Quest Path of the Orc Monk

Basic information

Path of the Orc Monk — quest for the first profession of Monk. Opens access to profession Tyrant

The quest is available to players over 18th level, one-time quest.

Start NPC Orc Gantaki Zu Urutu
Needed for profession Orc Monk
Level 18 ~ 85
Type One-time
Exp Exp NG x 320 534
SP SP NG x 25 292
Adena Adena NG x 163 800

Pay attention!
All monsters in the quest must be killed with fists weapon, otherwise you will not receive quest items.

Gantaki Zu Urutu

1. Start NPC Orc Gantaki Zu Urutu is located in the Orc Village near the Armor Shop. Take his quest Path of the Orc Monk, get Pomegranate Pomegranate NG


2. Teleport to the Frozen Waterfalls, on the lake look for the Orc Rosheek Khavatari . Talk to him and get the quest to kill bears and 1st Leather Pouch 1st Leather Pouch NG

Kasha Bear

3. Near kill Animal Kasha Bear Lv. 15 untill you'll get 5 Kasha Bear Claw Kasha Bear Claw NG , that will change into 1st Leather Pouch (Full) 1st Leather Pouch (Full) NG


4. Talk to Orc Rosheek Khavatari and get the quest for killing spiders and 2nd Leather Pouch 2nd Leather Pouch NG

Kasha Blade Spider

5. Kill Bug Kasha Blade Spider Lv. 17 , kill untill you'll get 5 Kasha Blade Spider Talon Kasha Blade Spider Talon NG , that will change into 2nd Leather Pouch (Full) 2nd Leather Pouch (Full) NG


6. Talk to Orc Rosheek Khavatari and get next quest and 3rd Leather Pouch 3rd Leather Pouch NG

Scarlet Salamander

7. Teleport to the Cave of Trial, run to the second room and kill Elemental Scarlet Salamander Lv. 17 , untill you'll get 5 Scarlet Salamander Scale Scarlet Salamander Scale NG , that will change into 3rd Leather Pouch (Full) 3rd Leather Pouch (Full) NG


8. Return to Orc Rosheek Khavatari , talk, after what teleport to the village.

Gantaki Zu Urutu

9. In the Orc Village talk to Orc Gantaki Zu Urutu and get Construct Super Mew the Cat Z


10. Go to Gludin, find in the Orc Guild Orc Kasman Prefect , get Fig Fig NG


11. Go to the Fellmere Harvesting Grounds and find there Orc Toruku Khavatari . Talk and give Fig Fig NG

Ratman Warrior

12. Teleport to Gludio, go out from the west gate and run to the south-west, find and kill Humanoid Ratman Warrior Lv. 19 untill you'll get 3 {{npc=1610;server_id=1}}

Langk Lizardman Warrior

13. From Gludin teleport to Langk Lizardmen Dwellings, where we kill Humanoid Langk Lizardman Warrior Lv. 17 untill you'll get 3 Langk Lizardman Tooth Langk Lizardman Tooth NG

Vuku Orc Fighter

14. Teleport to Gludio, go out from the west gate and run to the south-east to the Windmill Hill, find and kill Humanoid Vuku Orc Fighter Lv. 17 , untill you'll get 3 Vuku Orc Tusk Vuku Orc Tusk NG

Felim Lizardman Warrior

15. Return to the Fellmere Harvesting Grounds, run to the Orc Toruku Khavatari On our way kill Humanoid Felim Lizardman Warrior Lv. 17 untill you'll get 3 Felim Lizardman Tooth Felim Lizardman Tooth NG


17. Teleport to Gludin, in Orc Guild find Orc Kasman Prefect , get Khavatari Totem Khavatari Totem NG


18. In Orc Guild talk to Orc Osborn High Prefect . We talk to him and get the first profession Orc Monk.

Completed quest opens access to profession Tyrant