Prison (Castle Dungeon) 64+


A prison, also named a “basement”, is a temporary zone (instance). Available to clan members who own a castle or fortress.

For killing each of the three bosses, players receive experience, SP points, scrolls of clan reputation, enchant scrolls, books of the Fighter/Archer/Mage Will, and entire equipment and parts for its creation. In addition, for killing the final boss, players receive quest items that are exchanged for Ivory Coin.

Cooldown and entrance requirements

  • For castle — quest Awl Under Foot (Castle)
  • For fortress — quest Awl Under Foot (Fortress)
  • Entrance to the instance is only for members of the clan that owns the Fortress/Castle
  • Group size: 5 - 9
  • Level: 64~85
  • Time limitations: 60 minutes
  • Cooldown: Every day at 6:30, individual for each group


Detention Camp Warden l2

To enter the instance from the fortress, look for an NPC Detention Camp Warden near the main doors of the building

To enter the instance from the castle, go down to the basement and talk to the NPC Warden

You'll have 30 seconds to prepare for the battle. After this time, the first (not aggressive) boss will appear.

Pay attention!
If the characters are more than 9 levels above the boss, the boss will cancel all buffs from the group.

After the death of the first and second boss, you will have 30 seconds to prepare for the next battle. Death of the third boss ends the instance. All party members receive quest items that can be exchanged for a reward after leaving the dungeon.

Bosses in the castle

1st wave

Randomly appears one of the listed bosses.

Demonic Rhianna the Traitor Forsaken Prisoner Lv. 76

HP 833 000 MP 3 059
P.Atk. 40 095 M.Atk. 3 171
P.Def. 1 825 M.Def. 1 978
EXP 5 776 000 SP 1 000 000
Attack Attribute No Attack Attribute Defence Attribute

Fire, 75

Water, 75

Wind, 75

Earth, 75

Holy, 75

Unholy, 75

Rhianna the Traitor l2
Item Amount Chance
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Helmet Unidentified Sealed Tallum Helmet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Shield A 1 1.5%
Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Design Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Design NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Tallum Helm Design Sealed Tallum Helm Design NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Fragment Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Fragment NG 3 - 10 32.5%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare A 1 1.5%
Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Majestic Circlet Design Sealed Majestic Circlet Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment NG 2 - 5 32.5%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Boots A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Gloves Unidentified Sealed Tallum Gloves A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Boots Unidentified Sealed Tallum Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Design Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Design NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Lining Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Lining NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Tallum Gloves Design Sealed Tallum Gloves Design NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Tallum Boots Lining Sealed Tallum Boots Lining NG 2 - 7 24%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Boots Lining Sealed Majestic Boots Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Plate Armor Unidentified Sealed Tallum Plate Armor A 1 0.7%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Breastplate Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Breastplate A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gaiters Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gaiters A 1 1%
Sealed Dark Crystal Breastplate Pattern Sealed Dark Crystal Breastplate Pattern NG 2 - 7 32.5%
Sealed Dark Crystal Gaiters Pattern Sealed Dark Crystal Gaiters Pattern NG 2 - 7 32.5%
Sealed Tallum Plate Armor Pattern Sealed Tallum Plate Armor Pattern NG 2 - 5 32.3%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Armor of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Armor of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Plate Armor Unidentified Sealed Majestic Plate Armor A 1 1%
Sealed Armor of Nightmare Pattern Sealed Armor of Nightmare Pattern NG 2 - 5 49%
Sealed Majestic Plate Armor Pattern Sealed Majestic Plate Armor Pattern NG 2 - 5 49%
Group chance: 30%
Common Collectioner's Card Common Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Group chance: 17%
Uncommon Collectioner's Card Uncommon Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Group chance: 15%
Part of Elk Part of Elk NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Griffin Part of Griffin NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Pegasus Part of Pegasus NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Tame Hell Part of Tame Hell NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Air Bike Part of Air Bike NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukurin Part of Kukurin NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukuru Part of Kukuru NG 1 - 3 14%
Group chance: 0.085%
Forgotten Scroll: Fighter's Will Forgotten Scroll: Fighter's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 0.085%
Forgotten Scroll: Archer's Will Forgotten Scroll: Archer's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 0.085%
Forgotten Scroll: Magician's Will Forgotten Scroll: Magician's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 35%
Giant's Codex Giant's Codex NG 1 - 2 100%
Group chance: 25%
Giant's Codex - Mastery Giant's Codex - Mastery NG 1 100%
Group chance: 50%
Enchanted MW Box Enchanted MW Box NG 1 - 2 100%
Group chance: 100%
Chest with Life Stone Chest with Life Stone NG 1 - 2 100%

Humanoid Tesla the Deceiver Forsaken Prisoner Lv. 76

HP 856 800 MP 3 130
P.Atk. 40 095 M.Atk. 3 251
P.Def. 1 848 M.Def. 2 370
EXP 5 776 000 SP 1 000 000
Attack Attribute No Attack Attribute Defence Attribute

Fire, 75

Water, 75

Wind, 75

Earth, 75

Holy, 75

Unholy, 75

Tesla the Deceiver l2
Item Amount Chance
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet A 1 2%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Helmet Unidentified Sealed Tallum Helmet A 1 2%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Shield A 1 3%
Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Design Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Design NG 3 - 10 31%
Sealed Tallum Helm Design Sealed Tallum Helm Design NG 3 - 10 31%
Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Fragment Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Fragment NG 3 - 15 31%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves A 1 2%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Boots A 1 2%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Gloves Unidentified Sealed Tallum Gloves A 1 2%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Boots Unidentified Sealed Tallum Boots A 1 2%
Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Design Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Design NG 3 - 10 23%
Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Lining Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Lining NG 3 - 10 23%
Sealed Tallum Gloves Design Sealed Tallum Gloves Design NG 3 - 10 23%
Sealed Tallum Boots Lining Sealed Tallum Boots Lining NG 3 - 10 23%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Leather Armor Unidentified Sealed Tallum Leather Armor A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings A 1 1%
Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor Pattern Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor Pattern NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings Design Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings Design NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Tallum Leather Armor Pattern Sealed Tallum Leather Armor Pattern NG 2 - 7 33%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Leather Armor Unidentified Sealed Majestic Leather Armor A 1 1%
Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare Fabric Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Sealed Majestic Leather Armor Fabric Sealed Majestic Leather Armor Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Group chance: 30%
Common Collectioner's Card Common Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Group chance: 17%
Uncommon Collectioner's Card Uncommon Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Group chance: 15%
Part of Elk Part of Elk NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Griffin Part of Griffin NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Pegasus Part of Pegasus NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Tame Hell Part of Tame Hell NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Air Bike Part of Air Bike NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukurin Part of Kukurin NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukuru Part of Kukuru NG 1 - 3 14%
Group chance: 0.085%
Forgotten Scroll: Fighter's Will Forgotten Scroll: Fighter's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 0.085%
Forgotten Scroll: Archer's Will Forgotten Scroll: Archer's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 0.085%
Forgotten Scroll: Magician's Will Forgotten Scroll: Magician's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 35%
Giant's Codex Giant's Codex NG 1 - 2 100%
Group chance: 25%
Giant's Codex - Mastery Giant's Codex - Mastery NG 1 100%
Group chance: 50%
Enchanted MW Box Enchanted MW Box NG 1 - 2 100%
Group chance: 50%
Chest with Life Stone Chest with Life Stone NG 1 - 5 100%

Demonic Soul Hunter Chakundel Forsaken Prisoner Lv. 77

HP 1 666 000 MP 3 201
P.Atk. 48 406 M.Atk. 13 530
P.Def. 1 883 M.Def. 2 041
EXP 6 521 900 SP 1 100 000
Attack Attribute No Attack Attribute Defence Attribute

