New S-Grade Sets Bonuses

S-Grade sets

To make an S-grade armor set specialized, you will need Essence: S-grade Essence: S-grade S/ Dynasty NG

To get Essence, talk to Humanoid Hude Caravan Merchant on Hellbound and give him the necessary resources.

Read more about the method of obtaining essence in the article Hellbound: Caravan Certificates.

See the article for bonuses of rare parts and sets of S grade Masterwork Item Bonuses.

Imperial Crusader Set

Imperial Crusader Breastplate – Set S

STR +2, DEX -2

Max HP +445, P. Def. +8%, Sleep/ Hold Resistance +70%.

Imperial Crusader Breastplate Bard Master – Set S

STR +2, MEN +1, DEX -2

Max HP +445, P. Def. +8%, P. Crit. Damage Resist -5%, Consumption MP for Rhythm skills -10%, Mental/ Turn Stone Resistance +30%, Sleep/ Hold Resistance +70%, Defence in PvP +5%.

Imperial Crusader Breastplate Force Master – Set S

STR +3, DEX -2

Max HP +445, P. Def. +8%, Re-use time for Physical/ Magic skills -5%, Consumption MP for Physical skills -6%, Sleep/ Hold Resistance +70%, Defence in PvP +5%.

Imperial Crusader Breastplate Weapon Master – Set S

STR +2, DEX -1

Max HP +445, Atk. Spd. +4%, P. Def. +8%, Re-use time for Physical/ Magic skills -5%, Sleep/ Hold Resistance +70%, Defence in PvP +5%.

Imperial Crusader Breastplate Shield Master – Set S

CON +3, STR -2

Max HP +445, P. Def. +8%, M. Def. +8%, P. Crit. Damage Resist -5%, Sleep/ Hold Resistance +70%, Defence in PvP +5%.

Draconic Leather Set

Draconic Leather Armor – Set S

STR +1, DEX +1, CON -2

Max MP +289, Atk. Spd. +4%, P. Atk. +4%, Weight Gauge +5759.

Draconic Leather Armor Bow Master – Set S

STR +1, DEX +2, CON -2

Max MP +289, Atk. Spd. +4%, P. Atk. +4%, Accuracy +3, Attack Range when use bow +50, Attack Range when use crossbow +50, Re-use time for Physical/ Magic skills -10%, Weight Gauge +5759, Defence in PvP +5%.

Draconic Leather Armor Dagger Master – Set S

DEX +2, STR -1

Max MP +289, Atk. Spd. +4%, P. Atk. +4%, P. Crit. Damage +5%, Evasion +3, Speed +4, Re-use time for Physical/ Magic skills -10%, Weight Gauge +5759, Defence in PvP +5%.

Draconic Leather Armor Force Master – Set S

STR +2, DEX +1, CON -2

Max MP +289, Atk. Spd. +4%, P. Atk. +4%, Re-use time for Physical/ Magic skills -5%, Consumption MP for Physical skills -6%, Weight Gauge +5759, Defence in PvP +5%.

Draconic Leather Armor Weapon Master – Set S

STR +1, DEX +2, CON -2

Max MP +289, Atk. Spd. +8%, P. Atk. +4%, Re-use time for Physical/ Magic skills -5%, Weight Gauge +5759, Defence in PvP +5%.

Draconic Leather Armor Enchanter Master – Set S

DEX +1, MEN +2, CON -2

Max MP +589, Atk. Spd. +4%, Casting Spd. +10%, P. Atk. +4%, MP Recovery Rate +12%, Consumption MP for Physical/ Magic skills -6%, Weight Gauge +5759, Defence in PvP +5%.

Draconic Leather Armor Summoner Master – Set S

DEX +2, WIT +1, CON -2

Max MP +589, Atk. Spd. +4%, Casting Spd. +5%, P. Atk. +4%, P. Crit. Rate +87, Weight Gauge +5759, Transfers +5% of received damage to a servitor, Defence in PvP +5%.

