Instance-boss Zaken


Instance Zaken — temporary zone (instance) for group leveling. For killing the last boss, players receive experience, SP points, clan reputation and enchant scrolls, entire equipment and parts for its creation.

Soul Crystals (SA) can be upgraded by killing Undead Zaken Instance Boss 66 lv. Lv. 66 :

  • Level 10 → 11 — 3% / Personal chance for members of the last-hitting group
  • Level 11 → 12 — 2% / Personal chance for members of the last-hitting group

Soul Crystals (SA) can be upgraded by killing Undead Zaken Instance Boss 78 lv. Lv. 78 :

  • Level 10 → 11 — 3,5% / Personal chance for members of the last-hitting group
  • Level 11 → 12 — 2,5% / Personal chance for members of the last-hitting group
  • Level 12 → 13 — 1% / Personal chance for members of the last-hitting group

Entry conditions and cooldown

Old Pirate l2
Dimensional Entrance Zaken l2
  • Entrance: Human Old Pirate Zaken's Gatekeeper in Giran Harbor and Etc Zaken Dimensional Entrance Arcan City
  • Group size: 7 - 9
  • Low Zaken — Player's level: 60 - 72
  • High Zaken — Player's level: 73 - 85
  • Time limit: 60 minutes
  • Cooldown: 3 times a week, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday
  • Cooldown for low and high instances are separate

To re-enter before cooldown use Extra Entrance Pass - Zaken 66 Level Extra Entrance Pass - Zaken 66 Level 60-72 NG and Extra Entrance Pass - Zaken 78 Level Extra Entrance Pass - Zaken 78 Level 73-85 NG

Tickets are sold from NPC Elemental Butler MW Premium Store Box with Extra Entrance Passes - Zaken Box with Extra Entrance Passes - Zaken NG for 5 Master Coin Master Coin NG


Zaken instance map

— arrangement of barrels with candles

— entrance to the second/third floor

Group composition

  • A tank is not necessarily a knight. This can be BD or SWS, depending on the level and equipment of the players
  • Heal - Bishop or EE, depending on the players' equipment. We recommend to have a mana-recharging pet
  • EE/SHE - to help and restore mana to healers. It is highly recommended to have a mana-recharging pet
  • Buffer - when forming a group, keep in mind that all buffs, except Club buffs, will be cancelled. PP, Warc or Over can significantly strengthen the group and help healers in an emergency
  • Bards - BD or SwS will reinforce the group with rhythms. Can replace the tank if necessary
  • Damagers - any classes that can deal damage. Choice at the discretion of the group leader


Talk to NPC Human Old Pirate Zaken's Gatekeeper in Giran Harbor, to move into the instance zone.

After entering, all buffs, except club, will be cancelled. If you don't have a club card, you can use Sweet Fruit Cocktail Sweet Fruit Cocktail Physical Buffs NG and Fresh Fruit Cocktail Fresh Fruit Cocktail Magical Buffs NG (sold by Butler) or invite PP, Warc or Over to your group.

Finding the Boss

The inner part of Zaken's ship consists of 3 identical levels. The boss is in one of the rooms in a state of invisibility and non-aggressive.

There are two ways to find Zaken.

Method 1 - Classic. There are barrels with candles between the rooms. Light the candles to check for Zaken in the rooms nearby. If the candle lights up red, the boss is not nearby. If blue, the boss is near. Light 4 blue candles to find Zaken. The method is inconvenient because the red candles spawn monsters and make the search longer.

Zaken's candle L2

Method 2 - Life hack. Players have discovered that the invisible Zaken takes damage from AOE skills and remains neutral to the attacker. Use AOE skills in the rooms until you see that Zaken has taken damage in the system chat. After finding the boss, light the candles in the nearby corridors to bring Zaken out of his invisibility.

Fighting boss

Zaken instance L2

After losing his invisibility, Zaken becomes aggressive. Before lighting the last candle, move the group into the corridor to prepare for the battle, and make it easier for the tank to gain aggro.

Together with Zaken, 4 monsters will emerge from invisibility. First of all, get rid of them so that they do not kill pets and do not touch supports.

