Rim Kamaloka

Basic information

The Rim of Kamaloka is a time zone (instance) for single exping. For killing monsters, players gain experience, SP points, and drop in enchanting scrolls.

This Kamaloka is only available to characters with an active Premium Account.

The character can only enter the kamaloka corresponding to his level.

Talk with the NPC Human Pathfinder Worker Hall of Nightmares or Human Izael Kamaloka Keeper , to enter the Hall of Nightmares. Pathfinders are waiting for adventurers in Gludio, Dion, Hein, Oren, Schuttgart and Rune. Kamaloka Keeper Izael is waiting for daredevils in Arcan city.

Rim Kamaloka l2

You can teleport to Arcan city by using the club teleport via the Gatekeepers or the Adventurer's Guide. For more information about the club teleporter, see the article Club Masterwork.

Access to Kamaloka is available once a day, instance is refreshed at 6:30 am server time. Re-entry is available once a day in the presence of an item Extra Entrance Pass - Near Kamaloka Extra Entrance Pass - Near Kamaloka NG . You can buy this ticket in Donate Shop from Butler and in Personal Account Shop.

  • When entering an instance, the character is left with all the buffs and debuffs received from other players or dventurer's Guide
  • Upon death in Kamaloka, the character loses a normal amount of experience
  • When leaving the game and using teleportation scrolls or teleporting skills, the character goes to the city from which he enters the instance

For the completion of the instance you'll have 30 minutes, the countdown timer is displayed at the top of the screen. Only 20 minutes are allowed to fight with monsters. After 20 minutes, all the monsters disappear and a Pathfinder appears in the center of the room. Player must talk to Pathfinder to receive reward and leave Hall of Nightmares . The faster and more monsters you kill, the higher the rank of the reward. If you leave Kamaloka in any other way - go back inside to receive the reward.


For a good reward, you must kill as many monsters as possible - Kanabions, Dopplers, and Voids. Dopplers and Hollows appear with some chance when killing Canabions of any kind. The chance of appearing increases from:

  • Inflict damage that reduces monster health by 2/3 in one hit
  • Damaging by overheat
  • Using physical and magical Skills
  • Use aggression enhancing skills. The skill power equals the damage


These monsters greet us at the entrance to the Kamaloka, and are also reborn after the killing. They have the median properties of defense and attack. When you kill Kanabion with a small chance you can get scrolls of armor enchantment.

Kanabion Doppler

These monsters appear with a chance to kill any Kanabion. They have average defense and attack characteristics, increased movement speed. When you kill Kanabion with a small chance you can get scrolls of armor enchantment.

Kanabion Voids

These monsters appear with a chance to kill any Kanabion. They have average defense and attack characteristics, increased movement speed. Voids use skill Ultimate Buff Ultimate Buff Lv. 1 , which greatly increases their physical attack. When you kill Kanabion with a small chance you can get scrolls of armor enchantment.

Related quests

The Masterwork Club daily quests have been removed. They were replaced by missions that you will not forget to get or finish — this happens automatically.

Read more about missions in the article Missions on Masterwork

Mission Reward

Challenge the Rim Kamaloka I Daily

Defeat the 35 monsters in the Hall of Nightmares to complete this mission

Ivory Coin Ivory Coin NG x 20
Personal Blessed Scroll of Escape Personal Blessed Scroll of Escape NG x 1
Vitality Point Vitality Point NG x 2 500

Challenge the Rim Kamaloka II Daily

The mission is available after completing: Challenge the Rim Kamaloka I

Defeat the 50 monsters in the Near Kamaloka to complete this mission

Ivory Coin Ivory Coin NG x 20
Sweet Fruit Cocktail Sweet Fruit Cocktail Physical Buffs NG x 1
Fresh Fruit Cocktail Fresh Fruit Cocktail Magical Buffs NG x 1
Vitality Point Vitality Point NG x 3 500

Hall of Nightmares Level 20-30

Kamaloka's rewards level 20-30 (Masterwork servers)

Pay attention

On Masterwork servers, all players receive a top rank for completing Rim Kamaloka. Now you can safely farm experience without worrying about the result, because the reward will be the best.

