythe, a new active skill will appear in your skill book - Harvest Scythe Harvest Scythe Lv. 1 .

Rocks that contain valuable ore can be found in temporal rift areas.:

  • Obelisk of Victory (Humans)
  • Iris Lake (Elves)
  • Raider's Crossroads (Orcs)
  • Eastern Mining Zone (Dwarves)
Awakening Oblivion Flame Ore l2

Target a rock and use Harvest Scythe Harvest Scythe Lv. 1 to get common or rare ore:

All items can be transferred. The collected ore is necessary to open new functions for Master Tobald and upgrade the Eternal armor.

New materials

Once the time rifts are stabilized, Master Tobald will begin work on stabilizing the new materials needed to craft the Eternal armor. To help with the investigations and to obtain the recipes for all the materials, you must bring Tobald the Conjugation Runes of each race.

Crafting new materials is only available for Master Tobald. To do this, you will need artefacts from time rifts, common materials and Adena.

Item Required materials Method for obtaining
Gloomsteel Nugget Gloomsteel Nugget NG Forged Core Forged Core NG x 3 Drop in the Eastern Mining Zone (Dwarves)
Scholar's Core Scholar's Core NG x 3 Drop in the Obelisk of Victory (Humans)
Celestial Shard Celestial Shard NG x 13 Drop in the Iris Lake (Elves)
Iron Will Shard Iron Will Shard NG x 15 Drop in the Raider's Crossroads (Orcs)
Steel Mold Steel Mold NG x 2
Steel Steel NG x 5
Durable Metal Plate Durable Metal Plate NG x 1
Adena Adena NG x 21 750
Drop, craft
Aether Alloy Aether Alloy NG Forged Core Forged Core NG x 3
Iron Shard Iron Shard NG x 18
Drop in the Eastern Mining Zone (Dwarves)
Iron Ore Iron Ore NG x 15
Adamantite Nugget Adamantite Nugget NG x 10
Steel Steel NG x 1
Mold Hardener Mold Hardener NG x 1
Adena Adena NG x 17 500
Drop, craft
Celestial Silk Celestial Silk NG Nature's Core Nature's Core NG x 2
Dewdrop Shard Dewdrop Shard NG x 10
Drop in the Iris Lake (Elves)
Animal Skin Animal Skin NG x 30
Stone of Purity Stone of Purity NG x 10
Cord Cord NG x 10
Mold Lubricant Mold Lubricant NG x 5
Adena Adena NG x 22 300
Drop, craft
Glacial Thread Glacial Thread NG Nightfall Core Nightfall Core NG x 2
Eclipse Shard Eclipse Shard NG x 5
Drop in the School of Dark Arts (Dark Elves)
Thread Thread NG x 50
Silver Nugget Silver Nugget NG x 15
Compound Braid Compound Braid NG x 10
Mold Lubricant Mold Lubricant NG x 3
Adena Adena NG x 19 800
Drop, craft
Glacial Silver Glacial Silver NG Warlord's Core Warlord's Core NG x 1
Iron Will Shard Iron Will Shard NG x 5
Drop in the Raider's Crossroads (Orcs)
Silver Nugget Silver Nugget NG x 15
Mithril Ore Mithril Ore NG x 10
Coarse Bone Powder Coarse Bone Powder NG x 5
Mold Hardener Mold Hardener NG x 1
Adena Adena NG x 30 000
Drop, craft
Arcane Fibre Arcane Fibre NG Scholar's Core Scholar's Core NG x 3
Arcane Shard Arcane Shard NG x 18
Drop in the Obelisk of Victory (Humans)
Varnish Varnish NG x 15
Oriharukon Ore Oriharukon Ore NG x 5
Metallic Fiber Metallic Fiber NG x 25
Mold Glue Mold Glue NG x 5
Adena Adena NG x 17 500
Drop, craft
Galewind Suede Galewind Suede NG Steelwing Core Steelwing Core NG x 1
Celestial Shard Celestial Shard NG x 6
Drop in the Nornil Cave (Kamael)
Suede Suede NG x 30
Iron Ore Iron Ore NG x 10
Metallic Thread Metallic Thread NG x 10
Mold Glue Mold Glue NG x 3
Adena Adena NG x 25 600
Drop, craft

Armor upgrade

The Eternal Armor can be upgraded:

  • Upper Armor - Attack/Defence Essence can be installed
  • Other Armor parts - level increase to 3 + Attack/Defense essence installation is available

Primordial Stone Primordial Stone NG , needed to upgrade armor is obtained from the Treasure Chest of Eternity.


