Dent. MidCompany Epic Boss


Dent Mid Company l2

Humanoid Dent The Dark Knight Lv. 81 is a new epic boss created by the MasterWork team specifically for the Mid Company.

The Epic Boss Dent Event occurs in a dedicated location accessible only to members of clans registered in Mid Company.

The event unfolds in multiple stages. Players must first defeat the Doorkeepers before gaining access to Dent's Throne Room. Once the battle with Dent begins, the entrance is sealed, preventing additional players from joining. Those unable to enter the Throne Room can engage in battles against special Raid Bosses, including Spirits and Archon.

The battle with Dent occurs once every five days. The entrance to the boss location opens at 21:00 server time (UTC+2).

Full information about Mid Company, entry conditions and restrictions is available in the article Mid Company on MasterWork.

How to get to Dent Castle

NPC Darkelf Hunter MAD , teleports Mid Company members to the Dent battle zone. Hunter can be found in the:

  • Gludin
  • Talking Island Village
  • Elven Village
  • Dark Elf Village
  • Orc Village
  • Dwarven Village
Hunter Glidin l2

Outer Territories

After talking to Hunter, all players move to a peace zone within Dent's castle. Outside the starting area, players can attack each other as usual.

There are two ways to reach Dent:

  • The right path is through the gate
  • The left path is down the stairs

The right path leads to the western part of the location, where you can find:

  • Demonic Bane Doorkeeper Lv. 81 — Doorkeeper of the Central Gate
  • The central gate to the Inner Courtyard
  • Western Gate to the Inner Courtyard
Exit from the gate in the starting area

The left path leads to the eastern part of the location, where you can find:

The stairs in the starting area

Teleportation to areas outside the castle is available for quick movement within the location.

You can teleport from Human Lapathia , who lives opposite the stairs in the starting area.

Lapathia may move to one of two points: to the altar near the starting area or to the altar near the central gate of the castle.

Path from the starting area

Doorkeeper Bane

Demonic Bane Doorkeeper Lv. 81

HP 17 255 000 MP 109 624
P.Atk. 97 079 M.Atk. 59 237
P.Def. 2 302 M.Def. 2 717
EXP 32 805 000 SP 35 000 000
Attack Attribute Unholy, 300 Defence Attribute

Fire, 100

Water, 100

Wind, 100

Earth, 100

Holy, 100

Unholy, 100

Bane Mid Company l2

Both roads lead to the gates of the Inner Court of Dent Castle.

A raid boss Demonic Bane Doorkeeper Lv. 81 awaits you in the square near the gate. Defeat the Doorkeeper to open the gate to the Inner Courtyard.

There are two Doorkeepers in total — in the western and eastern parts of the location:

  • Killing the Doorkeeper in the western part of the location opens the Central and Western Gates.
  • Killing the Doorkeeper in the eastern part of the location opens the Eastern Gate.

Pay attention!

Bane appears in a state of invulnerability for 5 minutes.

Characters attacking Bane enter a combat (flagged) state as if attacking another character.

Bane's Skills


Roads to the Teleportation Device

You can access the Inner Courtyard through any of the three gates, which unlock upon defeating a gatekeeper.

In the Castle Courtyard you will find a Etc Teleport Device , which teleports to Dent's Throne Room. Each player must teleport independently.

Entrance to the Throne Hall opens in a random time, from 21:15 to 21:30. Dent appears 15 minutes after that.

Pay attention!

The active Teleportation Device has a visual effect.

After Dent appears, the entrance to the Throne Room will be closed.

Dent's Throne Room

Humanoid Dent The Dark Knight Lv. 81

HP 59 500 000 MP 109 624
P.Atk. 125 996 M.Atk. 62 081
P.Def. 2 557 M.Def. 3 208
EXP 164 025 000 SP 50 000 000
Attack Attribute Unholy, 350 Defence Attribute

Fire, 150

Water, 150

Wind, 150

Earth, 150

Holy, 150

Unholy, 150

Dent Mid Company l2

Dent is not very difficult: the boss uses three mass-damage abilities - Poison, Pull and Stun.

The Pull affects all characters within the medium range of the ranged skill. Avoid getting hit by it — immediately follows a massive Stun, dealing catastrophic damage.

The difficulty is Dent's high health regeneration due to the skill: Regeneration Regeneration Lv. 1

Boss regeneration reduces when Spirits are killed and is completely disabled when the Archon dies.

The Spirits and the Archon reside in the outer part of the castle and only appear after the battle with Dent begins.

Players outside the Throne Room can buff or weaken Dent after killing the Archon.

Pay attention!

