Instance-boss Zaken 60/73+


Zaken's Instance is a temporary zone (instance) for group levelling. For killing the last boss, players get experience, SP points, and a drop of clan reputation scrolls, enchant scrolls, whole equipment and crafting parts for its creation.

Entry conditions and cooldown

Old Pirate l2
  • Instance entry: Human Old Pirate Zaken's Gatekeeper in Giran's Harbor or Etc Zaken Dimensional Entrance in Arcan City
  • Number of players in the party: 7 - 9
  • Low Zaken — Player Levels: 60 - 72
  • High Zaken — Player Levels: 73 - 85
  • Time limit: 60 minutes
  • Cooldown: 3 times a week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
  • Cooldown for low and high Zaken instances are separate

To re-enter before the cooldown, use Extra Entrance Pass - Zaken 66 Level Extra Entrance Pass - Zaken 66 Level 60-72 NG or Extra Entrance Pass - Zaken 78 Level Extra Entrance Pass - Zaken 78 Level 73-85 NG , that is sold by NPC Elemental Butler MW Premium Store .

Related missions

Zaken's Soul Fragment Zaken's Soul Fragment NG

Collect 20 fragments and exchange for Zaken's Cloak Zaken's Cloak HP NG at NPC Human Old Pirate Zaken's Gatekeeper . Equipping the cloak grants +150 HP.

Zaken's Chest

For completing the mission you will receive Zaken's Secret Chest Zaken's Secret Chest NG , that contains useful items:

Item Description
Damaged Zaken's Earring Damaged Zaken's Earring NG Unique personal jewellery. You can enchant it with exclusive scrolls. Safe modification is up to +3 (including). When enchanted to +10, you may exchange it for a real Zaken's Earring.
Scroll of Vanisher Scroll of Vanisher NG Personal item. Required to modify Zaken's Damaged Earring. Safe modification up to +3, maximum modification up to +10. When modifying above +3, the item disappears in case of failure.
Blessed Scroll of Vanisher Blessed Scroll of Vanisher NG Personal item. Required to modify Zaken's Damaged Earring, usable up to and including +7. If failed, the item does not disappear, and the modification level is retained.
Crystal Scroll of Vanisher Crystal Scroll of Vanisher NG Personal item. Required to modify Zaken's Damaged Earring, usable up to and including +9. If failed, the item does not disappear, and the modification level is retained.

Damaged Earring

Enchantment level Effect
0 M. Def. 45, Bleed Resistance +1%
+1 M. Def. 46, Bleed Resistance +1%
+2 M. Def. 47, Bleed Resistance +1%
+3 M. Def. 48, Bleed Resistance +1%
+4 M. Def. 51, Bleed Resistance +6%
+5 M. Def. 54, Bleed Resistance +8%
+6 M. Def. 57, Bleed Resistance +10%, Stun Resistance +4%
+7 M. Def. 60, Bleed Resistance +10%, Stun Resistance +8%, Healing power +1%
+8 M. Def. 63, Bleed Resistance +10%, Stun Resistance +12%, Healing power +2%
+9 M. Def. 66, Bleed Resistance +10%, Stun Resistance +16%, Healing power +3%
+10 Can be exchanged for a regular Zaken's Earring Zaken's Earring A in the Luxury Shop by NPC Dwarf Pona Collectioner


Zaken instance map

— arrangement of barrels with candles

— entrance to the stairs to the second/third floor

Group composition

  • A tank — not necessarily a knight. It can be a BD or SWS, depending on the equipment
  • Healer — Bishop or EE, depending on the gear. It is recommended to have a pet that restores mana
  • EE/SE — to help and restore the healer's mana. It is recommended to have a pet with you that fills mana
  • Buffer — when forming a group, keep in mind that all buffs, except for Club buffs, will be cancelled. PP, Warc or Over can significantly strengthen the group and help healers in an emergency situation
  • Bards — BD or SWS will reinforce the group with rhythms. Can replace the tank if necessary
  • Damage Dealers — Any class that can deal damage. The choice is at the discretion of the group leader

Instance entry

Talk to NPC Human Old Pirate Zaken's Gatekeeper in Giran Harbor to teleport into the instanced zone.

