Judicator - main class. Quest Seeds of Chaos 76+

Basic information

On Masterwork’s servers, you can make a third subclass of Kamael — Judicator a main class and play it as a full class. Participate in the Olympiad, get Hero, be a full member of the group, not a box, buff - all this is now available for you.

To become a full-fledged Inquisitor after completing a special quest — Seeds of Chaos. There are 2 conditions for the quest:

  • The character must not participate in the Olympiad. If you have managed to hold at least 1 fight in the current period of the Olympiad, you will have to wait for the beginning of the next period to take the quest
  • The character should have 3 exped subclasses, and the Inspector subclass should have 76 level and complete the quest for 3-d profession — Judicator

Pay attention!
Turning Judicator into the main class is a permanent action. Once the quest is completed, you will not be able to return to your original class

Start NPC Kekropus
Level 76 ~ 85
Type One-time, only for Kamaels
Changing the main class to Judicator

Quest guide

Kekropus l2

1. Start NPC Kekropus is located in the House of Elders in Kamael Village. Talk to Kekropus to get a quest Seeds of Chaos.

Quest is available only for Kamael in the subclass state of Judicator

Mysterious Wizard l2

2. Teleport to Rune, from there to Forest of The Dead. Find the NPC Mysterious Wizard and talk to him. There are 2 options for continuing the dialogue:

  • Agree to help — the Wizard sends us to the Swamp of Screams to kill monsters to return him the thing (see step 3)
  • Refuse to help — the Wizard will say that you need to wait some time. Talk to him several times to continue the quest (see step 4)
Needle Stakato Drone l2

3. If you agree to help. Teleport to Rune, from there to Swapm of Screams. Find and kill monsters

Needle Stakato Drone lvl. 73
Needle Stakato Drone lvl. 74

until we'll get Black Echo Crystal

Mysterious Wizard l2

3.1. Teleport to Rune, from there to the Forest of the Dead. Find the NPC Mysterious Wizard and talk to him. He will summon the kamael Katenar

Katenar l2

4. If you refused to help. Talk to Mysterious Wizard several times until appears Katenar. Talk to Katenar.

Vampire Wizard l2

4.1. Run to the center of the Forest of the Dead, wait for the game night. At night we find and kill monsters

Vampire Wizard lvl. 73

until we'll get Blood Jewel

Katenar l2

4.2 Return to Mysterious Wizard, talk to him to summon Katenar. Talk to Katenar.

Kurstin l2

4.3 During the game day, we go to the Cursed Village, that is located in the center of the Forest of the Dead. We talk to Kurstin

Rock l2

5. Teleport to Rune, from there to the Valley of Saints. Fly to the south-western part of the Valley to the mark on the map. In the gorge we find Rock and talk to it.

Harkilgamed l2

6. There will appear Harkilgamed — talk to him.

Rock l2

8. Run to the south-western part of the Valley to the mark on the map. In the gorge we find Rock talk to it.

Harkilgamed l2

9. There will appear Harkilgamed — talk to him.

Kekropus l2

10. Teleport to Kamael Village, go to the House of Elders and talk to Kekropus

Mao l2

11. From Kamael Village teleport to Isle of Soul Harbor and talk to Mao. He teleports us to Nornil’s Garden.

Rodenpicula l2

12. There talk to Rodenpicula
Next to her is a large statue Mother Nornil
РTalk to Rodenpicula and Mother Norneil several times until the character teleports back to Harbor.

Kekropus l2

13. Teleport to Kamael Village, run to the House of Elders to Kekropus

Before the dialogue, change the subclass to the main class

Talk to Kekropus, to change the main class to the Judicator