Eternal Breastplate Eternal Breastplate Defense S84
Eternal Breastplate Eternal Breastplate Attack S84
Eternal Leather Breastplate Eternal Leather Breastplate Defense S84
Eternal Leather Breastplate Eternal Leather Breastplate Attack S84
Eternal Tunic Eternal Tunic Defense S84
Eternal Tunic Eternal Tunic Attack S84
Eternal Gaiters Eternal Gaiters Defense Lv. 1 S84
Eternal Gaiters Eternal Gaiters Defense Lv. 2 S84
Eternal Gaiters Eternal Gaiters Defense Lv. 3 S84
Eternal Gaiters Eternal Gaiters Attack Lv. 1 S84
Eternal Gaiters Eternal Gaiters Attack Lv. 2 S84
Eternal Gaiters Eternal Gaiters Attack Lv. 3 S84
Eternal Leather Leggings Eternal Leather Leggings Defense Lv. 1 S84
Eternal Leather Leggings Eternal Leather Leggings Defense Lv. 2 S84
Eternal Leather Leggings Eternal Leather Leggings Defense Lv. 3 S84
Eternal Leather Leggings Eternal Leather Leggings Attack Lv. 1 S84
Eternal Leather Leggings Eternal Leather Leggings Attack Lv. 2 S84
Eternal Leather Leggings Eternal Leather Leggings Attack Lv. 3 S84
Eternal Stockings Eternal Stockings Defense Lv. 1 S84
Eternal Stockings Eternal Stockings Defense Lv. 2 S84
Eternal Stockings Eternal Stockings Defense Lv. 3 S84
Eternal Stockings Eternal Stockings Attack Lv. 1 S84
Eternal Stockings Eternal Stockings Attack Lv. 2 S84
Eternal Stockings Eternal Stockings Attack Lv. 3 S84
Eternal Helmet Eternal Helmet Defense Lv. 1 S84
Eternal Helmet Eternal Helmet Defense Lv. 2 S84
Eternal Helmet Eternal Helmet Defense Lv. 3 S84
Eternal Helmet Eternal Helmet Attack Lv. 1 S84
Eternal Helmet Eternal Helmet Attack Lv. 2 S84
Eternal Helmet Eternal Helmet Attack Lv. 3 S84
Eternal Leather Helmet Eternal Leather Helmet Defense Lv. 1 S84
Eternal Leather Helmet Eternal Leather Helmet Defense Lv. 2 S84
Eternal Leather Helmet Eternal Leather Helmet Defense Lv. 3 S84
Eternal Leather Helmet Eternal Leather Helmet Attack Lv. 1 S84
Eternal Leather Helmet Eternal Leather Helmet Attack Lv. 2 S84
Eternal Leather Helmet Eternal Leather Helmet Attack Lv. 3 S84
Eternal Circlet Eternal Circlet Defense Lv. 1 S84
Eternal Circlet Eternal Circlet Defense Lv. 2 S84
Eternal Circlet Eternal Circlet Defense Lv. 3 S84
Eternal Circlet Eternal Circlet Attack Lv. 1 S84
Eternal Circlet Eternal Circlet Attack Lv. 2 S84
Eternal Circlet Eternal Circlet Attack Lv. 3 S84
Eternal Gauntlets Eternal Gauntlets Defense Lv. 1 S84
Eternal Gauntlets Eternal Gauntlets Defense Lv. 2 S84
Eternal Gauntlets Eternal Gauntlets Defense Lv. 3 S84
Eternal Gauntlets Eternal Gauntlets Attack Lv. 1 S84
Eternal Gauntlets Eternal Gauntlets Attack Lv. 2 S84
Eternal Gauntlets Eternal Gauntlets Attack Lv. 3 S84
Eternal Leather Gloves Eternal Leather Gloves Defense Lv. 1 S84
Eternal Leather Gloves Eternal Leather Gloves Defense Lv. 2 S84
Eternal Leather Gloves Eternal Leather Gloves Defense Lv. 3 S84
Eternal Leather Gloves Eternal Leather Gloves Attack Lv. 1 S84
Eternal Leather Gloves Eternal Leather Gloves Attack Lv. 2 S84
Eternal Leather Gloves Eternal Leather Gloves Attack Lv. 3 S84
Eternal Gloves Eternal Gloves Defense Lv. 1 S84
Eternal Gloves Eternal Gloves Defense Lv. 2 S84
Eternal Gloves Eternal Gloves Defense Lv. 3 S84
Eternal Gloves Eternal Gloves Attack Lv. 1 S84
Eternal Gloves Eternal Gloves Attack Lv. 2 S84
Eternal Gloves Eternal Gloves Attack Lv. 3 S84
Eternal Boots Eternal Boots Defense Lv. 1 S84
Eternal Boots Eternal Boots Defense Lv. 2 S84
Eternal Boots Eternal Boots Defense Lv. 3 S84
Eternal Boots Eternal Boots Attack Lv. 1 S84
Eternal Boots Eternal Boots Attack Lv. 2 S84
Eternal Boots Eternal Boots Attack Lv. 3 S84
Eternal Leather Boots Eternal Leather Boots Defense Lv. 1 S84
Eternal Leather Boots Eternal Leather Boots Defense Lv. 2 S84
Eternal Leather Boots Eternal Leather Boots Defense Lv. 3 S84
Eternal Leather Boots Eternal Leather Boots Attack Lv. 1 S84
Eternal Leather Boots Eternal Leather Boots Attack Lv. 2 S84
Eternal Leather Boots Eternal Leather Boots Attack Lv. 3 S84
Eternal Shoes Eternal Shoes Defense Lv. 1 S84
Eternal Shoes Eternal Shoes Defense Lv. 2 S84
Eternal Shoes Eternal Shoes Defense Lv. 3 S84
Eternal Shoes Eternal Shoes Attack Lv. 1 S84
Eternal Shoes Eternal Shoes Attack Lv. 2 S84
Eternal Shoes Eternal Shoes Attack Lv. 3 S84
Eternal Breastplate Eternal Breastplate Defense S84


Adena Adena NG (x150,000,000)
Synthetic Cokes Synthetic Cokes NG (x1,500)
Mithril Alloy Mithril Alloy NG (x1,500)
Crafted Leather Crafted Leather NG (x1,850)
Gemstone S Gemstone S NG (x200)
Reorin's Mold Reorin's Mold NG (x25)
Warsmith's Mold Warsmith's Mold NG (x25)
Arcsmith's Anvil Arcsmith's Anvil NG (x25)
Rune of Shadow Rune of Shadow NG
Rune of Power Rune of Power NG
Rune of Mastery Rune of Mastery NG
Aether Alloy Aether Alloy NG (x35)
Celestial Silk Celestial Silk NG (x35)
Galewind Suede Galewind Suede NG (x35)
Eternal Breastplate Eternal Breastplate S84

Change of appearance

Master Tobald can change the appearance of upgraded Upper Armor and other Tier 3 armor pieces. You must bring him crystals to do this:

Crystals can be obtained in the Monolith mini-event or purchased from other players.

