Class-based Transformations


Transformations are a series of skills that replace the character's active skills and change your archetype and role in the group. Some transformations shift the character's appearance.

Class-based transformations are available only to certain classes.

Tanks shielding the group can evolve into tough Warriors, while Healers assisting allies can transform into Battle Mages. These long-lasting transformations are common for solo levelling.

The Kamael and Dwarf classes can temporarily boost their combat abilities and alter their appearance. These short-duration transformations are primarily used in PvP battles. On MasterWork, the level of study for Kamael and Dwarf transformations has been adjusted.

Summoner transformations are described in detail in the article Summoners Transformations

Pay attention!

All active character skills are replaced with transformation skills!

You can't use improved (enchanted) active skills in transformation.

Tank Transformations

After reaching level 40 and acquiring a second profession, tank classes can transform into Vanguard.

Tank classes:

Transformation level 1

  • Level to study: 40
  • Duration: 6 hours
  • Cooldown: 30 seconds

The rules for all tank transformations:

  • The character's basic stats remain unchanged
  • All active skills are replaced with transformation skills
  • Each class has analogues of its unique skills
  • Passive skills are enhanced with an additional skill based on the tank type: Holy or Dark
  • Summoned pets/servants do not disappear

Holy Vanguard

Transforms your character into a Holy Warrior, capable of wielding a two-handed sword.

Vanguard Vanguard Lv. 1 — For Paladin.

Vanguard Vanguard Lv. 1 — For Temple Knight.


Common Skills
Lv. 40 Two-handed Weapon Mastery Two-handed Weapon Mastery Lv. 7 Increases P. Atk. by 32.9 and Accuracy by 3 when using a two-handed sword or a two-handed blunt weapon.
Lv. 40 Aura of Hate Aura of Hate Lv. 6 Uses 4895 Power to provoke nearby enemies to attack.
Lv. 40 Aggression Aggression Lv. 18 Provokes the target to attack with 7343 Power.
Lv. 40 Full Swing Full Swing Lv. 1 Holy Skill: Widely swings a two-handed weapon to attack nearby enemies with 893 Power added to P. Atk.
Ignores Shield Defence.
Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible.
Lv. 40 Cleave Cleave Lv. 1 Holy Skill that inflicts a powerful blow on an enemy with 992 Power added to P. Atk.
Ignores Shield Defence. Over-hit. Critical.
Lv. 40 Boost Morale Boost Morale Lv. 1 When using a sword/blunt weapon/dualsword, Accuracy +4, Critical Rate by 50, and Critical Damage by 10%.
Lv. 40 Divine Blade Divine Blade Lv. 1 Holy Atk. Attribute +10.
Lv. 40 Divine Armor Divine Armor Lv. 1 Resistance to Dark Attribute +7.
Lv. 43 Provoke Aura Provoke Aura Lv. 1 Attracts nearby monsters' attention to you.
Lv. 49 Royal Sacrifice Royal Sacrifice Lv. 1 You increases P. Def. by 30% and M. Def. by 30% of your target (party member) while transferring 90% of incoming damage on yourself.
Lv. 49 Guillotine Attack Guillotine Attack Lv. 1 Holy Skill that attacks the target with 2057 Power added to P. Atk.
Ignores Shield Defence.
Over-hit is possible.
Lv. 52 Combat Aura Combat Aura Lv. 1 You use Combat Aura and sharing to your party Combat Aura Effect level 1.

Healing Power/ P. Atk./ Atk. Spd./ M. Atk./ Cast. Spd. +3%.
Lv. 55 Tribunal Tribunal Lv. 1 Inflicts holy damage on an enemy with 924 Power added to P. Atk. and greatly provokes an enemy., decreases Critical Rate by 30% and resistance to every type of close range weapon by 12%.
Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible.
Lv. 58 Shield of Faith Shield of Faith Lv. 1 Increases party members' P. Def. by 900 and M. Def. by 600, and absorbs 30% of any damage received by a party member.
Temple Knight
Lv. 40 Summon Storm Cubic Summon Storm Cubic Lv. 1 Summons a storm cubic that inflicts damage on an enemy with magic.
Lv. 40 Summon Life Cubic Summon Life Cubic Lv. 1 Summons a Life Cubic. The Life Cubic uses magic to regenerate HP to its owner and party members.
Lv. 62 Summon Attractive Cubic Summon Attractive Cubic Lv. 1 Summons Attractive Cubic. Attractive Cubic can continuously use hate and hold magic on an enemy.

