Pailaka — Devil's Legacy (58-70)

"...Lematan was a pirate who wanted Zaken’s treasures... In the end he succeeded, but the treasures had their own special power. As soon as Lematan touched the treasure, a terrible curse fell on him. I saw myself how the bodies of his henchmen changed terribly...

But this is not the end yet. They were swallowed up by an unspeakable darkness... As if a hole had formed in space. Soon the captain and the ship’s crew were drawn there... Later on, I knew it was called Kamaloka or Pailaka... a part of our world that found itself in a separate reality..."

Survived from the Devil's Isle

Basic infromation

Pailaka — a one-time quest strictly limited in level. To accomplish it players have to pass a special instance. Experience and SP points, useful items and Vitality points are awarded for passing an instance and killing the final boss.

Pay attention!

In basic version of game Pailaka - Devil's Legacy available for chars 61 ~ 67 level

On Masterwork servers this quest is available for players 58 ~ 70 level

Passing the quest

Talk to NPC Human Devil's Isle Survivor Pailaka - Devil's Legacy (Level 58-70) left of the temple in Giran to begin the quest. He will move the character to an instance-copy of the Devil's Isle.

On completion of the instance is given 90 minutes. time until repeated passage in case of failure — 180 min.

Devil's Isle Survivor l2

Devil's Isle Map

entry mark — Enter to instance

Devil's Isle Supporter, Dwarf Adventurer l2 — Devil's Isle Supporter and Dwarf Adventurer

 1  Undead Kams Panuka Lv. 61

 2  Undead Kams Panuka Lv. 61

 3  Undead Alkaso Panuka Lv. 64

 4  Undead Gerbera Panuka Lv. 64

 5  Dragon Lematan Lv. 67

Devil's Isle Map

Useful information

On the different parts of the Devil's Isle you will meet Treasure Chest and Powder Keg.

Break the Treasure Chest, to get useful items:

Powder Keg Explodes and deals damage across a square if attacked. Use ranged or tiger skills to deal damage to monsters near barrels.

Powder Keg l2

"Recently pirates appeared from the sky, endowed with mighty power, and captured Devil’s Isle! It seems that they got their hands on the Treasure of Zaken! Nobody expected this to happen. After their appearance local monsters became much more aggressive and now no one can get to the island.

Near the entrance to the Devil’s Isle cave, talk to the NPC Human Devil's Isle Supporter and get Ancient Legacy Sword Ancient Legacy Sword B .

Equipped sword adds skill Summon Tigress Summon Tigress Lv. 1 . Summons Tigress that will help in the fight with monsters.

"This sword was among the ancient treasures. It can be used to defeat those who are under the curse. The damned so feared this sword that they divided its power into parts and sealed it in scrolls.

...It seems only Dwarf Adventurers stayed on the island. If you have a sword and scroll to enchant it, the Dwarf will help refine this weapon..."

Сподвижник Острова Дьявола Devil's Isle Supporter

"You will encounter the Lematan Group on the island. Particular attention should be paid to Kams, Hikoro, Alkaso and Gerbera. Some of them carry with them a scroll increasing the power of the weapon. Kill all four, get the scroll, enchant the weapon, and then punish Lematan himself."

From the conversation with the Supporter we learn that the leaders keep scrolls enchant weapon. Let’s go in search.

First target — Undead Kams Panuka Lv. 61 , lives in the second room. Kill Kams using quest weapon.

After the monstar's death you'll get Pailaka Weapon Upgrade Stage 1 Pailaka Weapon Upgrade Stage 1 NG . Having received the scroll, we go in search of the dwarf who will help enchant the weapon.

Камс Kams

"Finally came the traveler with the Sword of Ancient Legacy! You have extraordinary abilities, since you could get here!"

In couple of rooms we meet Dwarf Dwarf Adventurer . After our dialod the dwarf will enchance the weapon to Enhanced Ancient Legacy Sword Enhanced Ancient Legacy Sword B . Don't forget to unsummon the tiger to give the weapon for enchancing.