For more information on how to mine Resonating Crystals, read the article Game Event: Monolith

Cost to change the appearance of the Eternal armor by Master Tobald:


Perfect Eternal Gauntlets Perfect Eternal Gauntlets Defense Lv. 3 S84
Perfect Eternal Gauntlets Perfect Eternal Gauntlets Attack Lv. 3 S84
Perfect Eternal Leather Gloves Perfect Eternal Leather Gloves Defense Lv. 3 S84
Perfect Eternal Leather Gloves Perfect Eternal Leather Gloves Attack Lv. 3 S84
Perfect Eternal Gloves Perfect Eternal Gloves Defense Lv. 3 S84
Perfect Eternal Gloves Perfect Eternal Gloves Attack Lv. 3 S84
Perfect Eternal Boots Perfect Eternal Boots Defense Lv. 3 S84
Perfect Eternal Boots Perfect Eternal Boots Attack Lv. 3 S84
Perfect Eternal Leather Boots Perfect Eternal Leather Boots Defense Lv. 3 S84
Perfect Eternal Leather Boots Perfect Eternal Leather Boots Attack Lv. 3 S84
Perfect Eternal Shoes Perfect Eternal Shoes Defense Lv. 3 S84
Perfect Eternal Shoes Perfect Eternal Shoes Attack Lv. 3 S84
Perfect Eternal Helmet Perfect Eternal Helmet Defense Lv. 3 S84
Perfect Eternal Helmet Perfect Eternal Helmet Attack Lv. 3 S84
Perfect Eternal Leather Helmet Perfect Eternal Leather Helmet Defense Lv. 3 S84
Perfect Eternal Leather Helmet Perfect Eternal Leather Helmet Attack Lv. 3 S84
Perfect Eternal Circlet Perfect Eternal Circlet Defense Lv. 3 S84
Perfect Eternal Circlet Perfect Eternal Circlet Attack Lv. 3 S84
Perfect Eternal Gaiters Perfect Eternal Gaiters Defense Lv. 3 S84
Perfect Eternal Gaiters Perfect Eternal Gaiters Attack Lv. 3 S84
Perfect Eternal Leather Leggings Perfect Eternal Leather Leggings Defense Lv. 3 S84
Perfect Eternal Leather Leggings Perfect Eternal Leather Leggings Attack Lv. 3 S84
Perfect Eternal Stockings Perfect Eternal Stockings Defense Lv. 3 S84
Perfect Eternal Stockings Perfect Eternal Stockings Attack Lv. 3 S84
Perfect Eternal Breastplate Perfect Eternal Breastplate Defense S84
Perfect Eternal Breastplate Perfect Eternal Breastplate Attack S84
Perfect Eternal Breastplate {PvP} Perfect Eternal Breastplate {PvP} Defense S84
Perfect Eternal Breastplate {PvP} Perfect Eternal Breastplate {PvP} Attack S84
Perfect Eternal Leather Breastplate Perfect Eternal Leather Breastplate Defense S84
Perfect Eternal Leather Breastplate Perfect Eternal Leather Breastplate Attack S84
Perfect Eternal Leather Breastplate {PvP} Perfect Eternal Leather Breastplate {PvP} Defense S84
Perfect Eternal Leather Breastplate {PvP} Perfect Eternal Leather Breastplate {PvP} Attack S84
Perfect Eternal Tunic Perfect Eternal Tunic Defense S84
Perfect Eternal Tunic Perfect Eternal Tunic Attack S84
Perfect Eternal Tunic {PvP} Perfect Eternal Tunic {PvP} Defense S84
Perfect Eternal Tunic {PvP} Perfect Eternal Tunic {PvP} Attack S84
Peerless Eternal Gauntlets Peerless Eternal Gauntlets Defense Lv. 3 S84
Peerless Eternal Gauntlets Peerless Eternal Gauntlets Attack Lv. 3 S84
Peerless Eternal Leather Gloves Peerless Eternal Leather Gloves Defense Lv. 3 S84
Peerless Eternal Leather Gloves Peerless Eternal Leather Gloves Attack Lv. 3 S84
Peerless Eternal Gloves Peerless Eternal Gloves Defense Lv. 3 S84
Peerless Eternal Gloves Peerless Eternal Gloves Attack Lv. 3 S84
Peerless Eternal Boots Peerless Eternal Boots Defense Lv. 3 S84
Peerless Eternal Boots Peerless Eternal Boots Attack Lv. 3 S84
Peerless Eternal Leather Boots Peerless Eternal Leather Boots Defense Lv. 3 S84
Peerless Eternal Leather Boots Peerless Eternal Leather Boots Attack Lv. 3 S84
Peerless Eternal Shoes Peerless Eternal Shoes Defense Lv. 3 S84
Peerless Eternal Shoes Peerless Eternal Shoes Attack Lv. 3 S84
Peerless Eternal Helmet Peerless Eternal Helmet Defense Lv. 3 S84
Peerless Eternal Helmet Peerless Eternal Helmet Attack Lv. 3 S84
Peerless Eternal Leather Helmet Peerless Eternal Leather Helmet Defense Lv. 3 S84
Peerless Eternal Leather Helmet Peerless Eternal Leather Helmet Attack Lv. 3 S84
Peerless Eternal Circlet Peerless Eternal Circlet Defense Lv. 3 S84
Peerless Eternal Circlet Peerless Eternal Circlet Attack Lv. 3 S84
Peerless Eternal Gaiters Peerless Eternal Gaiters Defense Lv. 3 S84
Peerless Eternal Gaiters Peerless Eternal Gaiters Attack Lv. 3 S84
Peerless Eternal Leather Leggings Peerless Eternal Leather Leggings Defense Lv. 3 S84
Peerless Eternal Leather Leggings Peerless Eternal Leather Leggings Attack Lv. 3 S84
Peerless Eternal Stockings Peerless Eternal Stockings Defense Lv. 3 S84
Peerless Eternal Stockings Peerless Eternal Stockings Attack Lv. 3 S84
Peerless Eternal Breastplate Peerless Eternal Breastplate Defense S84
Peerless Eternal Breastplate Peerless Eternal Breastplate Attack S84
Peerless Eternal Breastplate {PvP} Peerless Eternal Breastplate {PvP} Defense S84
Peerless Eternal Breastplate {PvP} Peerless Eternal Breastplate {PvP} Attack S84
Peerless Eternal Leather Breastplate Peerless Eternal Leather Breastplate Defense S84
Peerless Eternal Leather Breastplate Peerless Eternal Leather Breastplate Attack S84
Peerless Eternal Leather Breastplate {PvP} Peerless Eternal Leather Breastplate {PvP} Defense S84
Peerless Eternal Leather Breastplate {PvP} Peerless Eternal Leather Breastplate {PvP} Attack S84
Peerless Eternal Tunic Peerless Eternal Tunic Defense S84
Peerless Eternal Tunic Peerless Eternal Tunic Attack S84
Peerless Eternal Tunic {PvP} Peerless Eternal Tunic {PvP} Defense S84
Peerless Eternal Tunic {PvP} Peerless Eternal Tunic {PvP} Attack S84
Perfect Eternal Gauntlets Perfect Eternal Gauntlets Defense Lv. 3 S84