Fire, 75

Water, 75

Wind, 75

Earth, 75

Holy, 75

Unholy, 75

Soul Hunter Chakundel l2
Item Amount Chance
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Helmet Unidentified Sealed Tallum Helmet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Shield A 1 1.5%
Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Design Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Design NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Tallum Helm Design Sealed Tallum Helm Design NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Fragment Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Fragment NG 3 - 10 32.5%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare A 1 1.5%
Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Majestic Circlet Design Sealed Majestic Circlet Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment NG 2 - 5 32.5%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Boots A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Gloves Unidentified Sealed Tallum Gloves A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Boots Unidentified Sealed Tallum Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Design Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Design NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Lining Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Lining NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Tallum Gloves Design Sealed Tallum Gloves Design NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Tallum Boots Lining Sealed Tallum Boots Lining NG 2 - 7 24%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Boots Lining Sealed Majestic Boots Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Robe Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Robe A 1 0.7%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Tunic Unidentified Sealed Tallum Tunic A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Stockings Unidentified Sealed Tallum Stockings A 1 1%
Sealed Dark Crystal Robe Fabric Sealed Dark Crystal Robe Fabric NG 2 - 5 32.3%
Sealed Tallum Tunic Texture Sealed Tallum Tunic Texture NG 2 - 7 32.5%
Sealed Tallum Stockings Fabric Sealed Tallum Stockings Fabric NG 2 - 7 32.5%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Robe of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Robe of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Robe Unidentified Sealed Majestic Robe A 1 1%
Sealed Robe of Nightmare Fabric Sealed Robe of Nightmare Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Sealed Majestic Robe Fabric Sealed Majestic Robe Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Group chance: 30%
Common Collectioner's Card Common Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Group chance: 17%
Uncommon Collectioner's Card Uncommon Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Group chance: 15%
Part of Elk Part of Elk NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Griffin Part of Griffin NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Pegasus Part of Pegasus NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Tame Hell Part of Tame Hell NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Air Bike Part of Air Bike NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukurin Part of Kukurin NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukuru Part of Kukuru NG 1 - 3 14%
Group chance: 0.085%
Forgotten Scroll: Fighter's Will Forgotten Scroll: Fighter's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 0.085%
Forgotten Scroll: Archer's Will Forgotten Scroll: Archer's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 0.085%
Forgotten Scroll: Magician's Will Forgotten Scroll: Magician's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 35%
Giant's Codex Giant's Codex NG 1 - 2 100%
Group chance: 25%
Giant's Codex - Mastery Giant's Codex - Mastery NG 1 100%
Group chance: 50%
Enchanted MW Box Enchanted MW Box NG 1 - 2 100%
Group chance: 100%
Chest with Life Stone Chest with Life Stone NG 1 - 2 100%

2nd wave

Randomly appears one of the listed bosses.

Construct Durango the Crusher Forsaken Prisoner Lv. 77

HP 1 666 000 MP 3 275
P.Atk. 48 406 M.Atk. 13 839
P.Def. 1 906 M.Def. 2 066
EXP 6 521 900 SP 1 100 000
Attack Attribute No Attack Attribute Defence Attribute

Fire, 75

Water, 75

Wind, 75

Earth, 75

Holy, 75

Unholy, 75

Durango the Crusher l2
Item Amount Chance
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Helmet Unidentified Sealed Tallum Helmet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Shield A 1 1.5%
Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Design Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Design NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Tallum Helm Design Sealed Tallum Helm Design NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Fragment Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Fragment NG 3 - 10 32.5%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare A 1 1.5%
Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Majestic Circlet Design Sealed Majestic Circlet Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment NG 2 - 5 32.5%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Boots A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Gloves Unidentified Sealed Tallum Gloves A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Boots Unidentified Sealed Tallum Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Design Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Design NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Lining Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Lining NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Tallum Gloves Design Sealed Tallum Gloves Design NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Tallum Boots Lining Sealed Tallum Boots Lining NG 2 - 7 24%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Boots Lining Sealed Majestic Boots Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Leather Armor Unidentified Sealed Tallum Leather Armor A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings A 1 1%
Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor Pattern Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor Pattern NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings Design Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings Design NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Tallum Leather Armor Pattern Sealed Tallum Leather Armor Pattern NG 2 - 7 33%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Leather Armor Unidentified Sealed Majestic Leather Armor A 1 1%
Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare Fabric Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Sealed Majestic Leather Armor Fabric Sealed Majestic Leather Armor Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Group chance: 30%
Common Collectioner's Card Common Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Group chance: 17%
Uncommon Collectioner's Card Uncommon Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Group chance: 15%
Part of Elk Part of Elk NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Griffin Part of Griffin NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Pegasus Part of Pegasus NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Tame Hell Part of Tame Hell NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Air Bike Part of Air Bike NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukurin Part of Kukurin NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukuru Part of Kukuru NG 1 - 3 14%
Group chance: 0.085%
Forgotten Scroll: Fighter's Will Forgotten Scroll: Fighter's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 0.085%
Forgotten Scroll: Archer's Will Forgotten Scroll: Archer's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 0.085%
Forgotten Scroll: Magician's Will Forgotten Scroll: Magician's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 35%
Giant's Codex Giant's Codex NG 1 - 2 100%
Group chance: 25%
Giant's Codex - Mastery Giant's Codex - Mastery NG 1 100%
Group chance: 50%
Enchanted MW Box Enchanted MW Box NG 1 - 2 100%
Group chance: 100%
Chest with Life Stone Chest with Life Stone NG 1 - 2 100%

Demonic Brutus the Obstinate Forsaken Prisoner Lv. 78

HP 868 700 MP 3 348
P.Atk. 42 610 M.Atk. 3 578
P.Def. 1 940 M.Def. 2 103
EXP 6 996 600 SP 1 200 000
Attack Attribute No Attack Attribute Defence Attribute

Fire, 75

Water, 75

Wind, 75

Earth, 75

Holy, 75

Unholy, 75

Brutus the Obstinate l2
Item Amount Chance
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Helmet Unidentified Sealed Tallum Helmet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Shield A 1 1.5%
Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Design Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Design NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Tallum Helm Design Sealed Tallum Helm Design NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Fragment Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Fragment NG 3 - 10 32.5%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare A 1 1.5%
Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Majestic Circlet Design Sealed Majestic Circlet Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment NG 2 - 5 32.5%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Boots A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Gloves Unidentified Sealed Tallum Gloves A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Boots Unidentified Sealed Tallum Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Design Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Design NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Lining Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Lining NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Tallum Gloves Design Sealed Tallum Gloves Design NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Tallum Boots Lining Sealed Tallum Boots Lining NG 2 - 7 24%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Boots Lining Sealed Majestic Boots Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Robe Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Robe A 1 0.7%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Tunic Unidentified Sealed Tallum Tunic A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Stockings Unidentified Sealed Tallum Stockings A 1 1%
Sealed Dark Crystal Robe Fabric Sealed Dark Crystal Robe Fabric NG 2 - 5 32.3%
Sealed Tallum Tunic Texture Sealed Tallum Tunic Texture NG 2 - 7 32.5%
Sealed Tallum Stockings Fabric Sealed Tallum Stockings Fabric NG 2 - 7 32.5%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Robe of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Robe of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Robe Unidentified Sealed Majestic Robe A 1 1%
Sealed Robe of Nightmare Fabric Sealed Robe of Nightmare Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Sealed Majestic Robe Fabric Sealed Majestic Robe Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Group chance: 30%
Common Collectioner's Card Common Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Group chance: 17%
Uncommon Collectioner's Card Uncommon Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Group chance: 15%
Part of Elk Part of Elk NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Griffin Part of Griffin NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Pegasus Part of Pegasus NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Tame Hell Part of Tame Hell NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Air Bike Part of Air Bike NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukurin Part of Kukurin NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukuru Part of Kukuru NG 1 - 3 14%
Group chance: 0.085%
Forgotten Scroll: Fighter's Will Forgotten Scroll: Fighter's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 0.085%
Forgotten Scroll: Archer's Will Forgotten Scroll: Archer's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 0.085%
Forgotten Scroll: Magician's Will Forgotten Scroll: Magician's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 35%
Giant's Codex Giant's Codex NG 1 - 2 100%
Group chance: 25%
Giant's Codex - Mastery Giant's Codex - Mastery NG 1 100%
Group chance: 50%
Enchanted MW Box Enchanted MW Box NG 1 - 2 100%
Group chance: 100%
Chest with Life Stone Chest with Life Stone NG 1 - 2 100%