Kamaloka's rewards level 20-30 (basic Lineage 2)

Hall of Nightmares Level 25-35

Kamaloka's rewards level 25-35 (Masterwork servers)

Pay attention

On Masterwork servers, all players receive a top rank for completing Rim Kamaloka. Now you can safely farm experience without worrying about the result, because the reward will be the best.

Kamaloka's rewards level 25-35 (basic Lineage 2)

Hall of Nightmares Level 30-40

Kamaloka's rewards level 30-40 (Masterwork servers)

Pay attention

On Masterwork servers, all players receive a top rank for completing Rim Kamaloka. Now you can safely farm experience without worrying about the result, because the reward will be the best.

Kamaloka's rewards level 30-40 (basic Lineage 2)

Hall of Nightmares Level 35-45

Kamaloka's rewards level 35-45 (Masterwork servers)

Pay attention

On Masterwork servers, all players receive a top rank for completing Rim Kamaloka. Now you can safely farm experience without worrying about the result, because the reward will be the best.

Kamaloka's rewards level 35-45 (basic Lineage 2)

Hall of Nightmares Level 40-50

Kamaloka's rewards level 40-50 (Masterwork servers)

Pay attention

On Masterwork servers, all players receive a top rank for completing Rim Kamaloka. Now you can safely farm experience without worrying about the result, because the reward will be the best.

Kamaloka's rewards level 40-50 (basic Lineage 2)

Hall of Nightmares Level 45-55

Kamaloka's rewards level 45-55 (Masterwork servers)

Pay attention

On Masterwork servers, all players receive a top rank for completing Rim Kamaloka. Now you can safely farm experience without worrying about the result, because the reward will be the best.

Kamaloka's rewards level 45-55 (basic Lineage 2)

Hall of Nightmares Level 50-60

Kamaloka's rewards level 50-60 (Masterwork servers)

Pay attention

On Masterwork servers, all players receive a top rank for completing Rim Kamaloka. Now you can safely farm experience without worrying about the result, because the reward will be the best.

Kamaloka's rewards level 50-60 (basic Lineage 2)

Hall of Nightmares Level 55-65

Kamaloka's rewards level 55-65 (Masterwork servers)

Pay attention

On Masterwork servers, all players receive a top rank for completing Rim Kamaloka. Now you can safely farm experience without worrying about the result, because the reward will be the best.

Kamaloka's rewards level 55-65 (basic Lineage 2)

Hall of Nightmares Level 60-70

Kamaloka's rewards level 60-70 (Masterwork servers)

Pay attention

On Masterwork servers, all players receive a top rank for completing Rim Kamaloka. Now you can safely farm experience without worrying about the result, because the reward will be the best.

Kamaloka's rewards level 60-70 (basic Lineage 2)

Hall of Nightmares Level 65-75

Kamaloka's rewards level 65-75 (Masterwork servers)

Pay attention

On Masterwork servers, all players receive a top rank for completing Rim Kamaloka. Now you can safely farm experience without worrying about the result, because the reward will be the best.

Kamaloka's rewards level 65-75 (basic Lineage 2)

Hall of Nightmares Level 70-80

Kamaloka's rewards level 70-80 (Masterwork servers)

Pay attention

On Masterwork servers, all players receive a top rank for completing Rim Kamaloka. Now you can safely farm experience without worrying about the result, because the reward will be the best.

