Quest Path of the Orc Raider

Basic information

Path of the Orc Raider — quest for the first profession of Raider. Opens access to profession Destroyer

The quest is available to players over 18th level, one-time quest.

Start NPC Orc Karukia Prefect
Needed for profession Orc Raider
Level 18 ~ 85
Type One-time
EXP x 160 267
SP x 10 656
Adena x 163 800
1. Start NPC Karukia is located in the Orc Village near in the main building. Take her quest Path of the Orc Raider.
Goblin Tomb Raider Leader
2. Teleport to the Immortal Plateau - Nord and hunt Goblin Tomb Raider Leader Ур. 12 , from which quest monsters will appear Kuruka Ratman Leader lvl. 18
4. Return to (Karukia and choose the option of passing through Gludin.
5. Fly to Gludin village, in Orc Guild go to Kasman and talk to him.
Umbar Orc
6. Through the Dark Elf Village fly to the Spider Nest, where hunt quest monsters

Umbar Orc lvl. 20

Kill them until you'll get 2 Head of Betrayer
7. Return to Gludin to Kasman , and get Mark of Raider

8. Find in the Orc Guild the NPC Osborn. We talk to him and get the first profession Orc Raider.

Completed quest opens access to profession: Destroyer