Adena Adena NG (x25,000,000)
Resonating Crystal – Innocence Resonating Crystal – Innocence NG (x20)
Eternal Gauntlets Eternal Gauntlets Defense Lv. 3 S84
Appearance of armor (Humans)
Heavy armor
Basic armor Peerless Armor Perfect Armor
Eternal heavy armor set l2 Eternal Peerless heavy armor set l2 Eternal Perfect heavy armor set l2
Eternal heavy armor set l2 Eternal Peerless heavy armor set l2 Eternal Perfect heavy armor set l2
Eternal heavy armor set l2 Eternal Peerless heavy armor set l2 Eternal Perfect heavy armor set l2
Eternal heavy armor set l2 Eternal Peerless heavy armor set l2 Eternal Perfect heavy armor set l2
Light armor
Basic armor Peerless Armor Perfect Armor
Eternal leather armor set l2 Eternal Peerless leather armor set l2 Eternal Perfect leather armor set l2
Eternal leather armor set l2 Eternal Peerless leather armor set l2 Eternal Perfect leather armor set l2
Eternal leather armor set l2 Eternal Peerless leather armor set l2 Eternal Perfect leather armor set l2
Eternal leather armor set l2 Eternal Peerless leather armor set l2 Eternal Perfect leather armor set l2
Robe armor
Basic armor Peerless Armor Perfect Armor
Eternal robe armor set l2 Eternal Peerless robe armor set l2 Eternal Perfect robe armor set l2
Eternal robe armor set l2 Eternal Peerless robe armor set l2 Eternal Perfect robe armor set l2
Eternal robe armor set l2 Eternal Peerless robe armor set l2 Eternal Perfect robe armor set l2
Eternal robe armor set l2 Eternal Peerless robe armor set l2 Eternal Perfect robe armor set l2
Appearance of armor (Elves)
Heavy armor
Basic armor Peerless Armor Perfect Armor
Eternal heavy armor set l2 Eternal Peerless heavy armor set l2 Eternal Perfect heavy armor set l2
Eternal heavy armor set l2 Eternal Peerless heavy armor set l2 Eternal Perfect heavy armor set l2
Light Armor
Basic armor Peerless Armor Perfect Armor
Eternal leather armor set l2 Eternal Peerless leather armor set l2 Eternal Perfect leather armor set l2
Eternal leather armor set l2 Eternal Peerless leather armor set l2 Eternal Perfect leather armor set l2
Robe armor
Basic armor Peerless Armor Perfect Armor
Eternal robe armor set l2 Eternal Peerless robe armor set l2 Eternal Perfect robe armor set l2
Eternal robe armor set l2 Eternal Peerless robe armor set l2 Eternal Perfect robe armor set l2
Appearance of armor (Dark Elves)
Heavy armor
Basic armor Peerless Armor Perfect Armor
Eternal heavy armor set l2 Eternal Peerless heavy armor set l2 Eternal Perfect heavy armor set l2
Eternal heavy armor set l2 Eternal Peerless heavy armor set l2 Eternal Perfect heavy armor set l2
Light Armor
Basic armor Peerless Armor Perfect Armor
Eternal leather armor set l2 Eternal Peerless leather armor set l2 Eternal Perfect leather armor set l2
Eternal leather armor set l2 Eternal Peerless leather armor set l2 Eternal Perfect leather armor set l2
Robe armor
Basic armor Peerless Armor Perfect Armor
Eternal robe armor set l2 Eternal Peerless robe armor set l2 Eternal Perfect robe armor set l2
Eternal robe armor set l2 Eternal Peerless robe armor set l2 Eternal Perfect robe armor set l2
Appearance of armor (Orcs)
Heavy armor
Basic armor Peerless Armor Perfect Armor
Eternal heavy armor set l2 Eternal Peerless heavy armor set l2 Eternal Perfect heavy armor set l2
Eternal heavy armor set l2 Eternal Peerless heavy armor set l2 Eternal Perfect heavy armor set l2
Eternal heavy armor set l2 Eternal Peerless heavy armor set l2 Eternal Perfect heavy armor set l2
Eternal heavy armor set l2 Eternal Peerless heavy armor set l2 Eternal Perfect heavy armor set l2
Light Armor
Basic armor Peerless Armor Perfect Armor
Eternal leather armor set l2 Eternal Peerless leather armor set l2 Eternal Perfect leather armor set l2
Eternal leather armor set l2 Eternal Peerless leather armor set l2 Eternal Perfect leather armor set l2
Eternal leather armor set l2 Eternal Peerless leather armor set l2 Eternal Perfect leather armor set l2
Eternal leather armor set l2 Eternal Peerless leather armor set l2 Eternal Perfect leather armor set l2
Robe armor
Basic armor Peerless Armor Perfect Armor
Eternal robe armor set l2 Eternal Peerless robe armor set l2 Eternal Perfect robe armor set l2
Eternal robe armor set l2 Eternal Peerless robe armor set l2 Eternal Perfect robe armor set l2
Eternal robe armor set l2 Eternal Peerless robe armor set l2 Eternal Perfect robe armor set l2
Eternal robe armor set l2 Eternal Peerless robe armor set l2 Eternal Perfect robe armor set l2
Appearance of armor (Dwarves)
Heavy armor
Basic armor Peerless Armor Perfect Armor
Eternal heavy armor set l2 Eternal Peerless heavy armor set l2 Eternal Perfect heavy armor set l2
Eternal heavy armor set l2 Eternal Peerless heavy armor set l2 Eternal Perfect heavy armor set l2
Light Armor
Basic armor Peerless Armor Perfect Armor
Eternal leather armor set l2 Eternal Peerless leather armor set l2 Eternal Perfect leather armor set l2
Eternal leather armor set l2 Eternal Peerless leather armor set l2 Eternal Perfect leather armor set l2
Robe armor
Basic armor Peerless Armor Perfect Armor
Eternal robe armor set l2 Eternal Peerless robe armor set l2 Eternal Perfect robe armor set l2
Eternal robe armor set l2 Eternal Peerless robe armor set l2 Eternal Perfect robe armor set l2
Appearance of armor (Kamael)
Heavy armor
Basic armor Peerless Armor Perfect Armor
Eternal heavy armor set l2 Eternal Peerless heavy armor set l2 Eternal Perfect heavy armor set l2
Eternal heavy armor set l2 Eternal Peerless heavy armor set l2 Eternal Perfect heavy armor set l2
Light Armor
Basic armor Peerless Armor Perfect Armor
Eternal leather armor set l2 Eternal Peerless leather armor set l2 Eternal Perfect leather armor set l2
Eternal leather armor set l2 Eternal Peerless leather armor set l2 Eternal Perfect leather armor set l2
Robe armor
Basic armor Peerless Armor Perfect Armor
Eternal robe armor set l2 Eternal Peerless robe armor set l2 Eternal Perfect robe armor set l2
Eternal robe armor set l2 Eternal Peerless robe armor set l2 Eternal Perfect robe armor set l2

