New: Hatoum Settlement (66~74)

Basic info

Hatoum Settlement — new location created by Masterwork team. Settlement located at the north of Gludio and designed for 68-72 lvl party.

If you want to reach new location ask Gludio gatekeeper or use club teleport.

Hatoum Settlement map

Monsters here have high defence and attack abilities, Some of them are using high variety of debuffs on nearby players and buffs on surrounding monsters.

Gathering A-Grade

At the Hatoum Settlement you can complete a "passive" quest, that will reward you with the recipes of all A-grade armor and best A weapons. You don't have to pick any quest from NPC to obtain quest items.

For killing monsters you will get Coin of Hatoum Coin of Hatoum NG . Bring them to NPC Human Lorah , who is standing near the house next to the teleport spot. Coins can be traded to other players.

Lorah l2


Hatum Heroic Key Hatum Heroic Key NG
Hatoum Konungr's Chest Hatoum Konungr's Chest Top A weapon NG
Hatoum Draugr's Chest Hatoum Draugr's Chest Parts NG
Hatoum Jarl's Chest Hatoum Jarl's Chest Armor NG
Hatum Heroic Key Hatum Heroic Key NG


Adena Adena NG (x45,000)
Coin of Hatoum Coin of Hatoum NG (x50)
Chest Contents
Hatoum Konungr's Chest Hatoum Konungr's Chest Top A weapon NG Recipe: Sirra's Blade (60%) Recipe: Sirra's Blade (60%) NG
Recipe: Sword of Ipos (60%) Recipe: Sword of Ipos (60%) NG
Recipe: Barakiel's Axe (60%) Recipe: Barakiel's Axe (60%) NG
Recipe: Behemoth's Tuning Fork (60%) Recipe: Behemoth's Tuning Fork (60%) NG
Recipe: Naga Storm (60%) Recipe: Naga Storm (60%) NG
Recipe: Tiphon's Spear (60%) Recipe: Tiphon's Spear (60%) NG
Recipe: Shyeed's Bow (60%) Recipe: Shyeed's Bow (60%) NG
Recipe: Sobekk's Hurricane (60%) Recipe: Sobekk's Hurricane (60%) NG
Recipe: Themis' Tongue (60%) Recipe: Themis' Tongue (60%) NG
Recipe: Cabrio's Hand (60%) Recipe: Cabrio's Hand (60%) NG
Recipe: Daimon Crystal (60%) Recipe: Daimon Crystal (60%) NG
Hatoum Draugr's Chest Hatoum Draugr's Chest Parts NG Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet(60%) Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet(60%) NG
Recipe: Sealed Tallum Helmet(60%) Recipe: Sealed Tallum Helmet(60%) NG
Recipe: Sealed Helm of Nightmare(60%) Recipe: Sealed Helm of Nightmare(60%) NG
Recipe: Sealed Majestic Circlet (60%) Recipe: Sealed Majestic Circlet (60%) NG
Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves(60%) Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves(60%) NG
Recipe: Sealed Tallum Gloves(60%) Recipe: Sealed Tallum Gloves(60%) NG
Recipe: Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare(60%) Recipe: Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare(60%) NG
Recipe: Sealed Majestic Gauntlets(60%) Recipe: Sealed Majestic Gauntlets(60%) NG
Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Boots(60%) Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Boots(60%) NG
Recipe: Sealed Tallum Boots(60%) Recipe: Sealed Tallum Boots(60%) NG
Recipe: Sealed Boots of Nightmare(60%) Recipe: Sealed Boots of Nightmare(60%) NG
Recipe: Sealed Majestic Boots(60%) Recipe: Sealed Majestic Boots(60%) NG
Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Shield(60%) Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Shield(60%) NG
Recipe: Sealed Shield of Nightmare(60%) Recipe: Sealed Shield of Nightmare(60%) NG
Hatoum Jarl's Chest Hatoum Jarl's Chest Armor NG Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Breastplate(60%) Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Breastplate(60%) NG
Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Gaiters(60%) Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Gaiters(60%) NG
Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor(60%) Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor(60%) NG
Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings(60%) Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings(60%) NG
Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Robe(60%) Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Robe(60%) NG
Recipe: Sealed Tallum Plate Armor(60%) Recipe: Sealed Tallum Plate Armor(60%) NG
Recipe: Sealed Tallum Leather Armor(60%) Recipe: Sealed Tallum Leather Armor(60%) NG
Recipe: Sealed Tallum Tunic(60%) Recipe: Sealed Tallum Tunic(60%) NG
Recipe: Sealed Tallum Stockings(60%) Recipe: Sealed Tallum Stockings(60%) NG
Recipe: Sealed Armor of Nightmare(60%) Recipe: Sealed Armor of Nightmare(60%) NG
Recipe: Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare(60%) Recipe: Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare(60%) NG
Recipe: Sealed Robe of Nightmare(60%) Recipe: Sealed Robe of Nightmare(60%) NG
Recipe: Sealed Majestic Plate Armor(60%) Recipe: Sealed Majestic Plate Armor(60%) NG
Recipe: Sealed Majestic Leather Armor(60%) Recipe: Sealed Majestic Leather Armor(60%) NG
Recipe: Sealed Majestic Robe(60%) Recipe: Sealed Majestic Robe(60%) NG