Plant Ranger Karankawa Forsaken Prisoner Lv. 78

HP 916 300 MP 3 421
P.Atk. 42 610 M.Atk. 3 662
P.Def. 1 963 M.Def. 2 128
EXP 7 300 800 SP 1 300 000
Attack Attribute No Attack Attribute Defence Attribute

Fire, 75

Water, 75

Wind, 75

Earth, 75

Holy, 75

Unholy, 75

Ranger Karankawa l2
Item Amount Chance
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Helmet Unidentified Sealed Tallum Helmet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Shield A 1 1.5%
Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Design Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Design NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Tallum Helm Design Sealed Tallum Helm Design NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Fragment Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Fragment NG 3 - 10 32.5%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare A 1 1.5%
Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Majestic Circlet Design Sealed Majestic Circlet Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment NG 2 - 5 32.5%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Boots A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Gloves Unidentified Sealed Tallum Gloves A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Boots Unidentified Sealed Tallum Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Design Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Design NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Lining Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Lining NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Tallum Gloves Design Sealed Tallum Gloves Design NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Tallum Boots Lining Sealed Tallum Boots Lining NG 2 - 7 24%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Boots Lining Sealed Majestic Boots Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Plate Armor Unidentified Sealed Tallum Plate Armor A 1 0.7%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Breastplate Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Breastplate A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gaiters Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gaiters A 1 1%
Sealed Dark Crystal Breastplate Pattern Sealed Dark Crystal Breastplate Pattern NG 2 - 7 32.5%
Sealed Dark Crystal Gaiters Pattern Sealed Dark Crystal Gaiters Pattern NG 2 - 7 32.5%
Sealed Tallum Plate Armor Pattern Sealed Tallum Plate Armor Pattern NG 2 - 5 32.3%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Armor of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Armor of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Plate Armor Unidentified Sealed Majestic Plate Armor A 1 1%
Sealed Armor of Nightmare Pattern Sealed Armor of Nightmare Pattern NG 2 - 5 49%
Sealed Majestic Plate Armor Pattern Sealed Majestic Plate Armor Pattern NG 2 - 5 49%
Group chance: 30%
Common Collectioner's Card Common Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Group chance: 17%
Uncommon Collectioner's Card Uncommon Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Group chance: 15%
Part of Elk Part of Elk NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Griffin Part of Griffin NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Pegasus Part of Pegasus NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Tame Hell Part of Tame Hell NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Air Bike Part of Air Bike NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukurin Part of Kukurin NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukuru Part of Kukuru NG 1 - 3 14%
Group chance: 0.085%
Forgotten Scroll: Fighter's Will Forgotten Scroll: Fighter's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 0.085%
Forgotten Scroll: Archer's Will Forgotten Scroll: Archer's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 0.085%
Forgotten Scroll: Magician's Will Forgotten Scroll: Magician's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 35%
Giant's Codex Giant's Codex NG 1 - 2 100%
Group chance: 25%
Giant's Codex - Mastery Giant's Codex - Mastery NG 1 100%
Group chance: 50%
Enchanted MW Box Enchanted MW Box NG 1 - 2 100%
Group chance: 100%
Chest with Life Stone Chest with Life Stone NG 1 - 2 100%

Humanoid Sargon the Mad Forsaken Prisoner Lv. 79

HP 928 200 MP 3 494
P.Atk. 44 906 M.Atk. 3 826
P.Def. 1 997 M.Def. 2 165
EXP 7 801 250 SP 1 400 000
Attack Attribute No Attack Attribute Defence Attribute

Fire, 75

Water, 75

Wind, 75

Earth, 75

Holy, 75

Unholy, 75

Sargon the Mad l2
Item Amount Chance
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare A 1 1.5%
Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Majestic Circlet Design Sealed Majestic Circlet Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment NG 2 - 5 32.5%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Boots Lining Sealed Majestic Boots Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Armor of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Armor of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Plate Armor Unidentified Sealed Majestic Plate Armor A 1 1%
Sealed Armor of Nightmare Pattern Sealed Armor of Nightmare Pattern NG 2 - 5 49%
Sealed Majestic Plate Armor Pattern Sealed Majestic Plate Armor Pattern NG 2 - 5 49%
Group chance: 1.2%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Circlet Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Circlet S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Arcana Sigil Unidentified Sealed Arcana Sigil S 1 20%
Group chance: 100%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet Pattern Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet Pattern NG 2 - 5 20%
Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet Pattern Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet Pattern NG 2 - 5 20%
Sealed Major Arcana Circlet Pattern Sealed Major Arcana Circlet Pattern NG 2 - 5 20%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield Part Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield Part NG 2 - 5 20%
Sealed Arcana Sigil Piece Sealed Arcana Sigil Piece NG 2 - 5 20%
Group chance: 1.5%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlets Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlets S 1 16.67%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots S 1 16.67%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Gloves Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Gloves S 1 16.66%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Boots Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Boots S 1 16.66%
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Gloves Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Gloves S 1 16.67%
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Boots Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Boots S 1 16.67%
Group chance: 100%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlets Design Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlets Design NG 2 - 5 16.67%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots Design Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots Design NG 2 - 5 16.67%
Sealed Major Arcana Gloves fabric Sealed Major Arcana Gloves fabric NG 2 - 5 16.66%
Sealed Major Arcana Boots Design Sealed Major Arcana Boots Design NG 2 - 5 16.66%
Sealed Draconic Leather Gloves Fabric Sealed Draconic Leather Gloves Fabric NG 2 - 5 16.67%
Sealed Draconic Leather Boots Design Sealed Draconic Leather Boots Design NG 2 - 5 16.67%
Group chance: 1%
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Armor Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Armor S 1 25%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Robe Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Robe S 1 25%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate S 1 22%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters S 1 28%
Group chance: 100%
Sealed Draconic Leather Armor Part Sealed Draconic Leather Armor Part NG 2 - 5 25%
Sealed Major Arcana Robe Part Sealed Major Arcana Robe Part NG 2 - 5 25%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate Part Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate Part NG 2 - 5 25%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters Pattern Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters Pattern NG 2 - 5 25%
Group chance: 30%
Common Collectioner's Card Common Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Group chance: 17%
Uncommon Collectioner's Card Uncommon Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Group chance: 15%
Part of Elk Part of Elk NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Griffin Part of Griffin NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Pegasus Part of Pegasus NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Tame Hell Part of Tame Hell NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Air Bike Part of Air Bike NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukurin Part of Kukurin NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukuru Part of Kukuru NG 1 - 3 14%
Group chance: 0.1%
Forgotten Scroll: Fighter's Will Forgotten Scroll: Fighter's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 0.1%
Forgotten Scroll: Archer's Will Forgotten Scroll: Archer's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 0.1%
Forgotten Scroll: Magician's Will Forgotten Scroll: Magician's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 40%
Giant's Codex Giant's Codex NG 1 - 2 100%
Group chance: 30%
Giant's Codex - Mastery Giant's Codex - Mastery NG 1 100%
Group chance: 75%
Enchanted MW Box Enchanted MW Box NG 1 - 2 100%
Group chance: 100%
Chest with Life Stone Chest with Life Stone NG 1 - 3 100%

3rd wave

Randomly appears one of the listed bosses.

