Quest Bring The Flugegeheimen!

Bring the Fluegegeheimen quest guide
Starting NPC Dwarf Legnar Collector
Starting location Pavel Ruins (Schuttgart territory)
Level 82 ~ 85
Type Continuing
eternal_recipe Recipe Eternal Weapon to choose from

More info about Eternal Weapon stats read at the article Eternal Weapons: Soul Crystals and Enchant Options.

Pay attention!

After completing the main part of the quest you can continue collecting quest items to purchase new recipe. However, the recipe price will be increased for all future purchases.

Canceling and repeating the quest will not change the price. After the first recipe, it will be increased forever.

Legnar l2

1. Starting NPC Dwarf Legnar Collector located at Pavel Ruins, on the right of the tents.

Talk to him to start the quest.

Gem Golem l2

2. Teleport to the Dwarven Village, from there to the Eastern Mining Zone. Find and kill monsters Construct Gem Golem Quest Monster Lv. 85 .

For killing monsters you will receive Red Shining Shard Red Shining Shard NG .

30 collected Shards will turn into Corrupted Rubby Gem Corrupted Rubby Gem NG .

Legnar l2

3. Return to Dwarf Legnar Collector and talk to him.

Gouph l2

4. Teleport to the Dwarven Village. At the north of the village, in the Bronze Key Guild, find Dwarf Gouph Collector and talk to him to get Eternity Ore Eternity Ore NG .

Bronk l2

5. In the nearby Forge building, talk to Dwarf Bronk Head Blacksmith . You'll get Bronk's Message Bronk's Message NG , the letter is not sealed and it's contents can be read.

Etelvid l2

6. Teleport to Schuttgart, then to Pavel Ruins. Run north a little, on the road between the craters find Darkelf Etelvid Geomancer and talk to her.

Etelvid will give Geomancer's Medallion Geomancer's Medallion NG and will ask to get:

Earth Runestone Earth Runestone NG x 5000
Giant's Breath Giant's Breath NG x 1000
Golem Heart Golem Heart NG x 600

Items can be obtained while hunting monsters in the following locations:

  • Mithril Mines
  • Pavel Ruins
  • Archaic Laboratory

If you can't handle the monsters in any location, you can exchange items with Darkelf Etelvid Geomancer :


Earth Runestone Earth Runestone NG
Earth Runestone Earth Runestone NG (x3)
Giant's Breath Giant's Breath NG
Giant's Breath Giant's Breath NG
Golem Heart Golem Heart NG
Golem Heart Golem Heart NG
Earth Runestone Earth Runestone NG


Giant's Breath Giant's Breath NG

7. In the Pavel Ruins, inside the craters, find and kill

Giant Ruin’s Scout Lv. 85
Giant Ruin’s Rogue Lv. 85
Giant Ruin’s Commander Lv. 85

To obtain Giant's Breath Giant's Breath NG .


8. In Archaic Laboratory find and kill

Giant Laboratory Bulwark Lv. 85
Giant Laboratory Wizard Lv. 85
Construct Laboratory Patrol Lv. 85
Construct Laboratory Chaos Golem Lv. 85

To obtain Golem Heart Golem Heart NG and Giant's Breath Giant's Breath NG .


9. Inside Mithril Mines find and kill

Humanoid Grave Robber Summoner Lunatic Lv. 84
Humanoid Grave Robber Magician Lunatic Lv. 84
Humanoid Grave Robber Worker Lunatic Lv. 84
Humanoid Grave Robber Warrior Lunatic Lv. 84
Humanoid Grave Robber Warrior of Light Lunatic Lv. 84
Demonic Servitor of Darkness Lv. 84
Demonic Phantoms of the Mine Lv. 84
Bug Earthworm's Descendant Lv. 84 .

To obtain Earth Runestone Earth Runestone NG .

Etelvid l2

10. After collecting all the required items, return to Darkelf Etelvid Geomancer and exchange them for Book Legend of Dune Book Legend of Dune NG and Rough Stone of Eternity Rough Stone of Eternity NG .