The boss fight is not difficult. Zaken will occasionally use a powerful strike Dual Attack Dual Attack Lv. 1 and apply a hold effect on group members.

If you did not have enough time or the entire group died, you can return to the instance again after the time zone is closed (10 minutes).


In case of success, instance closes the daily mission Fight with Zaken.

As a reward you will receive Zaken's Secret Chest Zaken's Secret Chest NG , which contains useful items:

Item Description
Ivory Coin Ivory Coin NG From 25 to 100 pcs. (Random)
Damaged Zaken's Earring Damaged Zaken's Earring NG Unique personal jewelry, that can be enchanted with special scrolls. Basic modification is up to +3 (including). When an earring is upgraded to +10, it can be exchanged for a real Zaken Earring.
Scroll of Vanisher Scroll of Vanisher NG Personal item. Required to modify Damaged Zaken Earring. Safe enchantment up to +3, maximum up to +10. When enchanted above +3, if unsuccessful, the item disappears.
Blessed Scroll of Vanisher Blessed Scroll of Vanisher NG Personal item. Required to modify Damaged Zaken Earring. Can be used up to +6 (including). If unsuccessful, the item does not disappear, and the enchantment value is saved.
Crystal Scroll of Vanisher Crystal Scroll of Vanisher NG Personal item. Required to modify Damaged Zaken Earring. Can be used up to +8 (including). If unsuccessful, the item does not disappear, and the enchantment value is saved.
Zaken's Soul Fragment Zaken's Soul Fragment NG Collect 20 fragments and exchange them for Zaken's Cloak Zaken's Cloak HP NG from NPC Human Old Pirate Zaken's Gatekeeper . +150 HP bonus when equipping a cloak.

Damaged Zaken's Earring

Enchantment level Effect
0 M. Def. 45, Bleed Resistance +1%
+1 M. Def 46, Bleed Resistance +1%
+2 M. Def 47, Bleed Resistance +1%
+3 M. Def 48, Bleed Resistance +4%
+4 M. Def 51, Bleed Resistance +6%
+5 M. Def 54, Bleed Resistance +8%
+6 M. Def 57, Bleed Resistance +10%, Resist shock +4%
+7 M. Def 60, Bleed Resistance +10%, Resist shock +8%, Incoming healing efficiency +1%
+8 M. Def 63, Bleed Resistance +10%, Resist shock +12%, Incoming healing efficiency +2%
+9 M. Def 66, Bleed Resistance +10%, Resist shock +16%, Incoming healing efficiency +3%
+10 Can be exchanged for a real Zaken's Earring Zaken's Earring A in the Luxury Store from NPC Dwarf Pona Collectioner


