Quest Path of the Orc Shaman

Basic information

Path of the Orc Shaman — quest for the first profession of Shaman. Opens access to professions Warcryer and Overlord

The quest is available to players over 18th level, one-time quest.

Start NPC Tataru Zu Hestui
Needed for profession Orc Shaman
Level 18 ~ 85
Type One-time
EXP x 320 534
SP x 22 992
Adena x 163 800
Tataru Zu Hestui
1. Start NPC Tataru Zu Hestui located in Orc village on the right of the entrance to the main building, take a quest from him Path of the Orc Shaman.
Kasha Bear
Kasha Blade Spider
2. Teleport to the Frozen Waterfall, come down and kill the monsters

Kasha Bear lvl. 15
Kasha Blade Spider lvl. 17

untill we'll get Kasha Bear Pelt and Kasha Blade Spider Husk
Scarlet Salamander
3. Then go to the Cave of Trial, run right into second room and kill Scarlet Salamander lvl. 17 , untill we'll get 1st Fiery Egg
Tataru Zu Hestui
4. Return to Tataru Zu Hestui , talk and give all items.
Hestui Totem Spirit
5. We exit the village through the south gate and run right into the ruins where we are looking Hestui Totem Spirit , talk to the spirit.
Tataru Zu Hestui
6. Return to Tataru Zu Hestui, in conversation choose the option of passing through Gludin.
7. We teleport to the village of Gludio, run to the Orc Guild and talk to the Seer Umos.
Grizzly Bear
8. Not far from the Orc Barracks search Grizzly Bear lvl. 17, kill to get 3 Grizzly Blood
9. Return to the Guild to the Seer Umos, talk to him.
Duda-Mara Totem Spirit
10. We run out of city through the north gate, passing the Gludin Arena , we find Duda-Mara Totem Spirit, talk to him.
Venomous Spider
11. In the location Windmill Hill we hunt Venomous Spider lvl. 18
Durka Spirit
12. After getting 5-7 Durka Parasite , will appear quest monster Durka Spirit lvl. 18. Kill the spirit and get Bound Durka Spirit
14. Return to Orc Guild to Umos, give hem Totem Spirit Blood and get Mask of Medium

15. Find in the Orc Guild NPC Osborn. We talk to him and get the first profession Orc Shaman.

Completed quest opens access to professions: Warcryer and Overlord


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