Major Arcana Set

Major Arcana Robe – Set S

INT +1, WIT +1, MEN -2

M. Atk. +17%, Speed +7, Magic Cancel Rate -50%, Weight Gauge +5759, Shock Resistance +50%.

Major Arcana Robe Healer Master – Set S

INT +1, WIT +1, MEN -1

Casting Spd. +10%, M. Atk. +7%, Speed +7, Healing Efficiency +7%, MP Recovery Rate +12%, Magic Cancel Rate -50%, Weight Gauge +5759, Shock Resistance +50%, Defence in PvP +5%.

Major Arcana Robe Wizard Master – Set S

INT +2, WIT +1, MEN -1

Casting Spd. +5%, M. Atk. +17%, Speed +7, Magic Cancel Rate -50%, Weight Gauge +5759, Attack of Mental +5%, Shock Resistance +50%, Defence in PvP +5%.

Major Arcana Robe Enchanter Master – Set S

INT +1, WIT +2, MEN -1

Max MP +300, M. Atk. +17%, Speed +7, MP Recovery Rate +12%, Magic Cancel Rate -50%, Consumption MP for Magic skills -5%, Weight Gauge +5759, Shock Resistance +50%, Defence in PvP +5%.

Major Arcana Robe Summoner Master – Set S

INT +1, WIT +2, MEN -1

Max MP +300, Casting Spd. +5%, M. Atk. +17%, P. Crit. Rate +87, Speed +7, Magic Cancel Rate -50%, Weight Gauge +5759, Transfers +5% of received damage to a servitor, Shock Resistance +50%, Defence in PvP +5%.

Dynasty Sets

To make an S-grade armor set specialized, you will need Essence: S-grade Essence: S-grade S/ Dynasty NG

To get Essence, talk to Humanoid Hude Caravan Merchant on Hellbound and give him the necessary resources.

Pay attention!

Dynastic Essence II Dynastic Essence II NG is not used on Masterwork servers.

Read more about the method of obtaining essence in the article Hellbound: Caravan Certificates.

Bonuses of rare parts of the Dynasty, see the article Masterwork Item Bonuses.

Heavy Armor

Dynasty Breast Plate – Set S

STR +1, CON -1

Max HP +418, P. Def. +4.6%, Dark Resistance +6.

Dynasty Platinum Plate Shield Master – Set S

CON +2

Max HP +520, P. Atk. -8%, P. Def. +6.6%, M. Def. +8%, Healing Efficiency +6%, P. Crit. Damage Resist -5%, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Dark Resistance +8, Hold Resistance +30%, Shock Resistance +15%, Defence in PvP +5%.

Dynasty Platinum Plate Weapon Master – Set S

STR +2, CON -2

Max HP +520, P. Atk. +6.6%, P. Crit. Rate +29.5, P. Crit. Damage +282, Re-use time for Physical/ Magic skills -5%, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Dark Resistance +8, Hold Resistance +30%, Defence in PvP +5%.

Dynasty Platinum Plate Force Master – Set S

STR +2, DEX -2

Max HP +520, P. Atk. +6.6%, Speed +3, Re-use time for Physical/ Magic skills -6%, Consumption MP for Physical skills -6%, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Dark Resistance +8, Hold Resistance +30%, Defence in PvP +5%.

Dynasty Platinum Plate Bard Master – Set S

STR +2, CON -2

Max HP +520, P. Def. +6.6%, P. Crit. Damage Resist -5%, Consumption MP for Rhythm skills -12%, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Dark Resistance +8, Mental/ Turn Stone Resistance +40%, Hold Resistance +30%, Defence in PvP +5%.

Leather Armor

Dynasty Leather Armor – Set S

DEX +1, CON -1

Max HP +418, Accuracy +1.72, Evasion +1.72, Dark Resistance +6.

Dynasty Jewel Leather Armor Dagger Master – Set S

DEX +2, CON -2

Max HP +520, Atk. Spd. +3.24%, P. Crit. Damage +5%, Evasion +5.3, Speed +4, Avoid Rate for Physical skills +5%, Re-use time for Physical/ Magic skills -5%, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Dark Resistance +8, Sleep/ Mental Resistance +25%, Defence in PvP +5%.

Dynasty Jewel Leather Armor Bow Master – Set S

STR +1, DEX +1, CON -2

Max HP +320, Max MP +321, Atk. Spd. +3.24%, Accuracy +4.3, Speed +3, Attack Range when use crossbow +50, Attack Range when use bow +50, MP Recovery Rate +6.6%, Re-use time for Physical/ Magic skills -12%, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Dark Resistance +8, Sleep/ Mental Resistance +25%, Defence in PvP +5%.

