Quest Possessor of a Precious Soul, part 1 (noblesse)

Basic information

The nobility is an important and necessary status to play on a high levels. Noblesse can participate in the Olympiad, gatekeepers open lists of convenient teleports to popular locations, in addition, the character receives new skills:

Skill Description
Noblesse Blessing Noblesse Blessing Lv. 1 Maintains target's buff/de-buff condition even following death and resurrection.
The Blessing of Noblesse and the Amulet of Luck disappear, however.
Summon CP Potion Summon CP Potion Lv. 1 Summons 20 CP Potions and 20 Greater CP Potions.
Fortune of Noblesse Fortune of Noblesse Lv. 1 Allows a party member to avoid negative after-death effects after being killed by a boss or raid monster. Consumes 4 A-Grade Lucky Amulets.
Harmony of Noblesse Harmony of Noblesse Lv. 1 Advances to the frontline of the battlefield., increases P. Def. by 3000, Speed by 25%, resistance to buff canceling attacks by 80%, resistance to bow attacks by 10, and resistance to crossbow attacks by 6. Decreases CP by 20%. Can only be used on the battlefield when CP is above 50%. Maximum fighting spirit and HP are limited.
Symphony of Noblesse Symphony of Noblesse Lv. 1 Advances to the frontline of the battlefield., increases M. Def. by 4500, Speed by 25%, resistance to buff canceling attacks by 80%, resistance to bow attacks by 10, and resistance to crossbow attacks by 6. Decreases CP by 20%. Can only be used on the battlefield when CP is above 50%. Maximum fighting spirit and HP are limited.
Build Advanced Headquarters Build Advanced Headquarters Lv. 1 Constructs a high quality encampment that possesses double HP of a standard encampment and assist clan member recovery and battle additions during castle sieges.
Strider Siege Assault Strider Siege Assault Lv. 1 Uses 15005 Power to attack a castle's gate. Can be used while mounted on a Strider.
Wyvern Aegis Wyvern Aegis Lv. 1 P. Def. +7000, M. Def. by 6000 and resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 100%. Can be used while mounted on a Wyvern.

To get the Noblesse status you need to complete a chain of quests Possessor of a Precious Soul, that are available for characters in a subclass status having level 50 and above.

Pay attention!
On Masterwork servers for the Grand Olympiad status of Noblesse IS NOT REQUIRED

For your convenience we have prepared the guide of all parts of the quest Possessor of a Precious Soul in pictures.

Possessor of a Precious Soul, part 1

Start NPC Human Talien
Start location Aden
Level 50 ~ 75
Type One-time
Exp Exp NG x 263 043
Opens access to the quest Possessor of a Precious Soul, part 2
Talien l2

1. Start NPC Human Talien is located in Aden near the stairs opposite the entrance to the Temple. Talking to him, we get a quest Possessor of a Precious Soul, part 1

Gabrielle l2

2. Teleport to Giran, run to Human Gabrielle , who is located in the south part of the central square. Talk to her.

Gilmore l2

3. Teleport from Giran to the Dragon Valley, we find at the entrance to the valley Undead Gilmore Antharas Watchman , and talk to him.

Baraham  l2

4. Teleport to Dion, from there to Beehive and run to the Hive Fortress. Against the eastern wall of the fortress in the wall of the gorge we find the entrance to the cave. Enter, kill the monster Beast Baraham Quest Monster Lv. 36 and get Legend of Seventeen Legend of Seventeen NG

Talien l2

5. Return to Aden to Human Talien , talk to him.

Kantabilon l2

6. Teleport to Hein, run to Grocere Store and talk to Dwarf Kantabilon Melody Maestro

Maluk Succubus l2

7. Teleport to Giran, from there to the Antharas' Lair. Turning our backs to the entrance into the lair and run along the left side past the fortress. After descending into the main canyon we find and kill

Demonic Maluk Succubus Lv. 55
Demonic Maluk Succubus Turen Lv. 56

Kill monsters untill you'll get 10 Malruk Succubus Claw Malruk Succubus Claw NG . Chance of drop is very low!

Maluk Succubus l2

7.2 In the High Five update, the Dragon Valley location was changed and the quest monsters were moved. We teleport to Giran or Hunter's Village, from there to Hardin's Academy. We run straight towards the raid boss Beast Tiger King Karuta Raid Boss Lv. 45 . Near the place where the boss appears we find and kill

Demonic Maluk Succubus Lv. 55
Demonic Maluk Succubus Turen Lv. 56

Kill monsters untill you'll get 10 Malruk Succubus Claw Malruk Succubus Claw NG . Chance of drop is very low!

Kantabilon l2

8. Return to Hein to Dwarf Kantabilon Melody Maestro , we talk to him twice, we get Echo Crystal - Forgotten Song Echo Crystal - Forgotten Song NG

Talien l2

9. Teleport to Aden, run to Human Talien , talk to him.

Stedmiel l2

10. Teleport to the Hunter's Village, run to the Warrior Guild, talk to Elf Stedmiel Master and get Faded Poetry Book Faded Poetry Book NG

Talien l2

11. Return to Aden to Human Talien , talk to him.

Virgil l2

12. We teleport to Rune, run to the Temple, teleport to the second floor. In the left part of the Temple we find a corridor leading to the balcony. We go up, we find the dwarf Dwarf Virgil , talk to him.

Ogmar l2

13. There also talk to the orc Orc Ogmar

Rahorakti l2

14. Go down to the ground floor, run to the Mage Guild, find Orc Rahorakti Grand Seer talk to him.

Splinter Stakato Drone l2

15. Teleport from Rune to Swamp of Screams, find and kill monsters Bug Splinter Stakato Drone Lv. 69 , untill you'll get 5 Crimson Moss Crimson Moss NG . Chance of drop is very low!

Rahorakti l2

16. Return to Rune. go to Orc Rahorakti Grand Seer , talk to him and get Rahorakti's Miraculous Medicine Rahorakti's Miraculous Medicine NG

Kassandra l2

17. Go up to the balcony, find the dwarf Dwarf Kassandra talk to her.

Virgil l2

18. There talk to Dwarf Virgil

Caradine l2

19. Teleport to Goddard, find an elf at the eastern gate Elf Caradine and talk to her.

Noel l2

20. In Goddard Blacksmith find Dwarf Noel Head Blacksmith and talk to him. He asks you to bring 5 Lunargent Lunargent NG and 1 Hellfire Oil Hellfire Oil NG .

You can get these items by quest Supplier of Reagents or buy from other players.

Find the right items and talk to Dwarf Noel Head Blacksmith

Caradine l2

21. Return to Elf Caradine , talk to her and get Virgil's Letter Virgil's Letter NG . Quest completed.

Next quest — Quests Possessor of a Precious Soul, part 2


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