When Frintezza ascended to the throne, he was always accompanied by his childhood friend, Scarlet van Juster...
...After transforming the Valkyries into demonic guardians, Halisha demanded more victims to expand his influence. The Emperor agreed, sacrificing the person closest and most loyal to him—his childhood friend, Scarlet. Seizing her body and soul, the demon king twisted her into a monstrous demonic entity...
In High-Five update epic boss Frintezza was relocated to instance-zone. That means, that anybody can challenge his strength in a boss fight, and has a chance to receive an epic jewelry.
On MasterWork instance-zone was rebuild. The drop has been updated for the later stages of the game and the mechanics of the instance have been simplified, so that every player truly has the opportunity to participate in epic boss battle.
To enter instance-zone Command Channel leader must have an special item in his inventory:
Frintezza's Magic Force Field Removal Scroll
Scroll can be obtained by 2 ways:
Misson | Reward |
Defeat Frintessa Weekly
Defeat Frintessa to complete this mission.
The entrance to the instance zone is located in Imperial Tomb. Target List |
Before the main battle you have to pass labyrinth filled with huge amount of monsters. Labyrinth consists of 3 big halls, connected by tunnels.
After entering, all characters in the Command Channel (CC) will find themselves in a round hall with no exit.
In the center of the hall is located
Hall Alarm Device Lv. 83
After destroying it, the iron curtain will open and monsters will run towards you from all sides:
Hall Keeper Wizard Lv. 83
Hall Keeper Guard Lv. 83
Hall Keeper Captain Lv. 83
After defeating all the monsters, the door leading to the next room will open.
From dead monsters will drop
Dewdrop of Destruction
It is recommended to collect several items for each character, it will be useful during the boss fight.
In the center of the hall there are 4
Dark Choir Player Lv. 83
After destroying it, the iron curtain will open and monsters will run towards you from all sides:
Dark Choir Prima Donna Lv. 83
Dark Choir Lancer Lv. 83
Dark Choir Archer Lv. 83
Dark Choir Witch Doctor Lv. 83
On the balconies on both sides there are 4
Dark Choir Captain Lv. 83
After defeating all the monsters, the door leading to the next room will open.
The mechanics of using enchanted arrows have been removed on MasterWork.
Arrows do not drop from monsters and are not used in the boss battle.
The boss battle divided on 3 stages. Each one is harder than previous.
The boss uses skills that cause large AOE damage. At every stage, the damage and it's radius increases.
On MasterWork if a character dies, he will appear in the first hall. There is an NPC in the hall, that can teleport you to the boss.
HP | 5 365 753 | MP | 24 480 |
P.Atk. | 38 628 | M.Atk. | 96 500 |
P.Def. | 2 344 | M.Def. | 8 070 |
EXP | 0 | SP | 0 |
Attack Attribute | Unholy, 370 | Defence Attribute |
Fire, 300 Water, 300 Wind, 300 Earth, 300 Holy, 250 Unholy, 270 |
The boss will appear 3 minutes after the first player enters the hall. The appearance of the boss is accompanied by a cut-scene.
When the boss's health level drops to 60%, the battle moves to stage 2.
Along with the appearance of the boss, 2 of 4 paintings located along the edges of the hall will begin to spawn monsters
Breath of Halisha Lv. 85
It is necessary to “close” the paintings by targeting
Evil Spirit Lv. 85
and using previously gathered
Dewdrop of Destruction
Otherwise, monsters will spawn throughout all fight.
HP | 5 365 753 | MP | 24 480 |
P.Atk. | 38 628 | M.Atk. | 96 500 |
P.Def. | 2 344 | M.Def. | 8 070 |
EXP | 0 | SP | 0 |
Attack Attribute | Unholy, 370 | Defence Attribute |
Fire, 300 Water, 300 Wind, 300 Earth, 300 Holy, 250 Unholy, 270 |
The boss uses the ability to transform into a demonic form. The damage and radius of boss skills increases.
When the boss's health level drops to 30%, the battle moves to stage 3.
HP | 11 524 991 | MP | 51 409 |
P.Atk. | 109 469 | M.Atk. | 194 846 |
P.Def. | 2 733 | M.Def. | 8 473 |
EXP | 54 187 500 | SP | 10 000 000 |
Attack Attribute | Unholy, 370 | Defence Attribute |
Fire, 300 Water, 300 Wind, 300 Earth, 300 Holy, 250 Unholy, 270 |
Final stage. The boss's skills deal massive damage and have a huge radius.
If possible, run back with your supports to the opposite end of the hall or hide near the doors you entered through.
The appearance and death of the boss are accompanied by cut scenes.
SA levels up on the boss, chance are personal for each party member:
In the fifth season of Masterwork 2024, the experience gained from defeating the Frintezza instance is now fixed for each group member. This means that whether there are 5 or 9 players in the group, each player will receive the same amount of experience.
Pets gain experience without penalty for the level difference between the owner and the pet.
Base experience for killing
Scarlet van Halisha Lv. 83
— 20 000 000 EXP.
Base experience is multiplied by the current experience rate from RB (check patchnote), bonus from Rune of Experience and buff from achievement.
An example of experience with and without boosts.
A level 81 player completed the Frintezza instance without any experience boosts:
Then he completed the instance a second time, but with boosts.:
*Daily Online Reward — reward for the "Daily Online" achievement.
*Experience Runes come in two types: +30% and +50%. Their bonuses do not stack. If multiple runes are used, the player receives the bonus from the strongest one.