Dark Vanguard

Transforms your character into a Dark Warrior, capable of wielding dual-swords or dual-axes.

Vanguard Vanguard Lv. 1 — For Dark Avenger.

Vanguard Vanguard Lv. 1 — For Shillien Knight.


Common Skills
Lv. 40 Dual Weapon Mastery Dual Weapon Mastery Lv. 6 Increases P. Atk. by 32.9 when using a dualsword/dualblunt.
Lv. 40 Aura of Hate Aura of Hate Lv. 6 Uses 4895 Power to provoke nearby enemies to attack.
Lv. 40 Aggression Aggression Lv. 18 Provokes the target to attack with 7343 Power.
Lv. 40 Blade Hurricane Blade Hurricane Lv. 1 Dark Skill that attacks nearby enemies with 893 Power added to P. Atk.
Ignores Shield Defence.
Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible.
Lv. 40 Double Strike Double Strike Lv. 1 Dark Skill that uses two swords to inflict a powerful blow on an enemy with 992 Power added to P. Atk.
Ignores Shield Defence.
Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible.
Lv. 40 Boost Morale Boost Morale Lv. 1 When using a sword/blunt weapon/dualsword, Accuracy +4, Critical Rate by 50, and Critical Damage by 10%.
Lv. 40 Dark Armor Dark Armor Lv. 1 Resistance to Dark +7.
Lv. 43 Dark Blade Dark Blade Lv. 1 Dark Atk. Attribute +10.
Lv. 43 Provoke Aura Provoke Aura Lv. 1 Attracts nearby monsters' attention to you.
Lv. 49 Royal Sacrifice Royal Sacrifice Lv. 1 You increases P. Def. by 30% and M. Def. by 30% of your target (party member) while transferring 90% of incoming damage on yourself.
Lv. 49 Triple Blade Slash Triple Blade Slash Lv. 1 Dark Skill that attacks an enemy with 2057 Power added to P. Atk. Over-hit.
Ignores Shield Defence.
Lv. 52 Combat Aura Combat Aura Lv. 1 You use Combat Aura and sharing to your party Combat Aura Effect level 1.

Healing Power/ P. Atk./ Atk. Spd./ M. Atk./ Cast. Spd. +3%.
Lv. 55 Judgment Judgment Lv. 1 Inflicts dark damage on an enemy with 1056 Power added to P. Atk. and greatly provokes an enemy., decreases Critical Damage by 25% and resistance to every type of close range weapon by 12%.
Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible.
Lv. 58 Shield of Faith Shield of Faith Lv. 1 Increases party members' P. Def. by 900 and M. Def. by 600, and absorbs 30% of any damage received by a party member.
Dark Avenger
Lv. 40 Summon Dark Panther Summon Dark Panther Lv. 1 Summons a Dark Panther capable of agile attacks.
Lv. 40 Reflect Damage Reflect Damage Lv. 1 Returns 10% of received standard short-range damage back to an enemy.
Shillien Knight
Lv. 40 Summon Vampiric Cubic Summon Vampiric Cubic Lv. 1 Summons a Vampiric Cubic. A Vampiric Cubic uses magic that absorbs the target's HP and with it regenerates its master's HP.
Lv. 40 Summon Phantom Cubic Summon Phantom Cubic Lv. 1 Summons Phantom Cubic. A Phantom Cubic uses magic that Target's P. Atk., P. Def., and Atk. Spd.
Lv. 40 Life Leech Life Leech Lv. 2 Inflicts non-Attribute damage on an enemy with 29 Power added to M. Atk. Absorbs 80% of the damage as HP.
Lv. 49 Summon Viper Cubic Summon Viper Cubic Lv. 1 Summons a Viper Cubic. The Viper Cubic uses magic that Gloom and Poison a targeted enemy.
Lv. 58 Lightning Strike Lightning Strike Lv. 1 Strikes an enemy with a lightning bolt that inflicts non-Attribute damage with 82 Power added to M. Atk., and decreases Speed by 50%, Atk. Spd. by 50%, Cast Spd. by 50%. When the effect ends, you are completely paralyzed for 10 seconds.

Healer Transformations

After reaching level 40 and acquiring a second profession, healer classes can transform into Inquisitor.

Healer classes:

Transformation level 1

  • Level to study: 40
  • Duration: 6 hours
  • Cooldown: 30 seconds

The rules for all healer and support transformations:

  • The character's basic stats remain unchanged
  • All active skills are replaced with transformation skills
  • Each class has analogues of its unique skills
  • Summoned pets do not disappear


Transforms your character into a holy-elemental battle mage.