Characters attacking Dent are automatically put into combat (flagged) mode as if they were attacking another character.

The maximum damage to the boss is limited to 20 000 damage.

Dent's Skills


Kamael Ra's al Ghul Dent`s Spirit Lv. 81

HP 5 367 457 MP 77 700
P.Atk. 67 955 M.Atk. 84 625
P.Def. 3 237 M.Def. 3 736
EXP 22 963 500 SP 25 000 000
Attack Attribute Unholy, 250 Defence Attribute

Fire, 100

Water, 100

Wind, 100

Earth, 100

Holy, 100

Unholy, 100

When players in the Throne Room initiate the battle with Dent, Spirits will manifest along the outer walls of the castle.

There are several spawn points for Spirits. The spawn location for each Spirit is random.

Only two spirits may appear at a time. After killing them, two more spirits will appear. Each spirit killed weakens Dent.

The death of all four Spirits will open the gates to the Archon.

Pay attention!

Spirits appear in a state of invulnerability lasting 3 minutes.


Kamael Scarecrow Dent`s Archon Lv. 81

HP 17 255 000 MP 109 624
P.Atk. 92 948 M.Atk. 45 156
P.Def. 2 557 M.Def. 3 208
EXP 32 805 000 SP 35 000 000
Attack Attribute Unholy, 300 Defence Attribute

Fire, 100

Water, 100

Wind, 100

Earth, 100

Holy, 100

Unholy, 100

The Archon lives outside the castle, in the far corner of the eastern part of the location.

The gate to the Archon opens only after killing all four Spirits.

By defeating the Archon, players will receive a special item:

Scarecrow's Mark Scarecrow's Mark NG

With the help of the Mark you can weaken or strengthen Dent.

Pay attention!

The Archon appears in a state of invulnerability lasting 5 minutes.


At the place of Archon's death, Undead Joker Trouble Maker will appear.

In exchange for Scarecrow's Mark Scarecrow's Mark NG Joker will apply one of eight effects to Dent, the player's choice:

Skill Description
Vulnerability to Melee Vulnerability to Melee Lv. 1 Physical Defense -10%, Melee Defense -15%.
Vulnerability to Arrow Vulnerability to Arrow Lv. 2 P. Defense -10%, Arrow Defense -15%.
Vulnerability to Elemental Vulnerability to Elemental Lv. 3 M. Defence -20%, Attribute Defence -30.
Curse of Weakness Curse of Weakness Lv. 4 Skill Power -25%.
Strong Against Melee Strong Against Melee Lv. 5 Physical Defense +10%, Melee Defense +15%.
Strong Against Arrow Strong Against Arrow Lv. 6 P. Defense +10%, Arrow Defense +15%.
Strong Against Elemental Strong Against Elemental Lv. 7 M. Defence +20%, Attribute Defence +30.
Blessing of Power Blessing of Power Lv. 8 Skill Power +25%.

Scarecrow's Mark Scarecrow's Mark NG is a temporary item. It is impossible to accumulate several marks.

Players who defeat the Archon can make the fight with Dent easier or harder for players inside the Throne Room.

It's up to you to decide which effect to choose.

SA levelling

Bane and Dent upgrade Soul Crystals (SA) for all members of the finishing party.

To successfully level up, you must have one Soul Crystal in your inventory, and the quest Enhance Your Weapon.


Protection of Rune

Defeating a Spirit may grant an extra reward in addition to the standard drop:

Forgotten Scroll: Protection of Rune Forgotten Scroll: Protection of Rune NG

Unlike a regular drop, the additional reward will be placed in the inventory of the group leader who landed the final blow to the Spirit.

Participant list

Participant in Epic Boss Battle Participant in Epic Boss Battle Mid Company NG is a special item that will be received by all characters who participated in the battle for Dent.

Darkelf Hunter MAD will exchange items for Box with Rewards Box with Rewards Mid Company NG .

Exchange is available for 24 hours only.

The chest contains useful supplies:

Dent coin

All bosses drop special coins: Dent's Coin Dent's Coin Mid Company NG

Darkelf Hunter MAD exchanges coins for Epic Jewelry.


Boss drop list change as the season progresses.

Demonic Bane Doorkeeper Lv. 81
Kamael Ra's al Ghul Dent`s Spirit Lv. 81
Kamael Scarecrow Dent`s Archon Lv. 81
Humanoid Dent The Dark Knight Lv. 81

BasicsHow to get to Dent CastleOuter TerritoriesDoorkeeper BaneCourtyardDent's Throne RoomSpiritsArchonJokerSA levellingRewardsProtection of RuneParticipant listDent coinDrop


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