Demonic Beautiful Atrielle Forsaken Prisoner Lv. 79

HP 952 000 MP 3 568
P.Atk. 44 906 M.Atk. 3 890
P.Def. 2 020 M.Def. 2 189
EXP 8 113 300 SP 1 500 000
Attack Attribute No Attack Attribute Defence Attribute

Fire, 75

Water, 75

Wind, 75

Earth, 75

Holy, 75

Unholy, 75

Beautiful Atriell l2
Item Amount Chance
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare A 1 1.5%
Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Majestic Circlet Design Sealed Majestic Circlet Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment NG 2 - 5 32.5%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Boots Lining Sealed Majestic Boots Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Leather Armor Unidentified Sealed Majestic Leather Armor A 1 1%
Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare Fabric Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Sealed Majestic Leather Armor Fabric Sealed Majestic Leather Armor Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Group chance: 1.2%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Circlet Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Circlet S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Arcana Sigil Unidentified Sealed Arcana Sigil S 1 20%
Group chance: 100%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet Pattern Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet Pattern NG 2 - 5 20%
Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet Pattern Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet Pattern NG 2 - 5 20%
Sealed Major Arcana Circlet Pattern Sealed Major Arcana Circlet Pattern NG 2 - 5 20%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield Part Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield Part NG 2 - 5 20%
Sealed Arcana Sigil Piece Sealed Arcana Sigil Piece NG 2 - 5 20%
Group chance: 1.5%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlets Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlets S 1 16.67%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots S 1 16.67%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Gloves Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Gloves S 1 16.66%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Boots Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Boots S 1 16.66%
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Gloves Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Gloves S 1 16.67%
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Boots Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Boots S 1 16.67%
Group chance: 100%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlets Design Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlets Design NG 2 - 5 16.67%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots Design Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots Design NG 2 - 5 16.67%
Sealed Major Arcana Gloves fabric Sealed Major Arcana Gloves fabric NG 2 - 5 16.66%
Sealed Major Arcana Boots Design Sealed Major Arcana Boots Design NG 2 - 5 16.66%
Sealed Draconic Leather Gloves Fabric Sealed Draconic Leather Gloves Fabric NG 2 - 5 16.67%
Sealed Draconic Leather Boots Design Sealed Draconic Leather Boots Design NG 2 - 5 16.67%
Group chance: 1%
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Armor Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Armor S 1 25%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Robe Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Robe S 1 25%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate S 1 22%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters S 1 28%
Group chance: 100%
Sealed Draconic Leather Armor Part Sealed Draconic Leather Armor Part NG 2 - 5 25%
Sealed Major Arcana Robe Part Sealed Major Arcana Robe Part NG 2 - 5 25%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate Part Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate Part NG 2 - 5 25%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters Pattern Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters Pattern NG 2 - 5 25%
Group chance: 30%
Common Collectioner's Card Common Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Group chance: 17%
Uncommon Collectioner's Card Uncommon Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Group chance: 15%
Part of Elk Part of Elk NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Griffin Part of Griffin NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Pegasus Part of Pegasus NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Tame Hell Part of Tame Hell NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Air Bike Part of Air Bike NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukurin Part of Kukurin NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukuru Part of Kukuru NG 1 - 3 14%
Group chance: 0.1%
Forgotten Scroll: Fighter's Will Forgotten Scroll: Fighter's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 0.1%
Forgotten Scroll: Archer's Will Forgotten Scroll: Archer's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 0.1%
Forgotten Scroll: Magician's Will Forgotten Scroll: Magician's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 40%
Giant's Codex Giant's Codex NG 1 - 2 100%
Group chance: 30%
Giant's Codex - Mastery Giant's Codex - Mastery NG 1 100%
Group chance: 75%
Enchanted MW Box Enchanted MW Box NG 1 - 2 100%
Group chance: 100%
Chest with Life Stone Chest with Life Stone NG 1 - 3 100%

Fairy Nagen the Tomboy Forsaken Prisoner Lv. 80

HP 975 800 MP 3 643
P.Atk. 47 227 M.Atk. 4 016
P.Def. 2 054 M.Def. 2 226
EXP 8 640 000 SP 1 550 000
Attack Attribute No Attack Attribute Defence Attribute

Fire, 75

Water, 75

Wind, 75

Earth, 75

Holy, 75

Unholy, 75

Nagen the Tomboy l2
Item Amount Chance
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare A 1 1.5%
Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Majestic Circlet Design Sealed Majestic Circlet Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment NG 2 - 5 32.5%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Boots Lining Sealed Majestic Boots Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Robe of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Robe of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Robe Unidentified Sealed Majestic Robe A 1 1%
Sealed Robe of Nightmare Fabric Sealed Robe of Nightmare Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Sealed Majestic Robe Fabric Sealed Majestic Robe Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Group chance: 1.2%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Circlet Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Circlet S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Arcana Sigil Unidentified Sealed Arcana Sigil S 1 20%
Group chance: 100%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet Pattern Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet Pattern NG 2 - 5 20%
Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet Pattern Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet Pattern NG 2 - 5 20%
Sealed Major Arcana Circlet Pattern Sealed Major Arcana Circlet Pattern NG 2 - 5 20%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield Part Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield Part NG 2 - 5 20%
Sealed Arcana Sigil Piece Sealed Arcana Sigil Piece NG 2 - 5 20%
Group chance: 1.5%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlets Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlets S 1 16.67%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots S 1 16.67%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Gloves Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Gloves S 1 16.66%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Boots Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Boots S 1 16.66%
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Gloves Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Gloves S 1 16.67%
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Boots Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Boots S 1 16.67%
Group chance: 100%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlets Design Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlets Design NG 2 - 5 16.67%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots Design Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots Design NG 2 - 5 16.67%
Sealed Major Arcana Gloves fabric Sealed Major Arcana Gloves fabric NG 2 - 5 16.66%
Sealed Major Arcana Boots Design Sealed Major Arcana Boots Design NG 2 - 5 16.66%
Sealed Draconic Leather Gloves Fabric Sealed Draconic Leather Gloves Fabric NG 2 - 5 16.67%
Sealed Draconic Leather Boots Design Sealed Draconic Leather Boots Design NG 2 - 5 16.67%
Group chance: 1%
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Armor Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Armor S 1 25%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Robe Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Robe S 1 25%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate S 1 22%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters S 1 28%
Group chance: 100%
Sealed Draconic Leather Armor Part Sealed Draconic Leather Armor Part NG 2 - 5 25%
Sealed Major Arcana Robe Part Sealed Major Arcana Robe Part NG 2 - 5 25%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate Part Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate Part NG 2 - 5 25%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters Pattern Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters Pattern NG 2 - 5 25%
Group chance: 30%
Common Collectioner's Card Common Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Group chance: 17%
Uncommon Collectioner's Card Uncommon Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Group chance: 15%
Part of Elk Part of Elk NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Griffin Part of Griffin NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Pegasus Part of Pegasus NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Tame Hell Part of Tame Hell NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Air Bike Part of Air Bike NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukurin Part of Kukurin NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukuru Part of Kukuru NG 1 - 3 14%
Group chance: 0.1%
Forgotten Scroll: Fighter's Will Forgotten Scroll: Fighter's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 0.1%
Forgotten Scroll: Archer's Will Forgotten Scroll: Archer's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 0.1%
Forgotten Scroll: Magician's Will Forgotten Scroll: Magician's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 40%
Giant's Codex Giant's Codex NG 1 - 2 100%
Group chance: 30%
Giant's Codex - Mastery Giant's Codex - Mastery NG 1 100%
Group chance: 75%
Enchanted MW Box Enchanted MW Box NG 1 - 2 100%
Group chance: 100%
Chest with Life Stone Chest with Life Stone NG 1 - 3 100%

Humanoid Jax the Destroyer Forsaken Prisoner Lv. 80

HP 999 600 MP 3 719
P.Atk. 44 352 M.Atk. 4 076
P.Def. 2 076 M.Def. 2 250
EXP 8 960 000 SP 1 600 000
Attack Attribute No Attack Attribute Defence Attribute