With a little chance monsters can drop Ancestral Bracelet Ancestral Bracelet NG , that provides access to Lorah's expanded store. Bracelet can be personally traded to other player, but can't be listed at private store.


Hatum Heroic Key Hatum Heroic Key NG
Hatoum Konungr's Chest Hatoum Konungr's Chest Top A weapon NG
Hatoum Draugr's Chest Hatoum Draugr's Chest Parts NG
Hatoum Jarl's Chest Hatoum Jarl's Chest Armor NG
Iron Ore Iron Ore NG
Varnish Varnish NG
Mithril Ore Mithril Ore NG
Cokes Cokes NG
Coarse Bone Powder Coarse Bone Powder NG
Oriharukon Ore Oriharukon Ore NG
Stone of Purity Stone of Purity NG
Mold Lubricant Mold Lubricant NG
Thons Thons NG
Asofe Asofe NG
Enria Enria NG
Mold Glue Mold Glue NG
Mold Hardener Mold Hardener NG
Hatum Heroic Key Hatum Heroic Key NG


Adena Adena NG (x45,000)
Coin of Hatoum Coin of Hatoum NG (x50)

Upgrading Soul Crystals

Raid boss and elite monsters dwell at the Hatoum Settlement. With a little chance you can upgrade your soul crystal (SA) by killing them.

Pay attention!

Elite monsters can upgrade SA only for a player who last hit them.

Boss has a personal chance for each player in a group, that finished him off.

Video overview



Undead Hatoum Gjallarhorn Lv. 68

HP 25 000 MP 1 830
P.Atk. 2 108 M.Atk. 1 860
P.Def. 674 M.Def. 488
EXP 62 498 SP 6 250
Attack Attribute Unholy, 30 Defence Attribute

Fire, 20

Water, 20

Wind, 20

Earth, 20

Holy, -10

Unholy, 53

Hatoum Gjallarhorn l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Undead Hatoum Drengir Lv. 69

HP 25 500 MP 1 830
P.Atk. 2 332 M.Atk. 1 474
P.Def. 694 M.Def. 578
EXP 65 635 SP 6 250
Attack Attribute Unholy, 30 Defence Attribute

Fire, 20

Water, 20

Wind, 20

Earth, 20

Holy, -10

Unholy, 53

Hatoum Drengir l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Undead Hatoum Hauld Lv. 69

HP 27 001 MP 1 830
P.Atk. 2 825 M.Atk. 1 474
P.Def. 717 M.Def. 420
EXP 67 497 SP 6 750
Attack Attribute Unholy, 30 Defence Attribute

Fire, 20

Water, 20

Wind, 20

Earth, 20

Holy, -10

Unholy, 53

Hatoum Hauld l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Undead Hatoum Grimm Lv. 69

