PvP enhance


PvP enhancement provides extra features to your gear, that only works while fighting with other players. Many people underestimate the potential benefits of enhancement and don't use it. However, a PvP enhancement can give you an advantage, unexpected for your enemy.

The enhancement can be applied to armor of B-grade and higher, as well as best A-grade weapons and above.

PvP enhancement can only be applied to weapon with Soul Crystal (SA). Armor have to be unsealed.

Fame Point Fame Point NG and Adena Adena NG required for enhancement.

Where to get Fame points?

Fame points can be obtained for participating in sieges of fortresses and castles. You will receive fame while you stay in a siege zone. The character must be registered for the siege. Dead characters also receive fame points.

In addition, fame points are obtained in a regular game event King of the Hill. For detailed information about the event, read the article Game event: King of the Hill

You can also buy fame points:

In a basic version of Lineage 2 an item with PvP enhancement can't be upgraded with Attribute or Life stones (LS).

On Masterwork an item with PvP enhancement can be upgraded with Attribute and Life stones (LS) or enchant scrolls.

How to install and uninstall?

To add a PvP enhancement to an item, talk to NPC Human Scipio Reputation Manager , located at Aden square on the left from the fountain and select the lines "Learn about PvP items" and "Enhance weapons/armor for PvP". In the window that opens, select the required item and confirm the exchange.

NPC Human Scipio Reputation Manager can also remove modification for free.

Scipio l2



Grade Cost
A-grade (best) Fame Point Fame Point NG x 8091
Adena Adena NG x 809 050
S-grade Fame Point Fame Point NG x 11 545
Adena Adena NG x 1 154 520
S-grade (Dynasty) Fame Point Fame Point NG x 18 700
Adena Adena NG x 3 747 300
S80-grade (Icarus) Fame Point Fame Point NG x 25 900
Adena Adena NG x 5 171 950
S84-grade (Vesper) Fame Point Fame Point NG x 36 700
Adena Adena NG x 7 343 650
S84-grade (top) Fame Point Fame Point NG x 42 900
Adena Adena NG x 8 576 500
S84-grade (best) Fame Point Fame Point NG x 50 000
Adena Adena NG x 10 563 400
S84-grade (Eternal) Fame Point Fame Point NG x 70 000
Adena Adena NG x 46 300 000


Grade Cost
B-grade (low) Fame Point Fame Point NG x 1981
Adena Adena NG x 198 100
B-grade (top) Fame Point Fame Point NG x 2641
Adena Adena NG x 264 100
A-grade (low) Fame Point Fame Point NG x 2641
Adena Adena NG x 264 100
A-grade (top) Fame Point Fame Point NG x 2641
Adena Adena NG x 264 100
S-grade Fame Point Fame Point NG x 4206
Adena Adena NG x 420 570
S-grade (Dynasty) Fame Point Fame Point NG x 8606
Adena Adena NG x 860 640
S80-grade (Moirai) Fame Point Fame Point NG x 12 689
Adena Adena NG x 1 268 850
S84-grade (Vesper) Fame Point Fame Point NG x 11 700
Adena Adena NG x 2 333 400
S84-grade (Vorpal) Fame Point Fame Point NG x 14 000
Adena Adena NG x 2 792 000
S84-grade (Elegia) Fame Point Fame Point NG x 16 700
Adena Adena NG x 3 347 650
S84-grade (Eternal) Fame Point Fame Point NG x 20 000
Adena Adena NG x 4 000 000

Armor effects

Type Effect
Heavy armor PvP Defence +5%. Has a 2% chance to decrease the attacker's Moving and Atk. Spd. by 20%, Casting Spd. by 30% for 10 sec.
Leather armor PvP Defence +5%. Has a 2% chance to cancel the opponent's target when under attack.
Robe PvP Defence +5%. Has a 2% chance to decrease the attacker's P. Critical Rate and Critical Damage by 15% for 10 sec.

Weapon effects

Type Effect
One-handed sword Has a chance to restore 200 CP during attack
PvP Damage +5%
Two-handed sword Has a 10% chance to inflict additional attack
PvP Damage +5%
One-handed blunt Has a chance to restore 200 CP during attack
PvP Damage +5%
Two-handed blunt Has a 10% chance to inflict additional attack
PvP Damage +5%
Magic sword Has a chance to Cast. Spd. +15%, when under attack
PvP Damage +5%
Magic blunt Has a chance to Cast. Spd. +15%, when under attack
PvP Damage +5%
Magic staff Has a chance to Cast. Spd. +15%, when under attack
PvP Damage +5%
Dagger Has a chance of canceling 1 or more of the target's buffs
Decreases the target's Shield Defence during attack
PvP Damage +5%
Spear Has a 10% chance to inflict additional attack
PvP Damage +10%
Bow Has a chance to Atk. Spd. +15% during attack
PvP Damage +5%
Fist Has a chance of canceling 1 or more of the target's buffs
Decreases the target's Shield Defence during attack
PvP Damage +5%
Dual sword Has a chance to Atk. Spd. +15% when under attack
PvP Damage +10%
Dual daggers Has a chance of canceling 1 or more of the target's buffs
Decreases the target's Shield Defence during attack
PvP Damage +5%
Dual blunt Has a 10% chance to inflict additional attack
PvP Damage +10%
Rapier (Kamael) Has a chance to restore 200 CP during attack
PvP Damage +5%
Ancient sword (Kamael) Has a 10% chance to inflict additional attack
PvP Damage +5%
Crossbow (Kamael) Has a chance to Atk. Spd. +15% during attack
PvP Damage +5%


PvP attack and defence bonuses are taken into account at the end of the damage calculation formula. This means that the percentage increase in PvP defence from the shirt becomes extremely useful for fans of PVP — instead of 1000 damage you will get 950 and this can decide the battle.

Enchanting a shirt not only increases your HP and physical defense, but also your magical defense bonus. This makes shirts the second most useful source of magical defence after jewelry. In this situation, ignoring bonuses from the shirt are absolutely not allowed.

You can get shirts of different grades in the Masterwork Club store for Ivory Coin Ivory Coin NG and in the Grand Olympiad store.

For detailed information about the MW Club and Olympiad stores, read the articles Masterwork Club and Masterwork Olympiad

Item Stats Effect
Linen Shirt - PvP Linen Shirt - PvP D Personal Item.
Increases character's P. Def and M. Def. Also increases the character's PvP protection by 1%.
Silk Shirt - PvP Silk Shirt - PvP C Personal Item.
Increases character's P. Def and M. Def. Also increases the character's PvP protection by 2%.
Leather Shirt - PvP Leather Shirt - PvP B Personal Item.
Increases character's P. Def and M. Def. Also increases the character's PvP protection by 3%.
Scale Shirt - PvP Scale Shirt - PvP A Personal Item.
Increases character's P. Def and M. Def. Also increases the character's PvP protection by 4%.
Mithril Shirt - PvP Mithril Shirt - PvP S Personal Item.
Increases character's P. Def and M. Def. Also increases the character's PvP protection by 5%.
Orichalcum Shirt - PvP Orichalcum Shirt - PvP S80 Personal Item.
Increases character's P. Def and M. Def. Also increases the character's PvP protection by 6.50%.
BasicsHow to install and uninstall?CostWeaponArmorArmor effectsWeapon effectsShirts


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