Human (Gloves)

Sage Casian l2

The hero of the human race Human Casian Sage is in the Obelisk of Victory on the Talking Island. He will help create the Rune of Mastery and the Echo of the Past, filled with human magic. Inside this Echo are the Gloves of Eternity.

Beleth's strike force is stationed on the plain near the Obelisk of Victory. Hell's Warden Balok, leading an undead army, is preparing to march into the lands of Gludio to take part in the decisive battle. You must fight them to help Casian and collect everything necessary to obtain the Eternal Gauntlets.

For more information about the updated location, read the article Obelisk of Victory. Eternal update

The Rune of Stability is needed to obtain the recipe for Arcane Fibre from Master Tobald, to create the Echo of the Past containing the Eternal Gloves, and to upgrade various pieces of the Eternal armor.

Echo of the Past is a magic capsule that, if successfully opened, may contain armor and, if unsuccessful, rare resources, fragments of the Conjugation Rune, and the Primordial Stone needed to improve armor. Human magic filling the Echo allows you to get the Eternal Gloves.

Item Required materials Method for obtaining
Echo of the Past - Human Echo of the Past - Human Heavy NG Rune of Mastery Rune of Mastery NG x 1 Craft by NPC Human Casian Sage
Gloomsteel Nugget Gloomsteel Nugget NG x 17
Aether Alloy Aether Alloy NG x 9
Glacial Silver Glacial Silver NG x 20
Craft by NPC Human Tobald Master
Warsmith's Mold Warsmith's Mold NG x 5
Mithril Alloy Mithril Alloy NG x 210
Crafted Leather Crafted Leather NG x 1011
Thons Thons NG x 270
Leonard Leonard NG x 160
Crystal (S-Grade) Crystal (S-Grade) S x 320
Gemstone S Gemstone S NG x 74
Craft, drop
Echo of the Past - Human Echo of the Past - Human Light NG Rune of Mastery Rune of Mastery NG x 1 Craft by NPC Human Casian Sage
Gloomsteel Nugget Gloomsteel Nugget NG x 17
Galewind Suede Galewind Suede NG x 10
Glacial Thread Glacial Thread NG x 20
Craft by NPC Human Tobald Master
Warsmith's Mold Warsmith's Mold NG x 5
Crafted Leather Crafted Leather NG x 1011
Metallic Fiber Metallic Fiber NG x 920
Compound Braid Compound Braid NG x 210
Thons Thons NG x 270
Leonard Leonard NG x 160
Crystal (S-Grade) Crystal (S-Grade) S x 320
Gemstone S Gemstone S NG x 74
Craft, drop
Echo of the Past - Human Echo of the Past - Human Robe NG Rune of Mastery Rune of Mastery NG x 1 Craft by NPC Human Casian Sage
Gloomsteel Nugget Gloomsteel Nugget NG x 17
Celestial Silk Celestial Silk NG x 9
Arcane Fibre Arcane Fibre NG x 20
Craft by NPC Human Tobald Master
Warsmith's Mold Warsmith's Mold NG x 5
Crafted Leather Crafted Leather NG x 1011
High-Grade Suede High-Grade Suede NG x 230
Metallic Fiber Metallic Fiber NG x 920
Thons Thons NG x 270
Leonard Leonard NG x 160
Crystal (S-Grade) Crystal (S-Grade) S x 320
Gemstone S Gemstone S NG x 74
Craft, drop

