Quest Path of the Human Knight

Basic information

Path of the Human Knight — quest for the first profession of the human-knight. Opens access to professions Paladin and Dark Avenger

The quest is available to players over 18th level, one-time quest.

Start NPC Bezique
Needed for profession Human Knight
Level 18 ~ 85
Type One-time
EXP x 320 534
SP x 23 152
Adena x 163 800
Sir Klaus Vasper
1. Start NPC Sir Klaus Vasper is located in the village Gludin next to the Warrior Guild. Take from him quest Path of the Human Knight. He'll ask to bring 3 Coin of Lords
Bezique Captain
2. At the west gate we find Bezique Captain. The guardian asks to bring 20 Venomous Spider's Leg
Levian High Priestess
3. In the Temple of the village Gludin speak with Levian High Priestess. She'll ask to bring 20 Lizardman's Totem
Langk Lizardman
Arachnid Tracker
4. Leaving Gludin through the south gate, looking for monsters Langk Lizardman lvl. 15 и Arachnid Tracker lvl. 19. Kill monsters until we get the right amount of quest items.
Bathis Captain
6. Teleport to Gludio, find at the north gate Bathis Captain. He'll asks to bring 10 Bugbear Necklace
Bugbear Raider
7. Exit through the east gate and find the north-east of Gludio monsters Bugbear Raider lvl. 17, kill them untill you get all needed items.
Sir Klaus Vasper
9. Obtain 3 Coin of Lords return to Sir Klaus Vasper. Talk to the master to complete the quest and get Sword of Ritual
Ramos Grand Master

10. Find in the Warrior Guild NPC Ramos Grand Master. We talk to him and we get our first profession Human Knight.

Completed quest opens access to professions: Paladin и Dark Avenger