HP 23 000 MP 1 830
P.Atk. 2 275 M.Atk. 1 474
P.Def. 654 M.Def. 459
EXP 57 499 SP 5 750
Attack Attribute Unholy, 30 Defence Attribute

Fire, 20

Water, 20

Wind, 20

Earth, 20

Holy, -10

Unholy, 53

Hatoum Grimm l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Undead Hatoum Noaidi Lv. 70

HP 27 001 MP 1 830
P.Atk. 3 053 M.Atk. 5 065
P.Def. 595 M.Def. 698
EXP 67 498 SP 6 775
Attack Attribute Unholy, 30 Defence Attribute

Fire, 20

Water, 20

Wind, 20

Earth, 20

Holy, -10

Unholy, 53

Hatoum Noaidi l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Undead Hatoum Foring Lv. 70

HP 32 000 MP 1 830
P.Atk. 3 219 M.Atk. 1 493
P.Def. 738 M.Def. 485
EXP 79 968 SP 8 000
Attack Attribute Unholy, 30 Defence Attribute

Fire, 20

Water, 20

Wind, 20

Earth, 20

Holy, -10

Unholy, 53

Hatoum Foring l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Undead Hatoum Draug Lv. 71

HP 29 999 MP 1 830
P.Atk. 2 534 M.Atk. 2 016
P.Def. 750 M.Def. 498
EXP 75 000 SP 7 500
Attack Attribute Unholy, 30 Defence Attribute

Fire, 20

Water, 20

Wind, 20

Earth, 20

Holy, -10

Unholy, 53

Hatoum Draug l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Elite monsters

Undead Hatoum Jarl Lv. 72

HP 150 000 MP 1 830
P.Atk. 4 543 M.Atk. 1 531
P.Def. 972 M.Def. 687
EXP 674 998 SP 67 500
Attack Attribute Unholy, 30 Defence Attribute

Fire, 20

Water, 20

Wind, 20

Earth, 20

Holy, -10

Unholy, 53

Hatoum Jarl l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills

Undead Hatoum Konungr Lv. 72

HP 325 950 MP 3 165
P.Atk. 10 898 M.Atk. 10 070
P.Def. 1 584 M.Def. 679
EXP 1 124 928 SP 112 500
Attack Attribute Unholy, 30 Defence Attribute

Fire, 20

Water, 20

Wind, 20

Earth, 20

Holy, 10

Unholy, 53

Hatoum Konungr l2
Drop, Spoil, Skills


Right in heart of forbidden Hatoum Settlement ominous Vidar Odinsson rises, the keeper of cursed land. Praised by gods, as nemesis of their inexorable retribution, he is symbol of their wrath. Vidar is not a myth: he is alive, shrouded by gloomy ballads about his unsurpassed power and eternal curse.

Vidar can embrace in two forms: human, where each scar tells the story of glory battles, that he survived in. Where each mark tells the story of heroism, despair and triumph, describing his path of the warrior, whose life was full of challenges and glory. Where true power of Vidar dawn in his weapon, that can burn to ashes enemy legions. And his bear form, in which his furious roar — harbinger of death, and his paws are weapon of mass destruction, easy crushing bones and steel, same as hopes of that unfortunate, who trying to withstand Vidar in battle.

Vidar Odinsson — challenge, that every fortune seeker trying to overcome. Battling him — is a dance with a death herself. Be careful, because they, who brave enough to challenge Vidar's power, risking to become another chapter in his eternal saga.

Vidar Odinsson l2

In a further part of Hatoum Settlement new overpowered boss prevail:

Undead Vidar Odinsson Rampage of The Gods Lv. 82

Battle against Vidar consist of 3 parts. Each phase players have to find new tactics, and boss will obtain new abilities.

When Vidar surrounded by high amount of players, the wrath of the gods flares up in him. His attacks became more fatal, and defense more impregnable:

  • If there are more than 40 attackers — Vidar uses soulshot with 10% chance.
  • If there are too many attackers — Vidar's defence increases.
  • If there are extremely many attackers — Vidar's defense and attack abilities increase significantly.