Zaken Lv. 66

Undead Zaken Instance Boss 66 lv. Lv. 66

Item Amount Chance
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Bow of Peril Unidentified Bow of Peril B 1 0.5%
Unidentified Demon's Dagger Unidentified Demon's Dagger B 1 0.5%
Unidentified Lance Unidentified Lance B 1 0.5%
Unidentified Sword of Damascus Unidentified Sword of Damascus B 1 0.5%
Unidentified Art of Battle Axe Unidentified Art of Battle Axe B 1 0.5%
Bow of Peril Shaft Bow of Peril Shaft NG 1 - 12 19.5%
Demon's Dagger Edge Demon's Dagger Edge NG 1 - 12 19.5%
Lance Blade Lance Blade NG 1 - 12 19.5%
Sword of Damascus Blade Sword of Damascus Blade NG 1 - 12 19.5%
Art of Battle Axe Blade Art of Battle Axe Blade NG 1 - 12 19.5%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Deadman's Glory Unidentified Deadman's Glory B 1 0.5%
Unidentified Wizard's Tear Unidentified Wizard's Tear B 1 0.5%
Unidentified Guardian Sword Unidentified Guardian Sword B 1 0.5%
Unidentified Staff of Evil Spirits Unidentified Staff of Evil Spirits B 1 0.5%
Unidentified Bellion Cestus Unidentified Bellion Cestus B 1 0.5%
Deadman's Glory Stone Deadman's Glory Stone NG 1 - 12 19.5%
Blade of the Wizard's Tear Blade of the Wizard's Tear NG 1 - 12 19.5%
Guardian Sword Blade Guardian Sword Blade NG 1 - 12 19.5%
Evil Spirit Head Evil Spirit Head NG 1 - 12 19.5%
Bellion Cestus Edge Bellion Cestus Edge NG 1 - 12 19.5%
Group chance: 100%
Otherworldly Ring Otherworldly Ring B 1 - 2 35%
Earring of Holy Spirit Earring of Holy Spirit B 1 - 2 45%
Otherworldly Necklace Otherworldly Necklace B 1 - 2 20%
Group chance: 100%
Ring of Phantom Ring of Phantom A 1 36.8421%
Earring of Phantom Earring of Phantom A 1 42.1053%
Necklace of Phantom Necklace of Phantom A 1 21.0526%
Group chance: 100%
Cerberus Ring Cerberus Ring A 1 36.8421%
Cerberus Earring Cerberus Earring A 1 42.1053%
Cerberus Necklace Cerberus Necklace A 1 21.0526%
Group chance: 100%
Pirate King Hat Pirate King Hat NG 1 100%
Group chance: 100%
MasterWork Crystal: B-grade MasterWork Crystal: B-grade NG 1 100%
Group chance: 100%
MasterWork Crystal: A-grade MasterWork Crystal: A-grade NG 1 100%
Group chance: 100%
Transform Sealbook: Zaken Transform Sealbook: Zaken NG 1 100%
Group chance: 100%
Zaken's Earring Zaken's Earring A 1 0.1%
Chest with Life Stone Chest with Life Stone NG 1 - 10 75%

