Ingame calendar


It is usual that gifts are given only on holidays or other important dates. We believe that every day is special for E-Global Masterwork players!

Our project offers a system of daily rewards for all players. Every day, when you log in to the game, a gift is waiting for you — more and more valuable each day.

How to get it?


Daily login reward is available to all characters over level 20.

You must spend at least 30 minutes in the game to make the reward available. The timer will be reset if you log out of the game. The remaining time appears in the system chat after clicking on the reward icon in the calendar.

Collecting the reward

To receive the reward, click the icon. The current reward is available only after receiving the rewards for all previous days.

Where to find the calendar?

When you enter the game, you are greeted by an open calendar window. Since the reward can only be retrieved after 30 minutes, you can close it. How to open it again when it’s time to take the bonus?

The quick-access menu is located on the right side of the screen. Click "Login Rewards" to open the calendar window. Done! Now you can take back your reward.

Quick access menu calendar Lineage 2




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