Elves (Shirt)

Minstrel Irene Voice of the Moon l2

The hero of the elven race Elf Irene Voice of the Moon Minstrel is in the Iris Like near Elven Village. She will help to create the Rune of Life and the Echo of the Past, filled with elven magic. This Echo contains the Eternal Shirt.

The battle with the dark elves in the Elven Fortress ended tragically. Now the fortress is occupied by Dre Vanul demons. No one knows who summoned these creatures, but they started to kill everyone indiscriminately, and only a few managed to escape. The Dark Elves want to attack the village with the forces of the undead led by Harbinger of Death Ferkel. You must oppose them to assist Irene and collect everything necessary to obtain the Eternal Shirt.

For more information about the updated location, read the article Iris Lake. Eternal update

The Rune of Life is needed to receive the Celestial Silk recipe from Master Tobald and create the Echo of the Past, which contains the Eternal Shirt.

Echo of the Past is a magic capsule that, if successfully opened, may contain armor parts and, if unsuccessful, rare resources, fragments of the Conjugation Rune and the Primordial Stone required to improve armor. The elves' magic that fills the Echo allows you to get the Eternal Shirt.

Dark Elves (Helmet)

Tetrarch Mithrael l2

The hero of the dark elf race Darkelf Mithrael Tetrarch is in the School of Dark Arts. He will help create the Rune of Shadow and the Echo of the Past, filled with the magic of the dark elves. Inside this Echo is the Eternal Helmet.

Elven wizards have found a way to weaken Mitrhael's magical abilities. Now, the summoned demon Dagoniel, his messenger Malex and other creatures of darkness have become uncontrollable and can destroy the School of Dark Arts. You must fight them to help Mithrael and collect everything necessary to obtain the Helmet of Eternity.

For more information about the updated location, read the article School of Dark Arts. Eternal update

The Rune of Shadow is needed to receive the Glacial Thread recipe from Master Tobald, craft the Echo of the Past containing the Eternal Helmet, and upgrade various pieces of Eternal armor.

Echo of the Past is a magic capsule that, if successfully opened, may contain armor and, if unsuccessful, rare materials, fragments of the Conjugation Rune, and the Primordial Stone needed to improve the armor. The magic of the dark elves that fills the Echo allows you to obtain the Eternal Helmet.

Item Required materials Method for obtaining
Echo of the Past - Dark Elf Echo of the Past - Dark Elf Heavy NG Rune of Shadow Rune of Shadow NG x 1 Craft by NPC Darkelf Mithrael Tetrarch
Gloomsteel Nugget Gloomsteel Nugget NG x 21
Aether Alloy Aether Alloy NG x 16
Glacial Silver Glacial Silver NG x 26
Craft by NPC Human Tobald Master
Arcsmith's Anvil Arcsmith's Anvil NG x 5
Mithril Alloy Mithril Alloy NG x 380
Crafted Leather Crafted Leather NG x 1320
Adamantine Adamantine NG x 130
Enria Enria NG x 240
Crystal (S-Grade) Crystal (S-Grade) S x 520
Gemstone S Gemstone S NG x 130
Craft, drop
Echo of the Past - Dark Elf Echo of the Past - Dark Elf Light NG Rune of Shadow Rune of Shadow NG x 1 Craft by NPC Darkelf Mithrael Tetrarch
Gloomsteel Nugget Gloomsteel Nugget NG x 21
Galewind Suede Galewind Suede NG x 13
Glacial Thread Glacial Thread NG x 25
Craft by NPC Human Tobald Master
Reorin's Mold Reorin's Mold NG x 5
Crafted Leather Crafted Leather NG x 1890
Metallic Fiber Metallic Fiber NG x 1400
Compound Braid Compound Braid NG x 420
Adamantine Adamantine NG x 130
Enria Enria NG x 240
Crystal (S-Grade) Crystal (S-Grade) S x 520
Gemstone S Gemstone S NG x 130
Craft, drop
Echo of the Past - Dark Elf Echo of the Past - Dark Elf Robe NG Rune of Shadow Rune of Shadow NG x 1 Craft by NPC Darkelf Mithrael Tetrarch
Gloomsteel Nugget Gloomsteel Nugget NG x 21
Celestial Silk Celestial Silk NG x 11
Arcane Fibre Arcane Fibre NG x 25
Craft by NPC Human Tobald Master
Reorin's Mold Reorin's Mold NG x 5
Crafted Leather Crafted Leather NG x 1890
High-Grade Suede High-Grade Suede NG x 370
Metallic Fiber Metallic Fiber NG x 1400
Adamantine Adamantine NG x 130
Enria Enria NG x 240
Crystal (S-Grade) Crystal (S-Grade) S x 520
Gemstone S Gemstone S NG x 130
Craft, drop

Orcs (Body Armor)

Hero of the Urutu Tribe Kiruna l2

The Orc Hero Orc Kiruna Hero of the Urutu Tribe is in the Raider's Crossroads in the Orc lands. She will help create the Rune of Power and the Echo of the Past, filled with Orc magic. Inside this Echo is the Eternal Body Armor.