Dynasty Jeweled Leather Armor Force Master – Set S

STR +2, DEX +1, CON -2

Max HP +520, Atk. Spd. +4%, P. Atk. +5.4%, Re-use time for Physical/ Magic skills -5%, Consumption MP for Physical skills -6%, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Dark Resistance +8, Sleep/ Mental Resistance +25%, Defence in PvP +5%.

Dynasty Jeweled Leather Armor Weapon Master – Set S

STR +2, CON -2

Max HP +520, Atk. Spd. +6%, P. Atk. +6.6%, P. Crit. Rate +29.5, P. Crit. Damage +282, Re-use time for Physical/ Magic skills -5%, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Dark Resistance +8, Sleep/ Mental Resistance +25%, Defence in PvP +5%.

Dynasty Jeweled Leather Armor Enchanter Master – Set S

MEN +2, INT -1, WIT -1

Max MP +321, Atk. Spd. +4%, Casting Spd. +15%, P. Atk. +4%, Magic Cancel Rate -15%, Consumption MP for Magic/ Physical skills -6%, Resistance to Buff Canceling attack 15%, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Dark Resistance +8, Sleep/ Mental Resistance +25%, Defence in PvP +5%.

Dynasty Jeweled Leather Armor Summoner Master – Set S

CON +2, STR -2

Max HP +520, Casting Spd. +5%, P. Atk. +6.6%, P. Atk. +2.66%, P. Def. +2.66%, P. Crit. Rate +94, Transfers +5% of received damage to a servitor, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Dark Resistance +8, Sleep/ Mental Resistance +25%, Defence in PvP +5%.

Robe Armor

Dynasty Tunic – Set S

MEN +1, INT -1

Max MP +257, Casting Spd. +12%, Dark Resistance +6.

Dynasty Silver Satin Tunic Healer Master – Set S

MEN +2, WIT +1, INT -2

Max MP +321, Casting Spd. +15%, Healing Efficiency +8%, Magic Cancel Rate -20%, Consumption MP for Magic/ Physical skills -3%, Resistance to Buff Canceling attack 15%, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Dark Resistance +8, Shock Resistance +20%, Defence in PvP +5%.

Dynasty Silver Satin Tunic Enchanter Master – Set S

MEN +2, INT -1

Max MP +321, Casting Spd. +15%, Speed +4, Healing Efficiency +8%, MP Recovery Rate +24%, Magic Cancel Rate -20%, Consumption MP for Physical/ Magic skills -6%, Resistance to Buff Canceling attack 15%, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Dark Resistance +8, Shock Resistance +20%, Defence in PvP +5%.

Dynasty Silver Satin Tunic Summoner Master – Set S

MEN +2, INT -2

Max MP +321, Casting Spd. +15%, P. Atk. +8%, P. Def. +6%, P. Crit. Rate +94, Healing Efficiency +5%, Magic Cancel Rate -20%, Transfers +5% of received damage to a servitor, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Dark Resistance +8, Shock Resistance +20%, Defence in PvP +5%.

Dynasty Silver Satin Tunic Wizard Master – Set S

INT +1, WIT +1, MEN -2

Max MP +321, Casting Spd. +15%, M. Atk. +6.6%, Healing Efficiency +8%, Magic Cancel Rate -20%, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Dark Resistance +8, Attack of Mental +6%, Shock Resistance +20%, Defence in PvP +5%.

Moirai Sets

To enchant armor into Attack or Defense, you will need Essence: S80-grade Essence: S80-grade Moirai NG

To get Essence, talk to Humanoid Hude Caravan Merchant on Hellbound and give him the necessary resources.

Read more about the method of obtaining essence in the article Hellbound: Caravan Certificates.

Bonuses rare parts of the Moirai, see the article Masterwork Item Bonuses.

Heavy Armor

Moirai Breastplate – Set S80

STR +2, CON -2

Atk. Spd. +4%, P. Atk. +4.26%, Magic Damage Resistance +2, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Dark Resistance +5, Shock Resistance +50%, Sleep Resistance +30%.