Fire, 75

Water, 75

Wind, 75

Earth, 75

Holy, 75

Unholy, 75

Jax the Destroyer l2
Item Amount Chance
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare A 1 1.5%
Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Majestic Circlet Design Sealed Majestic Circlet Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment NG 2 - 5 32.5%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Boots Lining Sealed Majestic Boots Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Robe of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Robe of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Robe Unidentified Sealed Majestic Robe A 1 1%
Sealed Robe of Nightmare Fabric Sealed Robe of Nightmare Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Sealed Majestic Robe Fabric Sealed Majestic Robe Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Group chance: 1.2%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Circlet Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Circlet S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Arcana Sigil Unidentified Sealed Arcana Sigil S 1 20%
Group chance: 100%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet Pattern Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet Pattern NG 2 - 5 20%
Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet Pattern Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet Pattern NG 2 - 5 20%
Sealed Major Arcana Circlet Pattern Sealed Major Arcana Circlet Pattern NG 2 - 5 20%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield Part Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield Part NG 2 - 5 20%
Sealed Arcana Sigil Piece Sealed Arcana Sigil Piece NG 2 - 5 20%
Group chance: 1.5%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlets Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlets S 1 16.67%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots S 1 16.67%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Gloves Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Gloves S 1 16.66%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Boots Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Boots S 1 16.66%
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Gloves Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Gloves S 1 16.67%
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Boots Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Boots S 1 16.67%
Group chance: 100%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlets Design Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlets Design NG 2 - 5 16.67%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots Design Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots Design NG 2 - 5 16.67%
Sealed Major Arcana Gloves fabric Sealed Major Arcana Gloves fabric NG 2 - 5 16.66%
Sealed Major Arcana Boots Design Sealed Major Arcana Boots Design NG 2 - 5 16.66%
Sealed Draconic Leather Gloves Fabric Sealed Draconic Leather Gloves Fabric NG 2 - 5 16.67%
Sealed Draconic Leather Boots Design Sealed Draconic Leather Boots Design NG 2 - 5 16.67%
Group chance: 1%
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Armor Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Armor S 1 25%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Robe Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Robe S 1 25%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate S 1 22%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters S 1 28%
Group chance: 100%
Sealed Draconic Leather Armor Part Sealed Draconic Leather Armor Part NG 2 - 5 25%
Sealed Major Arcana Robe Part Sealed Major Arcana Robe Part NG 2 - 5 25%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate Part Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate Part NG 2 - 5 25%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters Pattern Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters Pattern NG 2 - 5 25%
Group chance: 30%
Common Collectioner's Card Common Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Group chance: 17%
Uncommon Collectioner's Card Uncommon Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Group chance: 15%
Part of Elk Part of Elk NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Griffin Part of Griffin NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Pegasus Part of Pegasus NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Tame Hell Part of Tame Hell NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Air Bike Part of Air Bike NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukurin Part of Kukurin NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukuru Part of Kukuru NG 1 - 3 14%
Group chance: 0.1%
Forgotten Scroll: Fighter's Will Forgotten Scroll: Fighter's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 0.1%
Forgotten Scroll: Archer's Will Forgotten Scroll: Archer's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 0.1%
Forgotten Scroll: Magician's Will Forgotten Scroll: Magician's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 40%
Giant's Codex Giant's Codex NG 1 - 2 100%
Group chance: 30%
Giant's Codex - Mastery Giant's Codex - Mastery NG 1 100%
Group chance: 75%
Enchanted MW Box Enchanted MW Box NG 1 - 2 100%
Group chance: 100%
Chest with Life Stone Chest with Life Stone NG 1 - 3 100%

Fortress bosses

1st wave

Randomly appears one of the listed bosses.

Humanoid Hager the Outlaw Forsaken Inmate Lv. 74

HP 761 600 MP 2 369
P.Atk. 37 629 M.Atk. 1 982
P.Def. 1 567 M.Def. 1 699
EXP 4 380 800 SP 700 000
Attack Attribute No Attack Attribute Defence Attribute

Fire, 75

Water, 75

Wind, 75

Earth, 75

Holy, 75

Unholy, 75

Hager the Outlaw l2
Item Amount Chance
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Helmet Unidentified Sealed Tallum Helmet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Shield A 1 1.5%
Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Design Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Design NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Tallum Helm Design Sealed Tallum Helm Design NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Fragment Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Fragment NG 3 - 10 32.5%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare A 1 1.5%
Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Majestic Circlet Design Sealed Majestic Circlet Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment NG 2 - 5 32.5%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Boots A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Gloves Unidentified Sealed Tallum Gloves A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Boots Unidentified Sealed Tallum Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Design Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Design NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Lining Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Lining NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Tallum Gloves Design Sealed Tallum Gloves Design NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Tallum Boots Lining Sealed Tallum Boots Lining NG 2 - 7 24%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Boots Lining Sealed Majestic Boots Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Plate Armor Unidentified Sealed Tallum Plate Armor A 1 0.7%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Breastplate Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Breastplate A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gaiters Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gaiters A 1 1%
Sealed Dark Crystal Breastplate Pattern Sealed Dark Crystal Breastplate Pattern NG 2 - 7 32.5%
Sealed Dark Crystal Gaiters Pattern Sealed Dark Crystal Gaiters Pattern NG 2 - 7 32.5%
Sealed Tallum Plate Armor Pattern Sealed Tallum Plate Armor Pattern NG 2 - 5 32.3%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Armor of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Armor of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Plate Armor Unidentified Sealed Majestic Plate Armor A 1 1%
Sealed Armor of Nightmare Pattern Sealed Armor of Nightmare Pattern NG 2 - 5 49%
Sealed Majestic Plate Armor Pattern Sealed Majestic Plate Armor Pattern NG 2 - 5 49%
Group chance: 30%
Common Collectioner's Card Common Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Group chance: 17%
Uncommon Collectioner's Card Uncommon Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Group chance: 15%
Part of Elk Part of Elk NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Griffin Part of Griffin NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Pegasus Part of Pegasus NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Tame Hell Part of Tame Hell NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Air Bike Part of Air Bike NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukurin Part of Kukurin NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukuru Part of Kukuru NG 1 - 3 14%
Group chance: 0.085%
Forgotten Scroll: Fighter's Will Forgotten Scroll: Fighter's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 0.085%
Forgotten Scroll: Archer's Will Forgotten Scroll: Archer's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 0.085%
Forgotten Scroll: Magician's Will Forgotten Scroll: Magician's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 35%
Giant's Codex Giant's Codex NG 1 - 2 100%
Group chance: 25%
Giant's Codex - Mastery Giant's Codex - Mastery NG 1 100%
Group chance: 50%
Enchanted MW Box Enchanted MW Box NG 1 - 2 100%
Group chance: 100%
Chest with Life Stone Chest with Life Stone NG 1 - 2 100%

Construct All-Seeing Rango Forsaken Inmate Lv. 74

HP 785 400 MP 2 435
P.Atk. 37 629 M.Atk. 2 054
P.Def. 1 591 M.Def. 1 725
EXP 4 654 600 SP 750 000
Attack Attribute No Attack Attribute Defence Attribute

Fire, 75

Water, 75

Wind, 75

Earth, 75

Holy, 75

Unholy, 75

All-Seeing Rango l2
Item Amount Chance
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Helmet Unidentified Sealed Tallum Helmet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Shield A 1 1.5%
Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Design Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Design NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Tallum Helm Design Sealed Tallum Helm Design NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Fragment Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Fragment NG 3 - 10 32.5%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare A 1 1.5%
Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Majestic Circlet Design Sealed Majestic Circlet Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment NG 2 - 5 32.5%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Boots A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Gloves Unidentified Sealed Tallum Gloves A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Boots Unidentified Sealed Tallum Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Design Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Design NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Lining Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Lining NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Tallum Gloves Design Sealed Tallum Gloves Design NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Tallum Boots Lining Sealed Tallum Boots Lining NG 2 - 7 24%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Boots Lining Sealed Majestic Boots Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Leather Armor Unidentified Sealed Tallum Leather Armor A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings A 1 1%
Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor Pattern Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor Pattern NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings Design Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings Design NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Tallum Leather Armor Pattern Sealed Tallum Leather Armor Pattern NG 2 - 7 33%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Leather Armor Unidentified Sealed Majestic Leather Armor A 1 1%
Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare Fabric Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Sealed Majestic Leather Armor Fabric Sealed Majestic Leather Armor Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Group chance: 30%
Common Collectioner's Card Common Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Group chance: 17%
Uncommon Collectioner's Card Uncommon Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Group chance: 15%
Part of Elk Part of Elk NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Griffin Part of Griffin NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Pegasus Part of Pegasus NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Tame Hell Part of Tame Hell NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Air Bike Part of Air Bike NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukurin Part of Kukurin NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukuru Part of Kukuru NG 1 - 3 14%
Group chance: 0.085%
Forgotten Scroll: Fighter's Will Forgotten Scroll: Fighter's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 0.085%
Forgotten Scroll: Archer's Will Forgotten Scroll: Archer's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 0.085%
Forgotten Scroll: Magician's Will Forgotten Scroll: Magician's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 35%
Giant's Codex Giant's Codex NG 1 - 2 100%
Group chance: 25%
Giant's Codex - Mastery Giant's Codex - Mastery NG 1 100%
Group chance: 50%
Enchanted MW Box Enchanted MW Box NG 1 - 2 100%
Group chance: 100%
Chest with Life Stone Chest with Life Stone NG 1 - 2 100%