Beleth's demon army, led by the Death Knight Mordreus, is gathering forces to attack Gludio, where they will take part in a decisive battle with the mages of the Ivory Tower. You must fight the demons to help Kiruna disrupt Mordreus' plans and collect everything necessary to obtain the Eternity Body Armor.

For more information about the updated location, read the article Raider's Crossroads. Eternal update

Rune of Power is needed to obtain the Glacial Silver recipe from Master Tobald, craft the Echo of the Past containing the Eternal Upper Armor, and upgrade various Eternal Armor pieces.

Rune of Power is needed to obtain the Glacial Silver recipe from Master Tobald, craft the Echo of the Past containing the Eternal Upper Armor, and upgrade various Eternal Armor pieces.

Item Required materials Method for obtaining
Echo of the Past - Orc Echo of the Past - Orc Heavy NG Rune of Power Rune of Power NG x 1 Craft by NPC Orc Kiruna Hero of the Urutu Tribe
Gloomsteel Nugget Gloomsteel Nugget NG x 30
Aether Alloy Aether Alloy NG x 16
Glacial Silver Glacial Silver NG x 38
Craft by NPC Human Tobald Master
Arcsmith's Anvil Arcsmith's Anvil NG x 15
Mithril Alloy Mithril Alloy NG x 1980
Orichalcum Orichalcum NG x 410
Asofe Asofe NG x 1487
Crystal (S-Grade) Crystal (S-Grade) S x 1617
Gemstone S Gemstone S NG x 290
Craft, drop
Echo of the Past - Orc Echo of the Past - Orc Light NG Rune of Power Rune of Power NG x 1 Craft by NPC Orc Kiruna Hero of the Urutu Tribe
Gloomsteel Nugget Gloomsteel Nugget NG x 30
Galewind Suede Galewind Suede NG x 18
Glacial Thread Glacial Thread NG x 36
Craft by NPC Human Tobald Master
Reorin's Mold Reorin's Mold NG x 15
Crafted Leather Crafted Leather NG x 3850
Metallic Fiber Metallic Fiber NG x 2910
Compound Braid Compound Braid NG x 1310
Orichalcum Orichalcum NG x 410
Asofe Asofe NG x 1487
Crystal (S-Grade) Crystal (S-Grade) S x 1617
Gemstone S Gemstone S NG x 290
Craft, drop
Echo of the Past - Orc Echo of the Past - Orc Robe NG Rune of Power Rune of Power NG x 1 Craft by NPC Orc Kiruna Hero of the Urutu Tribe
Gloomsteel Nugget Gloomsteel Nugget NG x 30
Celestial Silk Celestial Silk NG x 15
Arcane Fibre Arcane Fibre NG x 35
Craft by NPC Human Tobald Master
Reorin's Mold Reorin's Mold NG x 15
Crafted Leather Crafted Leather NG x 3850
High-Grade Suede High-Grade Suede NG x 980
Metallic Fiber Metallic Fiber NG x 2910
Orichalcum Orichalcum NG x 410
Asofe Asofe NG x 1487
Crystal (S-Grade) Crystal (S-Grade) S x 1617
Gemstone S Gemstone S NG x 290
Craft, drop

Dwarves (Boots)

Dwarf King Ehret l2

The hero of the dwarven race Dwarf Ehret Dwarf King is in the Eastern Mining Zone in the lands of the dwarves. He will help create the Rune of Stability and the Echo of the Past, filled with dwarven magic. Inside this Echo are the Eternal Boots.

An army of orcs led by the hero of the Atuba tribe, Demecrior, invaded the dwarven kingdom Mlan and captured the capital. The Dwarf King Ehret covers the retreat of his subjects through the tunnels. You must fight the orcs to help Ehret and collect everything necessary to obtain the Eternal Boots.

For more information about the updated location, read the article Easter Mining Zone. Eternal update

Rune of Stability is needed to obtain the recipe of Aether Alloy from Master Tobald, to create the Echo of the Past containing the Eternal Boots, and to upgrade various pieces of Eternal armor.

Echo of the Past is a magic capsule that, if successfully opened, may contain armor and, if unsuccessful, rare materials, Fragments of the Conjugation Rune, and the Primordial Stone needed to improve armor. The magic of the dwarves that fill the Echo allows you to get Eternal Boots.