Inquisitor Inquisitor Lv. 1 — For Bishop.

Inquisitor Inquisitor Lv. 1 — For Elven Elder.

Inquisitor Inquisitor Lv. 1 — For Shillien Elder.

Inquisitor Inquisitor Lv. 1 — For Prophet.


Common Skills
Lv. 40 Divine Punishment Divine Punishment Lv. 1 Calls down the gods' retribution to inflict holy damage on an enemy using 51 Power added to M. Atk.
Lv. 40 Divine Flash Divine Flash Lv. 1 Detonates sacred energy to inflict holy damage on nearby enemies with 29 Power added to M. Atk.
Lv. 40 Holy Weapon Holy Weapon Lv. 1 Increases the target's Holy Atk. Attribute by 20. Can be used on party members.
Lv. 40 Surrender to Holy Surrender to Holy Lv. 1 Enemy's Resistance to Holy -30.
Cancels Resist Holy effect from the target.
Lv. 40 Divine Curse Divine Curse Lv. 1 Casts the wrathful curse of the gods to decrease the effect of recovery magic by 50%. Decreases 9 HP every second.
Lv. 56 Turn Undead Turn Undead Lv. 1 Strikes fear into undead, causing them to flee and decreases Speed by 50%. Lethal Strike is possible.
Lv. 56 Invocation Invocation Lv. 1 Decreases P. Def. by 90% and recovers 27 MP every second.
The status is canceled when damage is incurred.
Lv. 48 Hold Undead Hold Undead Lv. 1 Paralyzes an undead monster.
Lv. 64 Celestial Shield Celestial Shield Lv. 1 Protects the target with sacred power, making it invincible.
Elven Elder
Lv. 62 Wild Magic Wild Magic Lv. 1 Increases by 1 the damage rate of magic.
Shillien Elder
Lv. 40 Empower Empower Lv. 1 Increases M. Atk. by 55%.
Lv. 62 Wild Magic Wild Magic Lv. 1 Increases by 1 the damage rate of magic.
Lv. 40 Mass Might Mass Might Lv. 3 All party members:
Increases P. Atk. by 15%.
Lv. 40 Mass Wind Walk Mass Wind Walk Lv. 2 All party members:
Increases Speed by 33.
Lv. 45 Mass Shield Mass Shield Lv. 3 All party members:
Increases P. Def. by 15%.
Lv. 48 Mass Acumen Mass Acumen Lv. 3 All party members:
Increases Cast. Spd. by 30%.
Lv. 48 Hold Undead Hold Undead Lv. 1 Paralyzes an undead monster.
Lv. 52 Mass Magic Barrier Mass Magic Barrier Lv. 2 All party members:
Increases M. Def. by 30%.
Lv. 52 Mass Berserker Spirit Mass Berserker Spirit Lv. 2 All party members:

P. Atk. +8%
M. Atk. +16%
Atk. Spd. +8%
Cast. Spd. +8%
Speed +8.

P. Def. -8%
M. Def. -16%
Evasion -4.
Lv. 52 Mass Focus Mass Focus Lv. 3 All party members:
Increases Critical Rate by 30%.
Lv. 52 Mass Haste Mass Haste Lv. 2 All party members:
Increases Atk. Spd. by 33%.
Lv. 56 Mass Mental Shield Mass Mental Shield Lv. 4 All party members:
Increases resistance to Hold by 50, Sleep and Mental attaks by 60.
Lv. 56 Mass Guidance Mass Guidance Lv. 3 All party members:
Increases Accuracy by 4.
Lv. 56 Mass Death Whisper Mass Death Whisper Lv. 3 All party members:
Increases Critical Damage by 35%.
Lv. 68 Mass Concentration Mass Concentration Lv. 6 All party members:
Decreases magic cancel damage by 53.
Lv. 70 Mass Bless the Soul Mass Bless the Soul Lv. 6 All party members:
Increases Max MP by 35%.
Lv. 72 Mass Bless the Body Mass Bless the Body Lv. 6 All party members:
Increases Max HP by 35%.
Lv. 74 Mass Greater Might Mass Greater Might Lv. 3 All party members:
Increases P. Atk. by 10%.
Lv. 74 Mass Greater Shield Mass Greater Shield Lv. 3 All party members:
Increases P. Def. by 15%.