After entering, all buffs, except the Club, will be cancelled. If you don't have a club card, you can buff your character with Sweet Fruit Cocktail Sweet Fruit Cocktail Physical Buffs NG and Fresh Fruit Cocktail Fresh Fruit Cocktail Magical Buffs NG (sold by Butler) or add a PP, Warc or Over to your party.

Searching for the boss

The interior of Zaken's ship consists of 3 identical floors. The boss is in one of the rooms in a state of invisibility. At this moment he is not aggressive.

There are two ways to find Zaken.

Method 1 — Classic. There are barrels with candles in the paths between the rooms. Light the candles to check for Zaken in the next room. If the candle lights up red, the boss is not nearby. If it lights up blue, that means the boss is in one of the adjacent rooms. Light 4 blue candles to bring Zaken out of invisibility. This method is inconvenient because when you light red candles, monsters spawn that interrupt the search.

Zaken's candle L2

Method 2 — Lifehack. Players have found that invisible Zaken takes damage from area-of-effect abilities while remaining neutral to the attacker. Use area-of-effect abilities in rooms until you see in the system chat that Zaken has taken damage. Once you have detected the boss, light candles in the adjacent corridors to bring Zaken out of invisibility.

Boss fight

Zaken instance L2

After removing invisibility, Zaken becomes aggressive. Before lighting the last candle, move the entire group into the corridor to prepare for the fight so the tank can gain aggro without interference.

Along with Zaken, 4 monsters will come out of invisibility. First of all, get rid of them so that they do not kill pets and do not touch supports.

The boss fight is not difficult. Zaken will occasionally use a powerful attack Dual Attack Dual Attack Lv. 1 and apply a hold effect to party members.

If you run out of time or the entire group dies, you can re-enter the instance after the time zone closes (10 minutes).

SA levelling


Experience for killing Zaken in the instance is constant for each group member, which means it doesn't matter how many of you there are — 5 or 9, each player will receive the same amount of experience.

Pets gain experience without a level difference penalty between the owner and the pet.

Base EXP for killing Undead Zaken Pirate Captain Lv. 66 — 2 560 000 EXP.

Base EXP for killing Undead Zaken Pirate Captain Lv. 78 — 3 500 000 EXP.

Base EXP is multiplied by the current experience rate from RB (watch patchnote), bonus from Rune of Experience and buff for achievement.

Let's calculate the experience with and without boosts, for example.

Players of levels 60 and 64 killed Zaken in the instance without used experience boosts:

  • Player level 60 received 2 560 000 * rate x1.7 = 4 352 000 EXP
  • Player level 64 received 2 560 000 * rate x0.2 = 512 000 EXP

Then they completed the Zaken Instance a second time, but with boosts:

  • A level 60 player without used boosts received 2 560 000 * rate x1.7 = 4 352 000 EXP
  • A level 64 player has a Daily Online Reward buff +30% EXP and an EXP Rune* +50% EXP, he received 2 560 000 * rate x0.2 + (512 000 * 0.3)+ (512 000 * 0.5) = 512 000 + 153 600 + 256 000 = 921 600 EXP

*Daily Online Reward — Reward for the "Daily Online" achievement.

*Experience Runes come in two types — +30% and +50%, bonuses do not stack. When using several runes, the player receives a bonus from the strongest one.


Pay attention!

Zaken's Earring Zaken's Earring A falls to the ground, as a common loot.

In the fifth season of Masterwork, the drop and experience for completing the instance became personal. After Zaken's death, each player who was near the boss will receive a chest with personal rewards and a capsule with a drop:

Booty Zaken Lv. 66

Undead Zaken Pirate Captain Lv. 66

Booty Zaken Lv. 78

Undead Zaken Pirate Captain Lv. 78


Location storyline

BasicsEntry conditions and cooldownRelated missionsZaken's ChestDamaged EarringGuideGroup compositionInstance entrySearching for the bossBoss fightSA levellingExperienceDropBooty Zaken Lv. 66Booty Zaken Lv. 78VideoLocation storyline