Moirai Breastplate Attack – Set S80

STR +2, DEX +1, CON -2

Atk. Spd. +4%, P. Atk. +4.26%, P. Crit. Rate +25, Magic Damage Resistance +2, Re-use time for Physical/ Rhythm skills -5%, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Dark Resistance +5, Attack of Hold/ Bleed +12%, Shock Resistance +50%, Sleep Resistance +30%.

Moirai Breastplate Defence – Set S80

STR +2, CON -1

Atk. Spd. +4%, P. Atk. +4.26%, Healing Efficiency +6%, P. Crit. Damage Resist -7%, M. Crit. Damage Resist -7%, Magic Damage Resistance +3, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Dark Resistance +5, Shock Resistance +50%, Sleep Resistance +30%, Hold/ Bleed Resistance +20%, Defence in PvP +5%.

Leather Armor

Moirai Leather Breastplate – Set S80

DEX +2, CON -2

Atk. Spd. +4%, P. Atk. +4.26%, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Dark Resistance +5, Hold Resistance +50%, Mental Resistance +30%.

Moirai Leather Breastplate Attack – Set S80

STR +1, DEX +2, CON -2

Atk. Spd. +4%, P. Atk. +4.26%, P. Crit. Damage +5%, Accuracy +3, Attack Range when use crossbow +50, Attack Range when use bow +50, Re-use time for Physical/ Magic/ Rhythm skills -5%, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Dark Resistance +5, Attack of Shock +15%, Hold Resistance +50%, Mental Resistance +30%.

Moirai Leather Breastplate Defence – Set S80

DEX +3, CON -2

Atk. Spd. +4%, P. Atk. +4.26%, Evasion +3, Avoid Rate for Physical/ Magic skills +2%, Magic Cancel Rate -25%, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Dark Resistance +5, Shock/ Hold Resistance +50%, Mental Resistance +30%, Defence in PvP +5%.

Robe Armor

Moirai Tunic – Set S80

WIT +2, MEN -2

Casting Spd. +15%, M. Atk. +8.11%, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Dark Resistance +5, Paralyze Resistance +50%, Turn Stone Resistance +30%.

Moirai Tunic Attack – Set S80

INT +1, WIT +2, MEN -2

Casting Spd. +15%, M. Atk. +8.11%, M. Crit. Damage +15%, Re-use time for Magic skills -5%, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Dark Resistance +5, Attack of Mental +12%, Paralyze Resistance +50%, Turn Stone Resistance +30%.

Moirai Tunic Defence – Set S80

WIT +2, MEN -1

Casting Spd. +15%, M. Atk. +8.11%, Healing Efficiency +8%, Magic Cancel Rate -25%, Consumption MP for Magic skills -6%, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Dark Resistance +5, Mental Resistance +18%, Paralyze Resistance +50%, Turn Stone Resistance +30%, Defence in PvP +5%.

Vesper Sets

To enchant armor into Attack or Defense, you will need to upgrade the upper armor with Noble Enhancement Stone Noble Enhancement Stone NG at NPC Dwarf Pushkin Master Blacksmith in Giran.

Bonuses of rare parts of the Vesper, see the article Masterwork Item Bonuses

Heavy Armor

Vesper Breastplate – Set S84

STR +2, DEX -2

Max HP +541, P. Atk. +5.57%, P. Def. +5.57%, M. Def. +5.57%, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Dark Resistance +5, Hold/ Sleep Resistance +70%.

Vesper Noble Breastplate Attack – Set S84

STR +3, DEX -2

Max HP +541, P. Atk. +5.57%, P. Def. +5.57%, M. Def. +5.57%, P. Crit. Rate +32, Speed +5, Re-use time for Physical/ Rhythm skills -5%, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Dark Resistance +10, Mental Resistance +50%, Hold/ Sleep Resistance +70%.

Vesper Noble Breastplate Defence – Set S84

STR +2, CON +1, DEX -1

Max HP +541, P. Atk. +5.57%, P. Def. +5.57%, M. Def. +5.57%, Speed +5, Healing Efficiency +7%, P. Crit. Damage Resist -8%, M. Crit. Damage Resist -8%, Magic Damage Resistance +2, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Dark Resistance +10, Mental Resistance +50%, Hold/ Sleep Resistance +70%, Defence in PvP +5%.