Kamael Transformations

In the basic game, Final Form transformation is available at Lv. 79, on MasterWork it is available at Lv. 70

Available to:

Transformation level 1

  • Level to study: 70
  • Duration: 5 minutes
  • Cooldown: 1 hour
Final Form Male l2

The rules for Kamael transformations:

  • The character's basic stats remain unchanged
  • All active skills are replaced with transformation skills
  • The attack type changes to melee, regardless of the equipped weapon
  • Summoned pets do not disappear
  • Final Flying Form Final Flying Form Lv. 1 — Not available on MasterWork

Final Form

Final Form Final Form Lv. 1 — Transforms into the ultimate combat form. Consumes 20 souls.


Active skills
Lv. 70 Nail Attack Nail Attack Lv. 1 A demonic clawed combo attack. Power 7583.
Lv. 70 Wing Assault Wing Assault Lv. 1 Charges with outspread wings. Strikes around the attacking target. Power 5067.
Lv. 70 Death Beam Death Beam Lv. 1 Attacks enemies in front of you. Power 198.
Lv. 70 Soul Sucking Soul Sucking Lv. 1 Absorbs your enemy's soul over time.
Passive skills
Lv. 70 Decrease Bow/Crossbow Atk. Spd. Decrease Bow/Crossbow Atk. Spd. Lv. 1 Decreases Atk. Spd. when equipped with bow/crossbow while transformed.

Dwarf Transformations

In a basic game, the Golem Armor transformation is available at level 83. On MasterWork, the transformation is divided into 2 levels and is available at levels 79 and 83.

Available to:

Transformation level 1/ level 2

  • Level to study: 79/ 83
  • Duration: 10/ 15 minutes
  • Cooldown: 30/ 25 minutes
Golem Armor l2

The rules for dwarf transformations:

  • The character's basic stats remain unchanged
  • All active skills are replaced with transformation skills
  • Analogues of several class-unique skills are available
  • The attack type changes to melee, regardless of the equipped weapon
  • Summoned servants/ pets do not disappear

Golem Armor

Golem Armor Golem Armor Lv. 1 — Transforms the character into a combat Golem.


Active skills
Lv. 79 Magic Obstacle Magic Obstacle Lv. 1 Blows away Enhanced Abnormal Conditions of the enemies around the golem.
Lv. 79 Over-hit Over-hit Lv. 1 Increases the golem's power more by filling him up with special fuel.
Lv. 79 Golem Punch Golem Punch Lv. 1 Throws a powerful punch with 11205 Power that both stuns and inflicts damage to an enemy.
Over-hit is possible.

While the effect is active, Resistance to Stun is significantly increased.
Lv. 79 Golem Tornado Swing Golem Tornado Swing Lv. 1 Spinning attack strikes enemy with 4859 Power.
Over-hit is possible.
Lv. 79 Mechanist Spirit Mechanist Spirit Lv. 1 Increases Atk. Spd. by 10% when using Blunt/Dualblunt weapons.

When using the skills 'Fatal Strike', 'Hammer Crush', 'Armor Crush' or 'Crushing Strike' there is a 15% chance to trigger an effect that increases P. Skill Power by 25% for 5 seconds.
Lv. 79 Sticky Bomb Sticky Bomb Lv. 1 Attaches a Sticky Bomb to enemy. Decreases Speed by 15%.
Detonation with 2430 Power added to P. Atk. will occur in 5 seconds.
Over-hit and Critical hit are possible.
Lv. 79 Hardened Weapons Hardened Weapons Lv. 1 You use Hardened Weapons and sharing to your party "Hardened Weapons Effect"

For Blunt Weapon:
Increase P. Atk. by 5% and its weight for Shock Attacks by 8%.

For Bladed Weapon (Swords, Rapiers, Knives, Polearms, Fists):
Increase P. Atk. by 5% and Crit. Rate by 20%.

For Bow or Crossbow:
Increase P. Atk. by 5% and range by 100.
Lv. 79 Hardened Armor Hardened Armor Lv. 1 You use Hardened Armor and sharing to your party "Hardened Armor Effect"
For Heavy Armor:
Increase P. Def. by 10%.
For Light Armor:
Increase P. Def. by 5% and Evasion by 2.
For Robe Armor:
Increase P. Def. by 5% and MP Recovery Bonus by 2.
Passive skills
Lv. 79 Decrease Bow/Crossbow Atk. Spd. Decrease Bow/Crossbow Atk. Spd. Lv. 1 Decreases Atk. Spd. when equipped with bow/crossbow while transformed.
BasicsTank TransformationsHoly VanguardDark VanguardHealer TransformationsInquisitorKamael TransformationsFinal FormDwarf TransformationsGolem Armor