Quest Path of the Elven Scout

Basic information

Path of the Elven Scout — quest for the first profession scout. Opens access to professions Plainswalker and Silver Ranger

The quest is available to players over 18th level, one-time quest.

Start NPC Master Reisa
Needed for profession Elven Scout
Level 18 ~ 85
Type One-time
EXP x 320 534
SP x 19 932
Adena x 163 800
1. Start NPC Reisa is in the Warrior Guild in the City of Gludio. Take her quest Path of the Elven Scout, get Reisa's Letter
2. Look for the Guardian on the east exit of town Moretti, that will send you to the Abandoned Camp.
Ol Mahum Patrol
3. Teleport to the Abandoned Camp, without going inside we run towards the fort where we seek Ol Mahum Patrol lvl. 21, kill untill you'll get 4 Prias's Torn Letter
5. We fly through the Elvel Village to the Neutral Zone, after run north through the stream and seek Prias
Ol Mahum Sentry
6. After the dialogue with Prias appears Ol Mahum Sentry lvl. 17, which can be called again if necessary. Kill gnoll, get Rusted Key
7. After receiving the key talk with Prias
8. Return to Gludio to the Guard Moretti, get Honorary Guard
9. Bring Honorary Guard to the Warrior Guild for Master Reisa and get Reisa's Recommendation

10. Find in the Warrior Guild NPC Rains. We talk to him and we get our first profession Elven Scout.

Completed quest opens access to professions: Plainswalker and Silver Ranger