Pay attention!

Damage. that you can make to Vidar are limited — 30 000 damage at 1 and 2 stages, 35 000 damage at 3 stage.

Boss respawn time — 24-48 hours, from 18:00 to 00:00 server time (UTC+2).

First stage

HP 100% > HP 70%

Vidar uses few abilities, combat tactics are standard.

Skill Description
Cleaving Whirlwind Cleaving Whirlwind Lv. 1 Vidar Odinsson performs a powerful swing with his axe, striking all enemies in front of him with devastating force, like a whirlwind of war.
Call of Contempt Call of Contempt Lv. 1 Vidar Odinsson lets out a loud roar, making enemies angry and focusing their attacks on him.
Thunderlord's Strike Thunderlord's Strike Lv. 1 Vidar Odinsson delivers a devastating axe blow to the ground, creating an earthquake that damages and scatters enemies around him.
Asgard's Silence Asgard's Silence Lv. 1 A divine fist descends from the heavens, wreaking havoc and bestowing silence upon foes.
Northern Bastion Northern Bastion Lv. 1 Vidar invokes the power of northern winds, which shield him, enhancing his Defence and resilience to attacks.
Viking's Frenzy Viking's Frenzy Lv. 1 Vidar enters a combat frenzy, boosting his offensive power while leaving himself more susceptible to incoming attacks.
Ward of Noaidi Ward of Noaidi Lv. 1 During times of extreme danger, the entity envelops itself in the magic of Noaidi to strengthen its protection and endure the strikes of the strongest foes.
Northern Fortitude Northern Fortitude Lv. 1 As a true son of the north, Vidar turns the number of his enemies against themselves, growing stronger with each one that dares to approach.

Second stage

HP 70% > HP 41%

When transferring to the second stage Vidar is turning to giant bear. Each bear's attack burns 2% of character's mana.

Autoattacks imposes negative effect to character Rupture Rupture Lv. 1 (Rupture), that decreases amount of HP available to restore. It can stack up to 13 times, that blocks up to 25% HP.

Skill Description
Rupture Rupture Lv. 1 Vidar's powerful claws not only wound the enemy but also sap their life force, reducing their maximum health.
Earth's Tendrils Earth's Tendrils Lv. 1 Vidar summons roots from the earth's depths, entwining enemies, holding them in place, and inflicting overtime damage.
Bear's Swipe Bear's Swipe Lv. 1 Vidar's powerful bear form paw strike hits all enemies in front of him, dealing substantial damage.
Earth's Rumble Earth's Rumble Lv. 1 Vidar powerfully slams his paws into the ground, creating an earthquake that knocks down all surrounding enemies.
Animal Reverberation Animal Reverberation Lv. 1 Vidar executes a powerful rear paw strike, knocking back and stunning all enemies behind him.
Toxic Cloud Toxic Cloud Lv. 1 Vidar conjures a toxic cloud that drains the mana and health of enemies nearby.
Stunning Strike Stunning Strike Lv. 1 In bear form, Vidar delivers a powerful blow to enemies, stunning them.
Disease Disease Lv. 1 The power of HP recovery magic is decreased
Reflective Barrier Reflective Barrier Lv. 1 Returns part of the damage received back to the enemy.

Third stage

HP 40% > HP 0%

Vidar returns to human form and cast a shield on himself, greatly reducing any incoming damage.

On whole boss fight area Demonic Old Tombstone Lv. 82 appears. Destroy them to get 30 second effect The Power of the Ancients The Power of the Ancients Lv. 1 (The Power of the Ancients), that allows to ignore Vidar's invulnerability.

After destructing last Tombstone, monsters Undead Restless Draug Lv. 82 can appear. They can drop HP and mana herbs.