Construct Jakard Forsaken Inmate Lv. 75

HP 1 511 300 MP 2 502
P.Atk. 39 852 M.Atk. 8 811
P.Def. 1 625 M.Def. 1 761
EXP 5 062 500 SP 800 000
Attack Attribute No Attack Attribute Defence Attribute

Fire, 75

Water, 75

Wind, 75

Earth, 75

Holy, 75

Unholy, 75

Jakard l2
Item Amount Chance
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Helmet Unidentified Sealed Tallum Helmet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Shield A 1 1.5%
Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Design Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Design NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Tallum Helm Design Sealed Tallum Helm Design NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Fragment Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Fragment NG 3 - 10 32.5%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare A 1 1.5%
Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Majestic Circlet Design Sealed Majestic Circlet Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment NG 2 - 5 32.5%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Boots A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Gloves Unidentified Sealed Tallum Gloves A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Boots Unidentified Sealed Tallum Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Design Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Design NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Lining Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Lining NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Tallum Gloves Design Sealed Tallum Gloves Design NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Tallum Boots Lining Sealed Tallum Boots Lining NG 2 - 7 24%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Boots Lining Sealed Majestic Boots Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Robe Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Robe A 1 0.7%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Tunic Unidentified Sealed Tallum Tunic A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Stockings Unidentified Sealed Tallum Stockings A 1 1%
Sealed Dark Crystal Robe Fabric Sealed Dark Crystal Robe Fabric NG 2 - 5 32.3%
Sealed Tallum Tunic Texture Sealed Tallum Tunic Texture NG 2 - 7 32.5%
Sealed Tallum Stockings Fabric Sealed Tallum Stockings Fabric NG 2 - 7 32.5%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Robe of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Robe of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Robe Unidentified Sealed Majestic Robe A 1 1%
Sealed Robe of Nightmare Fabric Sealed Robe of Nightmare Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Sealed Majestic Robe Fabric Sealed Majestic Robe Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Group chance: 30%
Common Collectioner's Card Common Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Group chance: 17%
Uncommon Collectioner's Card Uncommon Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Group chance: 15%
Part of Elk Part of Elk NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Griffin Part of Griffin NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Pegasus Part of Pegasus NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Tame Hell Part of Tame Hell NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Air Bike Part of Air Bike NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukurin Part of Kukurin NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukuru Part of Kukuru NG 1 - 3 14%
Group chance: 0.085%
Forgotten Scroll: Fighter's Will Forgotten Scroll: Fighter's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 0.085%
Forgotten Scroll: Archer's Will Forgotten Scroll: Archer's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 0.085%
Forgotten Scroll: Magician's Will Forgotten Scroll: Magician's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 35%
Giant's Codex Giant's Codex NG 1 - 2 100%
Group chance: 25%
Giant's Codex - Mastery Giant's Codex - Mastery NG 1 100%
Group chance: 50%
Enchanted MW Box Enchanted MW Box NG 1 - 2 100%
Group chance: 100%
Chest with Life Stone Chest with Life Stone NG 1 - 2 100%

2nd wave

Randomly appears one of the listed bosses.

Demonic Gillien Forsaken Inmate Lv. 76

HP 833 000 MP 2 640
P.Atk. 39 293 M.Atk. 2 384
P.Def. 1 682 M.Def. 1 824
EXP 5 776 000 SP 900 000
Attack Attribute No Attack Attribute Defence Attribute

Fire, 75

Water, 75

Wind, 75

Earth, 75

Holy, 75

Unholy, 75

Gillien l2
Item Amount Chance
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Helmet Unidentified Sealed Tallum Helmet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Shield A 1 1.5%
Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Design Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Design NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Tallum Helm Design Sealed Tallum Helm Design NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Fragment Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Fragment NG 3 - 10 32.5%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare A 1 1.5%
Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Majestic Circlet Design Sealed Majestic Circlet Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment NG 2 - 5 32.5%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Boots A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Gloves Unidentified Sealed Tallum Gloves A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Boots Unidentified Sealed Tallum Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Design Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Design NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Lining Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Lining NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Tallum Gloves Design Sealed Tallum Gloves Design NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Tallum Boots Lining Sealed Tallum Boots Lining NG 2 - 7 24%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Boots Lining Sealed Majestic Boots Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Leather Armor Unidentified Sealed Tallum Leather Armor A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings A 1 1%
Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor Pattern Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor Pattern NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings Design Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings Design NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Tallum Leather Armor Pattern Sealed Tallum Leather Armor Pattern NG 2 - 7 33%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Leather Armor Unidentified Sealed Majestic Leather Armor A 1 1%
Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare Fabric Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Sealed Majestic Leather Armor Fabric Sealed Majestic Leather Armor Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Group chance: 30%
Common Collectioner's Card Common Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Group chance: 17%
Uncommon Collectioner's Card Uncommon Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Group chance: 15%
Part of Elk Part of Elk NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Griffin Part of Griffin NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Pegasus Part of Pegasus NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Tame Hell Part of Tame Hell NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Air Bike Part of Air Bike NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukurin Part of Kukurin NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukuru Part of Kukuru NG 1 - 3 14%
Group chance: 0.085%
Forgotten Scroll: Fighter's Will Forgotten Scroll: Fighter's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 0.085%
Forgotten Scroll: Archer's Will Forgotten Scroll: Archer's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 0.085%
Forgotten Scroll: Magician's Will Forgotten Scroll: Magician's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 35%
Giant's Codex Giant's Codex NG 1 - 2 100%
Group chance: 25%
Giant's Codex - Mastery Giant's Codex - Mastery NG 1 100%
Group chance: 50%
Enchanted MW Box Enchanted MW Box NG 1 - 2 100%
Group chance: 100%
Chest with Life Stone Chest with Life Stone NG 1 - 2 100%

Beast Medici Forsaken Inmate Lv. 76

HP 856 800 MP 2 708
P.Atk. 40 095 M.Atk. 2 462
P.Def. 1 706 M.Def. 1 850
EXP 6 064 800 SP 950 000
Attack Attribute No Attack Attribute Defence Attribute

Fire, 75

Water, 75

Wind, 75

Earth, 75

Holy, 75

Unholy, 75

Medici l2
Item Amount Chance
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Helmet Unidentified Sealed Tallum Helmet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Shield A 1 1.5%
Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Design Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Design NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Tallum Helm Design Sealed Tallum Helm Design NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Fragment Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Fragment NG 3 - 10 32.5%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare A 1 1.5%
Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Majestic Circlet Design Sealed Majestic Circlet Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment NG 2 - 5 32.5%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Boots A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Gloves Unidentified Sealed Tallum Gloves A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Boots Unidentified Sealed Tallum Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Design Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Design NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Lining Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Lining NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Tallum Gloves Design Sealed Tallum Gloves Design NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Tallum Boots Lining Sealed Tallum Boots Lining NG 2 - 7 24%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Boots Lining Sealed Majestic Boots Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Robe Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Robe A 1 0.7%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Tunic Unidentified Sealed Tallum Tunic A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Stockings Unidentified Sealed Tallum Stockings A 1 1%
Sealed Dark Crystal Robe Fabric Sealed Dark Crystal Robe Fabric NG 2 - 5 32.3%
Sealed Tallum Tunic Texture Sealed Tallum Tunic Texture NG 2 - 7 32.5%
Sealed Tallum Stockings Fabric Sealed Tallum Stockings Fabric NG 2 - 7 32.5%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Robe of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Robe of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Robe Unidentified Sealed Majestic Robe A 1 1%
Sealed Robe of Nightmare Fabric Sealed Robe of Nightmare Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Sealed Majestic Robe Fabric Sealed Majestic Robe Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Group chance: 30%
Common Collectioner's Card Common Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Group chance: 17%
Uncommon Collectioner's Card Uncommon Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Group chance: 15%
Part of Elk Part of Elk NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Griffin Part of Griffin NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Pegasus Part of Pegasus NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Tame Hell Part of Tame Hell NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Air Bike Part of Air Bike NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukurin Part of Kukurin NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukuru Part of Kukuru NG 1 - 3 14%
Group chance: 0.085%
Forgotten Scroll: Fighter's Will Forgotten Scroll: Fighter's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 0.085%
Forgotten Scroll: Archer's Will Forgotten Scroll: Archer's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 0.085%
Forgotten Scroll: Magician's Will Forgotten Scroll: Magician's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 35%
Giant's Codex Giant's Codex NG 1 - 2 100%
Group chance: 25%
Giant's Codex - Mastery Giant's Codex - Mastery NG 1 100%
Group chance: 50%
Enchanted MW Box Enchanted MW Box NG 1 - 2 100%
Group chance: 100%
Chest with Life Stone Chest with Life Stone NG 1 - 2 100%