Leather Armor

Vesper Leather Breastplate – Set S84

STR +1, DEX +1, CON -2

Max MP +354, Atk. Spd. +5.57%, P. Atk. +5.57%, P. Crit. Damage +5.57%, MP Recovery Rate +5.57%, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Dark Resistance +5, Paralyze Resistance +50%.

Vesper Noble Leather Breastplate Attack – Set S84

STR +2, DEX +1, CON -2

Max MP +354, Atk. Spd. +5.57%, P. Atk. +5.57%, P. Skill Power +6%, P. Crit. Damage +5.57%, MP Recovery Rate +5.57%, Re-use time for Physical/ Magic/ Rhythm skills -5%, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Dark Resistance +10, Paralyze Resistance +50%, Turn Stone Resistance +30%.

Vesper Noble Leather Breastplate Defence – Set S84

STR +1, DEX +2, CON -1

Max MP +354, Atk. Spd. +5.57%, P. Atk. +5.57%, P. Crit. Damage +5.57%, Evasion +4, MP Recovery Rate +5.57%, Avoid Rate for Physical/ Magic skills +3%, Consumption MP for Physical/ Magic skills -7%, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Dark Resistance +10, Paralyze Resistance +50%, Turn Stone Resistance +30%, Defence in PvP +5%.

Robe Armor

Vesper Tunic – Set S84

INT +1, WIT +1, MEN -2

Casting Spd. +15%, M. Atk. +8.47%, MP Recovery Rate +5.57%, Magic Cancel Rate -30%, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Dark Resistance +5, Shock Resistance +50%.

Vesper Noble Tunic Attack – Set S84

INT +2, WIT +1, MEN -2

Casting Spd. +15%, M. Atk. +8.47%, M. Crit. Rate +1, Speed +7, MP Recovery Rate +5.57%, Magic Cancel Rate -30%, Re-use time for Magic skills -5%, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Dark Resistance +10, Shock Resistance +50%, Disarm Resistance +30%.

Vesper Noble Tunic Defence – Set S84

CON +1, INT +1, WIT +1, MEN -1

Casting Spd. +15%, M. Atk. +8.47%, Speed +7, Healing Efficiency +10%, MP Recovery Rate +5.57%, Magic Cancel Rate -30%, Consumption MP for Magic skills -7%, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Dark Resistance +10, Shock Resistance +50%, Disarm Resistance +30%, Defence in PvP +5%.

Vorpal Sets

A new way to get Vorpal armor is available on the Masterwork servers.

At the “High Five” stage on the seasonal server and on the “Eternal” server, special items drop out in the Antharas’s Lair and Seed of Annihilation locations and are exchanged with NPC Undead Theodric Antharas Watchman and Human Nemo exchanged with NPCs for boxes containing a random unidentified item of Vorpal equipment. Items are allowed for exchange and trade.

For more information on enchanting Vorpal armor, see the article Vorpal Armor. Assembly and improvement..

Bonuses rare parts of the Vorpal, see the article Masterwork Item Bonuses.

Heavy Armor

Vorpal Breastplate – Set S84

CON +2, STR -2

Max HP +750, P. Atk. +5.57%, P. Def. +8.47%, M. Def. +8.47%, Accuracy +4, Speed +7, Magic Damage Resistance +2, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Dark Resistance +10, Paralyze/ Turn Stone Resistance +50%, Bleed/ Hold/ Sleep Resistance +70%.

Vorpal Breastplate Attack – Set S84

CON +2, STR -1

Max HP +750, P. Atk. +5.57%, P. Def. +8.47%, M. Def. +8.47%, P. Crit. Rate +38, Accuracy +4, Speed +7, Magic Damage Resistance +2, Re-use time for Physical/ Rhythm skills -7%, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Dark Resistance +20, Attack of Bleed/ Poison +20%, Attack of Mental +12%, Paralyze/ Turn Stone Resistance +50%, Bleed/ Hold/ Sleep Resistance +70%.