Skill Description
Oath to the Gods Oath to the Gods Lv. 1 The oath grants exceptional resistance to any type of damage.
Cleaving Whirlwind Cleaving Whirlwind Lv. 1 Vidar Odinsson performs a powerful swing with his axe, striking all enemies in front of him with devastating force, like a whirlwind of war.
Call of Contempt Call of Contempt Lv. 1 Vidar Odinsson lets out a loud roar, making enemies angry and focusing their attacks on him.
Thunderlord's Strike Thunderlord's Strike Lv. 1 Vidar Odinsson delivers a devastating axe blow to the ground, creating an earthquake that damages and scatters enemies around him.
Asgard's Hummer Asgard's Hummer Lv. 1 Vidar Odinsson hurls his hammer into battle like Mjolnir, Thor's mighty weapon, each of its strikes stunning enemies like thunder from the thunder god himself.
Asgard's Silence Asgard's Silence Lv. 1 A divine fist descends from the heavens, wreaking havoc and bestowing silence upon foes.
Dance of the North Wind Dance of the North Wind Lv. 1 Vidar spins his axe in a powerful maelstrom, striking all around, slowing their casting speed and reducing accuracy.
Seal of Depletion Seal of Depletion Lv. 1 Runes, carved in the celestial forge forming a seal that burn enemies' mana.
Northern Bastion Northern Bastion Lv. 1 Vidar invokes the power of northern winds, which shield him, enhancing his Defence and resilience to attacks.
Viking's Frenzy Viking's Frenzy Lv. 1 Vidar enters a combat frenzy, boosting his offensive power while leaving himself more susceptible to incoming attacks.
Ward of Noaidi Ward of Noaidi Lv. 1 During times of extreme danger, the entity envelops itself in the magic of Noaidi to strengthen its protection and endure the strikes of the strongest foes.
Northern Fortitude Northern Fortitude Lv. 1 As a true son of the north, Vidar turns the number of his enemies against themselves, growing stronger with each one that dares to approach.


For killing Undead Vidar Odinsson Rampage of The Gods Lv. 82 you can receive valuable loot:

Basic infoGathering A-GradeSecret chestUpgrading Soul CrystalsVideo overviewMonstersElite monstersBossFirst stageSecond stageThird stageRewards


Locations Location Keeper Ankou , Update: Hellbound: Desert Quarry (78~85) , Giant's Cave (78~85) , Update: Hellbound. Anomic Foundry (78~85) , Game Event: King of the Hill , Den of Evil. High Five , Field of Silence and Whispers. High Five , Mithril Mines. High Five , Crypts of Disgrace. Epilogue/High Five , Sel Mahum Training Grounds (80~85) , Plains of the Lizardmen (80~85) , Monastery of Silence (80~85) , Beast Farm (80~85) , Dragon Valley (80~85) , Seed of Annihilation (80~85) , Eternal: The Forbidden Gateway (80~85) , Eternal: Pavel Ruins and Archaic Laboratory (80~85) , Eternal: Mithril Mines (80~85) , Primeval Isle: stages improvement , Forge of the Gods: stages improvement , Dragon Valley. Lord Ishka , Isle of Prayer and Chromatic Highlands (74~83) , New: Fairy Settlement (78~85) , New: Hatoum Settlement (66~74) , Update: Crypts Of Disgrace (78-85) , Pavel Ruins and Archaic Laboratory. High Five , Update: Antharas Lair (84~85) , Mid Company on Masterwork , Update: Pagan Temple (78~83) , Seed of Destruction. Attribute collection , Eternal: Iris Lake (80~85) , Eternal: Obelisk of Victory (80~85) , Eternal: School of Dark Arts (80~85) , Eternal: Raider’s Crossroads (80~85) , Eternal: Eastern Mining Zone (80~85) , Eternal: Nornil Cave (80~85) , Update: Crypts of Disgrace (32~36) , Update: Grave Robber Hideout (40~50) , Update: Den of Evil (47~57) , Update: Carons Dungeon (56~64) , Update: Archaic Laboratory (60~65) , New: Mimirs Forest (75~80) , New: Dareon’s Doom Halls (78~85)