Pay attention!

Obtaining Rough Stone of Eternity Rough Stone of Eternity NG at a reduced price through the quest it is not possible a second time.

Bronk l2

11. Return to the Dwarven Village to Dwarf Bronk Head Blacksmith and talk to him.

Kanemika l2

12. Teleport to Mithril Mines. On the lower level find Humanoid Kanemika Grave Robber Leader and give him Ratatouille Dish Ratatouille Dish NG . In exchange for food you will receive Ancient Tools Ancient Tools NG .

Bronk l2

13. Return to the Dwarven Village to Dwarf Bronk Head Blacksmith . Talk to him to get your reward for completing the quest:

Lambent Stone of Eternity Lambent Stone of Eternity NG
Strange Fossil Strange Fossil NG .

After completing the main part of the quest, Bronk will become able to exchange

Rough Stone of Eternity Rough Stone of Eternity NG


Lambent Stone of Eternity Lambent Stone of Eternity NG , that is necessary to purchase recipes for Eternal weapons.


Recipe: Windawoods Katzbalger Recipe: Windawoods Katzbalger NG
Recipe: Hermuncus' Schiavoni Recipe: Hermuncus' Schiavoni NG
Recipe: Keucereus' Zulfiqar Recipe: Keucereus' Zulfiqar NG
Recipe: Katenar's Haudegen Recipe: Katenar's Haudegen NG
Recipe: Lucien's Nadziak Recipe: Lucien's Nadziak NG
Recipe: Hestui's Tetsubou Recipe: Hestui's Tetsubou NG
Recipe: Josephina's Scimitar Recipe: Josephina's Scimitar NG
Recipe: Parme's Caduceus Recipe: Parme's Caduceus NG
Recipe: Kiruna's Quarterstaff Recipe: Kiruna's Quarterstaff NG
Recipe: Bludika's Dentaire Recipe: Bludika's Dentaire NG
Recipe: Urutu's Cestus Recipe: Urutu's Cestus NG
Recipe: Lionel's Combat Bow Recipe: Lionel's Combat Bow NG
Recipe: Sayune's Gastraphetes Recipe: Sayune's Gastraphetes NG
Recipe: Heartseeker's Fury Recipe: Heartseeker's Fury NG
Recipe: Sieghardt's Justice Recipe: Sieghardt's Justice NG
Recipe: Astair's Partisane Recipe: Astair's Partisane NG
Lambent Stone of Eternity Lambent Stone of Eternity NG
Recipe: Windawoods Katzbalger Recipe: Windawoods Katzbalger NG


Adena Adena NG (x250,000,000)
Lambent Stone of Eternity Lambent Stone of Eternity NG

After completing the main part of the quest Darkelf Etelvid Geomancer will increase her assortment:


Earth Runestone Earth Runestone NG
Earth Runestone Earth Runestone NG (x3)
Giant's Breath Giant's Breath NG
Giant's Breath Giant's Breath NG
Golem Heart Golem Heart NG
Golem Heart Golem Heart NG
Rough Stone of Eternity Rough Stone of Eternity NG
Piece of the Eternal Weapon Piece of the Eternal Weapon NG
Earth Runestone Earth Runestone NG


Giant's Breath Giant's Breath NG


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Eternal Eternal Weapons: Soul Crystals and Enchant Options , Compound of belts , Soul Crystal (SA) Enhancement , Quest Bring The Flugegeheimen! , Eternal: The Forbidden Gateway (80~85) , Eternal: Pavel Ruins and Archaic Laboratory (80~85) , Eternal: Mithril Mines (80~85) , Instance-boss Trasken , Missions on the Masterwork , Starter quest Eternal , Eternal: Iris Lake (80~85) , Game Event: Monolith , Eternal: Obelisk of Victory (80~85) , Eternal: Raider’s Crossroads (80~85) , Eternal: Eastern Mining Zone (80~85) , Eternal: Nornil Cave (80~85) , "Protectors of Eternity", Eternal armor