Vorpal Breastplate Defense – Set S84

CON +3, DEX +1, STR -2

Max HP +750, P. Atk. +5.57%, P. Def. +8.47%, M. Def. +8.47%, Accuracy +4, Speed +7, Healing Efficiency +7%, Shield Defense Power +25%, P. Crit. Damage Resist -10%, M. Crit. Damage Resist -10%, Magic Damage Resistance +3, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Dark Resistance +20, Paralyze/ Turn Stone Resistance +50%, Bleed/ Hold/ Sleep Resistance +70%, Defence in PvP +5%.

Leather Armor

Vorpal Leather Breastplate – Set S84

STR +1, DEX +2, CON -3

Max MP +500, Atk. Spd. +5%, P. Atk. +5.57%, P. Def. +5.57%, P. Crit. Damage +6.5%, Speed +7, Magic Cancel Rate -50%, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Dark Resistance +10, Shock Resistance +50%.

Vorpal Leather Breastplate Attack – Set S84

STR +2, DEX +2, CON -3

Max MP +500, Atk. Spd. +5%, P. Atk. +5.57%, P. Skill Power +7%, P. Def. +5.57%, P. Crit. Damage +6.5%, Accuracy +4, Speed +7, Magic Cancel Rate -50%, Re-use time for Physical/ Magic/ Rhythm skills -7%, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Dark Resistance +20, Shock Resistance +50%.

Vorpal Leather Breastplate Defense – Set S84

STR +1, DEX +3, MEN +1, CON -3

Max MP +500, Atk. Spd. +5%, P. Atk. +5.57%, P. Def. +5.57%, P. Crit. Damage +6.5%, Evasion +4, Speed +7, Avoid Rate for Physical/ Magic skills +5%, Magic Cancel Rate -50%, Consumption MP for Physical/ Magic/ Rhythm skills -10%, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Dark Resistance +20, Shock Resistance +50%, Defence in PvP +5%.

Robe Armor

Vorpal Tunic – Set S84

WIT +2, INT -1, MEN -1

Max MP +350, Casting Spd. +15%, M. Atk. +8.7%, Speed +7, MP Recovery Rate +15%, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Dark Resistance +10, Mental Resistance +30%, Shock Resistance +50%.

Vorpal Tunic Attack – Set S84

WIT +2, MEN -1

Max MP +350, Casting Spd. +15%, M. Atk. +8.7%, M. Crit. Damage +15%, Speed +7, MP Recovery Rate +15%, Re-use time for Magic skills -7%, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Dark Resistance +20, Mental Resistance +30%, Shock Resistance +50%.

Vorpal Tunic Defense – Set S84

CON +1, WIT +2, INT -1

Max MP +350, Casting Spd. +15%, M. Atk. +8.7%, Speed +7, Healing Efficiency +10%, MP Recovery Rate +15%, Consumption MP for Magic skills -10%, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Dark Resistance +20, Mana Burn Resistance +12%, Shock Resistance +50%, Mental Resistance +30%, Defence in PvP +5%.

Elegia Sets

Elegia Breastplate – Set S84

STR +3, CON -2

Max HP +550, P. Atk. +6.59%, P. Crit. Rate +127, Magic Damage Resistance +2, Vampiric Rage effect +3%, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth Resistance +5, Bleed/ Hold/ Sleep Resistance +50%.

Elegia Leather Breastplate – Set S84

STR +1, DEX +2, CON -2

Atk. Spd. +6%, P. Atk. +6.59%, P. Crit. Rate +170, Speed +3%, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth Resistance +5, Paralyze Resistance +50%.

Elegia Tunic – Set S84

INT +1, WIT +2, MEN -2

Max MP +97, Casting Spd. +15%, M. Atk. +10%, Speed +7, MP Recovery Rate +5%, Consumption MP for Magic skills -3%, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth Resistance +5, Shock Resistance +50%.

S-Grade setsImperial Crusader SetDraconic Leather SetMajor Arcana SetDynasty SetsHeavy ArmorLeather ArmorRobe ArmorMoirai SetsHeavy ArmorLeather ArmorRobe ArmorVesper SetsHeavy ArmorLeather ArmorRobe ArmorVorpal SetsHeavy ArmorLeather ArmorRobe ArmorElegia Sets


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