Undead Immortal Muus Forsaken Inmate Lv. 77

HP 1 666 000 MP 2 777
P.Atk. 46 389 M.Atk. 10 329
P.Def. 1 741 M.Def. 1 887
EXP 6 521 900 SP 1 000 000
Attack Attribute No Attack Attribute Defence Attribute

Fire, 75

Water, 75

Wind, 75

Earth, 75

Holy, 75

Unholy, 75

Immortal Muss l2
Item Amount Chance
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Helmet Unidentified Sealed Tallum Helmet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Shield A 1 1.5%
Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Design Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Design NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Tallum Helm Design Sealed Tallum Helm Design NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Fragment Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Fragment NG 3 - 10 32.5%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare A 1 1.5%
Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Majestic Circlet Design Sealed Majestic Circlet Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment NG 2 - 5 32.5%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Boots A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Gloves Unidentified Sealed Tallum Gloves A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Boots Unidentified Sealed Tallum Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Design Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Design NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Lining Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Lining NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Tallum Gloves Design Sealed Tallum Gloves Design NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Tallum Boots Lining Sealed Tallum Boots Lining NG 2 - 7 24%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Boots Lining Sealed Majestic Boots Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Robe Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Robe A 1 0.7%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Tunic Unidentified Sealed Tallum Tunic A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Stockings Unidentified Sealed Tallum Stockings A 1 1%
Sealed Dark Crystal Robe Fabric Sealed Dark Crystal Robe Fabric NG 2 - 5 32.3%
Sealed Tallum Tunic Texture Sealed Tallum Tunic Texture NG 2 - 7 32.5%
Sealed Tallum Stockings Fabric Sealed Tallum Stockings Fabric NG 2 - 7 32.5%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Robe of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Robe of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Robe Unidentified Sealed Majestic Robe A 1 1%
Sealed Robe of Nightmare Fabric Sealed Robe of Nightmare Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Sealed Majestic Robe Fabric Sealed Majestic Robe Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Group chance: 30%
Common Collectioner's Card Common Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Group chance: 17%
Uncommon Collectioner's Card Uncommon Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Group chance: 15%
Part of Elk Part of Elk NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Griffin Part of Griffin NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Pegasus Part of Pegasus NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Tame Hell Part of Tame Hell NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Air Bike Part of Air Bike NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukurin Part of Kukurin NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukuru Part of Kukuru NG 1 - 3 14%
Group chance: 0.085%
Forgotten Scroll: Fighter's Will Forgotten Scroll: Fighter's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 0.085%
Forgotten Scroll: Archer's Will Forgotten Scroll: Archer's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 0.085%
Forgotten Scroll: Magician's Will Forgotten Scroll: Magician's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 35%
Giant's Codex Giant's Codex NG 1 - 2 100%
Group chance: 25%
Giant's Codex - Mastery Giant's Codex - Mastery NG 1 100%
Group chance: 50%
Enchanted MW Box Enchanted MW Box NG 1 - 2 100%
Group chance: 100%
Chest with Life Stone Chest with Life Stone NG 1 - 2 100%

3rd wave

Randomly appears one of the listed bosses.

Humanoid Brand the Exile Forsaken Inmate Lv. 77

HP 892 500 MP 2 846
P.Atk. 42 355 M.Atk. 2 663
P.Def. 1 765 M.Def. 1 913
EXP 6 818 350 SP 1 100 000
Attack Attribute No Attack Attribute Defence Attribute

Fire, 75

Water, 75

Wind, 75

Earth, 75

Holy, 75

Unholy, 75

Brand the Exile l2
Item Amount Chance
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare A 1 1.5%
Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Majestic Circlet Design Sealed Majestic Circlet Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment NG 2 - 5 32.5%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Boots Lining Sealed Majestic Boots Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Armor of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Armor of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Plate Armor Unidentified Sealed Majestic Plate Armor A 1 1%
Sealed Armor of Nightmare Pattern Sealed Armor of Nightmare Pattern NG 2 - 5 49%
Sealed Majestic Plate Armor Pattern Sealed Majestic Plate Armor Pattern NG 2 - 5 49%
Group chance: 1.2%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Circlet Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Circlet S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Arcana Sigil Unidentified Sealed Arcana Sigil S 1 20%
Group chance: 100%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet Pattern Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet Pattern NG 2 - 5 20%
Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet Pattern Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet Pattern NG 2 - 5 20%
Sealed Major Arcana Circlet Pattern Sealed Major Arcana Circlet Pattern NG 2 - 5 20%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield Part Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield Part NG 2 - 5 20%
Sealed Arcana Sigil Piece Sealed Arcana Sigil Piece NG 2 - 5 20%
Group chance: 1.5%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlets Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlets S 1 16.67%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots S 1 16.67%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Gloves Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Gloves S 1 16.66%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Boots Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Boots S 1 16.66%
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Gloves Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Gloves S 1 16.67%
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Boots Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Boots S 1 16.67%
Group chance: 100%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlets Design Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlets Design NG 2 - 5 16.67%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots Design Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots Design NG 2 - 5 16.67%
Sealed Major Arcana Gloves fabric Sealed Major Arcana Gloves fabric NG 2 - 5 16.66%
Sealed Major Arcana Boots Design Sealed Major Arcana Boots Design NG 2 - 5 16.66%
Sealed Draconic Leather Gloves Fabric Sealed Draconic Leather Gloves Fabric NG 2 - 5 16.67%
Sealed Draconic Leather Boots Design Sealed Draconic Leather Boots Design NG 2 - 5 16.67%
Group chance: 1%
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Armor Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Armor S 1 25%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Robe Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Robe S 1 25%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate S 1 22%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters S 1 28%
Group chance: 100%
Sealed Draconic Leather Armor Part Sealed Draconic Leather Armor Part NG 2 - 5 25%
Sealed Major Arcana Robe Part Sealed Major Arcana Robe Part NG 2 - 5 25%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate Part Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate Part NG 2 - 5 25%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters Pattern Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters Pattern NG 2 - 5 25%
Group chance: 30%
Common Collectioner's Card Common Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Group chance: 17%
Uncommon Collectioner's Card Uncommon Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Group chance: 15%
Part of Elk Part of Elk NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Griffin Part of Griffin NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Pegasus Part of Pegasus NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Tame Hell Part of Tame Hell NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Air Bike Part of Air Bike NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukurin Part of Kukurin NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukuru Part of Kukuru NG 1 - 3 14%
Group chance: 0.1%
Forgotten Scroll: Fighter's Will Forgotten Scroll: Fighter's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 0.1%
Forgotten Scroll: Archer's Will Forgotten Scroll: Archer's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 0.1%
Forgotten Scroll: Magician's Will Forgotten Scroll: Magician's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 40%
Giant's Codex Giant's Codex NG 1 - 2 100%
Group chance: 30%
Giant's Codex - Mastery Giant's Codex - Mastery NG 1 100%
Group chance: 75%
Enchanted MW Box Enchanted MW Box NG 1 - 2 100%
Group chance: 100%
Chest with Life Stone Chest with Life Stone NG 1 - 3 100%