Kamaloka's rewards level 70-80 (basic Lineage 2)
Rank Reward Content (by chance)
F Grade No reward ლ(ಠ_ಠ ლ)
D Grade Pathfinder Supplies (Level 35) Pathfinder Supplies (Level 35) NG
Essence of Kamaloka Essence of Kamaloka NG x 8
Greater Healing Potion Greater Healing Potion NG x 9
Soulshot (S-Grade) Soulshot (S-Grade) S x 130
Scroll: Enchant Armor (C-Grade) Scroll: Enchant Armor (C-Grade) NG x 130
C Grade Pathfinder Supplies (Level 36) Pathfinder Supplies (Level 36) NG
Essence of Kamaloka Essence of Kamaloka NG x 8
Greater Healing Potion Greater Healing Potion NG x 10
Soulshot (S-Grade) Soulshot (S-Grade) S x 350
Scroll: Enchant Armor (C-Grade) Scroll: Enchant Armor (C-Grade) NG x 350
Elixir of Life (S-Grade) Elixir of Life (S-Grade) S x 12
Elixir of Mental Strength (S-Grade) Elixir of Mental Strength (S-Grade) S x 11
B Grade Pathfinder Supplies (Level 38) Pathfinder Supplies (Level 38) NG
Essence of Kamaloka Essence of Kamaloka NG x 8
Greater Healing Potion Greater Healing Potion NG x 12
Soulshot (S-Grade) Soulshot (S-Grade) S x 360
Scroll: Enchant Armor (C-Grade) Scroll: Enchant Armor (C-Grade) NG x 360
Elixir of Life (S-Grade) Elixir of Life (S-Grade) S x 12
Elixir of Mental Strength (S-Grade) Elixir of Mental Strength (S-Grade) S x 12
A Grade Pathfinder Supplies (Level 39) Pathfinder Supplies (Level 39) NG
Essence of Kamaloka Essence of Kamaloka NG x 8
Greater Healing Potion Greater Healing Potion NG x 6
Soulshot (S-Grade) Soulshot (S-Grade) S x 140
Scroll: Enchant Armor (C-Grade) Scroll: Enchant Armor (C-Grade) NG x 140
Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade) Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade) NG x 1
Elixir of Life (S-Grade) Elixir of Life (S-Grade) S x 4
Elixir of Mental Strength (S-Grade) Elixir of Mental Strength (S-Grade) S x 4
S Grade Pathfinder Supplies Pathfinder Supplies Rim Kamaloka 70-80 NG
Essence of Kamaloka Essence of Kamaloka NG x 8
Greater Healing Potion Greater Healing Potion NG x 15
Soulshot (S-Grade) Soulshot (S-Grade) S x 360
Scroll: Enchant Armor (C-Grade) Scroll: Enchant Armor (C-Grade) NG x 360
Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade) Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade) NG x 1
Elixir of Life (S-Grade) Elixir of Life (S-Grade) S x 11
Elixir of Mental Strength (S-Grade) Elixir of Mental Strength (S-Grade) S x 11
G Grade Pathfinder Supplies (Level 41) Pathfinder Supplies (Level 41) NG
Essence of Kamaloka Essence of Kamaloka NG x 10
Greater Healing Potion Greater Healing Potion NG x 15
Soulshot (S-Grade) Soulshot (S-Grade) S x 360
Scroll: Enchant Armor (C-Grade) Scroll: Enchant Armor (C-Grade) NG x 360
Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade) Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade) NG x 1
Elixir of Life (S-Grade) Elixir of Life (S-Grade) S x 11
Elixir of Mental Strength (S-Grade) Elixir of Mental Strength (S-Grade) S x 11

Essence of Kamaloka exchange

In reward for passing solo kamaloka you'll get Essence of Kamaloka Essence of Kamaloka NG . Pathfinders in cities will exchange Essences for spheres with rewards. The higher the grade of the sphere, the more valuable the reward inside. From the spheres Sign AU, AR and AE with a 30% chance the crown falls.

Essence of Kamaloka Essence of Kamaloka NG is missing on Masterwork servers.

Appearance of AU, AR AND AE Karms

Знак Ау (AU Karm) male Masterwork Lineage 2 Знак Ау (AU Karm) male Masterwork Lineage 2 Знак Ау (AU Karm) female Masterwork Lineage 2 Знак Ау (AU Karm) female Masterwork Lineage 2
Sign АU (AU Karm)
Знак Ар (AR Karm) male Masterwork Lineage 2 Знак Ар (AR Karm) male Masterwork Lineage 2 Знак Ар (AR Karm) female Masterwork Lineage 2 Знак Ар (AR Karm) female Masterwork Lineage 2
Sign АR (AR Karm)
Знак Ае (AE Karm) male Masterwork Lineage 2 Знак Ае (AE Karm) male Masterwork Lineage 2 Знак Ае (AE Karm) female Masterwork Lineage 2 Знак Ае (AE Karm) female Masterwork Lineage 2
Sign AE (AE Karm)
