Player Killer or PK - game rules

Guide's author — NeophronPK, Masterwork player


Guide is suitable for PK (Player Killer) players, who is planning their activity on MasterWork, but not familiar with the local features of this project, or played long time ago or at old chronicles.

Must know:

  • The project rules do not limit you at any PK activities
  • The project rules do not protect media persons
  • The project rules prohibit extortion

Buffs and teleports

Human Adventurers' Guide MW Club Manager located at all towns, including Floran, and gives to PK characters access to magical support and teleports to all towns, all region locations and catacombs.

To get access to MW Club you will need a special item — Club Card Club Card 30 Days NG

Club card can be purchased in a Personal Account or ingame from NPC Elemental Butler MW Premium Store / Elemental Mewtler Like Butler, but , or NPC Human Adventurers' Guide MW Club Manager

Magical support

All buffs are maximum level and last 60 minutes. Also you can make a buff profile.


Club teleports are free and can move you to any location in a game world, equal to noblesse teleport.

Floran Village

How to return to the Floran Village:

  • Open Ivory Coin Store at MW Club Manager
  • Buy Dimensional Diamond for Ivory Coin
  • Talk to any Gatekeeper and select Exchange via Dimensional Diamond
  • Buy Scroll of Escape: Floran Village for Dimensional Diamond


Don't buy another town teleport scrolls, they can't be used by PK characters

Don't keep all the scrolls in your inventory, they can drop. Keep the main amount in a Warehouse

Death Penalty

How to remove Death Penalty:

  • PK character can't remove Death Penalty by using Scroll: Recovery
  • To do that you have to go to the Hardin's Academy, by using Club Teleport > Location 21-40
  • Talk to NPC Darkelf Black Judge and select Remove Death Penalty
  • Darkelf Black Judge also can be found near the Floran Village. Leave the village through the southern gate and go to the nearest mill
  • Penalty removal price — 50 400 Adena Adena NG for each level
Black Judge Hardin l2

Drop from PK character

Total chance of dropping items from PK characters lowered on MasterWork. In my observation, it equals to the chance of dropping items when dying from a monster in the old chronicles (C1-C4).

This items can't be dropped from PK:

  • Traditionally, Augmented weapons
  • Traditionally, Augmented jewelry*

To augment jewelry, you will need Accessory Life Stone. It can be bought from players, dropped from monsters or exchanged by NPC Blacksmith at the rate Life Stone x5 for Accessory Life Stone x1.

  • Weapons with PvP enhance
  • Armor with PvP enhance*

PvP enhance is made for Fame Point Fame Point NG at NPC Human Scipio Reputation Manager in Aden. More information about PVP enhance can be found here: PvP enhance.

  • All items with prefix MW — weapon, armor and jewelry received for coupons Starter Set Starter Set NG and Unique Set Unique Set NG *
  • Weapons with prefix MW Ivory, bought for Ivory Coin from MW Club Manager

*The higher the stage of the season, the higher the rank of items in these sets — from D-grade at the start of the season, to A-grade in the middle and late stages.

  • Costumes, accessories, cloaks and shirts
  • All consumables, potions and scrolls, received as reward for Mission, bought from L2 Store or Personal Account

Not all items are listed here. And, for example, if you know about Olympiad jewelry, that means that you don't need any guidance.

Class for PK

PK content suggests a completely different meta and this discussion would go beyond the scope of this guide and exceed it in a volume. All i can say is that you don't have to rely on your previous chronicles experience. On MasterWork auto-attackers are not at the top of the food chain.

Pay attention to skill-based classes with high movement speed - daggers, tyrants and gladiators. Or mages — as a less personal-skill demand option.

PK achievements

Name Condition Reward
Executioner Get 10 PK Title — Thug
1 Scroll of Escape: Floran Village Scroll of Escape: Floran Village NG
5 - 25 Ivory Coin Ivory Coin NG
25 - 50 Personal Greater CP Potion Personal Greater CP Potion NG
Killer Get 25 PK Title — Cutthroat
5 Scroll of Escape: Floran Village Scroll of Escape: Floran Village NG
15 - 50 Ivory Coin Ivory Coin NG
35 - 70 Personal Greater CP Potion Personal Greater CP Potion NG
Serial Killer Get 50 PK Title — Butcher
5 Scroll of Escape: Floran Village Scroll of Escape: Floran Village NG
25 - 75 Ivory Coin Ivory Coin NG
50 - 100 Personal Greater CP Potion Personal Greater CP Potion NG
Psycho Get 100 PK Title — Slayer
1 Assassin's Bamboo Hat Assassin's Bamboo Hat NG
35 - 100 Ivory Coin Ivory Coin NG
65 - 150 Personal Greater CP Potion Personal Greater CP Potion NG
Maniac Get 250 PK Title — Serial Maniac
1 Outlaw's Eyepatch Outlaw's Eyepatch NG
45 - 125 Ivory Coin Ivory Coin NG
95 - 250 Personal Greater CP Potion Personal Greater CP Potion NG
Ripper Get 500 PK Title — Psycho
1 Pirate's Eye Patch Pirate's Eye Patch NG
55 - 225 Ivory Coin Ivory Coin NG
125 - 350 Personal Greater CP Potion Personal Greater CP Potion NG
Jack the Ripper Get 1000 PK Title — Ripper
1 Refined Devil Horn Refined Devil Horn NG
75 - 525 Ivory Coin Ivory Coin NG
175 - 500 Personal Greater CP Potion Personal Greater CP Potion NG

Guide's author — NeophronPK, Masterwork player

BasicsBuffs and teleportsMagical supportTeleportsFloran VillageDeath PenaltyDrop from PK characterClass for PKPK achievements