Quest Path of the Assassin

Basic information

Path of the Assassin — quest for the first profession of Assassin. Opens access to profession Phantom Ranger and Abyss Walker

The quest is available to players over 18th level, one-time quest.

Start NPC Triskel
Needed for profession Assassin
Level 18 ~ 85
Type One-time
EXP x 320 534
SP x 35 830
Adena x 163 800

1. Start NPC Triskel is located in the Gludio at the entrance to the Dark Elf Guild. We take the quest Path of the Assassin from him.
2. We go to the Dark Elf Village, from there to the Spider Nest and run to Ceremonial Altar. We find the Witch Arkenia there, she will send you to the Gludin.
3. In Gludin at the northern gate we are looking for Leikan. We talk to him, agree to help and get Leikan's Note
Moonstone Beast
4. Teleport to the Neutral Zone, find Moonstone Beast Lv. 17 and kill them until we get 10 Moonstone Beast's Molar
5. Back to Leikan, we give Moonstone Beast's Molar .
6. We go to the Dark Elf Village, from there to the Swampland, where we are looking for quest monsters Calpico Lv. 13 , carefully kill them and get Shilen's Tears
7. Teleport or run to the Spider Nest to Аркения Arkenia. We give her quest items and get Arkenia's Letter
8. Back to Triskel in the Gludio, give the letter and get Iron Heart
Tobias Grand Master

9. Find the Grand Master NPC Tobias in the Dark Elf Guild. We talk with him and get the first profession Assassin.

Completed quest opens access to professions: Phantom Ranger and Abyss Walker