Kamaloka Kartia Labyrinth


Kamaloka: Kartia's Labyrinth — instance zone for a group exping. For killing the last boss, players receive experience, SP points, as well as full equipment items and parts for its creation.

The instance consists of 3 parts. In the first room waves of monsters attack the players, responsible for the boss's physical attack and defense, and in the second room, responsible for the boss's magical defence. In the third room, you will meet the final boss.

You can get into Kartia's Labyrinth randomly with a 50% chance when entering the Labyrinth of Abyss at level 49 or higher. Talk to the NPC Guard Captain to enter the instance. Captains are waiting for adventurers in the Heine, Oren and Schuttgart. The character must not be more than 5 levels above or below the selected Labyrinth level.

Kartia's Labyrinth levels 49, 59 and 69 are available at the moment.

You can enter Kartia's Labyrinth once a day, and cooldown refresh at 6:30 by server time. Re-entry is available once a day if by using Extra Entrance Pass - Kamaloka (Labyrinth) Extra Entrance Pass - Kamaloka (Labyrinth) NG . Ticket can be purchased from Buttler L2 Store or Personal Account shop.

Pay attention!
Entrance to Kartia's Labyrinth and Labyrinth of Abyss have the same cooldown. After entering Kartia's Labyrinth, Labyrinth of Abyss will also have a cooldown.

After entering the instance, all buffs will be removed from your character, except those, that are given by Adventurers Guide and Newbie Helper. Buffs can be used only after entering the Labyrinth. Death in Labyrinth will cost you the regular amount of experience. When leaving the game and using teleportation scrolls or teleporting skills, the character is sent to the city where he entered the instance.

Instance zone has a time limitation of 45 minutes. 10, 5 and 1 minutes before the instance ends, a message is displayed on the screen. If the group does not kill the boss in the allotted time, they can enter the instance again after the temporary zone is closed. If you died during the boss fight, talk to the Guard Captain to re-enter. You can leave the Kamaloka using a teleport scroll or through a column that appears after the death of the boss.


Group composition

Optimal group composition for completing the Labyrinth of Kartia of any level:

  • Tank — not necessarily a knight. That can be destroyer or bard, depending on a Labyrinth level and character boost
  • Healer — Bishop, EE or SE, depending on a party members boost
  • EE or SE — to restore the healer's mana. The need for this class depends on whether the healer has a pet and the damage level of the damage dealers
  • Buffer — when forming a group, keep in mind that all buffs, except the buffs of the Newbie Assistant and the Club, will be cancelled. PP, Warc or Over can significantly strengthen the group
  • Bards - BD or SwS will provide additional reinforcement to the group with their rhythms. You can’t do without them in high-level Labyrinth
  • Damage-dealers — any classes, capable to do damage. Choice at the discretion of the group leader

First room

Players appear in the first room. A group of NPCs Human Kartia Prisoner standing on the hill, who need to be protected from monsters. NPCs will be attacked by three waves of monsters:

  • 1st wave — monsters, physical attacks
  • 2nd wave — monsters, physical and magical attacks
  • 3rd wave — monsters and Overseer, physical and magical attacks.

After the third wave spawn, all characters receive a negative effect Dimensional Poison Zone Dimensional Poison Zone Lv. 1 , that drains HP. The effect disappears after the death of the Overseer.

After the death of the Overseer and all the monsters, the door to the second room opens.

Second room

In the second room, you must kill the Overseer to reduce the final boss's magical defence. When the Overseer's health level is low, the door to the next room opens and he begins to run there. If you don't kill the Overseer while he runs away, the Overseer will appear during the boss fight. Monsters will disappear after the death of the Overseer.

Third room

In the third room, you are greeted by the final boss. You will have a minute to prepare to fight.

The boss fight starts with three waves of monsters. While they are alive, you cannot attack the boss.

  • Wave 1 - 8 monsters, physical attacks
  • Wave 2 - 8 monsters, physical and magical attacks
  • Wave 3 - 6 monsters, physical and magical attacks

With the appearance of the third wave of monsters, the boss becomes aggressive and attacks the players.

Every time the boss's health decreases by 25%, the boss summons a wave of 4 monsters that will attack players.

Bosses in Kartia's Labyrinth 49 and 59 use the skill Kalix's Roar Kalix's Roar Lv. 1 , which turns players to flee.

The boss of Kartia's Labyrinth 69 uses the skill Dimensional Pierce Dimensional Pierce Lv. 1 , which applies bleeding effect.


For completing Kartia's Labyrinth, each group member automatically receives Labyrinth of the Abyss Supplies.

The reward will be received by the one who died, the one who was in the city at the time of the boss’s death, and the one who was expelled from the group. The only case when the reward will not be issued is when the boss dies when the character is out of the game.

Related quests

Kartia's Labyrinth is associated with a special mission - Capturing the Labyrinth of Abyss I / II. As a reward for completing the mission, you will receive:

For detailed information about missions, read the article Missions on the Masterwork