Item Required materials Method for obtaining
Echo of the Past - Dwarf Echo of the Past - Dwarf Heavy NG Rune of Stability Rune of Stability NG x 1 Craft by NPC Dwarf Ehret Dwarf King
Gloomsteel Nugget Gloomsteel Nugget NG x 17
Aether Alloy Aether Alloy NG x 9
Glacial Silver Glacial Silver NG x 20
Craft by NPC Human Tobald Master
Warsmith's Mold Warsmith's Mold NG x 5
Mithril Alloy Mithril Alloy NG x 210
Crafted Leather Crafted Leather NG x 1011
Thons Thons NG x 270
Leonard Leonard NG x 160
Crystal (S-Grade) Crystal (S-Grade) S x 320
Gemstone S Gemstone S NG x 74
Craft, drop
Echo of the Past - Dwarf Echo of the Past - Dwarf Light NG Rune of Stability Rune of Stability NG x 1 Craft by NPC Dwarf Ehret Dwarf King
Gloomsteel Nugget Gloomsteel Nugget NG x 17
Galewind Suede Galewind Suede NG x 10
Glacial Thread Glacial Thread NG x 20
Craft by NPC Human Tobald Master
Warsmith's Mold Warsmith's Mold NG x 5
Crafted Leather Crafted Leather NG x 1011
Metallic Fiber Metallic Fiber NG x 920
Compound Braid Compound Braid NG x 210
Thons Thons NG x 270
Leonard Leonard NG x 160
Crystal (S-Grade) Crystal (S-Grade) S x 320
Gemstone S Gemstone S NG x 74
Craft, drop
Echo of the Past - Dwarf Echo of the Past - Dwarf Robe NG Rune of Stability Rune of Stability NG x 1 Craft by NPC Dwarf Ehret Dwarf King
Gloomsteel Nugget Gloomsteel Nugget NG x 17
Celestial Silk Celestial Silk NG x 9
Arcane Fibre Arcane Fibre NG x 20
Craft by NPC Human Tobald Master
Warsmith's Mold Warsmith's Mold NG x 5
Crafted Leather Crafted Leather NG x 1011
High-Grade Suede High-Grade Suede NG x 230
Metallic Fiber Metallic Fiber NG x 920
Thons Thons NG x 270
Leonard Leonard NG x 160
Crystal (S-Grade) Crystal (S-Grade) S x 320
Gemstone S Gemstone S NG x 74
Craft, drop

Kamael (Lower armor)

Guardian of Prahnah Rodenpicula l2

The Kamael hero Kamael Rodenpicula Guardian of Prahnah is in the Nornil Cave on the Isle of Souls. She will help create the Rune of Rebirth and the Echo of the Past, filled with Kamael magic. This Echo contains the Eternal Lower Armor.

The army of Einhasad angels, led by her second daughter, Kaliel, invaded the Island of Souls to punish the giants for their excessive pride. The remnants of the giant army escaped east with Mimir, and only Nornil, the head of the research laboratory, took refuge in one of the caves and hoped to find help from Gran Kain. Rodenpicula protects the dungeon from Einhasad magic with the legendary Kamael weapon - the Prahnah Shield. You must fight the angels and Kaliel to help Rodenpicula buy time for Nornil and collect everything necessary to obtain the Eternal Lower Armor.

For more information about the updated location, read the article Nornil Cave. Eternal update

Rune of Rebirth is needed to obtain the recipe of Galewind Suede from Master Tobald, to create Echoes of the Past containing Eternal Lower Armor and to upgrade various Eternal Armor pieces.

Echo of the Past is a magic capsule that, if successfully opened, may contain armor and, if unsuccessful, rare materials, fragments of the Conjugation Rune, and the Primordial Stone needed to improve armor. Kamael magic, filling the Echo, allows you to get the Eternal Lower Armor.

Item Required materials Method for obtaining
Echo of the Past - Kamael Echo of the Past - Kamael Heavy NG Rune of Rebirth Rune of Rebirth NG x 1 Craft by NPC Kamael Rodenpicula Guardian of Prahnah
Gloomsteel Nugget Gloomsteel Nugget NG x 26
Aether Alloy Aether Alloy NG x 13
Glacial Silver Glacial Silver NG x 33
Craft by NPC Human Tobald Master
Arcsmith's Anvil Arcsmith's Anvil NG x 10
Mithril Alloy Mithril Alloy NG x 1207
Orichalcum Orichalcum NG x 270
Asofe Asofe NG x 900
Crystal (S-Grade) Crystal (S-Grade) S x 1100
Gemstone S Gemstone S NG x 177
Craft, drop
Echo of the Past - Kamael Echo of the Past - Kamael Light NG Rune of Rebirth Rune of Rebirth NG x 1 Craft by NPC Kamael Rodenpicula Guardian of Prahnah
Gloomsteel Nugget Gloomsteel Nugget NG x 26
Galewind Suede Galewind Suede NG x 15
Glacial Thread Glacial Thread NG x 30
Craft by NPC Human Tobald Master
Reorin's Mold Reorin's Mold NG x 10
Crafted Leather Crafted Leather NG x 2350
Metallic Fiber Metallic Fiber NG x 1711
Compound Braid Compound Braid NG x 799
Orichalcum Orichalcum NG x 270
Asofe Asofe NG x 900
Crystal (S-Grade) Crystal (S-Grade) S x 1100
Gemstone S Gemstone S NG x 177
Craft, drop
Echo of the Past - Kamael Echo of the Past - Kamael Robe NG Rune of Rebirth Rune of Rebirth NG x 1 Craft by NPC Kamael Rodenpicula Guardian of Prahnah
Gloomsteel Nugget Gloomsteel Nugget NG x 26
Celestial Silk Celestial Silk NG x 13
Arcane Fibre Arcane Fibre NG x 29
Craft by NPC Human Tobald Master
Reorin's Mold Reorin's Mold NG x 10
Crafted Leather Crafted Leather NG x 2350
High-Grade Suede High-Grade Suede NG x 597
Metallic Fiber Metallic Fiber NG x 1711
Orichalcum Orichalcum NG x 270
Asofe Asofe NG x 900
Crystal (S-Grade) Crystal (S-Grade) S x 1100
Gemstone S Gemstone S NG x 177
Craft, drop
BasicsStructure and lore of the eventNew itemsRunes of ConjugationEcho of the PastTreasure ChestArmor statsSet bonusUpper armorLower armorHelmetGlovesBootsShirtMaster TobaldOre miningNew materialsArmor upgradeChange of appearanceHuman (Gloves)Elves (Shirt)Dark Elves (Helmet)Orcs (Body Armor)Dwarves (Boots)Kamael (Lower armor)

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