Animal Commander Koenig Forsaken Inmate Lv. 78

HP 1 713 600 MP 2 917
P.Atk. 51 538 M.Atk. 11 275
P.Def. 1 799 M.Def. 1 950
EXP 7 300 800 SP 1 200 000
Attack Attribute No Attack Attribute Defence Attribute

Fire, 75

Water, 75

Wind, 75

Earth, 75

Holy, 75

Unholy, 75

Commander Koenig l2
Item Amount Chance
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare A 1 1.5%
Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Majestic Circlet Design Sealed Majestic Circlet Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment NG 2 - 5 32.5%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Boots Lining Sealed Majestic Boots Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Leather Armor Unidentified Sealed Majestic Leather Armor A 1 1%
Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare Fabric Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Sealed Majestic Leather Armor Fabric Sealed Majestic Leather Armor Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Group chance: 1.2%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Circlet Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Circlet S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Arcana Sigil Unidentified Sealed Arcana Sigil S 1 20%
Group chance: 100%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet Pattern Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet Pattern NG 2 - 5 20%
Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet Pattern Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet Pattern NG 2 - 5 20%
Sealed Major Arcana Circlet Pattern Sealed Major Arcana Circlet Pattern NG 2 - 5 20%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield Part Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield Part NG 2 - 5 20%
Sealed Arcana Sigil Piece Sealed Arcana Sigil Piece NG 2 - 5 20%
Group chance: 1.5%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlets Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlets S 1 16.67%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots S 1 16.67%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Gloves Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Gloves S 1 16.66%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Boots Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Boots S 1 16.66%
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Gloves Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Gloves S 1 16.67%
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Boots Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Boots S 1 16.67%
Group chance: 100%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlets Design Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlets Design NG 2 - 5 16.67%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots Design Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots Design NG 2 - 5 16.67%
Sealed Major Arcana Gloves fabric Sealed Major Arcana Gloves fabric NG 2 - 5 16.66%
Sealed Major Arcana Boots Design Sealed Major Arcana Boots Design NG 2 - 5 16.66%
Sealed Draconic Leather Gloves Fabric Sealed Draconic Leather Gloves Fabric NG 2 - 5 16.67%
Sealed Draconic Leather Boots Design Sealed Draconic Leather Boots Design NG 2 - 5 16.67%
Group chance: 1%
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Armor Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Armor S 1 25%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Robe Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Robe S 1 25%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate S 1 22%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters S 1 28%
Group chance: 100%
Sealed Draconic Leather Armor Part Sealed Draconic Leather Armor Part NG 2 - 5 25%
Sealed Major Arcana Robe Part Sealed Major Arcana Robe Part NG 2 - 5 25%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate Part Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate Part NG 2 - 5 25%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters Pattern Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters Pattern NG 2 - 5 25%
Group chance: 30%
Common Collectioner's Card Common Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Group chance: 17%
Uncommon Collectioner's Card Uncommon Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Group chance: 15%
Part of Elk Part of Elk NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Griffin Part of Griffin NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Pegasus Part of Pegasus NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Tame Hell Part of Tame Hell NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Air Bike Part of Air Bike NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukurin Part of Kukurin NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukuru Part of Kukuru NG 1 - 3 14%
Group chance: 0.1%
Forgotten Scroll: Fighter's Will Forgotten Scroll: Fighter's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 0.1%
Forgotten Scroll: Archer's Will Forgotten Scroll: Archer's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 0.1%
Forgotten Scroll: Magician's Will Forgotten Scroll: Magician's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 40%
Giant's Codex Giant's Codex NG 1 - 2 100%
Group chance: 30%
Giant's Codex - Mastery Giant's Codex - Mastery NG 1 100%
Group chance: 75%
Enchanted MW Box Enchanted MW Box NG 1 - 2 100%
Group chance: 100%
Chest with Life Stone Chest with Life Stone NG 1 - 3 100%

Giant Gerg the Hunter Forsaken Inmate Lv. 78

HP 928 200 MP 2 988
P.Atk. 42 610 M.Atk. 2 923
P.Def. 1 823 M.Def. 1 976
EXP 7 605 000 SP 1 300 000
Attack Attribute No Attack Attribute Defence Attribute

Fire, 75

Water, 75

Wind, 75

Earth, 75

Holy, 75

Unholy, 75

Geg the Hunter l2
Item Amount Chance
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare A 1 1.5%
Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Majestic Circlet Design Sealed Majestic Circlet Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment NG 2 - 5 32.5%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Boots Lining Sealed Majestic Boots Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Robe of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Robe of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Robe Unidentified Sealed Majestic Robe A 1 1%
Sealed Robe of Nightmare Fabric Sealed Robe of Nightmare Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Sealed Majestic Robe Fabric Sealed Majestic Robe Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Group chance: 1.2%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Circlet Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Circlet S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Arcana Sigil Unidentified Sealed Arcana Sigil S 1 20%
Group chance: 100%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet Pattern Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet Pattern NG 2 - 5 20%
Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet Pattern Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet Pattern NG 2 - 5 20%
Sealed Major Arcana Circlet Pattern Sealed Major Arcana Circlet Pattern NG 2 - 5 20%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield Part Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield Part NG 2 - 5 20%
Sealed Arcana Sigil Piece Sealed Arcana Sigil Piece NG 2 - 5 20%
Group chance: 1.5%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlets Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlets S 1 16.67%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots S 1 16.67%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Gloves Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Gloves S 1 16.66%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Boots Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Boots S 1 16.66%
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Gloves Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Gloves S 1 16.67%
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Boots Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Boots S 1 16.67%
Group chance: 100%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlets Design Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlets Design NG 2 - 5 16.67%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots Design Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots Design NG 2 - 5 16.67%
Sealed Major Arcana Gloves fabric Sealed Major Arcana Gloves fabric NG 2 - 5 16.66%
Sealed Major Arcana Boots Design Sealed Major Arcana Boots Design NG 2 - 5 16.66%
Sealed Draconic Leather Gloves Fabric Sealed Draconic Leather Gloves Fabric NG 2 - 5 16.67%
Sealed Draconic Leather Boots Design Sealed Draconic Leather Boots Design NG 2 - 5 16.67%
Group chance: 1%
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Armor Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Armor S 1 25%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Robe Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Robe S 1 25%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate S 1 22%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters S 1 28%
Group chance: 100%
Sealed Draconic Leather Armor Part Sealed Draconic Leather Armor Part NG 2 - 5 25%
Sealed Major Arcana Robe Part Sealed Major Arcana Robe Part NG 2 - 5 25%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate Part Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate Part NG 2 - 5 25%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters Pattern Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters Pattern NG 2 - 5 25%
Group chance: 30%
Common Collectioner's Card Common Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Group chance: 17%
Uncommon Collectioner's Card Uncommon Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Group chance: 15%
Part of Elk Part of Elk NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Griffin Part of Griffin NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Pegasus Part of Pegasus NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Tame Hell Part of Tame Hell NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Air Bike Part of Air Bike NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukurin Part of Kukurin NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukuru Part of Kukuru NG 1 - 3 14%
Group chance: 0.1%
Forgotten Scroll: Fighter's Will Forgotten Scroll: Fighter's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 0.1%
Forgotten Scroll: Archer's Will Forgotten Scroll: Archer's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 0.1%
Forgotten Scroll: Magician's Will Forgotten Scroll: Magician's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 40%
Giant's Codex Giant's Codex NG 1 - 2 100%
Group chance: 30%
Giant's Codex - Mastery Giant's Codex - Mastery NG 1 100%
Group chance: 75%
Enchanted MW Box Enchanted MW Box NG 1 - 2 100%
Group chance: 100%
Chest with Life Stone Chest with Life Stone NG 1 - 3 100%


After killing the third boss, each party member receives:

Quest items are exchanged with NPCs Warden for Ivory Coin Ivory Coin NG 1 by 1.

BasicsCooldown and entrance requirementsWalkthroughBosses in the castle1st wave2nd wave3rd waveFortress bosses1st wave2nd wave3rd waveНаграда