Zaken Lv. 78

Undead Zaken Instance Boss 78 lv. Lv. 78

Item Amount Chance
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Arcana Mace Unidentified Arcana Mace S 1 0.05%
Unidentified Imperial Staff Unidentified Imperial Staff S 1 0.05%
Unidentified Basalt Battlehammer Unidentified Basalt Battlehammer S 1 0.05%
Unidentified Dragon Hunter Axe Unidentified Dragon Hunter Axe S 1 0.05%
Arcana Mace Head Arcana Mace Head NG 2 - 3 24.95%
Imperial Staff Head Imperial Staff Head NG 2 - 3 24.95%
Basalt Battlehammer Head Basalt Battlehammer Head NG 2 - 3 24.95%
Dragon Hunter Axe Blade Dragon Hunter Axe Blade NG 2 - 3 24.95%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Forgotten Blade Unidentified Forgotten Blade S 1 0.05%
Unidentified Demon Splinter Unidentified Demon Splinter S 1 0.05%
Unidentified Saint Spear Unidentified Saint Spear S 1 0.05%
Unidentified Heaven's Divider Unidentified Heaven's Divider S 1 0.05%
Unidentified Angel Slayer Unidentified Angel Slayer S 1 0.05%
Unidentified Draconic Bow Unidentified Draconic Bow S 1 0.05%
Forgotten Blade Edge Forgotten Blade Edge NG 2 - 3 16.62%
Demon Splinter Blade Demon Splinter Blade NG 2 - 3 16.62%
Saint Spear Blade Saint Spear Blade NG 2 - 3 16.62%
Heavens Divider Edge Heavens Divider Edge NG 2 - 3 16.62%
Angel Slayer Blade Angel Slayer Blade NG 2 - 3 16.61%
Draconic Bow Shaft Draconic Bow Shaft NG 2 - 3 16.61%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Barakiel's Axe Unidentified Barakiel's Axe A 1 0.2%
Unidentified Themis' Tongue Unidentified Themis' Tongue A 1 0.2%
Unidentified Sobekk's Hurricane Unidentified Sobekk's Hurricane A 1 0.2%
Unidentified Tiphon's Spear Unidentified Tiphon's Spear A 1 0.2%
Unidentified Sirra's Blade Unidentified Sirra's Blade A 1 0.2%
Barakiel's Axe Piece Barakiel's Axe Piece NG 2 - 5 19.8%
Themis' Tongue Piece Themis' Tongue Piece NG 2 - 5 19.8%
Sobekk's Hurricane Edge Sobekk's Hurricane Edge NG 2 - 5 19.8%
Tiphon's Spear Edge Tiphon's Spear Edge NG 2 - 5 19.8%
Sirra's Blade Edge Sirra's Blade Edge NG 2 - 5 19.8%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Naga Storm Unidentified Naga Storm A 1 0.2%
Unidentified Shyeed's Bow Unidentified Shyeed's Bow A 1 0.2%
Unidentified Daimon Crystal Unidentified Daimon Crystal A 1 0.2%
Unidentified Sword of Ipos Unidentified Sword of Ipos A 1 0.2%
Unidentified Behemoth's Tuning Fork Unidentified Behemoth's Tuning Fork A 1 0.2%
Naga Storm Piece Naga Storm Piece NG 2 - 5 19.8%
Shyeed's Bow Shaft Shyeed's Bow Shaft NG 2 - 5 19.8%
Daimon Crystal Fragment Daimon Crystal Fragment NG 2 - 5 19.8%
Sword of Ipos Blade Sword of Ipos Blade NG 2 - 5 19.8%
Behemoth's Tuning Fork Piece Behemoth's Tuning Fork Piece NG 2 - 5 19.8%
Group chance: 100%
Sealed Majestic Necklace Sealed Majestic Necklace A 1 2.77%
Sealed Majestic Earring Sealed Majestic Earring A 1 3.77%
Sealed Majestic Ring Sealed Majestic Ring A 1 4.77%
Sealed Majestic Necklace Beads Sealed Majestic Necklace Beads NG 3 - 6 28.56%
Sealed Majestic Earring Gemstone Sealed Majestic Earring Gemstone NG 4 - 7 29.56%
Sealed Majestic Ring Gemstone Sealed Majestic Ring Gemstone NG 5 - 8 30.57%
Group chance: 100%
Sealed Phoenix Necklace Sealed Phoenix Necklace A 1 2.77%
Sealed Phoenix Earring Sealed Phoenix Earring A 1 3.77%
Sealed Phoenix Ring Sealed Phoenix Ring A 1 4.77%
Sealed Phoenix Necklace Beads Sealed Phoenix Necklace Beads NG 3 - 6 28.56%
Sealed Phoenix Earring Gemstone Sealed Phoenix Earring Gemstone NG 4 - 7 29.56%
Sealed Phoenix Ring Gemstone Sealed Phoenix Ring Gemstone NG 5 - 8 30.57%
Group chance: 100%
Pirate King Hat Pirate King Hat NG 1 100%
Group chance: 100%
Ancient Book: Divine Inspiration (Manuscript) Ancient Book: Divine Inspiration (Manuscript) NG 1 100%
Group chance: 100%
MasterWork Crystal: B-grade MasterWork Crystal: B-grade NG 1 100%
Group chance: 100%
MasterWork Crystal: A-grade MasterWork Crystal: A-grade NG 1 100%
Group chance: 100%
MasterWork Crystal: S-grade MasterWork Crystal: S-grade S/ Dynasty NG 1 100%
Group chance: 100%
MasterWork Crystal: S80-grade MasterWork Crystal: S80-grade Moirai NG 1 100%
Group chance: 100%
Transform Sealbook: Zaken Transform Sealbook: Zaken NG 1 100%
Group chance: 100%
Fire Stone Fire Stone NG 1 33.34%
Earth Stone Earth Stone NG 1 33.33%
Dark Stone Dark Stone NG 1 33.33%
Group chance: 100%
Fire Stone Fire Stone NG 1 33.34%
Earth Stone Earth Stone NG 1 33.33%
Dark Stone Dark Stone NG 1 33.33%
Group chance: 100%
Fire Stone Fire Stone NG 1 33.34%
Earth Stone Earth Stone NG 1 33.33%
Dark Stone Dark Stone NG 1 33.33%
Group chance: 100%
Zaken's Earring Zaken's Earring A 1 0.2%
Chest with Life Stone Chest with Life Stone NG 1 - 5 80%