Enhanced Ancient Legacy Sword have new abilities — Ice Ball Ice Ball Lv. 1 after use cause damage.

The Dwarf informs us that the weapon can be enchanced once more. Let’s go in search of the next scroll.

Гном Путешественник Dwarf Adventurer

Next target — Undead Hikoro Panuka Lv. 61 , is in the second barrel room. Don’t forget that barrels explode on attack and deal decent damage to the area. This can be used when fighting monsters and Hikoro.

There's no drop from this monster, looking for Lematan’s next henchman.

Хикоро Hikoro

Find Undead Alkaso Panuka Lv. 64 in the back of the caves.

Kill the old pirate and obtain Pailaka Weapon Upgrade Stage 2 Pailaka Weapon Upgrade Stage 2 NG

Алкасо Alkaso

Talk to the Dwarf Adventurer who is in the same room. He enchants our weapon to Complete Ancient Legacy Sword Complete Ancient Legacy Sword B

Complete Ancient Legacy Sword has new skill — Ice Ball Ice Ball Lv. 1 , cause damage when use.

The sword is enchanced on max, now it's time to find Lematan.

Гном Путешественник Dwarf Adventurer

On the way to the last boss, kill another henchman — Undead Gerbera Panuka Lv. 64

Гербера Gerbera

On Masterwork servers we added NPC Zaken's Teleporter which will send you from "tongue" directly to the entrance to the ship, by passing an unpleasant place with a complex geodate.

Привратник Закена Zaken's Teleporter

Near the waterfall we meet the final boss — Dragon Lematan Lv. 67

To avoid fighting Lematan’s servants, take the boss directly to the deck. When Lematan has a little health left, he will start running away. Kill your boss before he runs or summons servants after returning to the deck.

Лематан Lematan

After Lematan’s death, the Dwarf Adventurer will appear on deck. Talk to him to get the reward.

"Does your body seem a little blurry? I immediately thought you were from another world. I guess I was right?.. You appeared as suddenly as those pirates did... Anyway, thank you!

Гном Путешественник Dwarf Adventurer

Reward for basic game version

Exp Exp NG x4 010 000
SP SP NG x1 235 000
Vitality Point Vitality Point NG x20 000
Pailaka Bracelet Pailaka Bracelet B
Scroll of Escape Scroll of Escape NG

Reward on Masterwork server

Basic infromationPassing the questDevil's Isle MapUseful informationReward for basic game versionReward on Masterwork server



