Eternal Stockings Eternal Stockings S84

<Equip Condition>
For all professions, except Kamael.

P.Def. 90
MP Bonus 460
Selling price NPC 15.692.000 аден
Weight 850
Can it be enchanted? Yes
Can it be add attribute? Yes
Can it be used at the Olympiad? Yes
Set part
Restrictions Private warehouse Clan warehouse Transfer by account
Trade Drop Private Store
Модификация Кристаллизация Неуд. модификация
+0 1506 1506
+1 1531 778
+2 1556 803
+3 1581 828
+4 1656 903
+5 1731 978
+6 1806 1053
+7 1881 1128
+8 1956 1203