Useful quests Territory Wars: Quests , Hellbound: Caravan Certificates , Quest Possessor of a Precious Soul, part 4 (noblesse) , Pailaka — Song of Ice and Fire (35-45) , Pailaka — Devil's Legacy (58-70) , Pailaka — Injured Dragon (73-77) , Quest Fate's Whisper (subclass) 52+ , Quests for 1, 2 and 3 classes , Quest Possessor of a Precious Soul, part 2 (noblesse) , Quest Possessor of a Precious Soul, part 3 (noblesse) , Quest Temple Missionary 32+ , Quest Temple Executor 32+ , Quest Temple Champion - 1 32+ , Quest Temple Champion - 2 35+ , Quest Shadow Fox - 1 35+ , Quest Shadow Fox - 2 35+ , Quest Shadow Fox - 3 35+ , Quest Fallen Angel - Request of Dawn 35+ , Quest Fallen Angel - Request of Dusk 35+ , Quest Lofty Aspirations, part 1 66+ , Quest Lofty Aspirations, part 2 68+ , Quest Possessor of a Precious Soul, part 1 (noblesse) , Quest Relic Exploration , Quest Nikola's Cooperation , Quest Art of Persuasion , Quest Seal Removal , Quest Vain Conclusion , Quest Nikola's Heart , Quest Lost Dream , Quest Contract Execution , Quest Contract Completion , Seven Signs Epic Quest 79+ , Quest Seven Signs, Series of Doubt 79+ , Quest Seven Signs, Dying Message 79+ , Quest Seven Signs, Mammon's Contract 79+ , Quest Seven Signs, Secret Ritual of the Priests 79+ , Quest Seven Signs, Seal of the Emperor 79+ , Quest Seven Signs, the Sacred Book of Seal 79+ , Quest Seven Signs, Embryo 79+ , Quest Seven Signs, Mysterious Girl 80+ , Quest Seven Signs, Forbidden Book of the Elmoreden Kingdom 80+ , Quest Seven Signs, To the Monastery of Silence 80+ , Quest Seven Signs, Solina's Tomb 80+ , Quest Seven Signs, One Who Seeks the Power of the Seal 80+ , Quest Bring The Flugegeheimen! , Missions on the Masterwork , Starter quest Eternal , Quests for Adena , Quest Containing the Attribute Power , Quest Delivery of special liquor (TT recipes) 68+ , Quest Egg delivery (TT recipes) 68+ , All Equipment Quests , Quest Exploration of Giants Cave, Part 1 , Quest Exploration of Giants Cave, Part 2 , Quest Secret Mission , Quest Oath , Quest Lost and Found , Quest Fade to Black , Quest The One Who Ends Silence , Quest It Smells Delicious! , Quest Rumble in the Base , Quest No Secrets , Quest Threat Removal , Quest No More Soup For You (Moirai) 82+ , Quest Jewel of Antharas , Quest Land Dragon Conqueror , Quest Legendary Tales (Vesper) 80+ , Quest The Call of Antharas 83+ , Quest Tired of Waiting 80+ , Quest Wings of Sand (Vesper) 80+ , Quest Poisoned Plains of the Lizardmen 82+ , Quest Take Your Best Shot 82+ , Quest Handle With Care 82+ , Quest Watch What You Eat 82+ , Quest Figuring It Out! (Moirai) 82+ , Quest Go to the Pastureland! 82+ , Quest Bring Up With Love (High Five) 82+ , Quest Home Security 82+ , Quest Delicious Top Choise Meat (Icarus) 82+ , Quest Perfect Form 82+ , Quest For a Good Cause , Quest Reed Field Maintenance , Quest Winds of Change , Quest Won't You Join Us , Quest Success/Failure of Business , Quest Help the Son (Kookaburra) 24+ , Quest Help the Sister (Cougar) 26+ , Quest Help the Uncle (Buffalo) 25+ , Quest Refined Dragon Blood , Quest Don't Know, Don't Care (3 RB) 80+ , Quest The Other Side of Truth 53+ , Quest Request of Ice Merchant 82+ , Quest Acquisition of Divine Sword 82+ , Quest Meeting Sirra 82+ , Quest Reunion With Sirra 82+ , Quest Story of Those Left 82+ , Quest Truth Beyond the Gate 73+ , Quest Through the Gate Once More 73+ , Quest Seekers of the Holy Grail 73+ , Quest An Arrogant Search (Pass to Baium) 60+ , Quest Audience with the Land Dragon (Pass to Antharas) 50+ , Quest Into the Flame (Pass to Valakas) 60+ , Quest Hiding Behind the Truth 66+ , Quest Inhabitants of the Forest of the Dead 65+ , Quest Lidia's Heart 64+ , Quest Tragedy in Von Hellmann Forest 63+ , Quest Hidden Truth 63+ , Quest Proof of Clan Alliance (4 level) , Quest Pursuit of Clan Ambition! (5 level)
Instant zone Kamaloka Hall of the Abyss , Kamaloka Labyrinth of the Abyss , Rim Kamaloka , Pailaka — Song of Ice and Fire (35-45) , Pailaka — Devil's Legacy (58-70) , Pailaka — Injured Dragon (73-77) , Instance-boss Core 78+ , Instance-boss Orfen 78+ , Instance-boss Queen Ant 80+ , Instance-boss Trasken 83+ , Kamaloka Kartia Labyrinth , Instance-boss Zaken 60/73+ , Prison (Castle Dungeon) 64+ , Four Sepulchers Instance 74+ , Crystal Caverns aka Baylor 76+ , Frintezza Instance 80+ , Freya. Instance and Epic Boss 81+ , Instance Twins 75+ , Instance Tiat , Seed of Destruction. Attribute collection